"Worst President" Bush more popular than Obama

Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Post it, cocksucker. or shut the fuck up.
Yes, employers have the right to hire whomever they want. Sorry if that chaps your fascist ass but there you go. If your job can be done better by an illiterate Mexican youv'e got bigger problems than immigration.
I don't have to post it dumbfuck you just admitted it.

A stupid hypocrite lol
Shut the fuck up, cocksucker.
You did indeed. I ruffled your panties so bad you admitted it by accident.

As YOU used to say.....

Looks like Grampa Murked you

I didnt admit anything, cocksucker.
Looks like I'll have to shut you up myself. Bye Gramps. How does it feel to be on thelist with Truth Matters and the other hater dupes?
Hater dupes? You a franko sock?

Hahaha loser can't handle the heat....

Two words "residual force." where was it?

IT'S NOT our damn country to invade, occupy and determine how long we overstayed the "welcome".......Once you war-mongers get the simple fact that colonialism is no longer allowed we'll have some peace.

Colonial? Where are the colonies?

Obama: The weakest foreign policy president ever!

When you leave an occupational force in a country, then it's a colony. How can you not know that?

You're a fucking idiot. How can you not know that?
It took nearly a decade for Americans polled to warm towards Bush

Bush was polling pretty low toward the end of his Administration. He dipped down to 25 percent at one point. We'll see where Obama is polling this many years after he leaves office.

I doubt he will ever hit 25 percent.
Obama wont poll nearly as badly at the end of his term because he doesnt have the media relentless beating on him every day, like Bush did.

Bull. Faux entertainment and the Right wing echo chamber has hammered President Obama relentlessly with all kind of lies and nonsense for his entire time in office. Compare them again after Obama has been out of office for 6 years.
It took nearly a decade for Americans polled to warm towards Bush

Bush was polling pretty low toward the end of his Administration. He dipped down to 25 percent at one point. We'll see where Obama is polling this many years after he leaves office.

I doubt he will ever hit 25 percent.
Obama wont poll nearly as badly at the end of his term because he doesnt have the media relentless beating on him every day, like Bush did.

Bull. Faux entertainment and the Right wing echo chamber has hammered President Obama relentlessly with all kind of lies and nonsense for his entire time in office. Compare them again after Obama has been out of office for 6 years.

oh waaaa, and like it wasn't done to Bush. please they were marching in the streets carrying outrageous signs. like Bush Hitler, etc. On top of this LAMEstream media crucifying him every single day. How many times did we hear about him reading a book called: the pet goat? and on and on and on
It took nearly a decade for Americans polled to warm towards Bush

Bush was polling pretty low toward the end of his Administration. He dipped down to 25 percent at one point. We'll see where Obama is polling this many years after he leaves office.

I doubt he will ever hit 25 percent.
Obama wont poll nearly as badly at the end of his term because he doesnt have the media relentless beating on him every day, like Bush did.

Bull. Faux entertainment and the Right wing echo chamber has hammered President Obama relentlessly with all kind of lies and nonsense for his entire time in office. Compare them again after Obama has been out of office for 6 years.

oh waaaa, and like it wasn't done to Bush. please they were marching in the streets carrying outrageous signs. like Bush Hitler, etc. On top of this LAMEstream media crucifying him every single day. How many times did we hear about him reading a book called: the pet goat? and on and on and on

President Bush squandered his 90+ % approval rating on 9-12-2001 by invading Iraq. Ever major media was fully embedded until the occupation went sour and the truth about Iraq WMD programs became known. Only then did the MSM begin to tell the public the truth about Iraq's WMD programs. Never once has Faux backed President Obama in the same way as that, never.
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

At least the left does not promote homophobia and racism unlike the RWers. It must have really hurt the righties when Fox news finally admitted Barack Obama won in 2012. I know you people don't trust CNN, NYT or any other news media. This is why I watched only FOX news until Obama was declared a winner. I too accepted Obama's victory only after Fox announced it after much tantrums and stupid contra theories put forth by Fox anchors and guests to question whether Obama really won. Finally when the beast was declared dead, I opened up a champaigne bottle and celebrated.

Eight years of RW butt hurt sure must have been very painful.
It took nearly a decade for Americans polled to warm towards Bush

Bush was polling pretty low toward the end of his Administration. He dipped down to 25 percent at one point. We'll see where Obama is polling this many years after he leaves office.

I doubt he will ever hit 25 percent.
Obama wont poll nearly as badly at the end of his term because he doesnt have the media relentless beating on him every day, like Bush did.

Bull. Faux entertainment and the Right wing echo chamber has hammered President Obama relentlessly with all kind of lies and nonsense for his entire time in office. Compare them again after Obama has been out of office for 6 years.
Please. Fox News is one source out of many. How many critical stories have run on:
New York Times
LA Times
Washington Post

That doesnt count the various commentators and talking heads on Fox and elsewhere. If Obama had half of Bush's criticism his poll numbers would be dismal.
Iraq was won by the time he left
Bullshit. He turned the country over to a Shiite in Sunni Iraq.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.
Iraq was won by the time he left
Bullshit. He turned the country over to a Shiite in Sunni Iraq.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Any idiot can see that the poll is the result of "oversampling" of Republicans resulting in skewed results
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Any idiot can see that the poll is the result of "oversampling" of Republicans resulting in skewed results
Yeah just like 2014 was caused by low voter turnout and the GOP wipe out in 2016 will be caused by GOP voter suppression.
There was no vote FOR war.

Why do you Communists lie so much?

I mean, i get that you're complete scumbags who eschew integrity and seek to purge yourselves of any last hints of ethics.

Still, aren't you embarrassed by the exposure of your incessant lies?


H.J.Res. 114 107th Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 -- GovTrack.us
Iraq was won by the time he left
Bullshit. He turned the country over to a Shiite in Sunni Iraq.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.

He also said at one point he wanted to leave 10,000 military personnel in Iraq as well.
Iraq was won by the time he left
Bullshit. He turned the country over to a Shiite in Sunni Iraq.
Obama in his own words, successfully ended the Iraq war.
What words are you talking about? What do you mean by ending the Iraq war? Are you distorting his speech and announcement for the end of the war for US troops being involved in combat and security operation?
He bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war.
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.
He ended the war for American troops. You guys are distorting what he said and did. Look at the edited and chopped up vid that Rabbi posted. He successfully ended the war for American troops and turned the security over to Iraq. Iraq couldn't maintain the security that was left to them.

He surrendered and engaged in a cowardly retreat.

I opposed the Iraq war from day one. I said it was the wrong target, our real enemy was (and is) Iran.

Still, once you engage, you're in. Obama is a coward and a fool, his actions have destabilized the entire region. His retreat from Iraq shows the Muslims that America has no resolve and will cave to terrorism.

We elected a queer as president - and this disaster is the result.
Hiring FOREIGNERS kills American jobs as witnessed by the fiasco at Disney. Which YOU FUCKING DEFENDED. Not only were Americans fired to hire foreigners, many of them had to train their fucking replacements.

Please post where I even contributed on the Disney thread. Maybe senility is setting in?
I am for free movement of labor and capital--classic conservative positions. You are a raging statist fascist scumbag who needs gov't to protect you.
Now you're gonna resort to lying & twisting the truth. Faggot

Dont forget to tell everyone that your idea of FREE FLOWING LABOR includes firing Americans and allowing businesses to hire immigrants regardless of their legal status.
Post it, cocksucker. or shut the fuck up.
Yes, employers have the right to hire whomever they want. Sorry if that chaps your fascist ass but there you go. If your job can be done better by an illiterate Mexican youv'e got bigger problems than immigration.
I don't have to post it dumbfuck you just admitted it.

A stupid hypocrite lol
Shut the fuck up, cocksucker.

Tsk, tsk, so angry all of a sudden. Why, I am not sure your weak ticker can take that stress!!!

Looks like Grandpa hit a nerve.

Oh, and Greece is still part of the Eurozone.

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