World War III


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
It seems like the world is coming closer to a new world war. Constant clashes in the Middle East, growing tension in the South China Sea, the war in Eastern Europe... These are probably the last years of peace. Sooner or later there will be a nuclear war. China, Russia, muslim terrorists... How high are chances that we are getting closer to the end of days?
Quit watching cable news, except for a few spots the world has never been more peaceful.
Not the first time things have gotten hairy...


Stay calm, and carry on.
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Quit watching cable news, except for a few spots the world has never been more peaceful.
Damn it seems like it's getting only worse. Terrorist threat has never been so high, Russians are going insane, Chinese are striving for the world domination. Our world doesn't look peaceful in any possible way.
Quit watching cable news, except for a few spots the world has never been more peaceful.
Damn it seems like it's getting only worse. Terrorist threat has never been so high, Russians are going insane, Chinese are striving for the world domination. Our world doesn't look peaceful in any possible way.

It's coming. And it is coming sooner, rather than later.
It seems like the world is coming closer to a new world war. Constant clashes in the Middle East, growing tension in the South China Sea, the war in Eastern Europe... These are probably the last years of peace. Sooner or later there will be a nuclear war. China, Russia, muslim terrorists... How high are chances that we are getting closer to the end of days?

Last years of peace?

Where have you been living?

We have been living with the threat of nuclear war for over 60 years- no closer - and probably further from it now than we were in 1960.

Just lots of fear mongering.
don't know about the 'end times' but yeah , ww3 seems to be getting closer . Arabs looking to counter mrobama arming the Iranians by letting them have their own nukes . Constant problems with Israel being attacked by its enemies . Interesting times .
Quit watching cable news, except for a few spots the world has never been more peaceful.
Damn it seems like it's getting only worse. Terrorist threat has never been so high, Russians are going insane, Chinese are striving for the world domination. Our world doesn't look peaceful in any possible way.

Terrorist threat has never been so high?


Maybe if you live in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria or Yemen.....but if you live in the West- the biggest 'threat' was 9/11.

We have had no comparable threat since.

Why are you so terrified?
Damn it seems like it's getting only worse. Terrorist threat has never been so high, Russians are going insane, Chinese are striving for the world domination. Our world doesn't look peaceful in any possible way.

They were a lot higher back in September of 2001.
USA has always been pretty peaceful , no active wars in the USA or on our borders . Nukes from Russia were deterred by 'mad' and the USA was strong both defensively and offensively Syriusly !!
9 11 Though bad was never more than an attack , didn't threaten the USA .
USA has always been pretty peaceful , no active wars in the USA or on our borders . Nukes from Russia were deterred by 'mad' and the USA was strong both defensively and offensively Syriusly !!
True enough...but the problem is not other nations attacking us. It is our crazy corrupt political leadership starting wars.
that's a matter of opinion as to starting crazy wars . From what I remember the invasion of Iraq went fine . Eventually the war was won , USA left too soon in my opinion . And we know who did that !!
'It seems like the world is coming closer to a new world war."

Only to delusional, clueless nitwits such as you.

As already correctly noted, stop watching cable news, it only creates false perceptions of the way things really are.
It seems like the world is coming closer to a new world war. Constant clashes in the Middle East, growing tension in the South China Sea, the war in Eastern Europe... These are probably the last years of peace. Sooner or later there will be a nuclear war. China, Russia, muslim terrorists... How high are chances that we are getting closer to the end of days?

Existential risk is a serious problem, and the Great Filter is a serious issue, which we aren't doing enough about although we could be doing a lot more to deal with it. However, nuclear war is unlikely to be a large fraction of that risk, and moreover, a nuclear war very soon is unlikely. Question: suppose someone offered to make a $20 bet with you that no state-level nuclear exchange will occur in the next 5 years, would you take that bet?
It seems like the world is coming closer to a new world war. Constant clashes in the Middle East, growing tension in the South China Sea, the war in Eastern Europe... These are probably the last years of peace. Sooner or later there will be a nuclear war. China, Russia, muslim terrorists... How high are chances that we are getting closer to the end of days?

Last years of peace?

Where have you been living?

We have been living with the threat of nuclear war for over 60 years- no closer - and probably further from it now than we were in 1960.

Just lots of fear mongering.


The Obama Doctrine: Hey, lets let Muslims have nuclear weapons!

I can't imagine how liberal loons & pinheads can convince themselves that this is not the ultimate outcome of our President's policies. A Mullah holding a nuclear trigger.

Or, that Muslims ought to get them, either to be fair and equal to all, or because Russia has set such a good example over the last 75 years.

Russians can understand Mutually Assured Destruction, because they are rational. A Mullah, or an Ayatollah, is liable to wake up any morning thinking Allah likes the idea of Mutually Assured Destruction.

Wants it today!!

If Obama's policies start a nuclear arms race in Arabia & Persia, he will surely go down as the worst fool ever. I think even the fools will come to see him as such.
just my opinion MRClean , 3000 died in 911 , no more attacks made it through . Still , that was 15 years ago and its the future that's interesting to me so I won't argue the importance of the trade towers . I mean , yeah , 911 happened but that's the end of that imo !!
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