Working Hard really doesn't pay off in the workplace

Here is a little advice and some reality for the OP.
First and foremost, for any business to work the employees must give more value to the company than they receive back. That is called profit, and profit is not an option. Businesses must make at least sustainable profits. Sustainable profit is a company that at least earns enough margin to finance their future existence. But no owner(s) want to just make enough to survive, they deserve more than you because they assume all of the risks of the company.
Second, you are wrong in virtually every point of your entire post. I am a great example of that myself.
I started at the bottom in my industry in my 20's. I did the grunt work for years and worked my way up because I was noticed. And I continually increased my value to my bosses through those years. By the time I was 40 I ran the business. And then I ran two.
In real life, withe very-very-very few exceptions when you consider the numbers, it takes time to grow. Particularly when you first start your career.

What you are saying is that you live for someone else's profit? You do realize that these companies don't really give a damn about you. I have no problem with companies making lots of money. I just don't think I exist to help them in their goals anymore than they think they exist to help me in mine.

Fair enough, but don't judge every company by your limited experience with one.
Go to work somewhere else. Find somewhere where you are appreciated. I refuse to work for large corporations. I have turned down numerous offers over the years that were far more lucrative financially than working for smaller/private companies for the reasons you state above. Perhaps you need to find a smaller company to work for.

That kind of brings me to another subject which is why cry about the injustice of life sometimes. We really can't change other people or point out their moral flaws. The only thing they do is get defensive and attempt to block all criticisms of themselves. The only thing you can do is find another employer that you like. Eventually the pain will cause these people to change.
Here is a little advice and some reality for the OP.
First and foremost, for any business to work the employees must give more value to the company than they receive back. That is called profit, and profit is not an option. Businesses must make at least sustainable profits. Sustainable profit is a company that at least earns enough margin to finance their future existence. But no owner(s) want to just make enough to survive, they deserve more than you because they assume all of the risks of the company.
Second, you are wrong in virtually every point of your entire post. I am a great example of that myself.
I started at the bottom in my industry in my 20's. I did the grunt work for years and worked my way up because I was noticed. And I continually increased my value to my bosses through those years. By the time I was 40 I ran the business. And then I ran two.
In real life, withe very-very-very few exceptions when you consider the numbers, it takes time to grow. Particularly when you first start your career.

What you are saying is that you live for someone else's profit? You do realize that these companies don't really give a damn about you. I have no problem with companies making lots of money. I just don't think I exist to help them in their goals anymore than they think they exist to help me in mine.

Fair enough, but don't judge every company by your limited experience with one.
Go to work somewhere else. Find somewhere where you are appreciated. I refuse to work for large corporations. I have turned down numerous offers over the years that were far more lucrative financially than working for smaller/private companies for the reasons you state above. Perhaps you need to find a smaller company to work for.
But not too small. A small business can't pay shit. They simply cant afford to. A large company doesn't have to either.

a small international company can't pay what the big boys can pay their top salespeople but they have to pay close to what they pay or no one with experience will work there. And these small international companies are great for guys like me who feel I wasn't appreciated at the bigger companies. They can replace your ass tomorrow.

One day a few months ago the president was having lunch with us and I was wearing a sports jacket. Someone joked I was going on an interview and loudly the president said, "don't go sealybobo!"
I would never take a sales job because it's a SINK or SWIM position which is not the type of job I want when trying to maintain independence. Too unstable
Not all sales jobs suck. The one I have now is great because they were expecting 50 in sales and I'm giving them 70-100.

And this will get me a raise next year.

But a lot of companies today treat their salespeople like crap. If you hit your goals they raise your goals the following year so your job gets harder and you make less.

Another company I worked for years ago is cutting into my buddies pay and he is there number one guy. What's he gonna do he's 59 years old? Where's he gonna go?

I have heard that this is true about sales. It kind of seems like the employers are kind of greedy sometimes. Don't they make enough money off of each sale that the salesperson makes?
Here is a little advice and some reality for the OP.
First and foremost, for any business to work the employees must give more value to the company than they receive back. That is called profit, and profit is not an option. Businesses must make at least sustainable profits. Sustainable profit is a company that at least earns enough margin to finance their future existence. But no owner(s) want to just make enough to survive, they deserve more than you because they assume all of the risks of the company.
Second, you are wrong in virtually every point of your entire post. I am a great example of that myself.
I started at the bottom in my industry in my 20's. I did the grunt work for years and worked my way up because I was noticed. And I continually increased my value to my bosses through those years. By the time I was 40 I ran the business. And then I ran two.
In real life, withe very-very-very few exceptions when you consider the numbers, it takes time to grow. Particularly when you first start your career.

What you are saying is that you live for someone else's profit? You do realize that these companies don't really give a damn about you. I have no problem with companies making lots of money. I just don't think I exist to help them in their goals anymore than they think they exist to help me in mine.

Fair enough, but don't judge every company by your limited experience with one.
Go to work somewhere else. Find somewhere where you are appreciated. I refuse to work for large corporations. I have turned down numerous offers over the years that were far more lucrative financially than working for smaller/private companies for the reasons you state above. Perhaps you need to find a smaller company to work for.

That kind of brings me to another subject which is why cry about the injustice of life sometimes. We really can't change other people or point out their moral flaws. The only thing they do is get defensive and attempt to block all criticisms of themselves. The only thing you can do is find another employer that you like. Eventually the pain will cause these people to change.
That's how I feel. It may not help you immediately but the corporate community as a whole and your employer will realize the costs of turnover eventually. If not then maybe you weren't working hard enough for them to notice you are gone.

PS. Things are a lot different when the economy is good. Then employers value us more. The economy is better now
It has been my experience in life that working hard doesn't really pay off that much. The raises you get are not that much for the effort you put out to get one sometimes so I figure what is the point of all that hard work. Don't get me wrong. One should definitely work hard towards the goals they have in life because sometimes it is the only thing one can do in life but in work it rarely does. The amount of energy you put in usually doesn't equal the amount you get back in pay.

What does pay off is 'kissing ass'. I'm going to say this just once. Kissing ass works way better than working hard. Your bosses will think you are an awesome person because you say something nice to them. It is a little humiliating to but it works. You don't have to go overboard with it but it does work. It would be nice to live in a world where work alone will determine your success in the workplace but all your hard work will not pay off if YOUR BOSS HATES YOUR GUTS!

There is nothing in the world you can do at that point because your boss will never give you a break on anything. You may think your supervisor like you but they are playing the same game with you that you with them which is you pretend to be nice to everyone so your work thinks you are a team player. They won't say whether or not they hate you or not just like they won't say that to you so don't fool yourself into thinking that they like you because they happen to greet you when you come into work. Don't you do the same with employees that you don't like?

Your boss could be prejudice against you. I'm not talking about the race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, etc, but she could really hate short ugly men. Maybe your hair was messed up one day or you happen to have bad BO. It is all pretty superficial but it is f'n true. Human nature is pretty superficial. It is the reason we don't go outside in our underwear. We don't want other people to think we are retarded because we happen to go outside in the most efficient clothing style for how weather (maximizing skin surface area to cool you off).

Some people can look pass the superficialness and see the real you. Isn't it wonderful that those people exist? They don't exist at work. In fact, being judged by totally superficial standards seems to increase ten fold at work. A college degree gets you into higher places but people with college degrees can be pretty stupid sometimes as highlighted by videos where college graduates didn't know who christopher columbus is (they know who Karl Marx is though).

Lets not forget what your fellow co-workers will say about you. They hate you too! I'm not fucking kidding on this. They hate you as well and won't tell you. When you are about to get fired they will know and then they will unleash all the hate they wanted to unleash on you at that point. It then snowballs because they tell other people how much you suck as human being. They minute you say anything bad about them they accuse you of engaging in rumors. What the fuck have they been doing for the last five years with your life?

That is another thing. God damn hypocrisy of other human beings just seems rather unfair. They can rip into you 24/7 but the minute you say anything about them then they cry foul to the HR department. They are always the fuckin victim of you the minute you do the same shit they have been doing to you. Don't even bother hoping that HR will solve your issues in your favor. Don't waste your time. Occassionally you might run into one that really does help you but that is only because they are gay and they like you or you happen to be a hot babe that he wants to screw.

That is the only way you get anything special from your supervisor. The rule of thumb is hope you have a gay supervisor or you are a super hot chick. Then you get anything you ever want from them. Don't work hard just be sexy and the whole world will come to you because of universal law number 1 of human nature which is everyone wants to screw.
I would never take a sales job because it's a SINK or SWIM position which is not the type of job I want when trying to maintain independence. Too unstable
Not all sales jobs suck. The one I have now is great because they were expecting 50 in sales and I'm giving them 70-100.

And this will get me a raise next year.

But a lot of companies today treat their salespeople like crap. If you hit your goals they raise your goals the following year so your job gets harder and you make less.

Another company I worked for years ago is cutting into my buddies pay and he is there number one guy. What's he gonna do he's 59 years old? Where's he gonna go?

I have heard that this is true about sales. It kind of seems like the employers are kind of greedy sometimes. Don't they make enough money off of each sale that the salesperson makes?
And why raise my minimums? If $400,000 a month is my quota this year don't make it $500,000 next year just because. Just keep my quota $400 and pay me bonus' if I sell $500.

How am I a failure next year if I sell $400 a month?

It was said when i was in highschool that the Salespeople are usually the highest paid people in the company. Today is that true? Or have they tweeked the model so that we make what everyone else makes? I'm not talking about the top 3 salespeople. I'm talking about the other 27
Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I don't have to worry about hitting goals everyday which is less stressful
Government jobs are like that......almost impossible to fire some.....and the less work you do.....the better your bosses like you. ...... :cool:
Yea. They don't want you making them look bad. Lol.

Private companies do the same shit by the way. I was hired to help a company grow and the salespeople didn't like how I pounded the phones and really hussled at events. I got let go. Sometimes you can work too hard believe it or not
Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I wouldn't quit before finding another job and finding another job ain't easy. It's a full time job. Maybe it's easy for you because every food store in every town needs guys to collect shopping carts out in the parking lot. Lol

I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.
Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I wouldn't quit before finding another job and finding another job ain't easy. It's a full time job. Maybe it's easy for you because every food store in every town needs guys to collect shopping carts out in the parking lot. Lol

I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.
I haven't worked for anyone but myself in over 20 years

The main reasons I work for myself are 1) I really hate other people telling me what to do and 2) I had to get away from whining idiots like you who claim they got fired for making too many sales
Can you say - millennial? I think you need to change your screen name.

The knock on millennials is that they are unwilling to work hard and expect everything. That is generally true of everyone but why should people work hard and not what they get WHAT THEY WANT OUT OF IT. My employer expects to get what he wants out of the deal so why can't I. I wish workers in this country were more demanding so that wages would go up.

That attitude is exactly why adults can't stand slack-ass losers like you.
Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I wouldn't quit before finding another job and finding another job ain't easy. It's a full time job. Maybe it's easy for you because every food store in every town needs guys to collect shopping carts out in the parking lot. Lol

I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.
I haven't worked for anyone but myself in over 20 years

The main reasons I work for myself are 1) I really hate other people telling me what to do and 2) I had to get away from whining idiots like you who claim they got fired for making too many sales
Funny how many salespeople one month are being given awards and the next month they're on the chopping block.

I won't even try to explain it to you because you don't get it or care.
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

That's what unemployment insurance is for. If you don't appreciate my work let me go but in America we have social safety nets.

Without unions we need unemployment benefits. Because companies can drop us like hot potatoes.

Not all of us have highly sought after phylosopy degrees like you
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

I'm not a loser. Remember, that's not my business. If my employer doesn't like me he can let me go. Same advice you give employees, right? If I don't like it I can quit. But that would be dumb when I won't get unemployment benefits.

So employers don't want to pay so they try to make your life difficult if not impossible.

But I don't have to worry about money so they can't fuck with me. If they fuck with me I just stop caring, I polish up my resume and I start looking. But I'm not going to lose sleep over it and I'm not going to do anything stupid and cost me my benefits that I deserve.

Also I wish I had a nickel for every Republican I knew who called people on unemployment losers but then when the economy took a downfall after the bush recession they were the first ones in line and the first ones to get extensions when they didn't find a job after 6 months because they were vacationing instead of looking for a job Hippocrates
Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I wouldn't quit before finding another job and finding another job ain't easy. It's a full time job. Maybe it's easy for you because every food store in every town needs guys to collect shopping carts out in the parking lot. Lol

I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.
I haven't worked for anyone but myself in over 20 years

The main reasons I work for myself are 1) I really hate other people telling me what to do and 2) I had to get away from whining idiots like you who claim they got fired for making too many sales
Funny how many salespeople one month are being given awards and the next month they're on the chopping block.

I won't even try to explain it to you because you don't get it or care.

The dynamics of sales compensation can be complex.
One of the problems of "old salespeople" - and old meaning how many years with the company, is they can build a client base that can effectively support themselves by simply living off of that base. In other words they can be one of the highest compensated people in the company, but do almost nothing for it currently. For years companies have tried to deal with that. Most of them unsuccessfully.
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

That's what unemployment insurance is for. If you don't appreciate my work let me go but in America we have social safety nets.


A "safety net" is not for greasy, loser parasites like you to game the system. Weasels like you deplete the safety net for those who really need it. Scum like you are exactly why well-intentioned welfare systems fail.
It has been my experience in life that working hard doesn't really pay off that much. The raises you get are not that much for the effort you put out to get one sometimes so I figure what is the point of all that hard work. Don't get me wrong. One should definitely work hard towards the goals they have in life because sometimes it is the only thing one can do in life but in work it rarely does. The amount of energy you put in usually doesn't equal the amount you get back in pay.

What does pay off is 'kissing ass'. I'm going to say this just once. Kissing ass works way better than working hard. Your bosses will think you are an awesome person because you say something nice to them. It is a little humiliating to but it works. You don't have to go overboard with it but it does work. It would be nice to live in a world where work alone will determine your success in the workplace but all your hard work will not pay off if YOUR BOSS HATES YOUR GUTS!

There is nothing in the world you can do at that point because your boss will never give you a break on anything. You may think your supervisor like you but they are playing the same game with you that you with them which is you pretend to be nice to everyone so your work thinks you are a team player. They won't say whether or not they hate you or not just like they won't say that to you so don't fool yourself into thinking that they like you because they happen to greet you when you come into work. Don't you do the same with employees that you don't like?

Your boss could be prejudice against you. I'm not talking about the race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, etc, but she could really hate short ugly men. Maybe your hair was messed up one day or you happen to have bad BO. It is all pretty superficial but it is f'n true. Human nature is pretty superficial. It is the reason we don't go outside in our underwear. We don't want other people to think we are retarded because we happen to go outside in the most efficient clothing style for how weather (maximizing skin surface area to cool you off).

Some people can look pass the superficialness and see the real you. Isn't it wonderful that those people exist? They don't exist at work. In fact, being judged by totally superficial standards seems to increase ten fold at work. A college degree gets you into higher places but people with college degrees can be pretty stupid sometimes as highlighted by videos where college graduates didn't know who christopher columbus is (they know who Karl Marx is though).

Lets not forget what your fellow co-workers will say about you. They hate you too! I'm not fucking kidding on this. They hate you as well and won't tell you. When you are about to get fired they will know and then they will unleash all the hate they wanted to unleash on you at that point. It then snowballs because they tell other people how much you suck as human being. They minute you say anything bad about them they accuse you of engaging in rumors. What the fuck have they been doing for the last five years with your life?

That is another thing. God damn hypocrisy of other human beings just seems rather unfair. They can rip into you 24/7 but the minute you say anything about them then they cry foul to the HR department. They are always the fuckin victim of you the minute you do the same shit they have been doing to you. Don't even bother hoping that HR will solve your issues in your favor. Don't waste your time. Occassionally you might run into one that really does help you but that is only because they are gay and they like you or you happen to be a hot babe that he wants to screw.

That is the only way you get anything special from your supervisor. The rule of thumb is hope you have a gay supervisor or you are a super hot chick. Then you get anything you ever want from them. Don't work hard just be sexy and the whole world will come to you because of universal law number 1 of human nature which is everyone wants to screw.
Much of what you post is accurate, as least as it applies to large corporations...say Fortune 500 firms. They often grant managers full dictatorial power over their employees, but provide little training or oversight. Some of these managers are of course, terribly incompetent and vindictive. They can cause great harm. Senior management will ignore the harm at least for a time. It is best to get as far from these situations as possible.

I have first hand knowledge of this and am so glad I left it. It does however indicate that the culture in many large corporations, is terrible.

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