World War 2,,,1939 To 1990


May 23, 2014
Historically can we say that the Cold War and a divided Germany was nothing more than an extension of World War Two and that this war did not end until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990? Is this new European (Scotland vote yesterday) and new American culture we have in a post Soviet era is dangerous? Islamic terrorism? This is not a nation state declaring war on another nation state? And how does China factor in? Are Americans so naive as to think that China is not waiting to topple the West as the centrifuge of finance and power? Also, is Europe splitting into parts with groups like the Catalonians wanting independence? Have Europeans retired from the fight? I think we need a strong Europe, nations like United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, and others to lead the world in this fight against those who want to destroy western society. The Greeks gave us the 300...who will give us them now!
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Off your meds tonight?

He's just tryin' to give us something about which to think is all.

Sort of like that that old-school tactic that our Creative Writing 101 teachers taught us called clustering, this thread.

Try to think of it like that, guy.

Beats the hell outta screamin' "Benghazi!!!" and/ or "Zimmerman!!!" at the tops of our lungs at each other on a Friday frick'n night, doesn't it?

Having something to think about is fun.

Being able to think about it freely, without any fear of being rounded up and thrown in front of firing squad because we're thinking about it is a blessing from God. :thup:
Historically can we say that the Cold War and a divided Germany was nothing more than an extension of World War Two and that this war did not end until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990? Is this new European (Scotland vote yesterday) and new American culture we have in a post Soviet era is dangerous? Islamic terrorism? This is not a nation state declaring war on another nation state? And how does China factor in? Are Americans so naive as to think that China is not waiting to topple the West as the centrifuge of finance and power? Also, is Europe splitting into parts with groups like the Catalonians wanting independence? Have Europeans retired from the fight? I think we need a strong Europe, nations like United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, and others to lead the world in this fight against those who want to destroy western society. The Greeks gave us the 300...who will give us them now!

I think the lack of clear cut good and evil somewhat limit the lines at the recruiting office if that is your concern.

Far as considering WWII ongoing....I can see your point. The Cold War deserves its own credit though. Hatred and fear of Communism and all. this is spreading. China is a world power in the making. Its government IS too centralized or too much of an autocracy by one party or something. Historically they have not invaded many other regions of the world like Europeans have but hey, the world is getting smaller.

I agree with you about a strong U.K. and probably France. I see no historical preference for the world being better with a strong Spain and Germany unless you are just fishing for allies.
I believe that future historians will further diminish the distinction between WW1 and WW2 as independent conflicts. Actually, the Battle of Warsaw (1921), in which the first Soviet invasion of Europe was stopped, may have been the single most important military event of the 20th Century.

Hitler was an insane ideologue, but he correctly identified the Soviet Union as the greatest threat to Europe. He had no territorial ambitions in Western Europe (other than return of the Alsace Region), but felt forced to neutralize France before his eastern assault. Unfortunately, Poland stood in the way of reclaiming East Prussia and attacking Russia. As with the "invasion" of neutral Belgium at the beginning of WW1, Britain used the German invasion of Poland as a pretext for declaring war on its economic rival (while ignoring equal transgressions by Russia/USSR). WW2 lasted 5 years, but the ensuing Cold War lasted for 50 years.

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