Workers Beginning To Lose Jobs Due To Sequestration

Nope. Just tired of paying folks who live in a bubble and could care less about the rest of us. You know. The folks that we pay for.

You could use that bucket of water big time if you think those Govt workers give a rats ass about you there Rinata.

They are just ordinary people trying to make a living to support their families. They are not criminals!!!

No. They sure aren't criminals but they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. And they do love the Govt job theyhave. Who wouldn't? No layoffs. No firings. COLA increases. Benefits and retirement payed for by the taxpayer. Good gig if you can get it.

Again. They live in a protected bubble and they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. They could give shit one if you or I get layed off.

Big bucked of Water for ya Rinata.

Well, we dont know if they give a shit or not. That is pure assumption on your part. However, human nature is "yeah, a good idea...unless it affects me" of the reasons Obama was successful with his "top 2%" rhetoric.....

So whereas you will worry about how YOUR job may be in jeopardy and not think of how others may be in jeaopardy....and visa does not mean that you dont give a shit about them.
Look people we did not cut spending.

All that was done was to make spending increases smaller.

That is not a spending cut it is still a spending increase.

A spending cut means that you spend less than you did previously.
these are the same people whose answer to everything is cut the military funny they don't seem quite as sorry or sad for them who would lose their jobs...

but if people don't feel sorry for these people, you are accused of being heartless and not loving your neighbor..

see that good ole double standards..
Yup. They all scream to cut the DOD and the military yet Ed and other idiots are yelling about those workers getting the axe?? Guess they don't really want any cuts to the military of DOD. Hope you don't believe that whisker.

No, actually I believe that the debt issue is a red herring IN THIS economy.

I've stated that so many time on this board that I guess NOBODY bothers to read my posts.

In fact (and you can look this up) KEYNES believed that the best possible stimulus spending to help a DEFLATIONARY economy would be to spend money on a military THAT WAS NEVER USED.

I do apologise to those of you who cannot understand the subtlites of my POV on MACRO.

There are no simply explanations, and no simple solutions to the mess this nation is in.

Half the time the narrative that most of you are responding to is a great big fat LIE you bought into because you think TV is telling you something REAL.

The national debt is a fake as our money

Until you understand what that means, and why I say it, you will never understand why I say what I say and you will never understand what I am, either.

Now i COULD try to explain this in greater detail but nobody here wants to read a 30,000 word essay on the way MONETARISM has replaced capitalism to make SLAVES of us all.

And besides, all that is out there written more accurately and clearly than I ever could.

It's is up to citizens in a democractic republic to educate themselves.

The MSM and the government is not about to educate any of you so you truly understand how you and I and every working person (even most wealthy people!) are being systematically turned into SLAVES to DEBTS that we did not spend, that we did NOT benefit from, and that we can NEVER EVER pay off..

Educate yourselves, citizens.
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They are just ordinary people trying to make a living to support their families. They are not criminals!!!

No. They sure aren't criminals but they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. And they do love the Govt job theyhave. Who wouldn't? No layoffs. No firings. COLA increases. Benefits and retirement payed for by the taxpayer. Good gig if you can get it.

Again. They live in a protected bubble and they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. They could give shit one if you or I get layed off.

Big bucked of Water for ya Rinata.

Well, we dont know if they give a shit or not. That is pure assumption on your part. However, human nature is "yeah, a good idea...unless it affects me" of the reasons Obama was successful with his "top 2%" rhetoric.....

So whereas you will worry about how YOUR job may be in jeopardy and not think of how others may be in jeaopardy....and visa does not mean that you dont give a shit about them.

JH. I have a friend who was a Govt employee in DC for 12 years. She recently went back to DC and was absolutely flabbergasted at her old workmates.

They not only didn't give shit one about the state of UE or the economy, they didn't even seem to realize there was any problem at all. .

So forgive me If I really don't buy your, "They care."
We have a $16 trillion economy, we cut $85 billion out of it and it devastates us? Thousands lose jobs? This is all BS, are people seriously going to tell us there isn't $85 billion in government waste? Of course jobs will be lost, the government doesn't produce anything but jobs, so people will get laid off, a lot of their issues can be solved with shorter hours, attrition (which is a favorite of private industry) but the government wants it to hurt because we are asking for responsibility.

The government is going to work more efficiently, how is this bad?

How is holding government responsible, and liberals freak, I don't get it.
No. They sure aren't criminals but they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. And they do love the Govt job theyhave. Who wouldn't? No layoffs. No firings. COLA increases. Benefits and retirement payed for by the taxpayer. Good gig if you can get it.

Again. They live in a protected bubble and they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. They could give shit one if you or I get layed off.

Big bucked of Water for ya Rinata.

Well, we dont know if they give a shit or not. That is pure assumption on your part. However, human nature is "yeah, a good idea...unless it affects me" of the reasons Obama was successful with his "top 2%" rhetoric.....

So whereas you will worry about how YOUR job may be in jeopardy and not think of how others may be in jeaopardy....and visa does not mean that you dont give a shit about them.

JH. I have a friend who was a Govt employee in DC for 12 years. She recently went back to DC and was absolutely flabbergasted at her old workmates.

They not only didn't give shit one about the state of UE or the economy, they didn't even seem to realize there was any problem at all. .

So forgive me If I really don't buy your, "They care."

I did not say "they care"...I said we dont know one way or the other....except from hearsay and political rhetoric.

Most Amereicans know squat about the debt....and most dont care. They worry about their families and their lives...and assume all will pan out as long as they stay the course.

Government workers in MY OPINION are like every other American. They do not see themselves as being paid by taxpayers just as others dont see thewmselves as being paid with bailout money. Or being paid with loan money their boss took out from the bank.... Their jobs are their jobs and a means to provide for their family.
The job I'm in I could be laid off anytime if there isn't enough money in the budget..

These people we are suppose to feel sorry for or be accused of not loving our neighbors aren't more special or exempt from what could happen in LIFE...

they can do like the rest of us do, get by until they find another job...

or waaa about it
you do, that's for sure

You bring out the witch in me, Steph. Hey!! I finally found something you're good at!!

there is no bringing out the witch in you, it's there all the time..what your hardon with me is who the hell knows, but it's damn far as I'm concerned you could never post to me again and it wouldn't bother me one bit
get a life or something

Yeah, okay. :cuckoo:
Nope. Just tired of paying folks who live in a bubble and could care less about the rest of us. You know. The folks that we pay for.

You could use that bucket of water big time if you think those Govt workers give a rats ass about you there Rinata.

They are just ordinary people trying to make a living to support their families. They are not criminals!!!

No. They sure aren't criminals but they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. And they do love the Govt job theyhave. Who wouldn't? No layoffs. No firings. COLA increases. Benefits and retirement payed for by the taxpayer. Good gig if you can get it.

Again. They live in a protected bubble and they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. They could give shit one if you or I get layed off.

Big bucked of Water for ya Rinata.

Jealous??? That's how you sound.
No. They sure aren't criminals but they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. And they do love the Govt job theyhave. Who wouldn't? No layoffs. No firings. COLA increases. Benefits and retirement payed for by the taxpayer. Good gig if you can get it.

Again. They live in a protected bubble and they could give shit one about anyone in the private sector. They could give shit one if you or I get layed off.

Big bucked of Water for ya Rinata.

Well, we dont know if they give a shit or not. That is pure assumption on your part. However, human nature is "yeah, a good idea...unless it affects me" of the reasons Obama was successful with his "top 2%" rhetoric.....

So whereas you will worry about how YOUR job may be in jeopardy and not think of how others may be in jeaopardy....and visa does not mean that you dont give a shit about them.

JH. I have a friend who was a Govt employee in DC for 12 years. She recently went back to DC and was absolutely flabbergasted at her old workmates.

They not only didn't give shit one about the state of UE or the economy, they didn't even seem to realize there was any problem at all. .

So forgive me If I really don't buy your, "They care."

Well, what are you waiting for??? Call CNN!!! What a scoop. That's really a weak argument.
WASHINGTON -- On March 6, Louella Hollingsworth was presented with the League Medal of Safety Award by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association for helping save the life of a pilot in danger.

A week later she was informed that she was being furloughed, one of a snowballing number of casualties from sequestration.

More: Sequestration Furloughs Air Traffic Controller One Week After Winning Award

You voted him in, what did you expect? Hope and change? Well you got change.
WASHINGTON -- On March 6, Louella Hollingsworth was presented with the League Medal of Safety Award by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association for helping save the life of a pilot in danger.

A week later she was informed that she was being furloughed, one of a snowballing number of casualties from sequestration.

More: Sequestration Furloughs Air Traffic Controller One Week After Winning Award

You voted him in, what did you expect? Hope and change? Well you got change.

Yes, blame the president. That's just what you people wanted. Never thought I'd see the day when people hated the president (for no good reason) more than they loved this country.


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You voted him in, what did you expect? Hope and change? Well you got change.

Yes, blame the president. That's just what you people wanted. Never thought I'd see the day when people hated the president (for no good reason) more than they loved this country.

You forget the years 2001-2009? Even your very own reactions to Bush??

How soon they forget
By Amanda Terkel

WASHINGTON -- As Republican politicians insist that the Obama administration has "exaggerated" the effects of sequestration, people around the country are beginning to see for themselves what the results of the $85 billion in budget cuts are: They're losing their jobs.

Thousands of federal employees are facing unpaid time off as agencies determine that they will have to furlough workers to absorb the cuts.

But other workers -- including some in the private sector -- are losing their jobs altogether, underscoring just how much daily life for many people is tied to a functioning government.

Some examples:

More: Workers Lose Jobs As Pink Slips Go Out Due To Sequestration

Big deal. Way more are losing their jobs due to Obamacare.
By Amanda Terkel

WASHINGTON -- As Republican politicians insist that the Obama administration has "exaggerated" the effects of sequestration, people around the country are beginning to see for themselves what the results of the $85 billion in budget cuts are: They're losing their jobs.

Thousands of federal employees are facing unpaid time off as agencies determine that they will have to furlough workers to absorb the cuts.

But other workers -- including some in the private sector -- are losing their jobs altogether, underscoring just how much daily life for many people is tied to a functioning government.

Some examples:

More: Workers Lose Jobs As Pink Slips Go Out Due To Sequestration

Good.. let them get real jobs that I don't have to pay for.

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