Would any of you change your vote for President?

Would you change your vote for President?

  • Yes

  • No

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Ah, no. The majority voted for Clinton.

No...the majority of the states, you know, how we hold elections here, voted Trump.......and illegal aliens, and cheating don't count.....

He's not smart enough to grasp that concept. He probably is completely baffled by the electoral college.
The Electoral College is - undemocratic. TY. And let's move on (and get rid of it).
Lets get rid of traitors like you.
Sorry, Shit-kicker, but this nation was founded by people like me for people like me. Kind of fucks you good and hard.

Please explain...."like me"
What exactly are you?
He does as well. He's still disabled by the fact the majority didn't want him.

Not true. The majority of the country did.
Ah, no. The majority voted for Clinton.

No...the majority of the states, you know, how we hold elections here, voted Trump.......and illegal aliens, and cheating don't count.....

He's not smart enough to grasp that concept. He probably is completely baffled by the electoral college.
The Electoral College is - undemocratic. TY. And let's move on (and get rid of it).

Give my one reason why a small state would want to get rid of the electoral college. They really can't wait for the majority to decide what they ought to do, can they?

None of these states would have ever bought into the Union if they didn't get some extra perks. Of course, your "democratic" argument is probably that, if they don't join, you will democratically nuke them.
Socialized medicine. They call it Obama care here.
That's nothing like socialized medicine. That's regulated capitalism with government subsides for individuals.
You people should keep your socialize medicine to yourself, it works for you but It can't work for those that want nothing to do with it.
It does not need our participation…
Then don't accept it when it's offered to you but, if you aren't covered and you show up at the emergency room, we just let you die and the rodents make a lunch of you.

I know, you'll say that's fine by you. It's also - fine by me as long as I'm not paying for your idiocy.
I pay for my own shit, I don't expect anyone else to. I have been self-employed and debt-free for 20+ years. I do know how to live within my means. Lol
Great, you've been warned. If you aren't in our program and have none of your own (or cash to cover the bills) don't even bother looking for help as there will be none.
Question: who pays for your program?
I would change mine. I voted 3rd party because I was disgusted by the two main party candidates. Now I would vote for Trump just so I could feel responsible for all the idiots on the left losing their minds.
It's always the individual that ends up paying for everything… Not the federal government

It's the collective GROUP. And as I pointed out, the red states average getting $1.20 from the federal government, for every $1 they sent to the federal government.

Think of it like a slot machine that always pays out 20% more than it takes in.
I'd like to see a link to those statistics, thank you.
The top burden the country pays is social security, and with that, the top 10% only pay 5% of.
Social Security is a fucked up concept, it should have never been law.
It does not take a village…

How about commenting on the biggest government expense being born by the people at the bottom, and those at the top don't even pay their fair share of it.
OK, I'll ask, what is the "biggest government expense being borne by the people at the bottom"?
It's always the individual that ends up paying for everything… Not the federal government

It's the collective GROUP. And as I pointed out, the red states average getting $1.20 from the federal government, for every $1 they sent to the federal government.

Think of it like a slot machine that always pays out 20% more than it takes in.
Think of it more like social security and Medicare… More people are taking out and less people are putting in.
Socialized entitlement programs are fucked up concepts to say the least. LOL
What to you tell millions of Americans reaching retirement age who have been sold a bill of goods that the money government extorted from them their entire working lives would provide for their needs when they did retire?
I voted for Trump, and the Prog-Dems' behavior ever since has just made me even more satisfied with my choice.
Actually at least 9 out of 10 times it does. Funny how the math usually works out that way, with a few notable exceptions, and most of those were republicans, like Tilden v Hayes, or Bush v Gore
The electoral college elects the president based on electors.
And that is, undemocratic. America is not a - star chamber. Look it up.
This country is supposed to be a capitalist republic... A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule. Lol
Capitalism hardly existed when this Democratic Republic was founded. And when the majority don't get the President they wanted, that's a problem, boys.
Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to this republic… The country was built off capitalism.
And it's being destroyed by the entitlement mentality fostered by modern government.
The electoral college elects the president based on electors.
And that is, undemocratic. America is not a - star chamber. Look it up.
This country is supposed to be a capitalist republic... A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule. Lol
Capitalism hardly existed when this Democratic Republic was founded. And when the majority don't get the President they wanted, that's a problem, boys.
Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to this republic… The country was built off capitalism.
As were most. Capitalism, which matures to a mixed-economy, which matures to socialism, which matures to communism (but it never lasts that long). Marxism101.
And then it collapses completely under the weight of taxing few producers in order to provide the many non-producers "equal" benefits.
It's always the individual that ends up paying for everything… Not the federal government

It's the collective GROUP. And as I pointed out, the red states average getting $1.20 from the federal government, for every $1 they sent to the federal government.

Think of it like a slot machine that always pays out 20% more than it takes in.
Think of it more like social security and Medicare… More people are taking out and less people are putting in.
Socialized entitlement programs are fucked up concepts to say the least. LOL
What to you tell millions of Americans reaching retirement age who have been sold a bill of goods that the money government extorted from them their entire working lives would provide for their needs when they did retire?

We need an orderly transition. Set up a privatized program (a la Chile's) that can be phased in for younger workers. That will keep more people from piling into SS. Commitments already made to people who have paid into SS for most of their careers need to be kept on a sliding scale adjusted for the time available to them to add some privatized savings.
Lefties have a notorious historic lack of perception. How long has it been (2012) since the biggest republican mid term victory in modern history? Americans told the democrat party that they would have changed their vote for president mid way into Obama's last term and democrats haven't won a significant election since.

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