Would a conservative have tanks on the Natl Mall?

Its a good move. To see whenthe Antifa people show up and do their thing what they would be up against in a internal conflict..

Oh shit that would be hilarious

An Afghan/Iraq veterans group is showing up with thousands of free USS John McCain T-shirrs.

They'll make good asswipes when they run out of toilet paper; and it adds a whole new dimension to the name McShitstain.
For any reason? What would Washington think?
Washington didn't hate America or America's military.

Trump calls representatives of the Military to DC to honor the Military.

We know what Democrat call the military to DC to do.

Fly overs by jets are more impressive......tanks just sit there...
Trump is positioning tanks for when he declares he's the King of the United States.

He's really good at planning ahead and getting things done.


you are right.

and I imagine when he has tanks on the streets threatening to kill liberals and democrats you will be very happy.

I imagine you will dance in those very streets

you are right.

and I imagine when he has tanks on the streets threatening to kill liberals and democrats you will be very happy.

I imagine you will dance in those very streets
America's tanks have a history of killing Democrats and Liberals in Germany, North Korea, and the Middle East.
For any reason? What would Washington think?

Our past Presidents have had them.
It's not about a left or right issue.
It's about the celebration our victory from British rule, with the military parade recognition of them fighting for our independence by our Presidents.

Our past President's, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Martin Van Buren and James Polk all reviewed military parades on America's independence day.
It represents the honor of our military troops who fought and died for freedom from English tyrannical rule over the English colonists.

It has nothing to do with big government control.
Good Grief, the things people fall for these days.

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