Worse than Nixon? Obama White House accused of hiding public information


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
See to liberals his transparency promise is allowed to be broken because he only said it to get elected, all politicians lie, so they will say.

Though President Obama vowed to run the most transparent administration in history, his White House has quietly empowered itself to censor or delay the release of information in ways that not even Richard Nixon envisioned during the Watergate scandal, according to federal workers on the front lines of processing open records requests.

The workers, who spoke to The Washington Times only on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, said that an April 15, 2009, memo from White House Counsel Gregory Craig to all federal agencies has slowed, and in some cases nixed, the public release of government documents that would have been released under prior administrations.

Read more: White House censors and slows release of information, agencies' workers say - Washington Times
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Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?
Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?

Thanks for acknowledging that.

Not only is he black.. he's a Liberal born and bread in the Church of Jeremiah Wright.

Without proof of citizenship, without proof of transcript.

He's a President voted by the 47% not once but twice.

Yes, he's our President and yes he is the leader of our Nation.

But, sadly, no... he does not represent the 53%.

Such a sad Negro.
Obama's hard drive crashed, he did not keep a back up, and people defend Obama.
Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?

:lol::lol::lol: No you political hack, it's because he's a lying sack of shit who claimed his would be the most transparent administration and it has been the least, you fucking racist!
See to liberals his transparency promise is allowed to be broken because he only said it to get elected, all politicians lie, so they will say.

Though President Obama vowed to run the most transparent administration in history, his White House has quietly empowered itself to censor or delay the release of information in ways that not even Richard Nixon envisioned during the Watergate scandal, according to federal workers on the front lines of processing open records requests.

The workers, who spoke to The Washington Times only on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, said that an April 15, 2009, memo from White House Counsel Gregory Craig to all federal agencies has slowed, and in some cases nixed, the public release of government documents that would have been released under prior administrations.

Read more: White House censors and slows release of information, agencies' workers say - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.
See to liberals his transparency promise is allowed to be broken because he only said it to get elected, all politicians lie, so they will say.

Though President Obama vowed to run the most transparent administration in history, his White House has quietly empowered itself to censor or delay the release of information in ways that not even Richard Nixon envisioned during the Watergate scandal, according to federal workers on the front lines of processing open records requests.

The workers, who spoke to The Washington Times only on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, said that an April 15, 2009, memo from White House Counsel Gregory Craig to all federal agencies has slowed, and in some cases nixed, the public release of government documents that would have been released under prior administrations.

Read more: White House censors and slows release of information, agencies' workers say - Washington Times
Follow us: @Was htimes on Twitter

The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.


See to liberals his transparency promise is allowed to be broken because he only said it to get elected, all politicians lie, so they will say.

Though President Obama vowed to run the most transparent administration in history, his White House has quietly empowered itself to censor or delay the release of information in ways that not even Richard Nixon envisioned during the Watergate scandal, according to federal workers on the front lines of processing open records requests.

The workers, who spoke to The Washington Times only on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, said that an April 15, 2009, memo from White House Counsel Gregory Craig to all federal agencies has slowed, and in some cases nixed, the public release of government documents that would have been released under prior administrations.

Read more: White House censors and slows release of information, agencies' workers say - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.

A second 9/11, which is the day Ambassador Stevens was attacked by and killed by terrorists in Benghazi is a lot worse than Watergate
Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?

:lol::lol::lol: No you political hack, it's because he's a lying sack of shit who claimed his would be the most transparent administration and it has been the least, you fucking racist!

What exactly did he lie about?

First off, I have a huge problem with the whole "unnamed source" garbage - translation: I made up a story and used a FAKE source in order to relate something that never happened.

It's a favorite amongst extremist and their never-ending quest to slam the opposition.

Jerome Corsi is famous for this - It's basically a way to smear someone without having to prove your allegations.

Hey, it works ... evidently.
See to liberals his transparency promise is allowed to be broken because he only said it to get elected, all politicians lie, so they will say.

Though President Obama vowed to run the most transparent administration in history, his White House has quietly empowered itself to censor or delay the release of information in ways that not even Richard Nixon envisioned during the Watergate scandal, according to federal workers on the front lines of processing open records requests.

The workers, who spoke to The Washington Times only on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, said that an April 15, 2009, memo from White House Counsel Gregory Craig to all federal agencies has slowed, and in some cases nixed, the public release of government documents that would have been released under prior administrations.

Read more: White House censors and slows release of information, agencies' workers say - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.

A second 9/11, which is the day Ambassador Stevens was attacked by and killed by terrorists in Benghazi is a lot worse than Watergate

It was worse because four people died, but if you are implying guilt, you are way out in left field.

Every step of the way, right-wingers were shown to be wrong about their suspicions; as of right this moment, all you got is Obama trying to spin this as "an act of terror", rather than terrorism.

Seriously, that's all you got?
The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.

I disagree - profoundly.

Obama had Tea party members investigated? You have proof of this?

To me, the IRS SHOULD be able to target certain groups IF they have been shown to be abusing the system.

You guys have a short memory - did you forget about ACORN and the fake pimp video? The ensuing lawsuit were James O'Keefe had to admit that he used dishonest tactics to help bring down ACORN?

That was OK, because ACORN was a bunch of liberal pantywaists, got it.
Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?

Why do you refuse to see what Obama is doing? Is it because he is black or you are high?
See to liberals his transparency promise is allowed to be broken because he only said it to get elected, all politicians lie, so they will say.

Though President Obama vowed to run the most transparent administration in history, his White House has quietly empowered itself to censor or delay the release of information in ways that not even Richard Nixon envisioned during the Watergate scandal, according to federal workers on the front lines of processing open records requests.

The workers, who spoke to The Washington Times only on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, said that an April 15, 2009, memo from White House Counsel Gregory Craig to all federal agencies has slowed, and in some cases nixed, the public release of government documents that would have been released under prior administrations.

Read more: White House censors and slows release of information, agencies' workers say - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

There has never been an administration in the history of the United States MORE corrupt that the present administration. NONE.

My God - look around you. Even the Thug's own party is beginning to turn on him. Those same people that SWORE that the man "walked on water" are now turning their backs ion him.

This clown can't get out of town fast enough. But in the interim, he intends to screw as many people as possible. He is a clear and present danger to the United States of America.
So, no one wants to address my request for proof of how the president was dishonest?

Listen, I get that you guys don't like the president - not because he's black, but because he's a lib. That's fine, disliking the man because he's ass-backwards is one thing, inventing reasons to hate him is quite another.

Anyone who's not a conservative can see this very clearly.

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