world worse since jesus


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
so, if you believe in jesus, the world became worse after he came
in WW2 we had the greatest murder/rape/robbery/ and of course--killing
we also had WW1....
there are still wars/genocide/etc
why did he ''come to earth''?
nothing has changed...humans have not changed

He PROMISED it will get MUCH worse.

"As it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."--Jesus
Before Moses came, men were slaves 24/7. Thank him for the Sabbath that turned into you extended weekend.

Before Jesus walked the earth, there was no charity, just brutal tyranny and survival of the fittest.

Thank Jesus for a helping hand to the poor, in fact, those who practice their faith spend much more of the money and give of their time to the poor than dead beat atheists who just sit back and bitch and moan about voting for people that should make them pay more in taxes, hoping some of the money goes to the poor.
Before Moses came, men were slaves 24/7. Thank him for the Sabbath that turned into you extended weekend.

Before Jesus walked the earth, there was no charity, just brutal tyranny and survival of the fittest.

Thank Jesus for a helping hand to the poor, in fact, those who practice their faith spend much more of the money and give of their time to the poor than dead beat atheists who just sit back and bitch and moan about voting for people that should make them pay more in taxes, hoping some of the money goes to the poor.
thanks for the reply
so there was no charity before jesus? most humans would not help a friend, a stranger, a family in need, etc??---
brutal tyranny? so humans somehow changed?
but we still have all the bad things you mention....
so you are saying before jesus there really weren't any good humans--no charity, etc?
after jesus that changed?

--but we still had WW1 and 2......not only did we have the military killing--but you had neighbor kill/rob/rape neighbor in the Balkans, France, Russia--all over the world.....
when law and order broke down--the ''natural'' evil of humanity was exposed
so after jesus there were less bad humans?
thanks for replies
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I’m used to people blaming everything on the Jews.

But I’m pretty confident you can’t pin World War II on jeesus.
I’m used to people blaming everything on the Jews.

But I’m pretty confident you can’t pin World War II on jeesus.
you misinterpret the OP by a million miles
I'm saying even if there was a jesus--he did not change anything..he did not change humans at all--because we still have murder/rape/robbery/etc in great quantity---the most 2000 years AFTER he came
I’m used to people blaming everything on the Jews.

But I’m pretty confident you can’t pin World War II on jeesus.
you misinterpret the OP by a million miles
I'm saying even if there was a jesus--he did not change anything..he did not change humans at all--because we still have murder/rape/robbery/etc in great quantity---the most 2000 years AFTER he came

He gave us the chance at salvation. He came for a purpose...and died for it

He PROMISED it will get MUCH worse.

"As it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."--Jesus
he promised many wars/genocide/etc?
when will it end? ..I don't see it ending
I’m used to people blaming everything on the Jews.

But I’m pretty confident you can’t pin World War II on jeesus.
you misinterpret the OP by a million miles
I'm saying even if there was a jesus--he did not change anything..he did not change humans at all--because we still have murder/rape/robbery/etc in great quantity---the most 2000 years AFTER he came

I don’t even believe he existed so I can’t conceive of him as the fulcrum of human social evolution.

That being said, according to Steven Pinker, we currently live in the safest, least violent epoch in human history - statistically speaking.
I’m used to people blaming everything on the Jews.

But I’m pretty confident you can’t pin World War II on jeesus.
you misinterpret the OP by a million miles
I'm saying even if there was a jesus--he did not change anything..he did not change humans at all--because we still have murder/rape/robbery/etc in great quantity---the most 2000 years AFTER he came

He gave us the chance at salvation. He came for a purpose...and died for it
thanks all replies
really no one can answer my questions---because what you are talking about is above human understanding--correct?
your sentence above is beyond our understanding---it sounds nice, but it seems like you have to have your faith to believe it--so if I don't believe, I won't be saved?--now--truthfully--doesn't that sound ridiculous?? or if I just be a good person, I will be saved?---but then many ''men'' have taught us to be ''good''
what about people not taught about jesus?
what about the babies that die? how come they get a free ride to salvation?

He PROMISED it will get MUCH worse.

"As it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."--Jesus
he promised many wars/genocide/etc?
when will it end? ..I don't see it ending

The Bible foretells, wars, earthquakes,

He PROMISED it will get MUCH worse.

"As it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."--Jesus
he promised many wars/genocide/etc?
when will it end? ..I don't

“End Times” Prophecy—Sign of the Last Days
I’m used to people blaming everything on the Jews.

But I’m pretty confident you can’t pin World War II on jeesus.
you misinterpret the OP by a million miles
I'm saying even if there was a jesus--he did not change anything..he did not change humans at all--because we still have murder/rape/robbery/etc in great quantity---the most 2000 years AFTER he came

He gave us the chance at salvation. He came for a purpose...and died for it
thanks all replies
really no one can answer my questions---because what you are talking about is above human understanding--correct?
your sentence above is beyond our understanding---it sounds nice, but it seems like you have to have your faith to believe it--so if I don't believe, I won't be saved?--now--truthfully--doesn't that sound ridiculous?? or if I just be a good person, I will be saved?---but then many ''men'' have taught us to be ''good''
what about people not taught about jesus?
what about the babies that die? how come they get a free ride to salvation?

You're not listening, everything that is going on was foretold thiusands of years ago. Not bad for a book of fairy tales, eh?
I’m used to people blaming everything on the Jews.

But I’m pretty confident you can’t pin World War II on jeesus.
you misinterpret the OP by a million miles
I'm saying even if there was a jesus--he did not change anything..he did not change humans at all--because we still have murder/rape/robbery/etc in great quantity---the most 2000 years AFTER he came

I don’t even believe he existed so I can’t conceive of him as the fulcrum of human social evolution.

That being said, according to Steven Pinker, we currently live in the safest, least violent epoch in human history - statistically speaking.
yes, that's what I've read.....but I also want to point out, I also would add not just WW2 killing/etc, but people still hate/lie/etc
even priest still are human and do not follow jesus' teachings
I know a lot of '''practicing'' Catholics that are human--they still '''sin'' by adultery/hate/jealousy/etc...jesus has NOT changed them--even though they say he has
I’m used to people blaming everything on the Jews.

But I’m pretty confident you can’t pin World War II on jeesus.
you misinterpret the OP by a million miles
I'm saying even if there was a jesus--he did not change anything..he did not change humans at all--because we still have murder/rape/robbery/etc in great quantity---the most 2000 years AFTER he came

I don’t even believe he existed so I can’t conceive of him as the fulcrum of human social evolution.

That being said, according to Steven Pinker, we currently live in the safest, least violent epoch in human history - statistically speaking.
yes, that's what I've read.....but I also want to point out, I also would add not just WW2 killing/etc, but people still hate/lie/etc
even priest still are human and do not follow jesus' teachings
I know a lot of '''practicing'' Catholics that are human--they still '''sin'' by adultery/hate/jealousy/etc...jesus has NOT changed them--even though they say he has

It's impossible not to sin. Human nature and free will
really no one can answer my questions
What exactly is your "question." I only read a statement.
actually my main point is jesus was not the son of god because humans have not changed--the world has not changed
we see this in the greatest horror, killing/etc in WW2--after jesus ''came''
humans have not changed..I think this is undeniable
so, if you believe in jesus, the world became worse after he came
in WW2 we had the greatest murder/rape/robbery/ and of course--killing
we also had WW1....
there are still wars/genocide/etc
why did he ''come to earth''?
nothing has changed...humans have not changed
Keep in mind that Jesus did not speak to the nations, he spoke to individuals. He did not promise peace to nations, he promised peace and a fulfilling life to individuals.

No one can predict what nations would be like without Jesus. Would we have had ten world wars instead of two? Would we have had none instead of two? No one can say.

This is what I can say. My life would have been much different without Jesus and his teachings. To me, that counts for a lot.

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