"Worse than Sarah Palin" Says England

That and his idiotic Bush on Steroids fiscal policies are why I wouldn't vote for him if my life depended on it.

Says the Obama supporter, whose Administration has:

  • Added more to the national debt during his term than all other presidents in US history combined :lol:

  • Seen unemployment climb to almost 11% and never below 8% :lol:

  • Has created legislation like Dodd-Frank Finance "reform" which has strangled the economy with costly bureaucratic red-tape while crushing low income families with additional costs - such as checking fees. In 2009, 96% of banks offered free checking. Today, thanks to the Dodd-Frank bill, just 34.6% of banks offer free checking :lol:

  • Has seen poverty reach it's highest level since 1965 :lol:

  • Have seen the highest number of people on food stamps in US history :lol:

  • Created Obamacare, which has caused the cost of healthcare to skyrocket at the same time as promising the bill would cost "only" $800 billion when in fact it is already up to $2 trillion :lol:

  • Passed several "stimulus" bills which have done nothing to curb the high unemployment, but which have been wrought with waste such as billions into green energy companies that have since collapsed and gems like the energy department admitting they have LOST $500,000 in equipment they purchased with the stimulus money :lol:

I could go on and on until I literally crashed the USMB servers with the volume of information regarding the epic failure of Barack Hussein's economic policies, but I think we all get the point.*

If Bush's fiscal policies were "idiotic", then Barack Obama's are retarded, wrapped in down syndrome, blanketed in mental-instability, boxed up in profound idiocy, and packaged in pure stupidity...*

Might add a couple of more.

Spends more time golfing than worrying about jobs.

Spends more time blaming Booosh than looking at his own performance and trying to improve it.

But after you show him the list, he'd say "I didn't build that on my own !"
That and his idiotic Bush on Steroids fiscal policies are why I wouldn't vote for him if my life depended on it.

Says the Obama supporter, whose Administration has:

  • Added more to the national debt during his term than all other presidents in US history combined :lol:
  • Seen unemployment climb to almost 11% and never below 8% :lol:
  • Has created legislation like Dodd-Frank Finance "reform" which has strangled the economy with costly bureaucratic red-tape while crushing low income families with additional costs - such as checking fees. In 2009, 96% of banks offered free checking. Today, thanks to the Dodd-Frank bill, just 34.6% of banks offer free checking :lol:
  • Has seen poverty reach it's highest level since 1965 :lol:
  • Have seen the highest number of people on food stamps in US history :lol:
  • Created Obamacare, which has caused the cost of healthcare to skyrocket at the same time as promising the bill would cost "only" $800 billion when in fact it is already up to $2 trillion :lol:
  • Passed several "stimulus" bills which have done nothing to curb the high unemployment, but which have been wrought with waste such as billions into green energy companies that have since collapsed and gems like the energy department admitting they have LOST $500,000 in equipment they purchased with the stimulus money :lol:
I could go on and on until I literally crashed the USMB servers with the volume of information regarding the epic failure of Barack Hussein's economic policies, but I think we all get the point.*

If Bush's fiscal policies were "idiotic", then Barack Obama's are retarded, wrapped in down syndrome, blanketed in mental-instability, boxed up in profound idiocy, and packaged in pure stupidity...*

Might add a couple of more.

Spends more time golfing than worrying about jobs.

Spends more time blaming Booosh than looking at his own performance and trying to improve it.

But after you show him the list, he'd say "I didn't build that on my own !"

Hasn't met with his 'Jobs Council' in over 6 months...


Did you hear Romney talk about his dancing horse in the Olympics? He actually said "The Horses were excited" about it. Then he spoke to some leader about his adoration of the Kit Kat bar. I'm guessing he didnt have a lot of friends growing up

I guess you never owned horses?
it shows.

Don't be any stupider than usual, Steph. I am close to someone that owns a ranch in Antelope Valley, and guess what??? Her horses do not dance or get excited about anything. I can't believe that even you would defend something so absolutely ridiculous.

You low information voters would defend Romney if we found out he was a mass murderer.
What's funny as hell is that Mitt has been saying for months how the US is going south in the eyes of the world. So aside from making a trip to suck money up from the vultures at Barclay's, he spends a ton of his campaign money to make himself look diplomatic. He winds up making himself looking like a moron when it comes to diplomacy.

He couldn't have timed it better. Hundreds of millions of people, around the world, and back here in the US, are paying attention to the Olympics now. People who don't start paying attention to presidential politics until after Labor Day, are getting a glimpse into Romney's foreign policy idiocy.

Only in your wet dreams, Dick.

What is more funny is the lengthy list of foriegn policy blowouts Obama has achieved at the expense of the U.S.

Romney now goes to Isreal and touches base with the country that Obama would just as soon see go away.
obama is an embarassment to all mankind.

Why are you an ignorant, racist, bigoted piece of human trash?

I am here to give you the "Good News", you do not have to always be a filthy racist, you can change!

The Good News is that Obama is a one-termer.

You guys can wet yourselves all you want over England....but Obama is still going to take it in the shorts come debate time on things like Polish Death Camps.

Poland doesn't like our fearless dickhead anyway.

Sure. Romney's not going to bring up any of that brainwashed Pubcrappe...WTh anyway? LOL
That is such crap!!! Obama was cheered as a presidential candidate when he went out of the country. Romney was booed. You're such a liar.

All mankind??? Why don't you just be honest about why you don't like him.

Wow - you really are an idiot. America is hated by a large part of the world - and it's a badge of honor. If the majority of the world is "cheering" one of our candidates, it's because he's an anti-American radical (which is exactly what Obama is). Lets take a look at a few facts here:

The muslim world (Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Libya, etc.) believes women are worse than dogs. They are forced to cover their face, they have to walk behind their husband, they cannot be seen in public without their husband, and if they are raped, they are stoned to death for being "promiscuous". Is this REALLY the world you want to live in Rinata? Because these people HATE us simply because we give women rights. Because women don't have to walk behind anyone in America, and not only do they not have to cover their face, they can expose most of their body if they want. This is a HUGE portion of the planet, and if they are cheering a US candidate, something is very wrong. I want them to boo US presidents and candidates. It means were doing something right. It means we're being America and promoting freedom.

The Communist world (China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc.) hates us because we don't subscribe to communism. I know you and the Obama followers do want to live in this world, but the rest of us realize the catastrophic failure of communism, coupled with it's oppresive nature, is not the world we want to live in. This is still a significant portion of the planet, and if they are cheering a US candidate, something is very wrong. I want them to boo US presidents and candidates. It means were doing something right. It means we're being America and promoting freedom.

The Socialist coward world (Canada, Switzerland, Finland, etc.) hates us because we're not cowards like they are and we don't subscribe to socialism. They believe that if you hide your head in the sand and play nice with evil dictators, nobody can do harm to you even though history has proven that to be completely false. And they believe that controlling the minds and the wealth of citizens is necessary in order to be a "civilized" nation. This too is still a significant portion of the planet, and if they are cheering a US candidate, something is very wrong. I want them to boo US presidents and candidates. It means were doing something right. It means we're being America and promoting freedom.

With the exception of Israel and Japan, I would be horrified of any nation that was cheering for a presidential candidate. England has become so radical socialist (though thankfully there are some in that country who are standing up and trying to change it now that they've seen the collpase that comes with left-wing idiot policy). Same with the rest of Europe. Asia is covered with either muslim nations or communist nations. Australia has become radical socialist.

Thanks for showing us how out of touch you are on the world. No wonder you support the radical marxist Barack Hussein.
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What's funny as hell is that Mitt has been saying for months how the US is going south in the eyes of the world. So aside from making a trip to suck money up from the vultures at Barclay's, he spends a ton of his campaign money to make himself look diplomatic. He winds up making himself looking like a moron when it comes to diplomacy.

He couldn't have timed it better. Hundreds of millions of people, around the world, and back here in the US, are paying attention to the Olympics now. People who don't start paying attention to presidential politics until after Labor Day, are getting a glimpse into Romney's foreign policy idiocy.

Only in your wet dreams, Dick.

What is more funny is the lengthy list of foriegn policy blowouts Obama has achieved at the expense of the U.S.

Romney now goes to Isreal and touches base with the country that Obama would just as soon see go away.

Such as?

And total Pubcrappe...
What's funny as hell is that Mitt has been saying for months how the US is going south in the eyes of the world. So aside from making a trip to suck money up from the vultures at Barclay's, he spends a ton of his campaign money to make himself look diplomatic. He winds up making himself looking like a moron when it comes to diplomacy.

He couldn't have timed it better. Hundreds of millions of people, around the world, and back here in the US, are paying attention to the Olympics now. People who don't start paying attention to presidential politics until after Labor Day, are getting a glimpse into Romney's foreign policy idiocy.

Only in your wet dreams, Dick.

What is more funny is the lengthy list of foriegn policy blowouts Obama has achieved at the expense of the U.S.

Romney now goes to Isreal and touches base with the country that Obama would just as soon see go away.

Such as?

And total Pubcrappe...

"Polish Death Camps"


From the net:

While Obama can’t seem to get his position on free trade straight (during the campaign he was against it, though his aides told foreign governments that it was all bluster; as President, he’s been more rhetorically in favor of free markets while approving several protectionist policies), his damage to America’s credibility as a stable borrower has been unambiguous. With the national debt skyrocketing, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told an audience at Peking University in China last summer that their assets in America would be safe. The audience’s reaction? Uproarious laughter.
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How dare Romney be right!

Are you kidding??? It's like going into someone's house and telling them they didn't do a great job of decorating!!! What Romney did was just plain stupid.

Only Obama and his people believe that being honest is stupid! :lol:

During the election, Obama offered Jeremiah Wright some serious cash to shut up. At the meeting Obama said to Wright, "Do you know what your problem is? You're problem is, you have to tell the truth".

Really says it all folks....

Did you hear Romney talk about his dancing horse in the Olympics? He actually said "The Horses were excited" about it. Then he spoke to some leader about his adoration of the Kit Kat bar. I'm guessing he didnt have a lot of friends growing up

I guess you never owned horses?
it shows.

Don't be any stupider than usual, Steph. I am close to someone that owns a ranch in Antelope Valley, and guess what??? Her horses do not dance or get excited about anything. I can't believe that even you would defend something so absolutely ridiculous.

You low information voters would defend Romney if we found out he was a mass murderer.

LOL, I forgot, you know everything and have high voter information..:lol:
I grew up with horses, so I don't care about who you know..
Only in your wet dreams, Dick.

What is more funny is the lengthy list of foriegn policy blowouts Obama has achieved at the expense of the U.S.

Romney now goes to Isreal and touches base with the country that Obama would just as soon see go away.

Such as?

And total Pubcrappe...

"Polish Death Camps"


From the net:

While Obama can’t seem to get his position on free trade straight (during the campaign he was against it, though his aides told foreign governments that it was all bluster; as President, he’s been more rhetorically in favor of free markets while approving several protectionist policies), his damage to America’s credibility as a stable borrower has been unambiguous. With the national debt skyrocketing, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told an audience at Peking University in China last summer that their assets in America would be safe. The audience’s reaction? Uproarious laughter.

Where's the link?
Why are you an ignorant, racist, bigoted piece of human trash?

I am here to give you the "Good News", you do not have to always be a filthy racist, you can change!

The Good News is that Obama is a one-termer.

You guys can wet yourselves all you want over England....but Obama is still going to take it in the shorts come debate time on things like Polish Death Camps.

Poland doesn't like our fearless dickhead anyway.

Sure. Romney's not going to bring up any of that brainwashed Pubcrappe...WTh anyway? LOL

And some day, your posts will make some sense.
That is such crap!!! Obama was cheered as a presidential candidate when he went out of the country. Romney was booed. You're such a liar.

All mankind??? Why don't you just be honest about why you don't like him.

Wow - you really are an idiot. America is hated by a large part of the world - and it's a badge of honor. If the majority of the world is "cheering" one of our candidates, it's because he's an anti-American radical (which is exactly what Obama is). Lets take a look at a few facts here:

The muslim world (Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Libya, etc.) believes women are worse than dogs. They are forced to cover their face, they have to walk behind their husband, they cannot be seen in public without their husband, and if they are raped, they are stoned to death for being "promiscuous". Is this REALLY the world you want to live in Rinata? Because these people HATE us simply because we give women rights. Because women don't have to walk behind anyone in America, and not only do they not have to cover their face, they can expose most of their body if they want. This is a HUGE portion of the planet, and if they are cheering a US candidate, something is very wrong. I want them to boo US presidents and candidates. It means were doing something right. It means we're being America and promoting freedom.

The Communist world (China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc.) hates us because we don't subscribe to communism. I know you and the Obama followers do want to live in this world, but the rest of us realize the catastrophic failure of communism, coupled with it's oppresive nature, is not the world we want to live in. This is still a significant portion of the planet, and if they are cheering a US candidate, something is very wrong. I want them to boo US presidents and candidates. It means were doing something right. It means we're being America and promoting freedom.

The Socialist coward world (Canada, Switzerland, Finland, etc.) hates us because we're not cowards like they are and we don't subscribe to socialism. They believe that if you hide your head in the sand and play nice with evil dictators, nobody can do harm to you even though history has proven that to be completely false. And they believe that controlling the minds and the wealth of citizens is necessary in order to be a "civilized" nation. This too is still a significant portion of the planet, and if they are cheering a US candidate, something is very wrong. I want them to boo US presidents and candidates. It means were doing something right. It means we're being America and promoting freedom.

With the exception of Israel and Japan, I would be horrified of any nation that was cheering for a presidential candidate. England has become so radical socialist (though thankfully there are some in that country who are standing up and trying to change it now that they've seen the collpase that comes with left-wing idiot policy). Same with the rest of Europe. Asia is covered with either muslim nations or communist nations. Australia has become radical socialist.

Thanks for showing us how out of touch you are on the world. No wonder you support the radical marxist Barack Hussein.

America isn't hated, dimwit, just the RW moron chickenhawk financial meltdown shyttehead GOP and their ugly 'Merican brainwashed dupes, and their lying BS Propaganda Machine. Change the channel.
I guess you never owned horses?
it shows.

Don't be any stupider than usual, Steph. I am close to someone that owns a ranch in Antelope Valley, and guess what??? Her horses do not dance or get excited about anything. I can't believe that even you would defend something so absolutely ridiculous.

You low information voters would defend Romney if we found out he was a mass murderer.

LOL, I forgot, you know everything and have high voter information..:lol:
I grew up with horses, so I don't care about who you know..

He knows someone with a ranch...


He thinks it's ridiculous to think that horses dance or get excited...


Omg, that's one for the ages.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKQgTiqhPbw]ANDREAS HELGSTRAND - WEG2006 Freestyle Final - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZiMYqiblMc&feature=related]THE BEST DANCING HORSE OF THE WORLD AT SOUTH PADRE ISLAND - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqnERBSExKE]excited horse jumping - YouTube[/ame]
What's funny as hell is that Mitt has been saying for months how the US is going south in the eyes of the world. So aside from making a trip to suck money up from the vultures at Barclay's, he spends a ton of his campaign money to make himself look diplomatic. He winds up making himself looking like a moron when it comes to diplomacy.

He couldn't have timed it better. Hundreds of millions of people, around the world, and back here in the US, are paying attention to the Olympics now. People who don't start paying attention to presidential politics until after Labor Day, are getting a glimpse into Romney's foreign policy idiocy.

Precisely right, and I might add, why I genuinely think this is going to bite him in the ass. You know Obama's camp is already creating some ads with this shit at the center of it. And they'll probably get the quotes of him saying how badly Obama's done on the diplomacy front.

How the fuck Romney has even 30% of the votes in polls is beyond me. There are a lot of old, scared, white folks out there. That's all I can come up with.
Thesee are a combination of die-hard Republicans, Neo-CON$, RWers and the like who have WILFULLY suspended the contempt and disdain they SHOULD have heaped unto Bush for what he brought upon this nation and have transferred it to Obama.

The ONE thing these people "know" is that they hate Obama...no matter what. They want him out, at all costs. The country, nation, the poor, the world be damned...Obama must go they say.

That is their driving force. Sad but true.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGbsALsJtoE&feature=related]Excited rearing horsey! - YouTube[/ame]

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