Woohoo!! GA Gov. vetoes religious liberty bill; Muslims must bake Mohammed cake; Gays must cater too

Absolutely. If they want a custom cake with rainbow and gay symbols on it...nah. Same as how I wouldn't want a Jewish baker to make a Nazi cake or a Muslim to make a Mohammed cake.

But if a gay man walks in and orders 10 standard cakes for a wedding? I'm ok with the law saying you can't deny the standard product you sell to everyone else out of the store.

Custom cakes and attending events....that should be a choice.

Where did the couple in Oregon who went to Sweet Cakes and order a cake.....insist that the baker 'cater their wedding'?

Maybe it is a regional thing. Around here the baker brings the cake to the ceremony, sets it all up and is actually present at the ceremony & reception. That is considered catering, as opposed to customers picking up cakes/sweets at the shop. This, as far as I can tell, is the big sticking point. The bakers are fine baking a wedding cake. They don't want to go to the event, as that is construed as supporting the event. IIRC, the one that was for pickup (not!catered), baker had an issue with cake toppers and offered to include the 2 same-sex figurines but asked the customer to actually put it on the top, at a discounted rate. This was deemed unacceptable and the baker was sued.

Are wedding cakes pickup in your region?
I've never been to a wedding where the baker stayed for the reception after dropping off and setting up the cake.

Why do they have to drop it off and set it up. It's a cake. Go in buy your cake. Stop making wedding cakes for the public. .
Because people have other shit to worry about on their wedding day and you are paying the baker hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of dollar? Deliver the fucking cake.
And take pains to make that wedding day so miserable, no one would ever forget it. Get the parents, tell them how their sons and daughters will burn in hell forever. Pray. Loudly. Ask forgiveness for being forced to commit a grievous sin. Pay a couple of high school kids to protest your own bakery. Have a big poster with a photograph of the couple saying "this bakery supports buttffucking." Deliver the cake and tell everyone how awful it is that you were forced into slavery. " But, there's nothing wrong with the cake. Even though my emotional state is so tormented, I'm sure the cake is fine." Have a bakery employee with you to say how delicious the cake is "but I wouldn't eat it."
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How about just saying their calendar is full on that day?

Make the cake but don't stay for the wedding.

If people are so phobic, find a polite way to excuse themselves instead of opening themselves to law suits? You openly make this about gay wedding, they you deserve to be sued, and loose.

Offer to call around and having someone else make the cake for them.

Unless they are asking fr pornographic images on the cake, there is no reason for no making the cake.
Turn it into a issue of hate against them and they hit you with legal action.

There are dozens of ways to ruin a wedding legally.

The reason for not making the cake is that the baker does not want to commit a very personal sin.
It never should have gotten this far in the debate. If somebody doesn't want to accommodate you based on their religious beliefs quit your whining, and give the next business your money. I could understand if their was an epidemic of businesses refusing to serve certain customers, but for the most part even Christian business owners could give two shits what your'e doing with your wedding cake.
Gays should move on to someone that wants their business instead of going through dozens of businesses to find the one that wants to practice their religion in silence and peace.
Gays should move on to someone that wants their business instead of going through dozens of businesses to find the one that wants to practice their religion in silence and peace.

Mark this on your calendars. I hit "agree" on a Tipsycat post. :lol:
They're 'forced' to follow the law....and treat customers the same regardless of their sexual orientation, race, religion, etc.. The same laws that everyone else follows. Laws that don't target Christians or anyone else.

This religiously based sovereign citizen nonsense where Christians should only have to follow laws that they agree with? isn't how our country operates nor should.

And is it only Christian dogma that trumps civil law? Or do place US civil law beneath Sharia law as well?
That's right. They have to treat the customers the same. And they can't be forced to bake a homo cake for heteros either.

There's no such thing as 'homo cake'. Cake doesn't have a sexual orientation...as it doesn't have sex. Its inanimate.

There's just cake.
Yes there is. That is the entire argument. It's never been about baking a cake. It's about endorsing the behavior using the cake to do so.

Its cake. They're getting married and want a wedding cake....so they go to a place that makes and sells wedding cakes.

That's about it.
No, that's not it. They want them to make a cake that stipulates and illustrates and ultimately endorses something that conflicts with their religion, freedom of religion and religious expression. This is pure homofascism.

If they don't want to make cakes, nobody is forcing them to be in that business. As long as they are in that business, they need to bake the damn cake and quit whining.
Christians should rebel, take their case to the USSC when the new GOP president has appointed a constitutional fundamentalist and challenge it based on their 1st and 14th Amendment rights to protection of their religion.
Christians should rebel, take their case to the USSC when the new GOP president has appointed a constitutional fundamentalist and challenge it based on their 1st and 14th Amendment rights to protection of their religion.

Or,they could just whine and carry on because their ability to discriminate against others is being reduced. That's what the religious nuts have done so far. No matter what you do, you still have to bake the damn cake.
That's right. They have to treat the customers the same. And they can't be forced to bake a homo cake for heteros either.

There's no such thing as 'homo cake'. Cake doesn't have a sexual orientation...as it doesn't have sex. Its inanimate.

There's just cake.
Yes there is. That is the entire argument. It's never been about baking a cake. It's about endorsing the behavior using the cake to do so.

Its cake. They're getting married and want a wedding cake....so they go to a place that makes and sells wedding cakes.

That's about it.
No, that's not it. They want them to make a cake that stipulates and illustrates and ultimately endorses something that conflicts with their religion, freedom of religion and religious expression. This is pure homofascism.

If they don't want to make cakes, nobody is forcing them to be in that business. As long as they are in that business, they need to bake the damn cake and quit whining.
They can buy any cake they want. Go in the bakery, take a cake out of the case and put it in the box. No problem.

If forced, that's different. Bake the cake and make them sorry they ever heard your name
I have been so devastated by having to show my professional approval for perversion, I have to bring two dozen people from my church for emotional support. They will help me through a bout of hysterics as I struggle to set up the cake.

Aww I'm too overwrought. Call paramedics.
Christians should rebel, take their case to the USSC when the new GOP president has appointed a constitutional fundamentalist and challenge it based on their 1st and 14th Amendment rights to protection of their religion.

Or,they could just whine and carry on because their ability to discriminate against others is being reduced. That's what the religious nuts have done so far. No matter what you do, you still have to bake the damn cake.
Not more than one. Perhaps two before the word gets out and you are no longer bothered by perverts.
He didn't have a lot of choice, economically, did he?

You see, a LOT of the people in this country think Christians have the right to live as they wish, but not to tell others how to live and to pass judgment on them. That's the line.

You must be enraged that the government have in to the wishes of multimillion dollar corporations over the will of the people.
He didn't have a lot of choice, economically, did he?

You see, a LOT of the people in this country think Christians have the right to live as they wish, but not to tell others how to live and to pass judgment on them. That's the line.
But that isn't what is happening. Homofascists are forcing Christians (too scared to challenge the more draconian muslims) to acquiesce to and accommodate their homosexuality regardless of its conflict with Christians' religious beliefs.

'Homofascists'? They're ordering a cake from people that sell cakes.

If selling cakes conflicts with your religious beliefs, then you probably shouldn't sell cakes for a living. I'd give the same advice to the Buddhist considering working at the slaughter house.

Are the cake sellers going to be protected from a lawsuit, if the cake tastes like shit?
He didn't have a lot of choice, economically, did he?

You see, a LOT of the people in this country think Christians have the right to live as they wish, but not to tell others how to live and to pass judgment on them. That's the line.

You must be enraged that the government have in to the wishes of multimillion dollar corporations over the will of the people.
Corporations are more than willing to leave people alone. This is social engineering.
He didn't have a lot of choice, economically, did he?

You see, a LOT of the people in this country think Christians have the right to live as they wish, but not to tell others how to live and to pass judgment on them. That's the line.
But that isn't what is happening. Homofascists are forcing Christians (too scared to challenge the more draconian muslims) to acquiesce to and accommodate their homosexuality regardless of its conflict with Christians' religious beliefs.

'Homofascists'? They're ordering a cake from people that sell cakes.

If selling cakes conflicts with your religious beliefs, then you probably shouldn't sell cakes for a living. I'd give the same advice to the Buddhist considering working at the slaughter house.

Are the cake sellers going to be protected from a lawsuit, if the cake tastes like shit?

Shrugs. When I don't want to work with a particular client for any reason, I just bid high. If they take the bid, the extra is asshole tax. if they don't, I don't have to work with them.

Its a win-win.
He didn't have a lot of choice, economically, did he?

You see, a LOT of the people in this country think Christians have the right to live as they wish, but not to tell others how to live and to pass judgment on them. That's the line.

You must be enraged that the government have in to the wishes of multimillion dollar corporations over the will of the people.
Corporations are more than willing to leave people alone. This is social engineering.

More like the mutilation of society
He didn't have a lot of choice, economically, did he?

You see, a LOT of the people in this country think Christians have the right to live as they wish, but not to tell others how to live and to pass judgment on them. That's the line.

You must be enraged that the government have in to the wishes of multimillion dollar corporations over the will of the people.
Corporations are more than willing to leave people alone. This is social engineering.

This is minimum standard of conduct for those who want to do business inside a given State.

And it requires nothing more than those who make and sell cake.......to make and sell cake.

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