Would an Executive Order for Amnesty Create a Constitutional Showdown?

It's clear that people on the left like Jake Snarkey like what the 14th Amendment has made possible. They like the idea that real citizens of this country don't have a voice in government. They have no representation, because Democrats have found a loophole in the law that makes it possible for them to steal elections. Using racism and ignorance Democrats have taken over less than half of the states but used the overwhelming population concentrations in those states to dictate to the rest of the country their radical ideology. They can't win on ideas and on good government. They win by misinformation and division.
I am not a lefty and you are not mainstream, Mud, only far far to the western horizon.

The 14th will not be challenged by the GOP.
Like stopping the closing of Gitmo, all Congress has to do is pass a bill to stop the E.O. So no Constitutional crisis. With control of both chambers of Congress, if the GOP can't get that done, it will just show how powerless they are.

Nice that we're already talking about not only gridlock but a constitutional crisis between the prick in the Whitehouse and Congress.

As long as he's there nothing gets done.

Gridlock maintains the status quo. There is no Constitutional crisis. It is a cycle that keeps repeating itself. (How much was spent and where did it all go?)

The Congress of "No" deserves a fair share of the blame for gridlock as well. If they're still not willing to compromise, nothing will get done.

Now that the obstructionists are no longer in power, they will proceed to give Obama legislation to sign.

Now that the old obstructionist find themselves in the majority will they get as good as the gave? Will the Democrats be able to march in lock step like the other side has for 4 combative years.

You would have a valid complaint had Reid not done several things, like refuse to pass a budget for years and sitting on 300+ bills passed by the House. Ironically, if Obama really DOES work with Republicans, as his handlers instructed him to say, he'll get more done than when he controlled the Senate.
The Congress of "No" deserves a fair share of the blame for gridlock as well. If they're still not willing to compromise, nothing will get done.
Now that Reid can no longer ignore bills send over from the house, it's a good bet that Congress will get a lot more done.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Reid can filibuster every bill to come over including when to break for lunch.

He can, and McConnell should force him to actually do a REAL filibuster, lock the doors of the chamber, turn off the cameras, and make him stand at the microphone until he pees his pants, then go ahead and vote.
I believe Senators should have to get up on their feet and really filibuster.

No more of this filing a filibuster: horsecrap.
Looks like now that we're going to control Congress a few amendments will have to be made. Repealing the 14th amendment for one. Passing an amendment that makes the DACA illegal.

Repealing the 14th Amendment.....wow.....

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I can see why the far right would object to the 14th Amendment.

Imagine- telling States that they can't deprive Americans of their civil rights.....

Excuse me ding dong,

In 1787 did the states know that nine of them practiced slavery?

How can the Amendment be Constitutional when it was adopted

the 14th Amendment was: 1) fraudulently, unlawfully, illegally proposed by the U.S. Congress rendering it null and void at the outset; 2) ratified in the Southern states by 'rump legislatures', literally by military force at bayonet point — threat, duress and coercion — rendering it null and void in the second instance; 3) had nothing to do with giving freed slaves citizenship status and instead created a new status of citizenship for all Americans (U.S. citizens rather than Citizens of our respective states) which in effect enslaved us all; 4) dissolved and replaced constitutional law with the 'Laws of Commerce and Admiralty'... and 5) in a very real sense became a new constitution within the constitution.

Judge Leander Perez

I can see why Conservatives hate the 14th Amendment- after all- look at what it guarantees

Repealing the 14th Amendment.....wow.....

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I can see why the far right would object to the 14th Amendment.

Imagine- telling States that they can't deprive Americans of their civil rights....
It's clear that people on the left like Jake Snarkey like what the 14th Amendment has made possible. They like the idea that real citizens of this country don't have a voice in government. They have no representation, because Democrats have found a loophole in the law that makes it possible for them to steal elections. Using racism and ignorance Democrats have taken over less than half of the states but used the overwhelming population concentrations in those states to dictate to the rest of the country their radical ideology. They can't win on ideas and on good government. They win by misinformation and division.

Frankly, I could only hope that the GOP listened to your and tried to repeal the 14th Amendment.

But alas.....the GOP won't.

They are not that batguano crazy.
So as a liberal who would like to see comprehensive immigration reform- I think it would be wrong for Obama to act unilaterally in this matter.

He should dump the issue on Congress.

IF Congress wants to fund a 2,000 mile wall- then Congress can fund a 2,000 wall.

I think we need comprehensive immigration reform- and the best way to have some movement now is to challenge the Republicans to step up and come up with a bill.
It's clear that people on the left like Jake Snarkey like what the 14th Amendment has made possible. They like the idea that real citizens of this country don't have a voice in government. They have no representation, because Democrats have found a loophole in the law that makes it possible for them to steal elections. Using racism and ignorance Democrats have taken over less than half of the states but used the overwhelming population concentrations in those states to dictate to the rest of the country their radical ideology. They can't win on ideas and on good government. They win by misinformation and division.

Frankly, I could only hope that the GOP listened to your and tried to repeal the 14th Amendment.

But alas.....the GOP won't.

They are not that batguano crazy.

Not repeal, but amend it so it can't be abused by Democrats.

Your ideas suck so much that you have to practically create Americans who are too ignorant or too full of bigotry to see through your lies.
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Obama will be carefully advised on the scope of his powers

Congressional Republicans will steam and threaten court action.......they will lose
It's clear that people on the left like Jake Snarkey like what the 14th Amendment has made possible. They like the idea that real citizens of this country don't have a voice in government. They have no representation, because Democrats have found a loophole in the law that makes it possible for them to steal elections. Using racism and ignorance Democrats have taken over less than half of the states but used the overwhelming population concentrations in those states to dictate to the rest of the country their radical ideology. They can't win on ideas and on good government. They win by misinformation and division.

Frankly, I could only hope that the GOP listened to your and tried to repeal the 14th Amendment.

But alas.....the GOP won't.

They are not that batguano crazy.

Not repeal, but amend it so it can't be abused by Democrats.

Your ideas suck so much that you have to practically create Americans who are too ignorant or too full of bigotry to see through your lies.

Feel free to share with us your concept of the 'revision'

Will it just deny Democrats the vote?
It's interesting to note that Dems always try to portray the Republicans as obstructionist on immigration. Yet, when I check, the Republican House has over 100 immigration-related (some major, some minor) bills that have been blocked (not rejected, not voted down ... ignored) by the Democratic Senate. Immigration Bills - GovTrack.us

Let's start telling the truth ... obstructionism has been a tool of the left ... if they don't get what they want, they have just simply blocked it being addressed in the Senate.

Going to be very interesting to see how they are able to waylay House proposals now.

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