Would Another Assault Weapons Ban Be Effective?

The fact that ignorant politicians want to ban firearms because they look military should end the argument, but people just as stupid as they are eat that shit up and destroy intelligent debate. The majority of mass shootings are done with a handgun and perpetrated by gang members. The politicians and activist who know this fact and still go after semi-automatic rifles under the lie of public safety are a threat to the Republic. It is not about safety, its about disarming law abiding citizens.

They want to remove so called assault rifles because they're the most effective weapon when it comes to fighting back against a tyrannical gov. when the vast majority of murders are committed with handguns.
t is my opinion an Assault Weapons Ban is theater for the rubes which has little to no effect on the gun violence problem in the United States.
You were making a lot of sense and then you brain farted and blamed all the Assault Weapons Ban Theatre on Republicans. WTF?? Do you not own a TV? :confused-84:
Congress has the final word.
Ever hear of a thing called our Constitution? The legislature can pass any law they have the support for and POTUS can sign it but any law that invades so deeply into one of our fundamental guarantees will be challenged and SCOTUS will not refuse to take it up because if there is a SINGLE issue that could literally lead to Americans shooting back at government - It's 2A.

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