"Worse than Sarah Palin" Says England

Oh, I laugh at Rmoney plenty. I also laugh at every Republican having to buy into him, even though he's so gross they put Herman Fucking 9-9-9 Cain in the lead for a time.

To me, there is nothing that endears me to Romney. I don't think he has the personality of GWB. He is just a boring old white guy. And he appears to have zero social skills from what I can see.

Oh, he's definitely the Mayor of Blandsville for sure. But I do think he's dangerous. Not because he himself is nefarious. He's too goddamned vanilla and vacuous to be dangerous himself. He's dangerous the same way Dubya was. He's going to surround himself with old fashioned, old guard jingoistic assholes on foreign policy. If Romney wins, I GUARANTEE we'll be in Iran or Syria with full troop deployment by the beginning of his second year in office.

That and his idiotic Bush on Steroids fiscal policies are why I wouldn't vote for him if my life depended on it.


Blue Virginia:: Video: Romney Senior Foreign Policy Advisor Refers to "Soviet Union"

Did you hear Romney talk about his dancing horse in the Olympics? He actually said "The Horses were excited" about it. Then he spoke to some leader about his adoration of the Kit Kat bar. I'm guessing he didnt have a lot of friends growing up

I guess you never owned horses?
it shows.

I've never spoken to a horse, no.

You're an idiot.
You don't have to speak to horses to know they're excited. Moron.
lol, a mayor calling out a United States Presidential candidate..

that's rich..

I so care about what brits think about our presidential candidates, and how cool they find (or don't find) them.

What's funny as hell is that Mitt has been saying for months how the US is going south in the eyes of the world. So aside from making a trip to suck money up from the vultures at Barclay's, he spends a ton of his campaign money to make himself look diplomatic. He winds up making himself looking like a moron when it comes to diplomacy.

He couldn't have timed it better. Hundreds of millions of people, around the world, and back here in the US, are paying attention to the Olympics now. People who don't start paying attention to presidential politics until after Labor Day, are getting a glimpse into Romney's foreign policy idiocy.
Except you know, Palin failed and has never, nor will she ever hold national office. Because you know, she's a fucking idiot.

It's her fault. She should have had a mysterious past with all sorts of inconsistencies that almost no one looked into and no one on the left cared about. And also she should have held no job and had no accomplishments. Then she might have been able to get into a national office.

You mean like a guy who "retires retroactively"? Or a guy who bucks tradition of the last 36 years and only releases a year's worth of tax returns, and even that is incomplete? Or are you talking about a guy who has literally been on every side of every position? Or a guy who's 65 that somehow was able to consistently duck the Vietnam draft?

And don't forget the key part, Palin is a stone-cold fucking idiot. She makes George W. Bush look like Teddy Fucking Roosevelt.

What's funny as hell is that Mitt has been saying for months how the US is going south in the eyes of the world. So aside from making a trip to suck money up from the vultures at Barclay's, he spends a ton of his campaign money to make himself look diplomatic. He winds up making himself looking like a moron when it comes to diplomacy.

He couldn't have timed it better. Hundreds of millions of people, around the world, and back here in the US, are paying attention to the Olympics now. People who don't start paying attention to presidential politics until after Labor Day, are getting a glimpse into Romney's foreign policy idiocy.

Precisely right, and I might add, why I genuinely think this is going to bite him in the ass. You know Obama's camp is already creating some ads with this shit at the center of it. And they'll probably get the quotes of him saying how badly Obama's done on the diplomacy front.

How the fuck Romney has even 30% of the votes in polls is beyond me. There are a lot of old, scared, white folks out there. That's all I can come up with.
Here's Romney on England:

"England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population."
From "No Apology"


This is the guy you really want in charge of Foreign policy?

Unlike the 'context' of Obama's speech, in this case context makes a positive difference. I'm pretty shocked at Foreign Policy. And before anyone says something about Althouse, the 'context' is from the book the Foreign Policy took the graph from:

Althouse: "Romney book: Britain is a tiny island that makes stuff nobody wants."

July 26, 2012
"Romney book: Britain is a tiny island that makes stuff nobody wants."
That's the headline in Foreign Policy, which is getting attention (according to Memeorandum), especially after Romney supposedly said something that upset the Brits today. (Surveying the London Olympics, Romney saw "a few things that were disconcerting." The Brits are keen to mock, and the mockery is magnified here in the U.S., because American media is inclined to boost Obama whenever the opportunity arises.)

Let's look at the paragraph Foreign Policy highlighted:

England [sic/[FP's sic]] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population.
Oh, there's where they cut it off? Well, obviously he was in the middle of making a point. But you know the rule in journalism: Taking things out of context is okay when you do it to hurt conservatives. But I happen to have my Kindle copy of Romney's book "No Apology: Believe in America," so it's easy for me to give you the context. Here are the next 4 paragraphs:

Late in the eighteenth century, after the loss of their American colonies...​

Foreign Policy didn't want to remind us Americans that Britain antagonized us.

... the British set out to compensate for what had been lost, first by defeating Napoleonic France and then by expanding the reach of the crown in colonies from India to the tip of South America and from Africa to the islands of the Western Pacific.​

And all that imperialism by the British doesn't make them look too appealing.

Britain’s might was military, having built the most powerful navy the world had ever seen. But what enabled their military superiority was their industrial might. The British had pioneered the Industrial Revolution, and they enthusiastically promoted free trade, understanding the huge export potential for their products. By 1860, the nation’s economy was the biggest in the world.​

Here's the great compliment to the British, but you know there's a big but...

But maintaining leadership proved more difficult than achieving it. Whereas other nations extended the manufacturing revolution by embracing new technology and innovation, the British reversed course and tried to contain it. The country’s culture of class immobility stymied the entrepreneurialism and initiative that propel a competitive economy.​

Here's the serious critique.

From owner to laborer, the British were eager to protect the status quo. Industrialists secured subsidies for themselves and tariffs on foreigners rather than face foreign competition and technology head-on. When subsidies proved insufficient for the most unproductive businesses, the government took them over. The nation spent national resources to keep sick companies alive rather than inventing new ones and investing in those that were strong.

Britain’s economic missteps were compounded when it was forced to fight and endure the cost of two world wars. By the end of World War II, its national debt had tripled. Massive loans were required to shore up the ailing economy; they came from its former colony.​

Now Foreign Policy — a respected journal? — ends its out of context squib with snark: "Its roads and houses are small? The trees probably aren't the right height either." I'm giving you the whole context that Foreign Policy didn't want to deal with. It's about the British decline into socialism. What do you say we take that seriously?

Socialism/capitalism — that's how campaign 2012 has been framed. Let's stare that issue in the face. Sorry if the Brits' feelings are hurt, but this is about us.
You know, typing in a bigger font doesn't make you any smarter Chihuahua boy. It just makes your stupidity more obvious...

Says the Aussie asshole who mooches of the Australian government and who is also not eligible to vote in our elections.

Why don't you go worry about Austrlia, you parasite to society, since your opinion means absolutely nothing to the greatest country in the world.

I find it hilarious how Communists hate the US so much, they actually spend their time in other countries giving their unsolicited opions on OUR nation. Fucking parasite useless tool....


People are "parasites".

The "Humanity" of conservatives.

Which basically is..no humanity.

We have humanity for those who take personal responsibility. We have none for the lazy, pot-smoking, parasite liberal who wants to stay home getting high and expects everyone else to provide for them.

Also, as we've already established, every one of you asshole liberals on this site does NOTHING for others while shedding tears to the government for those in "need"...
That and his idiotic Bush on Steroids fiscal policies are why I wouldn't vote for him if my life depended on it.

Says the Obama supporter, whose Administration has:

  • Added more to the national debt during his term than all other presidents in US history combined :lol:

  • Seen unemployment climb to almost 11% and never below 8% :lol:

  • Has created legislation like Dodd-Frank Finance "reform" which has strangled the economy with costly bureaucratic red-tape while crushing low income families with additional costs - such as checking fees. In 2009, 96% of banks offered free checking. Today, thanks to the Dodd-Frank bill, just 34.6% of banks offer free checking :lol:

  • Has seen poverty reach it's highest level since 1965 :lol:

  • Have seen the highest number of people on food stamps in US history :lol:

  • Created Obamacare, which has caused the cost of healthcare to skyrocket at the same time as promising the bill would cost "only" $800 billion when in fact it is already up to $2 trillion :lol:

  • Passed several "stimulus" bills which have done nothing to curb the high unemployment, but which have been wrought with waste such as billions into green energy companies that have since collapsed and gems like the energy department admitting they have LOST $500,000 in equipment they purchased with the stimulus money :lol:

I could go on and on until I literally crashed the USMB servers with the volume of information regarding the epic failure of Barack Hussein's economic policies, but I think we all get the point.*

If Bush's fiscal policies were "idiotic", then Barack Obama's are retarded, wrapped in down syndrome, blanketed in mental-instability, boxed up in profound idiocy, and packaged in pure stupidity...*
To me, there is nothing that endears me to Romney. I don't think he has the personality of GWB. He is just a boring old white guy. And he appears to have zero social skills from what I can see.

So we should elect a president because he's black and flashy? I guess after Obama collapses this nation, you'll want P-Diddy or maybe 50-cent? Maybe if Obama agrees to get a gold "grill" and a lot more "bling" you'll work to allow presidents to have a third term?

God almighty, is it any wonder that a radical marxist community organizer is sitting in the White House when we have people like Rinata our there?
yes you are a little troll....I LOVE how you are trying to down play this so hard.

You must think you are really clever with your little " Insert random this doesnt matter snippet" and yet you go on to post retarded opinion pieces about the left. Act as if they are gospel and how dare anyone challenge it.

God you are a awesome little partisan troll. You literally can't think for yourself and the GOP thanks you for it...

Baaa sheep baaa..

quick now post some meaningless deflection. like the child you are.

I LOVE how you try to avoid the fact that this election will be about Obama's record.
NOT if some Mackem likes Mitt or not


Avoid it? His record is weak and embarrassing. Forced me to buy insurance, can strip me of me rights, and has done little in the way of our debt.

Im not voting for him, but im also not voting for everyone else in washington. They don't give a shit about you or me, just about their status..

How do you like your crow?

Fried, thank you.

Down playing this particular Romney faux outrage is needed in order to push Obama's record to the forefront
At least Romney recognizes the threat! It's more than thinking Iran is a tiny country that would never be a threat to us.

How about giving Russia a stupid "reset" button that actually said "overcharged"?

obama's brilliance left him sitting in mexico sucking his thumb while Putin gives him a lecture on world affairs. We're supposed to be outraged at Romney's comments!

Not hardly. obama is an embarassment to all mankind.

That is such crap!!! Obama was cheered as a presidential candidate when he went out of the country. Romney was booed. You're such a liar.

All mankind??? Why don't you just be honest about why you don't like him.
At least Romney recognizes the threat! It's more than thinking Iran is a tiny country that would never be a threat to us.

How about giving Russia a stupid "reset" button that actually said "overcharged"?

obama's brilliance left him sitting in mexico sucking his thumb while Putin gives him a lecture on world affairs. We're supposed to be outraged at Romney's comments!

Not hardly. obama is an embarassment to all mankind.

That is such crap!!! Obama was cheered as a presidential candidate when he went out of the country. Romney was booed. You're such a liar.

All mankind??? Why don't you just be honest about why you don't like him.

More reason to despise him.
obama is an embarassment to all mankind.

Why are you an ignorant, racist, bigoted piece of human trash?

I am here to give you the "Good News", you do not have to always be a filthy racist, you can change!

The Good News is that Obama is a one-termer.

You guys can wet yourselves all you want over England....but Obama is still going to take it in the shorts come debate time on things like Polish Death Camps.

Poland doesn't like our fearless dickhead anyway.
At least Romney recognizes the threat! It's more than thinking Iran is a tiny country that would never be a threat to us.

How about giving Russia a stupid "reset" button that actually said "overcharged"?

obama's brilliance left him sitting in mexico sucking his thumb while Putin gives him a lecture on world affairs. We're supposed to be outraged at Romney's comments!

Not hardly. obama is an embarassment to all mankind.

That is such crap!!! Obama was cheered as a presidential candidate when he went out of the country. Romney was booed. You're such a liar.

All mankind??? Why don't you just be honest about why you don't like him.

That would require an honest self evaluation. It is not possible to reverse a lifetime of believing in and forwarding of lies.

These people in fairness never stood a chance. They were spoon fed lies up until the time they were on thier own. Lies is all they know. They go with what they know.

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