Working Hard really doesn't pay off in the workplace

It has been my experience in life that working hard doesn't really pay off that much. The raises you get are not that much for the effort you put out to get one sometimes so I figure what is the point of all that hard work. Don't get me wrong. One should definitely work hard towards the goals they have in life because sometimes it is the only thing one can do in life but in work it rarely does. The amount of energy you put in usually doesn't equal the amount you get back in pay.

What does pay off is 'kissing ass'. I'm going to say this just once. Kissing ass works way better than working hard. Your bosses will think you are an awesome person because you say something nice to them. It is a little humiliating to but it works. You don't have to go overboard with it but it does work. It would be nice to live in a world where work alone will determine your success in the workplace but all your hard work will not pay off if YOUR BOSS HATES YOUR GUTS!

There is nothing in the world you can do at that point because your boss will never give you a break on anything. You may think your supervisor like you but they are playing the same game with you that you with them which is you pretend to be nice to everyone so your work thinks you are a team player. They won't say whether or not they hate you or not just like they won't say that to you so don't fool yourself into thinking that they like you because they happen to greet you when you come into work. Don't you do the same with employees that you don't like?

Your boss could be prejudice against you. I'm not talking about the race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, etc, but she could really hate short ugly men. Maybe your hair was messed up one day or you happen to have bad BO. It is all pretty superficial but it is f'n true. Human nature is pretty superficial. It is the reason we don't go outside in our underwear. We don't want other people to think we are retarded because we happen to go outside in the most efficient clothing style for how weather (maximizing skin surface area to cool you off).

Some people can look pass the superficialness and see the real you. Isn't it wonderful that those people exist? They don't exist at work. In fact, being judged by totally superficial standards seems to increase ten fold at work. A college degree gets you into higher places but people with college degrees can be pretty stupid sometimes as highlighted by videos where college graduates didn't know who christopher columbus is (they know who Karl Marx is though).

Lets not forget what your fellow co-workers will say about you. They hate you too! I'm not fucking kidding on this. They hate you as well and won't tell you. When you are about to get fired they will know and then they will unleash all the hate they wanted to unleash on you at that point. It then snowballs because they tell other people how much you suck as human being. They minute you say anything bad about them they accuse you of engaging in rumors. What the fuck have they been doing for the last five years with your life?

That is another thing. God damn hypocrisy of other human beings just seems rather unfair. They can rip into you 24/7 but the minute you say anything about them then they cry foul to the HR department. They are always the fuckin victim of you the minute you do the same shit they have been doing to you. Don't even bother hoping that HR will solve your issues in your favor. Don't waste your time. Occassionally you might run into one that really does help you but that is only because they are gay and they like you or you happen to be a hot babe that he wants to screw.

That is the only way you get anything special from your supervisor. The rule of thumb is hope you have a gay supervisor or you are a super hot chick. Then you get anything you ever want from them. Don't work hard just be sexy and the whole world will come to you because of universal law number 1 of human nature which is everyone wants to screw.

As a business owner..... Most of the time if you work hard it does pay off. On the other side......... You can work as hard as you want but if your attitude and working habits are sucks then that's your pink slip. As simple as that.

I never seen a pink slip, I always heard about it on TV
Oh and BTW - another little trick corporations are doing is having HR run around and "update" job descriptions. But the real object is to make practically everyone's job unique. Why?...if you haven't already figured that out it is so they can eliminate people without regard to age or years of service. They make each job unique, so they are "eliminating the position" - not the person.
Oh and BTW - another little trick corporations are doing is having HR run around and "update" job descriptions. But the real object is to make practically everyone's job unique. Why?...if you haven't already figured that out it is so they can eliminate people without regard to age or years of service. They make each job unique, so they are "eliminating the position" - not the person.

No employer can eliminate a person.

You do realize that it's the employer who owns the job and not the employee don't you?
Oh and BTW - another little trick corporations are doing is having HR run around and "update" job descriptions. But the real object is to make practically everyone's job unique. Why?...if you haven't already figured that out it is so they can eliminate people without regard to age or years of service. They make each job unique, so they are "eliminating the position" - not the person.

No employer can eliminate a person.

You do realize that it's the employer who owns the job and not the employee don't you?

You do realize that we have laws protecting people from unscrupulous employers don't you?
You want to work in an environment like it was 100 years ago?
I don't know about anyone else, but, I'd like to get paid based on projects completed and results, but, not have to work evenings and weekends. That would motivate me.
Hard work always pays off, in the long run.

Even if the odds are against you climbing the ladder because you are not an insider, or your degree is not in the field you are trying to climb the ladder in, or the nephew was brought in for the position you wanted,

Leave IF you want, but if you choose to stay, work harder, try harder, do everything your boss wants and add some of your own ideas to make things even better with company goals....

And if you do this, even as an under dog...the dudes with degrees in the field, the nephew, etc....Will either fail or move up and that promotion will finally be yours for the position you wanted.

"The harder you work, the luckier you get."
Hard work does not always keep you employed

If you don't fit in, they will get rid of you
Oh and BTW - another little trick corporations are doing is having HR run around and "update" job descriptions. But the real object is to make practically everyone's job unique. Why?...if you haven't already figured that out it is so they can eliminate people without regard to age or years of service. They make each job unique, so they are "eliminating the position" - not the person.

No employer can eliminate a person.

You do realize that it's the employer who owns the job and not the employee don't you?

You do realize that we have laws protecting people from unscrupulous employers don't you?
You want to work in an environment like it was 100 years ago?

getting fired is not the same as being subject to dangerous work environments

As far as I'm concerned an employer has the right to fire anyone at any time for any reason
Oh and BTW - another little trick corporations are doing is having HR run around and "update" job descriptions. But the real object is to make practically everyone's job unique. Why?...if you haven't already figured that out it is so they can eliminate people without regard to age or years of service. They make each job unique, so they are "eliminating the position" - not the person.

No employer can eliminate a person.

You do realize that it's the employer who owns the job and not the employee don't you?

You do realize that we have laws protecting people from unscrupulous employers don't you?
You want to work in an environment like it was 100 years ago?

getting fired is not the same as being subject to dangerous work environments

As far as I'm concerned an employer has the right to fire anyone at any time for any reason
So, if your employer doesn't like the clothes you are wearing and fires you for it, you are fine with it???
Oh and BTW - another little trick corporations are doing is having HR run around and "update" job descriptions. But the real object is to make practically everyone's job unique. Why?...if you haven't already figured that out it is so they can eliminate people without regard to age or years of service. They make each job unique, so they are "eliminating the position" - not the person.

No employer can eliminate a person.

You do realize that it's the employer who owns the job and not the employee don't you?

You do realize that we have laws protecting people from unscrupulous employers don't you?
You want to work in an environment like it was 100 years ago?

getting fired is not the same as being subject to dangerous work environments

As far as I'm concerned an employer has the right to fire anyone at any time for any reason
So, if your employer doesn't like the clothes you are wearing and fires you for it, you are fine with it???

Yes. If I am not putting forth the image he wants for his business then I should not be there

FYI I haven't worked for anyone else in over 2 decades but when I used to I used to respect the fact that the employer owned my job and that I had absolutely no right to it.
FYI I haven't worked for anyone else in over 2 decades but when I used to I used to respect the fact that the employer owned my job and that I had absolutely no right to it.

That explains it. You have no experience on the subject.
FYI I haven't worked for anyone else in over 2 decades but when I used to I used to respect the fact that the employer owned my job and that I had absolutely no right to it.

That explains it. You have no experience on the subject.

Probably more than you

I've worked for many different people in many different capacities and no matter where I worked there were always people who thought that somehow the job they held was theirs and not the employer's to give. They were invariably the people who felt they were entitled, caused the most discord and were let go more often than not

Now I just have to weed out the people like you during the interview process when I hire new people
FYI I haven't worked for anyone else in over 2 decades but when I used to I used to respect the fact that the employer owned my job and that I had absolutely no right to it.

That explains it. You have no experience on the subject.

Probably more than you

I've worked for many different people in many different capacities and no matter where I worked there were always people who thought that somehow the job they held was theirs and not the employer's to give. They were invariably the people who felt they were entitled, caused the most discord and were let go more often than not

Now I just have to weed out the people like you during the interview process when I hire new people

Sorry, your just wrong. I get what you are saying, I do - but it does not apply to every workplace environment.
I am 51 years old, I have had a job working somewhere literally since I was 12 years old. I have worked for very large corporations, as well as small privately owned businesses.
We live in a modern society, and thankfully a country that seeks to protect the innocent. Including protecting someones lifelong accomplishments and property from being ruined by an evil employer that has it out for them.
Particularly as I get older I am more attuned to rights and fairness of older people that have given decades of their lives providing solid service to companies only to be stomped on by a newly hired boss.
Employers are not Gods. There are great bosses and truly evil bastards who have zero ethics or morals and think nothing of ruining someones life for personal reasons.
People deserve to be protected in this way. PERIOD. You can disagree, but sorry - you are simply wrong. It is no longer the dark ages.
FYI I haven't worked for anyone else in over 2 decades but when I used to I used to respect the fact that the employer owned my job and that I had absolutely no right to it.

That explains it. You have no experience on the subject.

Probably more than you

I've worked for many different people in many different capacities and no matter where I worked there were always people who thought that somehow the job they held was theirs and not the employer's to give. They were invariably the people who felt they were entitled, caused the most discord and were let go more often than not

Now I just have to weed out the people like you during the interview process when I hire new people

Sorry, your just wrong. I get what you are saying, I do - but it does not apply to every workplace environment.
I am 51 years old, I have had a job working somewhere literally since I was 12 years old. I have worked for very large corporations, as well as small privately owned businesses.
We live in a modern society, and thankfully a country that seeks to protect the innocent. Including protecting someones lifelong accomplishments and property from being ruined by an evil employer that has it out for them.
Particularly as I get older I am more attuned to rights and fairness of older people that have given decades of their lives providing solid service to companies only to be stomped on by a newly hired boss.
Employers are not Gods. There are great bosses and truly evil bastards who have zero ethics or morals and think nothing of ruining someones life for personal reasons.
People deserve to be protected in this way. PERIOD. You can disagree, but sorry - you are simply wrong. It is no longer the dark ages.

Cut the shit. No employer is plotting to steal away your lifetime accomplishments. In fact I'll wager not one employee you ever had gave a crap about anything you did when you were not on the clock.

Look you as an employee sell your labor to someone that is all you do. The employer buys your labor for as long as it is financially prudent to do so. He has no personal obligation to you whatsoever and really he has every right to terminate your employment if at any time he thinks you are not advancing the position of his business which is the one and only reason you were hired in the first place.

That is all a job is that is all a job ever has been that is all a job ever will be.

All this whining for protection is silly. Your employer has no obligation to make sure you can pay your bills he only has the obligation to pay you for the work you do as long as he sees fit to do so
FYI I haven't worked for anyone else in over 2 decades but when I used to I used to respect the fact that the employer owned my job and that I had absolutely no right to it.

That explains it. You have no experience on the subject.

Probably more than you

I've worked for many different people in many different capacities and no matter where I worked there were always people who thought that somehow the job they held was theirs and not the employer's to give. They were invariably the people who felt they were entitled, caused the most discord and were let go more often than not

Now I just have to weed out the people like you during the interview process when I hire new people

Sorry, your just wrong. I get what you are saying, I do - but it does not apply to every workplace environment.
I am 51 years old, I have had a job working somewhere literally since I was 12 years old. I have worked for very large corporations, as well as small privately owned businesses.
We live in a modern society, and thankfully a country that seeks to protect the innocent. Including protecting someones lifelong accomplishments and property from being ruined by an evil employer that has it out for them.
Particularly as I get older I am more attuned to rights and fairness of older people that have given decades of their lives providing solid service to companies only to be stomped on by a newly hired boss.
Employers are not Gods. There are great bosses and truly evil bastards who have zero ethics or morals and think nothing of ruining someones life for personal reasons.
People deserve to be protected in this way. PERIOD. You can disagree, but sorry - you are simply wrong. It is no longer the dark ages.

Cut the shit. No employer is plotting to steal away your lifetime accomplishments. In fact I'll wager not one employee you ever had gave a crap about anything you did when you were not on the clock.

Look you as an employee sell your labor to someone that is all you do. The employer buys your labor for as long as it is financially prudent to do so. He has no personal obligation to you whatsoever and really he has every right to terminate your employment if at any time he thinks you are not advancing the position of his business which is the one and only reason you were hired in the first place.

That is all a job is that is all a job ever has been that is all a job ever will be.

All this whining for protection is silly. Your employer has no obligation to make sure you can pay your bills he only has the obligation to pay you for the work you do as long as he sees fit to do so

From 2004-2013 I had a corporate division leader who was the ass of asses. One of those guys who climbed to the top via a spectacular skill of maneuvering himself in the right direction. The guy was uncanny, blatantly lying to avoid his name attached to something negative and equally lie to claim that he was deeply involved in decisions when things went well. When in truth, he rarely involved himself at all - which of course fit his M.O. completely. Because of his position, and the companies habit of following hierarchy like most large corporations do, anyone who went up against him no matter how right they were - very quickly found themselves in oblivion.
This man almost ruined my career. Like I said before, I ran two of their companies...and did an outstanding job at it. Even after 2008, we were still well above industry average margins. Make a long story short - he absolutely sabotaged a $2.2 mil deal because it would have made him look like a fool. Having thought the deal was dead, he rarely misaligned himself and set out to show how he was against it, and avoided losses. When it went through - he was furious...and I was the chief backer of the deal, therefore it was me who attracted his ire. He did everything in his power to spoil everything - and did just that. The company lost about $1.5 million in the process - and I was on the carpet for it. I was doomed. But as pure luck would have it I was recruited by one of the other companies involved that was aware of the situation and I managed to save my name.
By your opinion, that a boss owes no one anything...and can do whatever he wants and no one has any right under him - you agree that he is in the right.
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FYI I haven't worked for anyone else in over 2 decades but when I used to I used to respect the fact that the employer owned my job and that I had absolutely no right to it.

That explains it. You have no experience on the subject.

Probably more than you

I've worked for many different people in many different capacities and no matter where I worked there were always people who thought that somehow the job they held was theirs and not the employer's to give. They were invariably the people who felt they were entitled, caused the most discord and were let go more often than not

Now I just have to weed out the people like you during the interview process when I hire new people

Sorry, your just wrong. I get what you are saying, I do - but it does not apply to every workplace environment.
I am 51 years old, I have had a job working somewhere literally since I was 12 years old. I have worked for very large corporations, as well as small privately owned businesses.
We live in a modern society, and thankfully a country that seeks to protect the innocent. Including protecting someones lifelong accomplishments and property from being ruined by an evil employer that has it out for them.
Particularly as I get older I am more attuned to rights and fairness of older people that have given decades of their lives providing solid service to companies only to be stomped on by a newly hired boss.
Employers are not Gods. There are great bosses and truly evil bastards who have zero ethics or morals and think nothing of ruining someones life for personal reasons.
People deserve to be protected in this way. PERIOD. You can disagree, but sorry - you are simply wrong. It is no longer the dark ages.

Cut the shit. No employer is plotting to steal away your lifetime accomplishments. In fact I'll wager not one employee you ever had gave a crap about anything you did when you were not on the clock.

Look you as an employee sell your labor to someone that is all you do. The employer buys your labor for as long as it is financially prudent to do so. He has no personal obligation to you whatsoever and really he has every right to terminate your employment if at any time he thinks you are not advancing the position of his business which is the one and only reason you were hired in the first place.

That is all a job is that is all a job ever has been that is all a job ever will be.

All this whining for protection is silly. Your employer has no obligation to make sure you can pay your bills he only has the obligation to pay you for the work you do as long as he sees fit to do so

From 2004-2013 I had a corporate division leader who was the ass of asses. One of those guys who climbed to the top via a spectacular skill of maneuvering himself in the right direction. The guy was uncanny, blatantly lying to avoid his name attached to something negative and equally lie to claim that he was deeply involved in decisions when things went well. When in truth, he rarely involved himself at all - which of course fit his M.O. completely. Because of his position, and the companies habit of following hierarchy like most large corporations do, anyone who went up against him no matter how right they were - very quickly found themselves in oblivion.
This man almost ruined my career. Like I said before, I ran two of their companies...and did an outstanding job at it. Even after 2008, we were still well above industry average margins. Make a long story short - he absolutely sabotaged a $2.2 mil deal because it would have made him look like a fool. Having thought the deal was dead, he rarely misaligned himself and set out to show how he was against it, and avoided losses. When it went through - he was furious...and I was the chief backer of the deal, therefore it was me who attracted his ire. He did everything in his power to spoil everything - and did just that. The company lost about $1.5 million in the process - and I was on the carpet for it. I was doomed. But as pure luck would have it I was recruited by one of the other companies involved that was aware of the situation and I managed to save my name.
By your opinion, that a boss owes no one anything...and can do whatever he wants and no one has any right under him - you agree that he is in the right.

If he was your employer then yes. It was his job to give and it was his job to take away. The job was never yours.
If he was just another employee of your employer who was given certain authorities over you then you had the ability to make your case to the actual employer

The world is full of assholes always has been always will be.
Hard work does not always keep you employed

If you don't fit in, they will get rid of you
As well they should

Why? Unless you are being difficult or disruptive... if you are positively affecting the bottom line and otherwise doing your job....?

Someone who doesn't fit in or refuses to change in order to fit in does not positively contribute to the company.

You could have a great employee who is an absolute nightmare for morale why keep him if he is a pain in the ass?

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