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World reacts with disgust over Obamas 40 second mention -before jokes- Plane shot dow

Reagan kicked ass
Took no shit from anyone
What do we have now?
A vacationing, fundraising pussy

Reagan cut and ran from Beirut after 241 Americans were killed in a morning bombing.


Obama cut and ran from Iraq.

Now it belongs to ISIS.

Why don't we exchange screw ups throughout history, shall we?

Wow is right.

It was "Bushes Bug Out" :D.

The breakup of the Iraqi state is all on the decider, President Bush.
So I'll ask again, did he do the best thing? No one on the left seems to be offering a more PC solution.

No. He clearly did not say enough. He needed to say more so Fox and the Washington Times could parse the living shit out of it and find evidence of the end of civilization in his statements.

Since he didn't, he must be criticized for his restraint. The man can DO NO RIGHT. Every last thing he does is wrong, evil, satanic, and Kenyan. Don't ever, ever, ever forget that.

There is a vast difference between cautious restraint and political cowardice. This incompetent boob has demonstrated over and over again that he is incapable of making tough foreign policy decisions. He votes present, even as the Commander in Chief.

Of course Fox news, the Washington Times, and anyone with common sense, is going to parse everything he says and does. That is part of the job that he campaigned for, and that is why he has a huge staff to polish his talkiing points.

We have Israel invading the Gaza Strip, Syria and Iraq in turmoil and losing to terrorists, and Iran still enriching uranium, while Russia continues to eat away at the Ukraine, and this incompentent boob is out doing campaign events on the taxpayer's dime.

If he has done something right, he is keeping it a big secret.

Now, it would be nice to know whether he learned that the airliner was shot down from the news, or did he actually talk to his intelligence people?
Day Two: It is Friday, first priority must be a round of golf.

It's been 5 years and 180 days. Must be time for another good old fashion wolf cry, opps did I say Wolf Cry? Sorry I meant lie.

President's Schedule - July 18, 2014 | The White House

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO8ahHedcnk]The Guess Who Clap For The Wolfman 1974 Tribute to Wolfman Jack YouTube - YouTube[/ame]

Camp David 5:40p.m., sounds like golf to me.
Reagan kicked ass
Took no shit from anyone
What do we have now?
A vacationing, fundraising pussy

Reagan cut and ran from Beirut after 241 Americans were killed in a morning bombing.


Obama cut and ran from Iraq.

Now it belongs to ISIS.

Why don't we exchange screw ups throughout history, shall we?

Nonsense. Bush negotiated the withdrawal date from Iraq. The good news for both Bush and Obama is that a negotiated withdrawal date and honoring that negotiated withdrawal is NOT an example of cutting and running. However, Reagan just turned tail and ran after the bombing of the Marine barracks and that IS an example of cutting and running under fire. Obviously, Reagan didn't care about the deaths of those Marines (and other American personnel, or he would have actually done something about it.

So, all this nonsense about Obama cutting and running from Iraq is just that; it's nonsense. But there's no way to portray Reagan's acts as heroic in the slightest. In fact, I think it was only a day or so later that Reagan launched his military assault on Grenada which was probably meant as much to divert attention from Beirut as anything else. THAT's your hero?
Megan Kelly just said It could be an act of war. And if it's an act of war with American citizens on the plane...

An act of war with whom?

Megan K is wrong. Military goes by number. 300 people is an attack, not an act of war.

The military goes by what their civilian leaders tell them to do. Nor, is there any magic number that makes an act of war an act of war. That is determined by the circumstances surrounding the act, and the intent of the actors.

If the Russians, or their puppets, deliberately shot down an airliner, that was an act of war against Malaysia.
Day Two: It is Friday, first priority must be a round of golf.

It's been 5 years and 180 days. Must be time for another good old fashion wolf cry, opps did I say Wolf Cry? Sorry I meant lie.

President's Schedule - July 18, 2014 | The White House

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO8ahHedcnk]The Guess Who Clap For The Wolfman 1974 Tribute to Wolfman Jack YouTube - YouTube[/ame]

Camp David 5:40p.m., sounds like golf to me.

Going to be a very short round of golf.

About Camp David: Golf

There is no golf course at Camp David.:lol: There is a driving range near the helicopter landing zone and there is a single golf hole with multiple tees just outside the President's Aspen Lodge.
and your silly play on words isn't fooling anyone
but, you won't ever get over bowing to your dear leader

Only reason why i voted for Obama is your party nominated the guy who thought he was wearing Magic Underpants.

And he was the least crazy guy you had.

I call BS. Reid wears the same underwear and I hear nothing from you open(sic) minded liberals.

Reid isn't running for President.
Yea, your boy king never knows anything.. always the last to fucking know. He's either the biggest dipshit that ever lived or he's a sociopath who lies as easily as his purple lips move. I say both.
nobody knew at that point.

you really don't care about facts, do you? you just want to attack the president.

purple lips?

She's upset she can't call him what she wants to call him....the n word.
I think this is why all conservatives on this board are so pissed off. They can't say the n word and they really, really want to.

Sad little group they are.

It follows then that you freely use it.
lol. had he not mentioned, lgs would have started a thread. had he changed the content of his scheduled speech, lgs would have gotten mad. if he had said anything about russia, lgs would have gotten mad.

there was absolutely no scenario that would not have resulted in an lgs thread with the words 'absolutely disgusting' in them.

I think it's disgusting that she wants to make little Vlads with Puta.

Isn't that funny. That's the impression I got. Sarah's got a school girl crush on Vlad. What a tramp.
It's been 5 years and 180 days. Must be time for another good old fashion wolf cry, opps did I say Wolf Cry? Sorry I meant lie.

President's Schedule - July 18, 2014 | The White House

The Guess Who Clap For The Wolfman 1974 Tribute to Wolfman Jack YouTube - YouTube

Camp David 5:40p.m., sounds like golf to me.

Going to be a very short round of golf.

About Camp David: Golf

There is no golf course at Camp David.:lol: There is a driving range near the helicopter landing zone and there is a single golf hole with multiple tees just outside the President's Aspen Lodge.

Yep...sure sounds like golf to.....someone who doesn't know anything. :D

This reminds me of a very old joke (I updated it slightly).

Barack Obama was visiting a grade school class recently and he asked the students if anyone could give him an example of a “tragedy”.

One little boy stands up and says, “If my best friend who
lives next door is playing in the street and a car comes by and kills him,
that would be a tragedy”.

“NO!” Obama says, “That would be an ACCIDENT.”

A girl raises her hand. “If a school bus carrying fifty children
drove off cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.”

I’m afraid not, explains Obama. “That is what we would call a GREAT LOSS”.

The room fell silent; none of the other children would dare to
volunteer. “What?”, asks Obama, “isn’t there anyone here who can give
me an example of a tragedy”?

Finally, little Johnny raises his hand. He says “If an Airplane
carrying you and and Vice President Biden was blown up by a terrorist, that would be
a tragedy”.

“Wonderful!” Obama beams. “Marvelous! And can you tell me
WHY that would be a tragedy”?

“Well,” says the boy, “because it wouldn’t be an accident, and it certainly
wouldn’t be any great loss!”

Good joke! Will have to remember it the next time a wingnut is prez.

I didn't think it could have been as bad as the Headline interpreted it, but now I think, just how inappropriate can this president get? I find it so hard he earned honest high grades in college. He acts like a halfwit. Either that, or he just doesn't take the time to give thought to anything but his own agenda.

I didn't think it could have been as bad as the Headline interpreted it, but now I think, just how inappropriate can this president get? I find it so hard he earned honest high grades in college. He acts like a halfwit. Either that, or he just doesn't take the time to give thought to anything but his own agenda.

He's totally divorced from his own Presidency.. Lot's of OP eds today discussing that very thing from both liberal and conservative bloggers, writers..
"Looks like a terrible tragedy " Now lets party!!:eusa_clap: What a pathetic joke this unfeeling scum:mad:


'Before I begin, obviously the world is watching reports of a downed passenger jet near the Russia-Ukraine border. And it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy. Right now we’re working to determine whether there were American citizens on board. That is our first priority.'

'And I've directed my national security team to stay in close contact with the Ukrainian governemnt. The United States will offer any assistance we can to help determine what happened and why. And as a country, our thoughts and prayers are with all the families and passengers, wherever they call home.

Obama then jarringly quickly returned to his prepared remarks.

'I want to thank Jeremie for that introduction' he said. 'Give Jeremie a big round of applause.'

'It is great to be in the state that gave us Joe Biden. We’ve got actually some better-looking Bidens with us here today. We've got Beau and his wife, Hallie, are here. Give them a big round of applause. We love them.'

Obama also acknowledged the presence of Treasury Secretary Jack Lew with a joke.

'Jack Lew’s signature is actually on your money,' he said, 'although it's kind of illegible. We teased him when he first became treasury secretary that he was going to have to fix his signature a little bit because it looked just like a caterpillar running along the bottom.'

Obama goes AWOL again with just 40-second mention of Malaysian plane crash | Mail Online

After his speech in Delaware I believe he went to New York for two fund raisers. A real President would have cancelled the fund raisers and gone back to DC, got his advisers together in the situation room to find out the facts.

But then........................

I didn't think it could have been as bad as the Headline interpreted it, but now I think, just how inappropriate can this president get? I find it so hard he earned honest high grades in college. He acts like a halfwit. Either that, or he just doesn't take the time to give thought to anything but his own agenda.

How do you know he had high grades in college? He has refused to allow them to release his college transcripts.
Does anyone really truly believe Obama cares about what is happening in Ukraine or in the Middle East with Israel? Putting aside all the typical partisan stuff when I see him talk about either of these his tone is dull, lifeless, flat, uninspired, seemingly to use the popular term disinterested his body language is much the same. Does anyone see anything different when he talks about either Ukraine or Israel?
sums him up...and the fact he isn't engaged in anything but fundraisers and community agitating


The Cut and Paste President

July 17th, 2014 - 1:59 pm

“Barack Obama provoked fury in the U.S. by casually devoting mere moments to the deaths of 295 people aboard a Malaysian airliner on Thursday in Wilmington, Delaware, and then launching into jokes and his prepared remarks on the need to expand America’s transportation infrastructure,” the London Daily Mail reports:

Twenty-three Americans are feared dead after the jetliner crashed in eastern Ukraine.

Obama declared that ‘it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy, but not before enthusiastically declaring that ‘it is wonderful to be back in Delaware.’

‘Before I begin, obviously the world is watching reports of a downed passenger jet near the Russia-Ukraine border. And it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy. Right now we’re working to determine whether there were American citizens on board. That is our first priority.’

‘And I’ve directed my national security team to stay in close contact with the Ukrainian governemnt. The United States will offer any assistance we can to help determine what happened and why. And as a country, our thoughts and prayers are with all the families and passengers, wherever they call home.

Obama quickly returned to his prepared remarks.

‘I want to thank Jeremie for that introduction’ he said. ‘Give Jeremie a big round of applause.’

‘It is great to be in the state that gave us Joe Biden. We’ve got actually some better-looking Bidens with us here today. We’ve got Beau and his wife, Hallie, are here. Give them a big round of applause. We love them.’

Obama also acknowledged the presence of Treasury Secretary Jack Lew with a joke.

‘Jack Lew’s signature is actually on your money,’ he said, ‘although it’s kind of illegible. We teased him when he first became treasury secretary that he was going to have to fix his signature a little bit because it looked just like a caterpillar running along the bottom.’

From there he launched into a 16-minute speech about transportation projects he wants Republicans to fund, complaining bitterly about their objections to his end-runs around the federal legislature.

See, that’s the problem when the president is utterly dependent on his speech writers and teleprompter programmer that he’ll relentlessly stick to the script on such a grim news day, one in which 23 Americans were reported killed.

all of it here:
Ed Driscoll » The Cut and Paste President

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