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Woody Allen, Now Officially Insane


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2003
This guy was never very funny, the actors in all of his movies spoke and acted the same, he became involved with an adopted child of his wife and now he has gone insane.

Top political strategist Woody Allen thinks Obama would get much more done as dictator; No, <em>really</em> | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

The notorious and formerly funny movie director Woody Allen is apparently frustrated with the cumbersome operations of American democracy too.

The one-time-father-now-husband-of-his-daughter tells the Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia that the United States' Democratic Smoker-in-Chief could accomplish a whole lot more from his White House if he didn't have so many disorderly, annoying people objecting, distracting and criticizing him all the time.

Such social messiness has been known to occur in functioning democracies, even cinematic ones, although less often on celebrity-strewn movie sets under the direction of a dictatorial director.

"It would be good...if (Obama) could be dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly," Allen is quoted as saying.

Allen is also said to have said:

I am pleased with Obama. I think he is brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him.
Many of the folks in Hollywood live in a dream world because they feel that nothing can effect them personally....because of their money.

And interesting they belittle those they wish to gain money from their work(s)? Woody Allen has always been a goof ball. I'm glad he finally admits to what I always thought of him. He never earned a dime from me.
Never liked Woody's 'humor', I have always thought he was way past weird. I think he came into Hollywood 'whacked', unlike many, not all, other actors where it takes a little time for the tidal waves of money to morph them into self righteous and pompous 'dorks'.

I wish I had the chance the have tidal waves of money, I would be a very nice wealthy dork.
BTW, Woody Allen is laughing all the way to the bank and back, like many of the rest of them are, once they 'make it' they could care less what you and I think. :lol:
He's probably one of the folks who complained when Bush said dictatorship would be great, so long as he gets to be the dictator.

Hypocrites everywhere.
I've never enjoyed Woodie Allen's movies as much as I was led to believe I would but as a comedic writer he is absolutely brilliant IMO.

This last piece of his had tears rolling down my cheeks.

Shouts & Murmurs

Will the Real Avatar Please Stand Up

by Woody Allen May 10, 2010

I suppose gods in human form may well have dropped in on this blue marble from time to time, but I strongly doubt that one has ever tooled around Rodeo Drive in a T-bird with the aplomb and good looks of Warren Beatty. Reading &#8220;Star,&#8221; the new biography by Peter Biskind, one can&#8217;t help but be blown away by the actor&#8217;s overwhelming accomplishments. Think of the movies, the grosses, the reviews, the Oscars, the endless nominations springing from this quadruple-threat voracious reader and marketing maven, who is nimble at the Steinway, savvy in the ways of politics, and a full-time Adonis, with accolades accruing from divers ones who believe he belongs not just up on the silver screen but in the Oval Office. More spectacular than a Tinseltown résumé that would humble Orson Welles are the star&#8217;s legendary exploits on the bedsprings. Here recounted are innumerable love affairs, with women of every heft and feel and station in life, from actresses to models, hatcheck girls to First Ladies. It seems that endless varieties of pulchritude salivated to plunge into the kip with this virtuoso of the percales. &#8220;How many women were there?&#8221; asks the author. &#8220;Easier to count the stars in the sky. . . . Beatty used to say that he couldn&#8217;t get to sleep at night without having sex. It was part of his routine, like flossing. . . . Allowing for the stretches when he was with the same woman, more or less, we can arrive at a figure of 12,775 women, give or take.&#8221; As a supplicant who has yet to achieve double digits when it comes to bedding the juicy gender, and those conquests requiring the aid of my Hypno-disk, I could not help imagining the following account of one gal&#8217;s irresistible swoon into the Guinness Book. But let her speak for herself.
What a morning. I had to pop two Valiums to zone out the monarchs, graylings, and cecropia moths that were using my stomach to practice aerial maneuvers. My first actual assignment as a reporter, and it&#8217;s this fantastic coup. Why would Hollywood&#8217;s most charismatic actor, Bolt Upright, who eschews the limelight à la Howard Hughes, grant an interview to an unknown nineteen-year-old with shoulder-length blond hair, long tanned legs, Ming Dynasty cheekbones, a great top shelf, and an overbite that wreaks havoc with the Y-chromosome crowd? If this Sun Belt Casanova has any idea of hitting on me like the myriad hapless starstruck tomatoes he&#8217;s drilled, he&#8217;s got another think coming. My goal in life is serious reportage, and I&#8217;d frankly rather go one on one with Joe Biden or the Dalai Lama, except those highfalutin face cards never wrote back, while Bolt, who accidentally lamped me last month in Playboy&#8217;s nude spread on the best-built Columbia Journalism majors, not only answered but scented his reply.
Just to make sure his industrial-strength libido wouldn&#8217;t give him the wrong idea I was careful to dress conservatively, in an unprovocative micro-skirt, black mesh hose, and a tight but tasteful see-through blouse. Covering my lips, which are rather pillowy and sensual, with a discreet suggestion of dark-ruby lipstick, I felt sufficiently mousey to discourage any little familiarities Mister Testosterone might toss my way. All this fussing caused my fiancé some apprehension, but Hamish knows there&#8217;s nothing to worry about, despite the fact that no man, not even one as rodentine as Hamish, could ever compete with Lotusland&#8217;s greatest stud.


Read more: Will the Real Avatar Please Stand Up : The New Yorker
This guy was never very funny, the actors in all of his movies spoke and acted the same, he became involved with an adopted child of his wife and now he has gone insane.

Top political strategist Woody Allen thinks Obama would get much more done as dictator; No, <em>really</em> | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

The notorious and formerly funny movie director Woody Allen is apparently frustrated with the cumbersome operations of American democracy too.

The one-time-father-now-husband-of-his-daughter tells the Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia that the United States' Democratic Smoker-in-Chief could accomplish a whole lot more from his White House if he didn't have so many disorderly, annoying people objecting, distracting and criticizing him all the time.

Such social messiness has been known to occur in functioning democracies, even cinematic ones, although less often on celebrity-strewn movie sets under the direction of a dictatorial director.

"It would be good...if (Obama) could be dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly," Allen is quoted as saying.

Allen is also said to have said:

I am pleased with Obama. I think he is brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him.

My friend, this is hardly a new or novel idea among progressive elites.

The most superficial study of the origins and thinking of progressives brings to light the ideas that citizens are fools and must be led by those 'in the know.'

Walter Lippmann, father of modern journalism, mentor of both Wilson and FDR, famously said just what Woody Allen now champions.

'Lippmann said: "The situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers." '

Read more: NEWSWATCH: Comrade of the Powerful - TIME

Our friends on the left, for the most part, have no idea to what they subscribe.
Did it ever occur to some of you Obama haters that Woody Allen is perhaps goofing on ya?
I knew Woody was over the edge when he began banging his adopted Asian daughter....he was certifiable many years ago.
I couldn't care less what he does with some other consenting adult. So long as he keeps writing and making me laugh.
This guy was never very funny, the actors in all of his movies spoke and acted the same, he became involved with an adopted child of his wife and now he has gone insane.

Top political strategist Woody Allen thinks Obama would get much more done as dictator; No, <em>really</em> | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

The notorious and formerly funny movie director Woody Allen is apparently frustrated with the cumbersome operations of American democracy too.

The one-time-father-now-husband-of-his-daughter tells the Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia that the United States' Democratic Smoker-in-Chief could accomplish a whole lot more from his White House if he didn't have so many disorderly, annoying people objecting, distracting and criticizing him all the time.

Such social messiness has been known to occur in functioning democracies, even cinematic ones, although less often on celebrity-strewn movie sets under the direction of a dictatorial director.

"It would be good...if (Obama) could be dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly," Allen is quoted as saying.

Allen is also said to have said:

I am pleased with Obama. I think he is brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him.

When reading things such as this, one understands why God put us on this earth for only a limited time! For some, it should have been post haste.

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