Workers Beginning To Lose Jobs Due To Sequestration

By Amanda Terkel

WASHINGTON -- As Republican politicians insist that the Obama administration has "exaggerated" the effects of sequestration, people around the country are beginning to see for themselves what the results of the $85 billion in budget cuts are: They're losing their jobs.

Thousands of federal employees are facing unpaid time off as agencies determine that they will have to furlough workers to absorb the cuts.

But other workers -- including some in the private sector -- are losing their jobs altogether, underscoring just how much daily life for many people is tied to a functioning government.

Some examples:

More: Workers Lose Jobs As Pink Slips Go Out Due To Sequestration

Wierd. Tons on But in short, fuck them. Im glad the gravy train quit rolling for the bastard.
Rather than blasting your link as partisan bs like you would fox news links I actually read it. Your op is laughable. Most of the jobs actually listed as being lost ranged from single digit loses to just over a thousand. But the vast majority of those listed were in the single and double digit losses.

Get the fuck out of here with such silly ass loss reports. In case you forgot there are MILLIONS already out of work.

Forgive me for not pulling the fire alarm over a MINOR course correction. I only hope that the government job losses are permanent.

when does the troll care what she post. just another hit and run post to stir the pot
Rather than blasting your link as partisan bs like you would fox news links I actually read it. Your op is laughable. Most of the jobs actually listed as being lost ranged from single digit loses to just over a thousand. But the vast majority of those listed were in the single and double digit losses.

Get the fuck out of here with such silly ass loss reports. In case you forgot there are MILLIONS already out of work.

Forgive me for not pulling the fire alarm over a MINOR course correction. I only hope that the government job losses are permanent.

when does the troll care what she post. just another hit and run post to stir the pot

Boehner said he got 98% of what he wanted in the sequester negotiations.

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Rather than blasting your link as partisan bs like you would fox news links I actually read it. Your op is laughable. Most of the jobs actually listed as being lost ranged from single digit loses to just over a thousand. But the vast majority of those listed were in the single and double digit losses.

Get the fuck out of here with such silly ass loss reports. In case you forgot there are MILLIONS already out of work.

Forgive me for not pulling the fire alarm over a MINOR course correction. I only hope that the government job losses are permanent.

when does the troll care what she post. just another hit and run post to stir the pot

Boehner said he got 98% of what he wanted in the sequester negotiations.
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So Govt workers are finally feeling the effects huh??

Can't say I give a shit. Those folks live in a bubble. They are payed with our tax dollars. They don't get layed off. They don't get fired. They have everything payed by we the tapayer.

Excuse me if I don't give a fuck about them and their unpayed leave. Its kinda like when the all lost their COLA for a time. They sure as shit got it all back. No one I know gets a COLA increase every years.

Hell. We could lose half the Govt employee's and no one would notice they were gone.

Oh, and if it bothers you that much you should drop that fuck in the WH a line. It was his idea to let it go forward was it not?? Guess that one may bit him in his skinny ass.

What an excellent idea. The RNC should add that to their Platform today.
The point is quite obvious...

Of course people will lose jobs if the government eliminates those jobs. Thats the whole point. The government is spending more than it takes in so it must cut back.

If you owned a home and you lost your job and you had to cut back on would be forced to fire the landscaper. Should your decision to do so take into consideration the fact that the landscaper will now be making less money becuase you fired him?

Of course not. The landscaper is well aware that you will use his service as long as you can afford to.

Same holds true for those that lose their jobs due to sequestration. Just as it holds true for anyone in any company. If the company cant afford to keep you employed, they will terminate you.

If a company owner cant afford to keep the company open, he or she will lose their business.

I dont undertsand why anyone is surprised people will lose their jobs?

If and when we finally have a balanced budget, there will be many people that will be terminated. They had jobs due to deficit one should be surprised.
it become clearer adn clearer evey day why the republican party is failing

oh dear gawd, spare us and the person you and those people getting laid off should be upset with is, YOUR DEAR LEADER.
They're too fucking stupid to realize that this is happening because this country doesn't have a President with the ability to lead.

Christ, William Jethro Cigarclit must be sitting back and laughing his ass off right about now, and on the phone to Newt, telling him, "yep, we was right 'bout sumbitch"
You mean those millions of private sector civilians without whose labors we wouldn't HAVE a military, you mean?

Where the fuck do you think all those billions of dollars our government spends are going?

Seriously do some fucking reading and educate yourself.

And why should those folks be exempt from what the rest of us have been going through for the last four years ED?

I think we all should be exempt from what's been going on, Claudette.

I'm sure the military will survive just fine. It always has and always will.


Are they going to make the equipment our military uses?

Civilian workers -- you know...the ones you don't give a damn about? -- they're the ones losing their jobs.

I'll tell you how to save trillions if you're serious.

STOP protecting the banksters.

That's costing us trillions of dollars and those fucks don't do doodle squat for ANY of us.

THOSE people are the real parsites on this society.

And they OWN congress, honey.
250 workers

185 employees,

Four-hundred eighteen contract workers

At least eight municipal employees*

23 people

20 employees

414 jobs--

This is the list. Devastating huh? Lmao

Walmart probably hires and fires this many people on a daily basis. I like how they spread a bunch of nothing out over multiple paragraphs to make it look like something.
By Amanda Terkel

WASHINGTON -- As Republican politicians insist that the Obama administration has "exaggerated" the effects of sequestration, people around the country are beginning to see for themselves what the results of the $85 billion in budget cuts are: They're losing their jobs.

Thousands of federal employees are facing unpaid time off as agencies determine that they will have to furlough workers to absorb the cuts.

But other workers -- including some in the private sector -- are losing their jobs altogether, underscoring just how much daily life for many people is tied to a functioning government.

Some examples:

More: Workers Lose Jobs As Pink Slips Go Out Due To Sequestration

To the cheers and the absolute glee of the right wing.

It is the idiotic left that are cheering. They are the ones who like welfare. Sequestration is their idea.
Most federal workers have enough vacation and sick days to make up for any furloughs.

Get a grip. No one's going to starve.
First, Obama owns the sequester, so direct complaints to the White House.

Second, the entire amount cut by the sequester is only a fraction of the money we handed the terrorist supporters known as the Muslim Brotherhood, not to mention all the other countries we are sending aid to. Billions in aid to hostile countries and some are freaking out over millions in spending cuts. Get real.
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So Govt workers are finally feeling the effects huh??

Can't say I give a shit. Those folks live in a bubble. They are payed with our tax dollars. They don't get layed off. They don't get fired. They have everything payed by we the tapayer.

Excuse me if I don't give a fuck about them and their unpayed leave. Its kinda like when the all lost their COLA for a time. They sure as shit got it all back. No one I know gets a COLA increase every years.

Hell. We could lose half the Govt employee's and no one would notice they were gone.

Oh, and if it bothers you that much you should drop that fuck in the WH a line. It was his idea to let it go forward was it not?? Guess that one may bit him in his skinny ass.

Bitter about life or do you just need a bucket of water thrown on you???

you do, that's for sure

You bring out the witch in me, Steph. Hey!! I finally found something you're good at!!
So Govt workers are finally feeling the effects huh??

Can't say I give a shit. Those folks live in a bubble. They are payed with our tax dollars. They don't get layed off. They don't get fired. They have everything payed by we the tapayer.

Excuse me if I don't give a fuck about them and their unpayed leave. Its kinda like when the all lost their COLA for a time. They sure as shit got it all back. No one I know gets a COLA increase every years.

Hell. We could lose half the Govt employee's and no one would notice they were gone.

Oh, and if it bothers you that much you should drop that fuck in the WH a line. It was his idea to let it go forward was it not?? Guess that one may bit him in his skinny ass.

Bitter about life or do you just need a bucket of water thrown on you???

Nope. Just tired of paying folks who live in a bubble and could care less about the rest of us. You know. The folks that we pay for.

You could use that bucket of water big time if you think those Govt workers give a rats ass about you there Rinata.

They are just ordinary people trying to make a living to support their families. They are not criminals!!!
Bitter about life or do you just need a bucket of water thrown on you???

you do, that's for sure

You bring out the witch in me, Steph. Hey!! I finally found something you're good at!!

there is no bringing out the witch in you, it's there all the time..what your hardon with me is who the hell knows, but it's damn far as I'm concerned you could never post to me again and it wouldn't bother me one bit
get a life or something
Sequestration is no joke.

That is political rhetoric.

Our debt is no joke. Simply taxing the rich will not do the trick. We must cut spending....and cutting spending by 85 million is just a drop in the bucket.

The "no joke" is us, the Ameriucan people, being forced to "suck it up" and realize there will be pain as we try to straighten out our financial woes.

Sequestration is just a prelude.

FYI....if sequestration is not a joke, why did Obama joke about it when he told a bunch of people forced to stand at his speech that the lack of chairs is due to sequestration?
Bitter about life or do you just need a bucket of water thrown on you???

Nope. Just tired of paying folks who live in a bubble and could care less about the rest of us. You know. The folks that we pay for.

You could use that bucket of water big time if you think those Govt workers give a rats ass about you there Rinata.

They are just ordinary people trying to make a living to support their families. They are not criminals!!!

No. They sure aren't criminals but they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. And they do love the Govt job theyhave. Who wouldn't? No layoffs. No firings. COLA increases. Benefits and retirement payed for by the taxpayer. Good gig if you can get it.

Again. They live in a protected bubble and they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. They could give shit one if you or I get layed off.

Big bucked of Water for ya Rinata.
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