Working middle class tax cut...

Well, if you look at what has been happening in the health care industry and insurance in the past...30+ years, you are deceiving yourself.

My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
This was something the progressives advocated for years............but the teabagger republicans wanted to take care of their cronies and denied it.
Nice try.

My forced ACA Premium every month was $998.00 for me and my wife. The offsetting tax credit was $996.00, leaving me with $2.00 a month that I had to pay. We took advantage of some of the "free" preventative care and still ended up paying for it because the idiots at Covered California got my wife's birthday wrong so payments kept being declined. ACA also never covered the $1,000 ambulance charge when I got food poisoning and the lack of coverage for the hospital left me with another $1,000 to tack onto my credit card.

We had never had any problems paying out of pocket before, but now that the individual mandate is tied to my taxes I also need to file my taxes to keep the ACA coverage. Before, if I made under a certain amount (enough to qualify for a refund) I would not be obligated to file my taxes, which was the case last year. Then I started getting notices that I was required to file as "Head of Household" and needed to verify our income to keep our Covered California tax credit. We ignored the notice and since have gotten other notices stating that we are covered, and asking us to renew.

The day President Trump got elected I called Covered California to cancel my coverage effective January 2017. Wouldn't you know it, they screwed up again and cancelled effective December 2016? Idiots. The operator stated that in California it is self perpetuating even if ACA is dismantled. I would like to see California impose a federal mandate that no longer exists. Since ACA was tied to my Federal taxes I find that to be an empty threat. If I do face a penalty for tax years 2017-18 then I'll take my chances. I'll still save money by not being on the hook for that $998.00 monthly premium that I can't afford. My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it?
Okay, maybe you can explain the existence of "managed care"?

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