Worthless Broward County LEO at it again...

View attachment 189715

A well regulated militia. This kid needs to be watched. Already talking about militias.

quoting the Constitution means you need to be watched.

Yes well he needs to learn on an AR 15, bound to hit something. Love of guns. I get it, I loved the rifle range in basic, and he should join the military since he is such a man now.

He doesn't have to join the military. That is a choice.
Just look at how tough he looks, is that what you want your kids to look like, is this what you want them to do in their spare time.

The kid went to the range with his dad ... Nothing wrong with that.
The kid is demonstrating proper safety measures, including PPE ... Nothing wrong with that.

He doesn't look tough ... He looks like a kid who visited the range with his father.
Plus .. Look at the bright side ... I doubt he has trouble deciding which bathroom to use.


Really, you going to bring transvestites into this debate.

Uh no ... I suggested he probably wouldn't have a problem deciding which bathroom to use ... Meaning he wouldn't be gender confused.


What makes you think so. Because he has fired an assault weapon, doesn't take much skill for that, a pistol is harder to shoot.

What is your point here?
You guys sure had enough to say about Nikolas Cruz , and why didn't the school do more, and the cops. Well since this guy now has an AR 15 and his Dad probably does as well, they should watch him, isn't this what you guys wanted, move involvement of schools in the students life's.
View attachment 189715

A well regulated militia. This kid needs to be watched. Already talking about militias.

quoting the Constitution means you need to be watched.

Yes well he needs to learn on an AR 15, bound to hit something. Love of guns. I get it, I loved the rifle range in basic, and he should join the military since he is such a man now.

He doesn't have to join the military. That is a choice.

Well lets see if he loves assault weapons its a good place for him.
So now they are doing their jobs and you gripe about that as well. I guess he just might be the next shooter. He will be joining a militia before long, and I guess he might even attack the government. I guess if you can't join the shooters become like them, learn the love of power behind a gun.

No I'm serious.

Sooo. . . .

You support the police state like tactics of the school, treating this kid like a criminal for doing essentially nothing wrong?

Yes, didn't the right wing fault the police for not doing anything, and now they do and you fault them as well.

No, sane people, not just "right wing," faulted the school, the FBI, and the police for not flagging this kid for clearly ominous behavior like;

"In another instance, Ms Deschamps said Mr Cruz and her teenage son got into a fight, which turned physical. When Mr Cruz ran away, she worried he would come back with a gun. When he eventually returned, she gave him a choice between living in her house or keeping his gun. He chose the gun, she said.

“I told the police about prior incidents that I knew of in which Nikolas had put a gun to his mother’s head and to his brother’s head. I also told them about other warning signs,” Ms Deschamps said on Tuesday. “...Law enforcement said nothing could be done.”

The sheriff’s office is already facing allegations that it did not respond adequately to warnings about Mr Cruz’s behaviour. The office has admitted that it received at least 23 phone calls about Mr Cruz or his brother between 2007 and 2018 – including one in which a neighbour’s son warned Cruz planned to “shoot up” a school.

Further investigation by CNN show the number of calls may have been as high as 45. A log of the 23 phone calls the sheriff’s department says they received about Mr Cruz does not include the calls Ms Deschamps claims to have made."
The Florida shooting suspect displayed 'troubling warning signs', his guardian claims

And you want to compare that to shooting at a gun range and talking about fire arm safety, reeaaaallly? Seriously?
You guys sure had enough to say about Nikolas Cruz , and why didn't the school do more, and the cops. Well since this guy now has an AR 15 and his Dad probably does as well, they should watch him, isn't this what you guys wanted, move involvement of schools in the students life's.

Because he had a history of being a trouble maker, threatening other people with violence and death and had the police called on him multiple times.
View attachment 189715

A well regulated militia. This kid needs to be watched. Already talking about militias.

quoting the Constitution means you need to be watched.

Yes well he needs to learn on an AR 15, bound to hit something. Love of guns. I get it, I loved the rifle range in basic, and he should join the military since he is such a man now.

He doesn't have to join the military. That is a choice.

Well lets see if he loves assault weapons its a good place for him.

That is not your decision to make. You have no say in such matters for someone else.
View attachment 189715

A well regulated militia. This kid needs to be watched. Already talking about militias.

quoting the Constitution means you need to be watched.

Yes well he needs to learn on an AR 15, bound to hit something. Love of guns. I get it, I loved the rifle range in basic, and he should join the military since he is such a man now.

He doesn't have to join the military. That is a choice.

Well lets see if he loves assault weapons its a good place for him.
and this is why the right tell the left to fuck off when they ask for "common sense" laws. they don't know the term, just use it as a method to try and pass themselves off as having it to begin with.
You guys sure had enough to say about Nikolas Cruz , and why didn't the school do more, and the cops. Well since this guy now has an AR 15 and his Dad probably does as well, they should watch him, isn't this what you guys wanted, move involvement of schools in the students life's.

See, your main problem here is you are equating Kyle with Nicholas Cruz.

If you can't see their behavioral differences you are as bad as the failures of the FBI, the school system and the STATE.

THAT is essentially what this whole topic is about.
Really, you going to bring transvestites into this debate.

Sure, why not? It was a joke. Lighten up.

They have always been a great source of humor in our society.

I made the mistake of indicating the kid probably wasn't gender confused ...
Could possibly amount to a "bright side" or favorable circumstance to a Progressive ... My bad.

One of my favorite shows growing up. . .

She probably thought the movie Tootsie was in poor taste as well. . .

Just look at how tough he looks, is that what you want your kids to look like, is this what you want them to do in their spare time.
Unlike your shooters who train with GTA
Just look at how tough he looks, is that what you want your kids to look like, is this what you want them to do in their spare time.

The kid went to the range with his dad ... Nothing wrong with that.
The kid is demonstrating proper safety measures, including PPE ... Nothing wrong with that.

He doesn't look tough ... He looks like a kid who visited the range with his father.
Plus .. Look at the bright side ... I doubt he has trouble deciding which bathroom to use.


Really, you going to bring transvestites into this debate.
Moot point since you're already in it, Penny.
Remember this: The promise program,

Does Broward Schools' Program Coddle Troubled Students and Excuse Dangerous Behavior?

now you guys asked for involvement and you received it:

The idea was that “minor misbehavior” by students should not result in an arrest if a student can be dealt with in some other way. These types of programs were also championed by the Obama administration, which encouraged efforts to reduce the "school-to-prison pipeline," particularly for minority students.


However, the key point here is MINOR MISBEHAVIOR.

What we have a fundamental disagreement about is MISBEHAVIOR.

Most of the folks posting in this thread have seen absolutely NO red flags in Kyle's behavior, no misbehavior in his deeds, none.

That you and the school do is troubling.

The only misbehavior in this instance, the only thing that needs to be addressed, possibly with legal action are the school and the city's actions.
Remember this: The promise program,

Does Broward Schools' Program Coddle Troubled Students and Excuse Dangerous Behavior?

now you guys asked for involvement and you received it:

The idea was that “minor misbehavior” by students should not result in an arrest if a student can be dealt with in some other way. These types of programs were also championed by the Obama administration, which encouraged efforts to reduce the "school-to-prison pipeline," particularly for minority students.


However, the key point here is MINOR MISBEHAVIOR.

What we have a fundamental disagreement about is MISBEHAVIOR.

Most of the folks posting in this thread have seen absolutely NO red flags in Kyle's behavior, no misbehavior in his deeds, none.

That you and the school do is troubling.

The only misbehavior in this instance, the only thing that needs to be addressed, possibly with legal action are the school and the city's actions.

Uh, yeah ... Progressives think a kid going to the range with his father is troubling ... I can see that.
Don't fall for the bait.

Other wise ... The policy the nit-wit referred to was school policy involving behavior of children at school and how the school responded to that behavior.
In this circumstance ... It couldn't involve "minor misbehavior" at school ... Because Kyle wasn't at school, he was at the range with his father.

Just another example of how Progressives will use any excuse to aggressively bully the opposition ... :thup:


So now they are doing their jobs and you gripe about that as well. I guess he just might be the next shooter. He will be joining a militia before long, and I guess he might even attack the government. I guess if you can't join the shooters become like them, learn the love of power behind a gun.

No I'm serious.

Sooo. . . .

You support the police state like tactics of the school, treating this kid like a criminal for doing essentially nothing wrong?

Yes, didn't the right wing fault the police for not doing anything, and now they do and you fault them as well.

See, this is the leftist disconnect.

Multiple sources reached out to law enforcement at different times to state their fear that the FLA shooter was a credible threat.

Based on his multiple assertions that he wanted to shoot up the school.
Based on his multiple assertions that he wanted to kill people.
Based on the fact that he was called to the house multiple times because he terrified and terrorized his mother.
Based on the fact that multiple people were aware that he was stockpiling weapons specifically for the purpose of killing people.

The kid who went to the shooting range is just a kid who went to a shooting range.

You fucktards are so stupid. You maintain that normal people should just put up with crazy people who are a threat...
And lock up normal people who pose no threat, because they might be able to DEFEND themselves from crazy people who are a threat.
Remember this: The promise program,

Does Broward Schools' Program Coddle Troubled Students and Excuse Dangerous Behavior?

now you guys asked for involvement and you received it:

The idea was that “minor misbehavior” by students should not result in an arrest if a student can be dealt with in some other way. These types of programs were also championed by the Obama administration, which encouraged efforts to reduce the "school-to-prison pipeline," particularly for minority students.


However, the key point here is MINOR MISBEHAVIOR.

What we have a fundamental disagreement about is MISBEHAVIOR.

Most of the folks posting in this thread have seen absolutely NO red flags in Kyle's behavior, no misbehavior in his deeds, none.

That you and the school do is troubling.

The only misbehavior in this instance, the only thing that needs to be addressed, possibly with legal action are the school and the city's actions.

Uh, yeah ... Progressives think a kid going to the range with his father is troubling ... I can see that.
Don't fall for the bait.

Other wise ... The policy the nit-wit referred to was school policy involving behavior of children at school and how the school responded to that behavior.
In this circumstance ... It couldn't involve "minor misbehavior" at school ... Because Kyle wasn't at school, he was at the range with his father.

Just another example of how Progressives will use any excuse to aggressively bully the opposition ... :thup:



They bully children. That's what they do.

And they love it that the kids are getting killed by the people they choose to thrust upon them in the name of *diversity* and *tolerance*.
Tonight I will again have the conversation with all my kids and my grandkids...refuse to talk unless you have a parent present.

BREAKING: Anti-Gun Control Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv Questioned By School Security For Visiting Gun Range With His Father

The school has absolutely no right to do that. None

Really, aren't they suppose to get involved in the activities of kids, that have guns and assault weapons. Funny how things seem to be on different footing now hey.

No, they are not supposed to be involved with what the kids do on their own time. Unless there is a hint of trouble or somewhat of a threat, it's just a man and his son going to the shooting range to have some fun.

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