Worst U.S. foreign policy team ever?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The 'deep-thinkers' who re-elected a President with a list of foreign policy failures as long as your arm have this pair to their credit....

1."...Obama told the world that America would be “relentless in defense of our citizens and our friends and allies.”
Two and a half years later, the Obama Administration doesn’t seem to be relentless in defense of anything beyond its direct domestic political interests—with the exception of its undiscerning spying operations on countries that pass as extended family.

2. ... in Europe, doubts about America’s wisdom, strength and resolve are increasingly focused on the person of the president. Beyond the espionage, think of Mr. Obama’s hesitations on Iran and turnabouts concerning Syria—or his role in lengthening the U.S. budget shutdown, or in providing America with a new but crippled national health program.

3. ...France, Britain and Germany regard Mr. Obama as a problem. No longer expressed only in private, the notion represents a decline in the reflexive acceptance and respect that had cushioned European attitudes about his historic presidency.

4. ....an American president who was once longed for in Europe like the Messiah, and whom Old Europeans finally saw as one—a president who didn’t arrive wearing Texas cowboy boots, and instead tucked his copy of Kant under his pillow. But that was fiction.”

5. The president who promised that his coming to power would cause the world to love us hasn’t been able to keep that promise either. US foreign relations is in tatters.

6. In “ Angela Merkel : The Chancellor and Her World,” ...Mrs. Merkel ...has exchanged expressions of discomfort with Nicolas Sarkozy and Gordon Brown about why Mr. Obama is “so peculiar, so unapproachable, so lacking in warmth” (my translation).... they’ve discovered under all the hype there’s essentially an empty suit.

[Exactly what the Right told the nation in '08!!!!]

7. ...Kerry has personally exacerbated tensions between Israel and the Palestinians that were already complicated ... He stabbed both Israel and the moderate Arab states in the back by publicly accepting the terms of a weak nuclear deal with Iran that would have likely started the collapse of sanctions against Tehran and put in motion a process that would have made it possible for the Islamist state to reach their nuclear goal.

8. He then added to that folly by rushing to Geneva to sign that agreement only to be embarrassed by the insistence of the French—of all countries—that there at least be a fig leaf of accountability for the arrangement. That blew up the P5+1 talks and left Kerry trying to explain both his appeasement and the failure while also obviously fibbing about the last-minute conditions being his idea rather than the brainchild of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.

9. It must be admitted that to have done so much damage to American interests in so little time is quite an accomplishment. Though he has plenty of competition for the title, John Kerry may have already become America’s worst secretary of state in history.

10. Yes, folks, that’s your international “one-two punch”, the two who represent our best interests as a nation abroad."
Worst U.S. foreign policy team ever? « Hot Air

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