"Worst President" Bush more popular than Obama

Oh please pleas pllllleeeeeaaassssseee give me a history lesson. My MA in Military History screams for an additional lesson from an amateur who has obviously read more, written more, and studied more on these subjects than I have. Lets go buddy. Lets see whatcha got. Indeed, I have heard every argument you've made before you've made it. Embarrassed many a leftist in my day. Lets go!

No, no...you're "correct"....history books PROVE and CONDONE that Iraq was destined to be the 51st state.....heck, it may even be written in the Bible.......well, that is, until the last drop of oil is sucked out of the ground.

Its becoming obvious you are one of those BOOOOOOOOOOOOSH war crimer loons who ran around claiming this was all just a big oil industry conspiracy.
Oh please pleas pllllleeeeeaaassssseee give me a history lesson. My MA in Military History screams for an additional lesson from an amateur who has obviously read more, written more, and studied more on these subjects than I have. Lets go buddy. Lets see whatcha got. Indeed, I have heard every argument you've made before you've made it. Embarrassed many a leftist in my day. Lets go!

No, no...you're "correct"....history books PROVE and CONDONE that Iraq was destined to be the 51st state.....heck, it may even be written in the Bible.......well, that is, until the last drop of oil is sucked out of the ground.

Its becoming obvious you are one of those BOOOOOOOOOOOOSH war crimer loons who ran around claiming this was all just a big oil industry conspiracy.

I found him!
I've learned a long time ago that it is actually "cruel" to argue wars especially with people who have served in a particular war....WHY???

Well, those who have served don't like to think of themselves as cannon-fodder and NEED to find some form of reason as to why some greedy bastards back in DC sent them to some foreign place on an "errand."

So, my dear Publius, stay strong, continue flaunting your erudite background on military history, play with your guns, light a few crosses when no one is looking....Who knows, maybe you'll get to attack Iran for more fun and games.
I've learned a long time ago that it is actually "cruel" to argue wars especially with people who have served in a particular war....WHY???

Well, those who have served don't like to think of themselves as cannon-fodder and NEED to find some form of reason as to why some greedy bastards back in DC sent them to some foreign place on an "errand."

So, my dear Publius, stay strong, continue flaunting your erudite background on military history, play with your guns, light a few crosses when no one is looking....Who knows, maybe you'll get to attack Iran for more fun and games.

I agree. the people who have actually experienced war seem to be the worst authorities on war ... ... ... ... Wait ... What? Oh, I see, you're looking for an out. Ok You may leave now.

Just another thought. if I had the same view as you would you make the same argument? I think not. You would point to me as an authority that's learned from the horrors of war. A glaring double standard. Essentially your saying that "if you're a veteran that disagrees with me then you are unworthy of an opinion and should be discredited via your war time experiences." New flash, in every war in history all grunts are cannon fodder. I will cede you that and I am not above realizing it. Has my opinion changed because of it? No. I had no expectation that I was otherwise. That's why it's called "serving" your country. "Service" implies a sacrifice. "Sacrifice" implies that we know were cannon fodder. So why should I not want to think of myself as cannon fodder again? Ahhh realism. Beats out ideology every time.
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Bush is still the least favorite "former" president...Clinton was at 64%.
Bush is still the least favorite "former" president...Clinton was at 64%.

And people clearly aren't learning history in leftist schools. But they certainly are more inclined to have a better understanding of the past 15 years than they do history.
Bush is still the least favorite "former" president...Clinton was at 64%.

And people clearly aren't learning history in leftist schools. But they certainly are more inclined to have a better understanding of the past 15 years than they do history.

No, people soften up on presidents after they office, it's completely normal. They soften up on just about anyone that leaves politics, that's how Hillary had approval ratings in the high 60's during most of her tenure as Secretary of State.
Bush is still the least favorite "former" president...Clinton was at 64%.

And people clearly aren't learning history in leftist schools. But they certainly are more inclined to have a better understanding of the past 15 years than they do history.

No, people soften up on presidents after they office, it's completely normal. They soften up on just about anyone that leaves politics, that's how Hillary had approval ratings in the high 60's during most of her tenure as Secretary of State.

I agree with that. Certainly a fair statement. People either have short memories or legitimately think we are worse off now than under Bush. Perhaps a combination of both.
But we're more respected than China

The Obamanoids confuse Respect with POPULARITY.

Obama is more popular with other countries in the way that the "Easy" girl in high school is popular. Both Obama and the girl think its respect, but they are delusional.

What a horrible, misguided, simplistic analogy. How you can compare Obama to "the easy girl" from high school is absolutely beyond me. Especially when the subject you're invoking is respect. I don't think you really know what you are talking about. Do you even understand the rammafications of what you're saying?

Easy girls in high school go slutting around because they're addicted to the attention and prey on the lowest animal elements of our male teenage minds in a time when we're weakest and least equipped to handle it. But at least they provide an effective training ground so that when we found a girl we truly did respect, we were fully capable of effectively respecting her to her heart's full content.

You really think Obama is that useful?

The people fucking him over find him Quite Useful.
Two words "residual force." where was it?

IT'S NOT our damn country to invade, occupy and determine how long we overstayed the "welcome".......Once you war-mongers get the simple fact that colonialism is no longer allowed we'll have some peace.

Colonial? Where are the colonies?

Obama: The weakest foreign policy president ever!

When you leave an occupational force in a country, then it's a colony. How can you not know that?
Wow I didn't know Germany, Japan and South Korea we're colonies of the USA
"Worst President" Bush more popular than Obama

He's only "Worst President" in the eyes of a few disgruntled liberal fanatics, whose butts he kicked in two elections.

Normal Americans (i.e. the majority of the population) don't pay attention to liberal fanatics, and liked him fine.
I honestly do NOT understand how the Rabbit can draw such a stupid "conclusion" (well, actually I can understand his stupidity)....

In mid year 2008, GWB polled at 28% dipping to an unbelievable 22% at the end.......Currently, Obama is polling between 47-49%....

Correct me if I'm wrong.
I didnt draw any conclusion, nitwit. I merely quoted the poll that said Bush currently is more popular than Obama currently. What about that is difficult to understand, other than it runs counter to your programmed ideas?

By all of 3 points, in a poll with an MoE of +/- 3, which means in reality that the values could actually be a tie, Bush could actually be 9 points ahead in Fav, or Obama could be 3 points ahead.

Which part of "MoE" do you not understand, you moron?

When you consider that Bush's numbers were in a complete free fall in 2007, well under 40, and Obama is at 49, that alone says something much more important, you stupid, worthless fucktwat.

Oh, and Greece is still part of the Eurozone.
All I was trying to point out (for the R-W nitwits on here) is that the polling WHEN AVERAGED...a concept that must be foreign to imbecilles...is that the O/P's intent is false.....

Ultimately, if you want to personnaly judge the last 2 presidents' performance, just count the repatriated body bags and the debt for unpaid AND unnecessary wars.
Idiot. Averaging isnt what this thread is about. The thread is about an actual poll that was taken that showed Bush is currently more popular than Obama. Not what the historical record of polls is.

And Carter is more popular than Bush lol.

Absence does make the heart grow fonder.
Two lousy presidencies in a row.


This is what it looks like.

Bush was hardly "lousy". He had some very solid achievements, as well as making some mistakes.
You really think Clinton's presidency was all that?
Bush left us in two horrific wars and a financial system in literal collapse. It doesn't get much worse than that. His very name remains toxic for Republicans (not to mention his brother).

While Clinton certainly can't get all the credit for the economy during his administration, the quarterback gets the credit.

OK, Bush didnt leave us in two horrific wars. Bush responded appropriately in both cases by going to war. What was the alternative after 9/11? SHoot a couple of cruise missiles and declare victory? Iraq was won by the time he left and Afghanistanwas more of a sideshow.
As to the financial system, it is a business cycle. Bush did nothing to cause the downturn in the business cycle. And it would have recovered just fine if he and Obozo had done nothing more.
His name obviously is better tender than Obama's at this point.
Clinton doesnt get any credit. He did absolutely zero to create the boom and caused problems with his tax increases. His lack of response to al Qaeda ended in 9/11. That doesnt count the many many scandals of his administration.
Rabbi, here's what I'm seeing:

Anything good that happened during a Republican administration is due to the President.

Nothing bad that happened during a Republican administration is due to the President.

Nothing good that happened during a Democrat administration is due to the President.

Anything bad that happened during a Democrat administration is due to the President.

And, of course, the inverse applies when a left winger is doing the analysis.

You're not seeing that from me. I acknowledged Bush made mistakes. His steel tarriffs was a bad policy. His No Child LEft Behidn was a bad law. His extension of drug benefits was a bad law. His extension of TARP to auto makers over Congress' objection was bad policy.
Clinton's welfare reform and NAFTA were good policies.
Obama's policies have been almost universally bad. There was some move to wind down Fannie/Freddie but I see that'[s gone nowhere. His trade deals are good but he's taken forever to get them signed. The rest of what he has done has sucked super donkey balls.

Donkey balls?


I don't even want to know...

The Democrats are tanking across the board. The disasters of 2010 and 2014, losing the House, Senate and now with only 18 governerships compounded with Hillary's collapse through her own sleaze is going to put the Democrats in territory they haven't seen since the Reagan years.
What does that poll even mean. It is misrepresented as a popularity poll when the question asked appeared to be about approval. Doesn't that mean that people approve of Bush painting pictures and staying far away from deciding anything that could have an impact on anyone about anything? Compare that to Obama who is being criticized and faulted for his decisions about war and the economy. It is like comparing apples and hammers.
What does that poll even mean. It is misrepresented as a popularity poll when the question asked appeared to be about approval. Doesn't that mean that people approve of Bush painting pictures and staying far away from deciding anything that could have an impact on anyone about anything? Compare that to Obama who is being criticized and faulted for his decisions about war and the economy. It is like comparing apples and hammers.
The polls means that potential voters are increasingly seeing Obama as a loser and Hillary as dishonest. While Obama's legacy falls to one of failure, there is so much more (Clinton Foundation, Benghazi etc.) to keep her in that light that panic mode is only a few steps away.

Stupid question.
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That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Since the poll difference between Obama and Bush is within the margin of error, why would you lie about the results?
What does that poll even mean. It is misrepresented as a popularity poll when the question asked appeared to be about approval. Doesn't that mean that people approve of Bush painting pictures and staying far away from deciding anything that could have an impact on anyone about anything? Compare that to Obama who is being criticized and faulted for his decisions about war and the economy. It is like comparing apples and hammers.
The poll means that potential voters are increasingly seeing Hillary as dishonest. There is so much more (Clinton Foundation, Benghazi etc.) to keep her in that light that panic mode is only a few steps away.

Stupid question.
Nah, stupid would be stretching and thinking relevant a poll comparing the former President Bush to the one currently in office, Obama to represent a judgement and be relevant about a Presidential candidate, Clinton in a future election. Your interpretation of the meaning of this poll is just more evidence of your normal delusional thinking.

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