World War III may have already started....Who is the President of the United States again?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
World War III 'may have already started' with Russian invasion, Zelenskyy says
"Nobody knows whether it may have already started. And what is the possibility of this war if Ukraine will fall, in case Ukraine will? It's very hard to say," Zelenskyy said. "And we've seen this 80 years ago, when the second world war had started ... nobody would be able to predict when the full scale war would start."
He further emphasized that the outcome of this war has the "whole civilization at stake."
Almost 40% Of Americans Would Rather Flee Than Defend The US; New Poll Finds
When asked this question 68 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of Independents say that they would fight. However more than half of Democrats (52%) said they would flee before fighting for their country (Eight percent did not have an answer, a shrug that is equally alarming). You can bet the pussified, progressive pajama boys, would be the ones that flee their country instead of staying and fighting for its freedom. This is what the public edumacation system has created out of those soy boys. I just know, that if the United States does go to war, it just wont be from outsiders that Biden voters are going to be shot at, but many who see the yellow belly fuckers who run for the border...
........................Stays and fights for his family and country............................Runs to Mexico or Canada because he has no balls.........
Trump told us all, Joe Biden is compromised by Ukraine Russia and China.
What on earth do Americans think all of those tens of millions of dollars from within the highest echelon's of CCP's intelligence agencies, going to Biden were for, Hunter's finger paintings??? Russia also sent Biden multiple millions of dollars in payments, and FBI/SS work diligently to silence all inquires into them!

He's collecting those tens of millions as payment for exactly what you see, attempting to destroy Nato alliance in Afghanistan, shutting down the USA's economy and keeping it there, and obfuscating the absolute shit out of what he is actually doing for Ukraine, which is of course nothing, nothing at all!

I can explain this over and over ad infinitum, yet unless most are willing to actually hear the truth, its a wasted effort... There are reasons why the DC establishment ruthlessly targeted Trump for his phone call with Zelensky, and impeached him for it, even though there was absolutely nothing inappropriate about it whatsoever.

Trump was intent on eradicating the pipeline of corruption from Ukraine, through the United States senate, which is/was of course super-massive, and involved virtually everyone in leadership roles, both sides of the fake aisle. This is why Putin made no overtly aggressive moves on Ukraine under Trump, he knew what Trump was trying to do and he obviously supported it, he knew Trump would never allow Ukraine to join Nato, period!

The day Biden was successfully cheated into office, this invasion began....
The ruble is returning to pre war levels

If iran gets it's way, they'll back door energy to Russia
crappy mcdonalds, kfc, food doesn't hurt russian
I think russia is paying about 1.84 gallon for gas.

In the long run Tucker Carlson may be right.
The sanctions are a joke and so is the Nukes for Oil Death Deal with Iran. They all have back doors to circumnavigate the sanctions against Russia and allow them to launder financial transactions, oil and weapons through Iran and China and a few other key countries and industries.

....Who is the President of the United States again?​

Question is rather if we HAVE a president.
  • Russia is attacking Ukraine
  • China is readying to invade Taiwan (they will invent a crisis, then declare waters in the area off limits, then set up a Naval blockade which Biddum will be loathe to cross)
  • Fat Man with the Hair Cut is rattling sabers
  • Iran is launching rockets at our bases
  • Other countries are refusing calls from Joe Bedlam

Facepalm thread
Imagine the non-stop string of ignorant, embarrassing, dangerous, juvenile, counter-productive and self-serving bullshit we'd be getting from the former guy if he were in there. Every other sentence would be "I know Putin, nobody knows Putin like I do". Criticizing NATO, saying Putin's moves were "genius" and "wonderful" from the White House. Our allies would be repulsed. He'd be making it all about himself and congratulating himself constantly, as always.

What a terrible fuckin' thought. Thank goodness things worked out the way they did.
Imagine the non-stop string of ignorant, embarrassing, dangerous, juvenile, counter-productive and self-serving bullshit we'd be getting from the former guy if he were in there.
We don't have to imagine it. Just take any of your posts but put a better looking face and personality to them who loves this country and who isn't a low life commie shitheel like you. Actually, if Trump were still in there, there would be no Ukrainian conflict in the first place for him to comment over because Trump was a proactive president, he didn't wait for the barn to catch fire first.

Every other sentence would be "I know Putin, nobody knows Putin like I do". Criticizing NATO, saying Putin's moves were "genius" and "wonderful" from the White House. Our allies would be repulsed. He'd be making it all about himself and congratulating himself constantly, as always.
And rightfully so, because, there'd be no Ukraine conflict, no massing of the Chinese, no rumbling of Kim Un, no launching of missiles from Iran at our bases, no refused phone calls by world leaders, no 28 billion missing in Afghan, no fortress around Washington, no 30% inflation, no $7.00 gasoline, and no empty shelves at the food store right now.
Imagine the non-stop string of ignorant, embarrassing, dangerous, juvenile, counter-productive and self-serving bullshit we'd be getting from the former guy if he were in there. Every other sentence would be "I know Putin, nobody knows Putin like I do". Criticizing NATO, saying Putin's moves were "genius" and "wonderful" from the White House. Our allies would be repulsed. He'd be making it all about himself and congratulating himself constantly, as always.

What a terrible fuckin' thought. Thank goodness things worked out the way they did.
No Potential WWIII, No giving Terrriosts $85 Million in US Military technology, No giving Iran a Dirty Nukes for Oil Death Deal, Putin sat down and shut the Hell up, Rocket man quit firing rockets, China did not threaten Taiwan, Cheap Gas, Economic Expansion, Low Inflation, Open Businesses, Secure Borders, No Empty Shelves, and Supply Chain Shortages, and No VAX Nazis bludgeoning people to death with lies, and throwing them out of work for no reason, cuz "Ideology".

Give me mean tweets again to piss off you panty wearing pussies ALL DAY LONG!
Lord you people suck. We could not fight WWII with you panty wastes.
Freaking cross dressing metro sexual, Estrogen Overloaded Children of Hell!
You are all oversensitive COWARDS that I would not spend 1 second in a Fox Hole with.
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