Working Hard really doesn't pay off in the workplace

Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I wouldn't quit before finding another job and finding another job ain't easy. It's a full time job. Maybe it's easy for you because every food store in every town needs guys to collect shopping carts out in the parking lot. Lol

I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.
I haven't worked for anyone but myself in over 20 years

The main reasons I work for myself are 1) I really hate other people telling me what to do and 2) I had to get away from whining idiots like you who claim they got fired for making too many sales
Funny how many salespeople one month are being given awards and the next month they're on the chopping block.

I won't even try to explain it to you because you don't get it or care.

The dynamics of sales compensation can be complex.
One of the problems of "old salespeople" - and old meaning how many years with the company, is they can build a client base that can effectively support themselves by simply living off of that base. In other words they can be one of the highest compensated people in the company, but do almost nothing for it currently. For years companies have tried to deal with that. Most of them unsuccessfully.
That's what they did to my buddy! He made $15k a year off this account he found years ago. He doesn't have to do anything for it anymore

But the company never said ANYTHING up front about taking accounts away and making them house accounts.

And I can remember them actually saying you have to prospect hard in the beginning and later you won't have to because you will have a database of existing customers.

Maybe the company should be honest up front about how things work? Let us know they will make any easy sales house accounts.

I'm so glad I found a great company to work for.
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

That's what unemployment insurance is for. If you don't appreciate my work let me go but in America we have social safety nets.


A "safety net" is not for greasy, loser parasites like you to game the system. Weasels like you deplete the safety net for those who really need it. Scum like you are exactly why well-intentioned welfare systems fail.
Corporations "game" the system why not me?

My employer approved my benefits. The state approved them. Who the fuck are you?

And it's not welfare.

Maybe my employer should have tried harder to make me happy
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

That's what unemployment insurance is for. If you don't appreciate my work let me go but in America we have social safety nets.


A "safety net" is not for greasy, loser parasites like you to game the system. Weasels like you deplete the safety net for those who really need it. Scum like you are exactly why well-intentioned welfare systems fail.
Corporations "game" the system why not me?......

Loser. No-character, low-life scum like you do nothing but enervate society. You really should move to one of those countries you think are better instead of staying here trying to make this one worse.
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

What do you do for a living? What state do you live in?

You can read all about it in my autobiography, loser.
It all worked out. Now I literally make 2x what I was making with that asshole and I'm about to get a big raise.

My last employer loved me. It was only after he changed the rules on me that I stopped caring. And like another previous employer I saw person after person after person come and go because the guy doesn't treat people right.

Should I have found another job first? Sure. But finding another job is hard when you already have a full time job.

Oh and by the way, the things I stopped doing were things no one else was doing. I was going above and beyond. Once I realized I was being taken advantage of I stopped going above and beyond. But at that point he was expecting it from me.

Sorry, but now I'm just going to run your business like any other underpaid worker does. If you don't like it fire me.

I thought business owners are responsible for themselves? Don't blame me if your business closes.

I remember taking over for and being trained by the guy he took advantage of before me.

And I trained the guy who would eventually take over for me. 3 month later that location closed.

Oh, and this employer wrote me the best letter of recommendation that helped me get my current job. He knows he was never going to be able to pay me what I'm worth and he knows I worked my ass off for him.
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

I'm not a loser........

Your own words reveal you as such.
Not really. I'm a big winner now and was before the bush recession. Funny huh?

Amazing how many people who were great employees became losers after bush sent our economy out of the country.
Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I wouldn't quit before finding another job and finding another job ain't easy. It's a full time job. Maybe it's easy for you because every food store in every town needs guys to collect shopping carts out in the parking lot. Lol

I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.
I haven't worked for anyone but myself in over 20 years

The main reasons I work for myself are 1) I really hate other people telling me what to do and 2) I had to get away from whining idiots like you who claim they got fired for making too many sales
Funny how many salespeople one month are being given awards and the next month they're on the chopping block.

I won't even try to explain it to you because you don't get it or care.

Yeah I'm sure the reason they got fired is they were too good at their jobs

Can you smell the shit that comes out of your own mouth
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

That's what unemployment insurance is for. If you don't appreciate my work let me go but in America we have social safety nets.

Without unions we need unemployment benefits. Because companies can drop us like hot potatoes.

Not all of us have highly sought after phylosopy degrees like you
If you get fired for cause you don't get unemployment.
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

I'm not a loser........

Your own words reveal you as such.
Not really. I'm a big winner now and was before the bush recession. Funny huh?

Amazing how many people who were great employees became losers after bush sent our economy out of the country.
I find that people who make a point of saying they're not losers or that they are big winners are usually the former and never the latter
Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I wouldn't quit before finding another job and finding another job ain't easy. It's a full time job. Maybe it's easy for you because every food store in every town needs guys to collect shopping carts out in the parking lot. Lol

I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.
I haven't worked for anyone but myself in over 20 years

The main reasons I work for myself are 1) I really hate other people telling me what to do and 2) I had to get away from whining idiots like you who claim they got fired for making too many sales
Funny how many salespeople one month are being given awards and the next month they're on the chopping block.

I won't even try to explain it to you because you don't get it or care.

Yeah I'm sure the reason they got fired is they were too good at their jobs

Can you smell the shit that comes out of your own mouth
If you've never worked for a company who's model is to take advantage of 80% of their workforce, you'll never understand.

It'd be like telling trump money is tight. Not for him it's not
Can we roll the credits on this chick flick of a thread now?

For christ's fucking sake if you don't like your job grow a set and quit.
I wouldn't quit before finding another job and finding another job ain't easy. It's a full time job. Maybe it's easy for you because every food store in every town needs guys to collect shopping carts out in the parking lot. Lol

I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.
I haven't worked for anyone but myself in over 20 years

The main reasons I work for myself are 1) I really hate other people telling me what to do and 2) I had to get away from whining idiots like you who claim they got fired for making too many sales
Funny how many salespeople one month are being given awards and the next month they're on the chopping block.

I won't even try to explain it to you because you don't get it or care.

Yeah I'm sure the reason they got fired is they were too good at their jobs

Can you smell the shit that comes out of your own mouth
If you've never worked for a company who's model is to take advantage of 80% of their workforce, you'll never understand.

It'd be like telling trump money is tight. Not for him it's not


Gee I got fired because I was just too fucking good at my job and made the company too much money

Now that's hilarious
I've found a way to get out of the doldrums of being a wage slaving corporate tool...Self employment...
I prefer to stop caring and let them let me go so I can collect unemployment while looking for another job.

I'm not a loser........

Your own words reveal you as such.
Not really. I'm a big winner now and was before the bush recession. Funny huh?

Amazing how many people who were great employees became losers after bush sent our economy out of the country.
I find that people who make a point of saying they're not losers or that they are big winners are usually the former and never the latter
What do you think about people who call others losers? I find they (you and unkotard) are usually the biggest losers and very unhappy
I'm not a loser........

Your own words reveal you as such.
Not really. I'm a big winner now and was before the bush recession. Funny huh?

Amazing how many people who were great employees became losers after bush sent our economy out of the country.
I find that people who make a point of saying they're not losers or that they are big winners are usually the former and never the latter
What do you think about people who call others losers? I find they (you and unkotard) are usually the biggest losers and very unhappy
I never called anyone in this thread a loser.

Whiners yes
I've found a way to get out of the doldrums of being a wage slaving corporate tool...Self employment...
Good for you! Now you can be your own boss, work 7 days a week and pay for your own benefits. You make less and work harder just to be your own boss.

Should every worker quit and start their own business? That would certainly bring wages up
I'm not a loser........

Your own words reveal you as such.
Not really. I'm a big winner now and was before the bush recession. Funny huh?

Amazing how many people who were great employees became losers after bush sent our economy out of the country.
I find that people who make a point of saying they're not losers or that they are big winners are usually the former and never the latter
What do you think about people who call others losers? I find they (you and unkotard) are usually the biggest losers and very unhappy
I never called anyone in this thread a loser.

Whiners yes
Im talking about unkotard then
I've found a way to get out of the doldrums of being a wage slaving corporate tool...Self employment...
Good for you! Now you can be your own boss, work 7 days a week and pay for your own benefits. You make less and work harder just to be your own boss.

Should every worker quit and start their own business? That would certainly bring wages up

Funny I'm my own boss and I work less now and make more.

Being self employed sucks you have to have people working for you.

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