World’s Top Freediver diagnosed with myocarditis after Pfizer Vax

MisterBeale theHawk Dont Taz Me Bro Bootney Lee Farnsworth

All of you are irresponsibly pushing scare tactics for vaccines. You are antivaxer nuts and so partisan that you’d advise people to risk their lives and others not getting vaccinated just to “own the libs”.

Look, the left is a bit nutty on masks I’ll grant you that but the vaccine push is socially responsible. Just like getting rid of polio which was killing about 3k per year. These fake stories are damaging.

Hey, retard, I got vaccinated back in May.

Care to try for another Straw Man?
Story lacks any proof of any medical link. It’s just a story.

It should be investigated because it's good science. It may turn out to be pure coincidence, but we don't just ignore it because the idea that it might be a catalyst pisses all over our narrative. That's dangerous and stupid. People do have bad reactions to vaccines and all kinds of medications.
Story lacks any proof of any medical link. It’s just a story.
What a coincidence.. .

All these so-called vaccines? They all lack phase four clinical trials. None of them have been tested for cross reactivity to other drugs, medial conditions, long term adverse reactions, etc.

Generally, these types of studies take two to three years with thousands of participants before a drug is approved for general use. . . .

Oh well. If hundreds of thousands die or are injured? Thank goodness uber rich investors are protected by PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccinators.

Because really? Human life doesn't mean shit, only the stock market and corporations matter any more. . . right?


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