"Worst President" Bush more popular than Obama

Republicans are grasping at this irrelevant poll because the polls about their own candidates are flat and showing no interest in any of them except one, and the one that is getting attention is the one the party doesn't want. Rand Paul is making progress while the other candidates make each other look bad enough to show steady rejection or simply that they are fools.
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That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Hey Rabbi, tell us more about how you want Americans to go unemployed in favor of shipping in immigrants to do what used to be our jobs, while sending their paychecks back tot their own countries.
Just this morning it was announced that ICE released 4000 of Rabbi's best friends. He's just gotta be overwhelmed with joy.
Republicans are grasping at this irrelevant poll because the polls about their own candidates are flat and showing no interest in any of them except one, and the one that is getting attention is the one the party doesn't want. Rand Paul is making progress while the other candidates make each other look bad enough to show steady rejection or simply that they are fools.
Pointless deflection. Obama sucks yo!
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Hey Rabbi, tell us more about how you want Americans to go unemployed in favor of shipping in immigrants to do what used to be our jobs, while sending their paychecks back tot their own countries.

Why are you trying to change the subject? Is the subject hurtful to you?
He is calling Rabbi to task for his job killing position on hiring foreigners & illegals because it's FAIR for business. Rabbi is the worst kind of hypocrite & hack.
THAT is far more important than some pointless feel good poll
Bush was hardly "lousy".

  • Failed to defend America on 9/11
  • Failed to respond to the Cole attack
  • Failed to respond to Katrina
  • Put a trillion dollars on the credit card for Medicare D
  • Put a couple trillion dollars on the credit card to wage a war based on lies
  • Put a couple trillion dollars on the credit card to give tax breaks to the rich
  • Tried to sell our ports to the Arabs
  • Tried to put his cleaning lady on SCOTUS
  • Held no one accountable for anything
  • Crashed the U.S. and world economy

Totally lousy.
1) Bill Clinton Hours Before 9 11 Attacks I Could Have Killed Osama bin Laden - ABC News
2) Clinton was president but I guess he gets no criticism huh? Nevertheless .. .. .. USS Cole attack survivors angry at Obama - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
3) Which of these 23 things was the MOST Obama s Katrina s moment No one can decide. - The Washington Post
4) Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined
5) CBO National Debt to Hit 19.1 Trillion Under Obama TheBlaze.com
6) Obamacare Taxpayers in the Hole for 1.5 Trillion The Fiscal Times
7) Obama s Brazilian Oil Disaster Human Events How Putin s Russia Gained Control of a U.S. Uranium Mine - Bloomberg Business
8) Sonia Sotomayor s Socialist Yearbook Quote Sure to Inspire Idiocy Hilarity Google
9) Krauthammer Obama Never Holds Anybody In His Administration Accountable Particularly Himself Video RealClearPolitics
10) Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever - Forbes

Too bad, Publius that you're turning out to be yet another right wing hack......

Regarding Obama's increased "debt"....would you mind asking HOW GWB was planning to pay for the abject FIASCO called Iraq?........Or the "get-the-old-people's-vote" scheme for the unpaid for Medicare [Dis]Advantage Part D?????
Obama will have added more debt when he leaves office than every other president combined. Whya rent you focusing on that?
Oh yeah, because you're stupid.
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Hey Rabbi, tell us more about how you want Americans to go unemployed in favor of shipping in immigrants to do what used to be our jobs, while sending their paychecks back tot their own countries.

Why are you trying to change the subject? Is the subject hurtful to you?
He is calling Rabbi to task for his job killing position on hiring foreigners & illegals because it's FAIR for business. Rabbi is the worst kind of hypocrite & hack.
THAT is far more important than some pointless feel good poll
Yeah hiring people for jobs kills jobs. Nice leap of logic there, Gramps.
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Hey Rabbi, tell us more about how you want Americans to go unemployed in favor of shipping in immigrants to do what used to be our jobs, while sending their paychecks back tot their own countries.

Why are you trying to change the subject? Is the subject hurtful to you?
He is calling Rabbi to task for his job killing position on hiring foreigners & illegals because it's FAIR for business. Rabbi is the worst kind of hypocrite & hack.
THAT is far more important than some pointless feel good poll
Yeah hiring people for jobs kills jobs. Nice leap of logic there, Gramps.
Hiring FOREIGNERS kills American jobs as witnessed by the fiasco at Disney. Which YOU FUCKING DEFENDED. Not only were Americans fired to hire foreigners, many of them had to train their fucking replacements.

That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Hey Rabbi, tell us more about how you want Americans to go unemployed in favor of shipping in immigrants to do what used to be our jobs, while sending their paychecks back tot their own countries.

Why are you trying to change the subject? Is the subject hurtful to you?
He is calling Rabbi to task for his job killing position on hiring foreigners & illegals because it's FAIR for business. Rabbi is the worst kind of hypocrite & hack.
THAT is far more important than some pointless feel good poll
Yeah hiring people for jobs kills jobs. Nice leap of logic there, Gramps.
Hiring FOREIGNERS kills American jobs as witnessed by the fiasco at Disney. Which YOU FUCKING DEFENDED. Not only were Americans fired to hire foreigners, many of them had to train their fucking replacements.

Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?
I am for free movement of labor and capital--classic conservative positions. You are a raging statist fascist scumbag who needs gov't to protect you.
Hey Rabbi, tell us more about how you want Americans to go unemployed in favor of shipping in immigrants to do what used to be our jobs, while sending their paychecks back tot their own countries.

Why are you trying to change the subject? Is the subject hurtful to you?
He is calling Rabbi to task for his job killing position on hiring foreigners & illegals because it's FAIR for business. Rabbi is the worst kind of hypocrite & hack.
THAT is far more important than some pointless feel good poll
Yeah hiring people for jobs kills jobs. Nice leap of logic there, Gramps.
Hiring FOREIGNERS kills American jobs as witnessed by the fiasco at Disney. Which YOU FUCKING DEFENDED. Not only were Americans fired to hire foreigners, many of them had to train their fucking replacements.

Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?
I am for free movement of labor and capital--classic conservative positions. You are a raging statist fascist scumbag who needs gov't to protect you.
Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Why are you trying to change the subject? Is the subject hurtful to you?
He is calling Rabbi to task for his job killing position on hiring foreigners & illegals because it's FAIR for business. Rabbi is the worst kind of hypocrite & hack.
THAT is far more important than some pointless feel good poll
Yeah hiring people for jobs kills jobs. Nice leap of logic there, Gramps.
Hiring FOREIGNERS kills American jobs as witnessed by the fiasco at Disney. Which YOU FUCKING DEFENDED. Not only were Americans fired to hire foreigners, many of them had to train their fucking replacements.

Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?
I am for free movement of labor and capital--classic conservative positions. You are a raging statist fascist scumbag who needs gov't to protect you.
Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Post it, cocksucker. or shut the fuck up.
Yes, employers have the right to hire whomever they want. Sorry if that chaps your fascist ass but there you go. If your job can be done better by an illiterate Mexican youv'e got bigger problems than immigration.
Rabbi is a hypocrite, a liar & a political hack who changes positions based on political winds.
I've been absolutely consistent, dumbshit.

What is it about posting on these boards that makes people stupid. Take G5000. A year ago his posts made sense. I might not agree with them but they were reasoned. Now he posts shit like Rightwinger. Gramps is becoming unhinged as well.
He is calling Rabbi to task for his job killing position on hiring foreigners & illegals because it's FAIR for business. Rabbi is the worst kind of hypocrite & hack.
THAT is far more important than some pointless feel good poll
Yeah hiring people for jobs kills jobs. Nice leap of logic there, Gramps.
Hiring FOREIGNERS kills American jobs as witnessed by the fiasco at Disney. Which YOU FUCKING DEFENDED. Not only were Americans fired to hire foreigners, many of them had to train their fucking replacements.

Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?
I am for free movement of labor and capital--classic conservative positions. You are a raging statist fascist scumbag who needs gov't to protect you.
Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Post it, cocksucker. or shut the fuck up.
Yes, employers have the right to hire whomever they want. Sorry if that chaps your fascist ass but there you go. If your job can be done better by an illiterate Mexican youv'e got bigger problems than immigration.
I don't have to post it dumbfuck you just admitted it.

A stupid hypocrite lol
Rabbi is a hypocrite, a liar & a political hack who changes positions based on political winds.
I've been absolutely consistent, dumbshit.

What is it about posting on these boards that makes people stupid. Take G5000. A year ago his posts made sense. I might not agree with them but they were reasoned. Now he posts shit like Rightwinger. Gramps is becoming unhinged as well.
Getting called out for your bullshit does not make others unhinged, idiot.
Yeah hiring people for jobs kills jobs. Nice leap of logic there, Gramps.
Hiring FOREIGNERS kills American jobs as witnessed by the fiasco at Disney. Which YOU FUCKING DEFENDED. Not only were Americans fired to hire foreigners, many of them had to train their fucking replacements.

Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?
I am for free movement of labor and capital--classic conservative positions. You are a raging statist fascist scumbag who needs gov't to protect you.
Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Post it, cocksucker. or shut the fuck up.
Yes, employers have the right to hire whomever they want. Sorry if that chaps your fascist ass but there you go. If your job can be done better by an illiterate Mexican youv'e got bigger problems than immigration.
I don't have to post it dumbfuck you just admitted it.

A stupid hypocrite lol
Shut the fuck up, cocksucker.
Rabbi is a hypocrite, a liar & a political hack who changes positions based on political winds.
I've been absolutely consistent, dumbshit.

What is it about posting on these boards that makes people stupid. Take G5000. A year ago his posts made sense. I might not agree with them but they were reasoned. Now he posts shit like Rightwinger. Gramps is becoming unhinged as well.
Getting called out for your bullshit does not make others unhinged, idiot.
No bullshit. You dont like my opinion. So rather than argue with it like a mature person you call me names and accuse me of hypocrisy, like a cocksucking bitch.
Just shut the fuck up and go away.
Hiring FOREIGNERS kills American jobs as witnessed by the fiasco at Disney. Which YOU FUCKING DEFENDED. Not only were Americans fired to hire foreigners, many of them had to train their fucking replacements.

Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?
I am for free movement of labor and capital--classic conservative positions. You are a raging statist fascist scumbag who needs gov't to protect you.
Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Post it, cocksucker. or shut the fuck up.
Yes, employers have the right to hire whomever they want. Sorry if that chaps your fascist ass but there you go. If your job can be done better by an illiterate Mexican youv'e got bigger problems than immigration.
I don't have to post it dumbfuck you just admitted it.

A stupid hypocrite lol
Shut the fuck up, cocksucker.
You did indeed. I ruffled your panties so bad you admitted it by accident.

As YOU used to say.....

Looks like Grampa Murked you

Rabbi is a hypocrite, a liar & a political hack who changes positions based on political winds.
I've been absolutely consistent, dumbshit.

What is it about posting on these boards that makes people stupid. Take G5000. A year ago his posts made sense. I might not agree with them but they were reasoned. Now he posts shit like Rightwinger. Gramps is becoming unhinged as well.
Getting called out for your bullshit does not make others unhinged, idiot.
No bullshit. You dont like my opinion. So rather than argue with it like a mature person you call me names and accuse me of hypocrisy, like a cocksucking bitch.
Just shut the fuck up and go away.
Shoe fits hypocrite
Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?
I am for free movement of labor and capital--classic conservative positions. You are a raging statist fascist scumbag who needs gov't to protect you.
Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Post it, cocksucker. or shut the fuck up.
Yes, employers have the right to hire whomever they want. Sorry if that chaps your fascist ass but there you go. If your job can be done better by an illiterate Mexican youv'e got bigger problems than immigration.
I don't have to post it dumbfuck you just admitted it.

A stupid hypocrite lol
Shut the fuck up, cocksucker.
You did indeed. I ruffled your panties so bad you admitted it by accident.

As YOU used to say.....

Looks like Grampa Murked you

I didnt admit anything, cocksucker.
Looks like I'll have to shut you up myself. Bye Gramps. How does it feel to be on thelist with Truth Matters and the other hater dupes?

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