World changing fast


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
It was in Khartoum in 1967 that the Arab League met and stated the three nos. No peace with Israel. No recognition of Israel. No negotiation with Israel.
A Israeli delegation recently flew to Khartoum on direct flight from Jerusalem. The world has changed. think about this. It was the peace accord with Egypt in 1979 that was the breakthrough that changed everything. Sadat was condemned as traitor by the Arab League was murdered but the truce has survived regime changes in Egypt.
It was 15 years later in 1994 that another Arab state Jordan recognized Israel when King Huessein signed a peace accord.
It is 26 years later and would anyone have thought possible that three Arab states would recognize in a matter of months? That would have seemed impossible not long ago.
Lets see what becomes of Bibis meeting in Saudi Arabia. That may lead to even more.
It is 26 years later and would anyone have thought possible that three Arab states would recognize in a matter of months? That would have seemed impossible not long ago.
It never would have happened if hillary were president
Keep watching one hand while ignoring the other- time will tell- Historians will decide-

We just made a free trade treaty with India. They are in conflict with pakistan. Recognition is always good but do we need relations with Pakistan?

Was thinking the same...
But what is the subcontext, what was the Pakistani reaction?

"Ki MiZion Titze Torah uDvar HaShem miYerushalayim..." - Yish'ayah
More concerned with Indian reaction if we sign accord with Pakistan
More concerned with Indian reaction if we sign accord with Pakistan

Maybe we underestimate our potential.
What do we know about India and Pakistan? That they're enemies?
Not sure I know enough about their situation to say where the winds blow.

That's the thing, world is changing.
I wouldn't mind to see an Israeli PM at the signing of THEIR normalizaion.
We just made a free trade treaty with India.
"We"? The US has a history of reneging on treaties- wonder if our "allies" approve?

trade with all, ally with none- from men a lot more intellectual than the Empty Suits of the world today- or message board acolytes of the church of godvernment-

We just made a free trade treaty with India. They are in conflict with pakistan. Recognition is always good but do we need relations with Pakistan?
Correct. Israel/India a must. Pakistan also would be nice but not needed. So great to have nuclear Israel/India united with Iran in checkmate between them.
It was in Khartoum in 1967 that the Arab League met and stated the three nos. No peace with Israel. No recognition of Israel. No negotiation with Israel.
A Israeli delegation recently flew to Khartoum on direct flight from Jerusalem. The world has changed. think about this. It was the peace accord with Egypt in 1979 that was the breakthrough that changed everything. Sadat was condemned as traitor by the Arab League was murdered but the truce has survived regime changes in Egypt.
It was 15 years later in 1994 that another Arab state Jordan recognized Israel when King Huessein signed a peace accord.
It is 26 years later and would anyone have thought possible that three Arab states would recognize in a matter of months? That would have seemed impossible not long ago.
Lets see what becomes of Bibis meeting in Saudi Arabia. That may lead to even more.
All excellent. The world is learning. If you can't work for a Middle East peace with the Palestinians, do so around them & LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

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