World's largest solar plant now online

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
in MURICA too deniers:

The World's Largest Solar Plant Started Creating Electricity Today
The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is now operational and delivering solar electricity to California customers. At full capacity, the facility's trio of 450-foot high towers produces a gross total of 392 megawatts (MW) of solar power, enough electricity to provide 140,000 California homes with clean energy and avoid 400,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, equal to removing 72,000 vehicles off the road.
what else would you people do except "hope it fails"?

Why would anybody hope it fails? I think it's a great idea if it's cost effective and doesn't put an unneeded burden on families.
what else would you people do except "hope it fails"?

Why would anybody hope it fails? I think it's a great idea if it's cost effective and doesn't put an unneeded burden on families.

I was getting ready to say something similar. I think that in the long run it will prove more cost efficient, as long as maintenance doesn't prove a major problem. Hope the initial construction costs don't end up being too expensive for the consumers, though.
As long as we worship fossil fuels as the god given eternal flame, we can't even acknowledge what true scientific advancement this is. Capturing sun rays and making it cost-effective on this scale is a great stride in the right direction. Hmm, who knew there was value in supplying power whether or not there's a drop of oil or a mountain to be blown to bits...
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Frankly, I think a desalination plant is far more urgent than solar given the expanse of population in the southwest desert regions.
what else would you people do except "hope it fails"?

I'm a climate change skeptic but I'm excited about solar... just because I'm not convinced CO2 is making the earth dangerously warmer doesn't mean I like pollution from coal plants and the way it affects lungs, and mercury in fish, and everything else... sometimes negative externalities do exist.
Solar is a joke.....makes only .2% ( that's a decimal in front of the 2) of our electricity!!!! w0w!!!!

Afraid that's a very time-sensitive argument and not a very good one... "It's only 0.02%!!!" they said a while back... And awhile from now "It's only 2%!!!" then "It's only 20%???" If it's inherently problematic, maybe it won't keep growing but right now it's growing fast and just because it's still small doesn't make a case one way or the other for how good it will be or how good it can get. Horse drawn carriages probably said the same thing about cars a hundred years ago.
can't you find a denier-friendly thread to post on? We're all full-up w/ denier zaniness here :thup:
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