"Worst President" Bush more popular than Obama

Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Post it, cocksucker. or shut the fuck up.
Yes, employers have the right to hire whomever they want. Sorry if that chaps your fascist ass but there you go. If your job can be done better by an illiterate Mexican youv'e got bigger problems than immigration.
I don't have to post it dumbfuck you just admitted it.

A stupid hypocrite lol
Shut the fuck up, cocksucker.
You did indeed. I ruffled your panties so bad you admitted it by accident.

As YOU used to say.....

Looks like Grampa Murked you

I didnt admit anything, cocksucker.
Looks like I'll have to shut you up myself. Bye Gramps. How does it feel to be on thelist with Truth Matters and the other hater dupes?

Ooooh, sounds scary and very foreboding.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.

He surrendered and engaged in a cowardly retreat.

I opposed the Iraq war from day one. I said it was the wrong target, our real enemy was (and is) Iran.

Still, once you engage, you're in. Obama is a coward and a fool, his actions have destabilized the entire region. His retreat from Iraq shows the Muslims that America has no resolve and will cave to terrorism.

We elected a queer as president - and this disaster is the result.

Obama has very little responsibility to how Iraq was handled, considering the treaty to leave Iraq was signed by Bush in 2008 and it was actually the Iraqi government that asked us to leave in the end.
Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?

You're all over the fucking thread. Senility indeed.

As Floridians Are Displaced Rubio Demands More Foreign Workers US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Indeed, and here is the fake Rabbi, defending the loss of jobs in Florida:

Competition sucks. Yes it does. I like Rubio more and more.

Fuck them businesses & Rubio. I can't believe you would be okay with this.
I'm a conservative. That means I favor the free movement of capital and labor. Anyone who doesnt favor those things is not a conservative.

The fake Rabbi really is a strange kind of liar, you know.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Yeah, his IRS and NSA abuses were awful crimes worthy of prosecution. But we know it ain't gonna happen. Because the game is rigged. Bush/Obama? Is there really any difference?

Bush didn't hate white people or make back door attempts to undermine the 2A. When Bush was in office the middle east was stable in spite of the wars that were raging. Jihadists were throwing themselves into the meat grinder, not operating one themselves. There was still a sense of prosperity and patriotism.

With obozo... everything that was bad with Bush is worse, and everything that was good has shit the bed.

I hear ya. Like i said, he should have been held accountable for his awful IRS and NSA abuses. But he got a free ride. I'll let others figure out why. I have a few ideas on it.
And another one from the fake Rabbi from the Florida/Disney thread:

But there are no "American jobs." When you get undercut by your competitors hiring foreign workers it isnt my problem.

Boy oh boy, that just sounds soooo American and sooooo patriotic.

Obama is much more patriotic and much more American than the fake Rabbi will ever, ever be.

And the funniest part is that he lied on THIS thread and said he was never on that thread nor did he say anything to the effect to that what Grandpa alluded, and yet, in 30 seconds, I was able to find two very damning quotes by him.

The fake Rabbi is not very smart.Nope, he is not.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Last edited:
I hear ya. Like i said, he should have been held accountable for his awful IRS and NSA abuses. But he got a free ride. I'll let others figure out why. I have a few ideas on it.

Then there's fast/furious, billions wasted on bankrupt cronie donor companies, and that hideous wookie bitching about school lunches. Put a muzzle on that fuckin thing and lock it in the basement.

Iraq was won by the time he left
Bullshit. He turned the country over to a Shiite in Sunni Iraq.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.
Please. Give me a break. Two of his own SecDefs said Obama ignored everyone's advice to station troops there and just cut and run out of Iraq. Not only was the instability predictable, it was actually predicted. And when it happened of course it was Bush's fault.
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.

He surrendered and engaged in a cowardly retreat.

I opposed the Iraq war from day one. I said it was the wrong target, our real enemy was (and is) Iran.

Still, once you engage, you're in. Obama is a coward and a fool, his actions have destabilized the entire region. His retreat from Iraq shows the Muslims that America has no resolve and will cave to terrorism.

We elected a queer as president - and this disaster is the result.

Obama has very little responsibility to how Iraq was handled, considering the treaty to leave Iraq was signed by Bush in 2008 and it was actually the Iraqi government that asked us to leave in the end.
Two SecDefs disagree with you. Looks like I'll have to go with them over your Obama piss.
Iraq was won by the time he left
Bullshit. He turned the country over to a Shiite in Sunni Iraq.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.

He also said at one point he wanted to leave 10,000 military personnel in Iraq as well.
Not my fault you constantly believe in the liar in chief.
Iraq was won by the time he left
Bullshit. He turned the country over to a Shiite in Sunni Iraq.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.
No distorting, he said he successfully ended the Iraq war. Even people on here bragged about it.
Wow! So 54% Of Americans approve of Torture, wasting trillion$ on stupid wars started with lies, welfare for millionaires, doubling the national debt and destroying the economy.

Welcome to Nazi America!!!!!
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.

He surrendered and engaged in a cowardly retreat.

I opposed the Iraq war from day one. I said it was the wrong target, our real enemy was (and is) Iran.

Still, once you engage, you're in. Obama is a coward and a fool, his actions have destabilized the entire region. His retreat from Iraq shows the Muslims that America has no resolve and will cave to terrorism.

We elected a queer as president - and this disaster is the result.
Bullshit. He turned the country over to a Shiite in Sunni Iraq.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.
Please. Give me a break. Two of his own SecDefs said Obama ignored everyone's advice to station troops there and just cut and run out of Iraq. Not only was the instability predictable, it was actually predicted. And when it happened of course it was Bush's fault.
He didn't cut an run. He announced before he was elected that he would pull troops out of Iraq. He fulfilled a campaign promise and that angers you. He followed the schedule and signed agreement that Bush made as to exactly when to leave Iraq. Obama didn't pick the date, he chose to honor his promise and followed that date and arrangement made by Bush. He refused to leave troops behind without a SOFA that would protect the troops. He chose to leave reaction forces in Kuwait on the border with Iraq and assets in Turkey rather than put them in legal jeopardy and the mercy of Iraqi courts in Iraq. He refused to continue the already longest war in American history. Refusing to continue is not the same as cutting and running.
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.

He surrendered and engaged in a cowardly retreat.

I opposed the Iraq war from day one. I said it was the wrong target, our real enemy was (and is) Iran.

Still, once you engage, you're in. Obama is a coward and a fool, his actions have destabilized the entire region. His retreat from Iraq shows the Muslims that America has no resolve and will cave to terrorism.

We elected a queer as president - and this disaster is the result.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.
Please. Give me a break. Two of his own SecDefs said Obama ignored everyone's advice to station troops there and just cut and run out of Iraq. Not only was the instability predictable, it was actually predicted. And when it happened of course it was Bush's fault.
He didn't cut an run. He announced before he was elected that he would pull troops out of Iraq. He fulfilled a campaign promise and that angers you. He followed the schedule and signed agreement that Bush made as to exactly when to leave Iraq. Obama didn't pick the date, he chose to honor his promise and followed that date and arrangement made by Bush. He refused to leave troops behind without a SOFA that would protect the troops. He chose to leave reaction forces in Kuwait on the border with Iraq and assets in Turkey rather than put them in legal jeopardy and the mercy of Iraqi courts in Iraq. He refused to continue the already longest war in American history. Refusing to continue is not the same as cutting and running.
He said he would end the Iraq war in his first year.
Wow! So 54% Of Americans approve of Torture, wasting trillion$ on stupid wars started with lies, welfare for millionaires, doubling the national debt and destroying the economy.

Welcome to Nazi America!!!!!

No, 54% of americans think that Bush was a better president than obama. The poll does not say everyone agrees with everything Bush did.

Your stupid biased spin attempt fails as do all of your posts. Maybe you can find an all dem/lib forum to exchange ass kissing on.
Wow! So 54% Of Americans approve of Torture, wasting trillion$ on stupid wars started with lies, welfare for millionaires, doubling the national debt and destroying the economy.

Welcome to Nazi America!!!!!

No, 54% of americans think that Bush was a better president than obama. The poll does not say everyone agrees with everything Bush did.

Your stupid biased spin attempt fails as do all of your posts. Maybe you can find an all dem/lib forum to exchange ass kissing on.
No fukwit, 54% is Shrub's approval rating. 64% is Clinton's approval rating. Has nothing to do with Obama.
Wow! So 54% Of Americans approve of Torture, wasting trillion$ on stupid wars started with lies, welfare for millionaires, doubling the national debt and destroying the economy.

Welcome to Nazi America!!!!!

No, 54% of americans think that Bush was a better president than obama. The poll does not say everyone agrees with everything Bush did.

Your stupid biased spin attempt fails as do all of your posts. Maybe you can find an all dem/lib forum to exchange ass kissing on.
No fukwit, 54% is Shrub's approval rating. 64% is Clinton's approval rating. Has nothing to do with Obama.

No, fuckhead, did you happen to read the OP or the title of the thread. It has nothing to with clinton, you raving lunatic.
Wow! So 54% Of Americans approve of Torture, wasting trillion$ on stupid wars started with lies, welfare for millionaires, doubling the national debt and destroying the economy.

Welcome to Nazi America!!!!!

No, 54% of americans think that Bush was a better president than obama. The poll does not say everyone agrees with everything Bush did.

Your stupid biased spin attempt fails as do all of your posts. Maybe you can find an all dem/lib forum to exchange ass kissing on.
No fukwit, 54% is Shrub's approval rating. 64% is Clinton's approval rating. Has nothing to do with Obama.

No, fuckhead, did you happen to read the OP or the title of the thread. It has nothing to with clinton, you raving lunatic.

The poll included Clinton in its survey. Both Clinton AND Jimmy Carter beat Bush.

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