World's largest solar plant now online

Green energy is blooming in Europe.

This plant will never repay its "carbon debt" (what a farcical concept)

I think I'm wasting my time talking to you at all. You have clearly demonstrated no concern for intelligent debate. You assert what sounds right given according to the assumption your worldview and opinions are indisputable fact. The problem is people sharply disagree with you. Millions of people in America strongly think your basic premises are just utterly flawed. I know you don't, and you aren't open to the possibility that your ideas are reason deficient.

What makes you say the solar power plant will never produce say 100,000 megawatts? Which would be a fair assessment of how much energy went into making the components and erecting the plant. If you think the number is higher, why do you?

At any rate, the amount of energy that went into this solar plant is finite. It is limited. So as long as the plant can stay operational, then it is certain its carbon debt will be repaid and many more times over... so you are just crapping nasty brown all over this message board. But your credibility never was very high.

nor will it ever produce energy as efficiently as a FF plant.
What do you base this on? Has solar stop being capable of advancing? If history is a tell-tale sign, then solar prices have dropped every decade in significant is now roughly .74 cents a watt. Fossil fuels are hardly lower, and that's without correcting for how much goes into subsidies of fossil fuels, especially our subsidies on consumption of them, which keeps prices low unlike in the UK where gas is about 10 dollars a gallon. Our consumption subsidies were over 200 billion last year alone. (See subsidies on wikipedia)

Again, you are just shitting your pants when you make flippant remarks with no basis in reality.

and that's without correcting for how much goes into subsidies of fossil fuels, especially our subsidies on consumption of them

We have these subsidies in the US?
I wonder if anyone could list them?
Gnarly needs not one lick of help dealing with you. My guinea pig could deal with you.

The Saudis are a completely backwards society, they actually buy and sell 8 year old girls into slavery. Woman are not allowed to drive, woman are not allowed to be outside without a husband or brother, woman are not allowed to leave their husbands as in they are owned property with no say as to if she wants to remain in an arranged marriage. Woman are slaves in Saudi Arabia.

I would say the Saudis policy on Solar Power is equally ignorant.


Even the Chinese can't get solar to pay for itself.

Chaori to Sell Solar Farms to Repay Bondholders After Default

Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology Co., the first Chinese company to default on corporate bonds onshore, plans to sell assets outside the country to raise cash and repay noteholders.

The manufacturer will seek buyers for solar farms in Greece, Bulgaria, Italy and the U.S., Vice President Liu Tielong said by phone today. Chinese banks that had previously agreed to provide 800 million yuan ($130.3 million ) in loans if the company faced a temporary cash squeeze “have no willingness to lend,” he said.

“Potential buyers aren’t determined yet,” Liu said. “The solar plants are worth more than 1 billion yuan and are more than enough to cover the bond interest.”

The solar-cell maker paid only 4 million yuan of a 89.8 million yuan coupon payment due on March 7 on its 2017 bonds, according to Liu. The failure signals the government may back off its practice of bailing out companies after promising markets a “decisive” role in the allocation of resources.

China Securities Co., which managed the Chaori note sale in 2012, plans to send a notice to bondholders today or tomorrow about convening a meeting, Beijing-based spokeswoman Zhang Jing said by phone today. The meeting date hasn’t been decided and it isn’t clear if most investors are individuals, she said.

Photographer: Brent Lewin/Bloomberg

The Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology Co. website is displayed on an... Read More

According to Chaori’s bond prospectus, Guangfa Bank Co.’s Shanghai branch and China Citic Bank Corp. (998)’s Suzhou branch agreed to extend 800 million yuan in loans to the manufacturer if it faced a temporary cash squeeze. Chaori is still talking to lenders for support, Liu said today.

Chaori to Sell Solar Farms to Repay Bondholders After Default - Bloomberg
& there you go w/ the cheap political hack points :up: 44 didn't start that program.

GOP debunked: 'Obama phone' does not exist, program started in 2008 under Bush
As it happens the "Obama phone" actually was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2008. The program is called "SafeLink Wireless." An article from August 2008 confirms this.

How could it be an "Obama phone" when, at that time, the president had barely won the nomination two months prior?

Once again the GOP has reacted without having the facts, and once again they are holding an empty sack.

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The Saudis are a completely backwards society, they actually buy and sell 8 year old girls into slavery. Woman are not allowed to drive, woman are not allowed to be outside without a husband or brother, woman are not allowed to leave their husbands as in they are owned property with no say as to if she wants to remain in an arranged marriage. Woman are slaves in Saudi Arabia.

I would say the Saudis policy on Solar Power is equally ignorant.


Actually, I make the observation that the Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia still practice slavery. They sell and buy woman.

Then I make the observation that they are building Solar Plants, which require huge amounts of water, a constant source of outside electricity, as well as they produce about 5% of their Rated Capacity.

Then I compare that to California's Green Energy Experiment, which is resulting in rolling blackouts in a time of year when we have never ever had blackouts before.

Which leads to the fact that the Saudi Arabians are a under-educated backwards people who rely on foreigners to develop the resources and to do the work.

A society that is not in revolt over the open buying and selling of 9 year old daughters into sexual slavery is a ignorant, backwards, prehistoric, people at best.

Solar Power in Saudi Arabia, just another indication of the backwardness in Saudi Arabia
The Saudis are a completely backwards society, they actually buy and sell 8 year old girls into slavery. Woman are not allowed to drive, woman are not allowed to be outside without a husband or brother, woman are not allowed to leave their husbands as in they are owned property with no say as to if she wants to remain in an arranged marriage. Woman are slaves in Saudi Arabia.

I would say the Saudis policy on Solar Power is equally ignorant.


Actually, I make the observation that the Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia still practice slavery. They sell and buy woman.

Then I make the observation that they are building Solar Plants, which require huge amounts of water, a constant source of outside electricity, as well as they produce about 5% of their Rated Capacity.

Then I compare that to California's Green Energy Experiment, which is resulting in rolling blackouts in a time of year when we have never ever had blackouts before.

Which leads to the fact that the Saudi Arabians are a under-educated backwards people who rely on foreigners to develop the resources and to do the work.

A society that is not in revolt over the open buying and selling of 9 year old daughters into sexual slavery is a ignorant, backwards, prehistoric, people at best.

Solar Power in Saudi Arabia, just another indication of the backwardness in Saudi Arabia

So Saudi Arabia is backward. So how does that justify your lies concerning solar power? And solar does not require water at all, except for an occasional cleaning. However, nuclear and coal and gas fired plants all require water. Lots of it.
Green energy is blooming in Europe.


PLEASE tell me that is photoshopped.. Would break my heart to see that much good silicon go to waste.. Could have made ObamaPhones for all the little orphans in Missouri with that stuff.

Statistics | EWEA

February 2014
There are now 117.3 GW of installed wind energy capacity in the EU: 110.7 GW onshore and 6.6 GW offshore. 11,159 MW of wind power capacity (worth between €13 bn and €18 bn) was installed in the EU-28 during 2013, a decrease of 8% compared to 2012 installations.

The EU power sector continues its move away from fuel oil and coal with each technology continuing to decommission more than it installs.

The wind power capacity installed by the end of 2013 would, in a normal wind year, produce 257 TWh of electricity, enough to cover 8% of the EU's electricity consumption - up from 7% the year before.

“Compared with electricity from coal, PV electricity over its lifetime uses 86 to 89 percent less water, occupies or transforms over 80 percent less land, presents approximately 95 percent lower toxicity to humans, contributes 92 to 97 percent less to acid rain, and 97 to 98 percent less to marine eutrophication,” she said. Eutrophication is the discharge of excess nutrients that causes algal blooms.

Toward the end of last year, installed global photovoltaic generating capacity passed the milestone of 100 gigawatts — enough to meet the energy needs of 30 million households and save more than 53 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, according to a recent report by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, E.P.I.A., a solar power industry lobby group.

“Right now, today, the world has installed 130 gigawatts of PV, up from 1.4 gigawatts in 2000,” Wolfgang Palz, a former manager of the European Commission’s development program for renewable energies, told a conference organized by France’s National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS, in Paris last month.

Europe alone now has 80 gigawatts of installed photovoltaic capacity, of which 35 gigawatts is in Germany, the European Union leader, providing about 7 percent of the country’s electricity, he said.

Actually, I make the observation that the Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia still practice slavery. They sell and buy woman.

Then I make the observation that they are building Solar Plants, which require huge amounts of water, a constant source of outside electricity, as well as they produce about 5% of their Rated Capacity.

Then I compare that to California's Green Energy Experiment, which is resulting in rolling blackouts in a time of year when we have never ever had blackouts before.

Which leads to the fact that the Saudi Arabians are a under-educated backwards people who rely on foreigners to develop the resources and to do the work.

A society that is not in revolt over the open buying and selling of 9 year old daughters into sexual slavery is a ignorant, backwards, prehistoric, people at best.

Solar Power in Saudi Arabia, just another indication of the backwardness in Saudi Arabia

So Saudi Arabia is backward. So how does that justify your lies concerning solar power? And solar does not require water at all, except for an occasional cleaning. However, nuclear and coal and gas fired plants all require water. Lots of it.

The Nevada Solar One parabolic trough plant consumes 850 gallons of water per MWh on a 360-acre site near Las Vegas, or about 300,000 gallons per acre per year. In comparison, agriculture in Nevada requires almost 1.2 million gallons of water per acre per year – nearly four times the consumption of the solar power plant.

Water Use Management | SEIA

108 million gallons of water for that plant is quite significant.

When you have to lie to make your point you've lost.
Actually, I make the observation that the Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia still practice slavery. They sell and buy woman.

Then I make the observation that they are building Solar Plants, which require huge amounts of water, a constant source of outside electricity, as well as they produce about 5% of their Rated Capacity.

Then I compare that to California's Green Energy Experiment, which is resulting in rolling blackouts in a time of year when we have never ever had blackouts before.

Which leads to the fact that the Saudi Arabians are a under-educated backwards people who rely on foreigners to develop the resources and to do the work.

A society that is not in revolt over the open buying and selling of 9 year old daughters into sexual slavery is a ignorant, backwards, prehistoric, people at best.

Solar Power in Saudi Arabia, just another indication of the backwardness in Saudi Arabia

So Saudi Arabia is backward. So how does that justify your lies concerning solar power? And solar does not require water at all, except for an occasional cleaning. However, nuclear and coal and gas fired plants all require water. Lots of it.

The Nevada Solar One parabolic trough plant consumes 850 gallons of water per MWh on a 360-acre site near Las Vegas, or about 300,000 gallons per acre per year. In comparison, agriculture in Nevada requires almost 1.2 million gallons of water per acre per year – nearly four times the consumption of the solar power plant.

Water Use Management | SEIA

108 million gallons of water for that plant is quite significant.

When you have to lie to make your point you've lost.

You are the liar here. The picture is photovoltaics. No water required other than an occasional cleaning.
Green energy is blooming in Europe.


PLEASE tell me that is photoshopped.. Would break my heart to see that much good silicon go to waste.. Could have made ObamaPhones for all the little orphans in Missouri with that stuff.

Statistics | EWEA

February 2014
There are now 117.3 GW of installed wind energy capacity in the EU: 110.7 GW onshore and 6.6 GW offshore. 11,159 MW of wind power capacity (worth between €13 bn and €18 bn) was installed in the EU-28 during 2013, a decrease of 8% compared to 2012 installations.

The EU power sector continues its move away from fuel oil and coal with each technology continuing to decommission more than it installs.

The wind power capacity installed by the end of 2013 would, in a normal wind year, produce 257 TWh of electricity, enough to cover 8% of the EU's electricity consumption - up from 7% the year before.

“Compared with electricity from coal, PV electricity over its lifetime uses 86 to 89 percent less water, occupies or transforms over 80 percent less land, presents approximately 95 percent lower toxicity to humans, contributes 92 to 97 percent less to acid rain, and 97 to 98 percent less to marine eutrophication,” she said. Eutrophication is the discharge of excess nutrients that causes algal blooms.

Toward the end of last year, installed global photovoltaic generating capacity passed the milestone of 100 gigawatts — enough to meet the energy needs of 30 million households and save more than 53 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, according to a recent report by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, E.P.I.A., a solar power industry lobby group.

“Right now, today, the world has installed 130 gigawatts of PV, up from 1.4 gigawatts in 2000,” Wolfgang Palz, a former manager of the European Commission’s development program for renewable energies, told a conference organized by France’s National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS, in Paris last month.

Europe alone now has 80 gigawatts of installed photovoltaic capacity, of which 35 gigawatts is in Germany, the European Union leader, providing about 7 percent of the country’s electricity, he said.

Don't know what any of this has to do with pic or my post.. Perhaps you think that BUYING this junk and consuming it with weeds is the IMPORTANT part..

But you're still using LYING statistics to prop up your BELIEFS.. ALL of that crap is based on GENERATING CAPACITY... The PEAK RATINGS of the generators both wind and solar.
Wind is at BEST averaging 30% of Peak and solar does AT BEST 40% of Peak..

So you can take the "30 million households" crap and shove it up your calculator and find that SOMETIMES --- that installed solar figure generates MAYBE enough for 12 Million households.. And correct the rest of the "marketing hype" that you constantly spew out to bolster your sagging confidence in this misguided advertising..
So Saudi Arabia is backward. So how does that justify your lies concerning solar power? And solar does not require water at all, except for an occasional cleaning. However, nuclear and coal and gas fired plants all require water. Lots of it.

The Nevada Solar One parabolic trough plant consumes 850 gallons of water per MWh on a 360-acre site near Las Vegas, or about 300,000 gallons per acre per year. In comparison, agriculture in Nevada requires almost 1.2 million gallons of water per acre per year – nearly four times the consumption of the solar power plant.

Water Use Management | SEIA

108 million gallons of water for that plant is quite significant.

When you have to lie to make your point you've lost.

You are the liar here. The picture is photovoltaics. No water required other than an occasional cleaning.

He wasn't talking any picture on this site GoldiRocks.. He referred to a parabolic trough Solar THERMAL plant.. Which recycles water, but still uses quite a bit.. MOST don't heat water DIRECTLY since the fluids that go out to the mirror field are heavy heavy oils and other compositions..

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