Would any of you change your vote for President?

Would you change your vote for President?

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  • No

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As long as you are more than happy to stay within the walls we build to keep you away from decent folk, no problem. Nothing there that matters or that we can't get from elsewhere.
Go ahead, live in your little blue utopia… LOL
I'm a liberal, we don't do utopias and I live in a red state.
I bet you don't live in a red County… LOL
Actually, I do. Kind of explains why I have guns, eh?
You must fight with your neighbors all the time... lol
Don't really have any, and I like it what way.
Commonsense goes a lot farther up here, I have to say I have had a federal government education… which I've had to overcome. Lol
People with common sense don't believe the dogma that they can do it all on their own.
No one can do everything on their own I never said that, but without the individual we have nothing…
Without the individual (human) we have mostly peace and quiet. Can't wait to get back to that and it won't be long now.
Without the individual there is no reason for living, because there is no freedom. Fact
Even in slavery, most people would rather live. Most people - fucking stupid.
I certainly would not, it's not in my nature… there are certainly worse things than dying.
I voted against Hillary and the lying filth left, that's never going to change I hate their guts. They hate me and I hate them right back. I wish bad luck upon them, flees, termites, a pox on the left, sores and boils.
and yet your kind is literally dying off
Haha...The best thing that ever happen to Mexico is that white man took their land...it's an oxymoron...they wouldn't want to flee their homeland to come here if this was still their homeland...make sense?
Thanks for that, Hitler youth. I'll make sure to tell the Wetbacks of your position.

No problem...I'm always happy to enlighten the confused and self manipulated with truth and facts.
You are really going to get a kick out of being a minority, Whitey. Soon, very soon.

Haha...you've got a long road to hoe bud...77% of this nation is still white and productive...you've been keeping your baby factories running nonstop and depleting resources by the day like magets on road kill....pretty soon whitey will stop dropping free shit in your begging hands. You'll shut the factories down and or move to Canada to start sucking their tit...haha
Oh you human pets are so entertaining.
You'd best keep up. And that's down 13% in 13 years.

And in 2044 -

You shouldn't be worried about intelligent, productive "whitey"....he's a stand alone self funded survivor....you and your people are getting bullied right out of your free shit by wetbacks. Imagine the amount of free shit we could drop in your begging hands if it weren't for the cockroaches from the filthy south. Think about it.
Go ahead, live in your little blue utopia… LOL
I'm a liberal, we don't do utopias and I live in a red state.
I bet you don't live in a red County… LOL
Actually, I do. Kind of explains why I have guns, eh?
You must fight with your neighbors all the time... lol
Don't really have any, and I like it what way.
There I can relate, I'm happier if I can't see or hear any neighbors…
This is literally the view from my backyard.
I'm a liberal, we don't do utopias and I live in a red state.
I bet you don't live in a red County… LOL
Actually, I do. Kind of explains why I have guns, eh?
You must fight with your neighbors all the time... lol
Don't really have any, and I like it what way.
There I can relate, I'm happier if I can't see or hear any neighbors…
This is literally the view from my backyard.
Still on the Rez I see.
Thanks for that, Hitler youth. I'll make sure to tell the Wetbacks of your position.

No problem...I'm always happy to enlighten the confused and self manipulated with truth and facts.
You are really going to get a kick out of being a minority, Whitey. Soon, very soon.

Haha...you've got a long road to hoe bud...77% of this nation is still white and productive...you've been keeping your baby factories running nonstop and depleting resources by the day like magets on road kill....pretty soon whitey will stop dropping free shit in your begging hands. You'll shut the factories down and or move to Canada to start sucking their tit...haha
Oh you human pets are so entertaining.
You'd best keep up. And that's down 13% in 13 years.

And in 2044 -

You shouldn't be worried about intelligent, productive "whitey"....he's a stand alone self funded survivor....you and your people are getting bullied right out of your free shit by wetbacks. Imagine the amount of free shit we could drop in your begging hands if it weren't for the cockroaches from the filthy south. Think about it.
I'm whitey, dumbass.
I bet you don't live in a red County… LOL
Actually, I do. Kind of explains why I have guns, eh?
You must fight with your neighbors all the time... lol
Don't really have any, and I like it what way.
There I can relate, I'm happier if I can't see or hear any neighbors…
This is literally the view from my backyard.
Still on the Rez I see.
No actually I'm quite aways north and west of Pineridge. It's all private land up here.
Actually, I do. Kind of explains why I have guns, eh?
You must fight with your neighbors all the time... lol
Don't really have any, and I like it what way.
There I can relate, I'm happier if I can't see or hear any neighbors…
This is literally the view from my backyard.
Still on the Rez I see.
No actually I'm quite aways north and west of Pineridge. It's all private land up here.
I'll spell it out for you, right in the the middle of who-gives-a-fuck-a-stan.
I voted for Trump and would vote for him again (the swamp is even deeper than I had imagined), but I am interested in how others now feel about how they had voted in November.
I would vote exactly the same way I voted. Kasich is kind of weird with that blinky tic, but I'd vote for him again.
No problem...I'm always happy to enlighten the confused and self manipulated with truth and facts.
You are really going to get a kick out of being a minority, Whitey. Soon, very soon.

Haha...you've got a long road to hoe bud...77% of this nation is still white and productive...you've been keeping your baby factories running nonstop and depleting resources by the day like magets on road kill....pretty soon whitey will stop dropping free shit in your begging hands. You'll shut the factories down and or move to Canada to start sucking their tit...haha
Oh you human pets are so entertaining.
You'd best keep up. And that's down 13% in 13 years.

And in 2044 -

You shouldn't be worried about intelligent, productive "whitey"....he's a stand alone self funded survivor....you and your people are getting bullied right out of your free shit by wetbacks. Imagine the amount of free shit we could drop in your begging hands if it weren't for the cockroaches from the filthy south. Think about it.
I'm whitey, dumbass.

I call bullshit!
You must fight with your neighbors all the time... lol
Don't really have any, and I like it what way.
There I can relate, I'm happier if I can't see or hear any neighbors…
This is literally the view from my backyard.
Still on the Rez I see.
No actually I'm quite aways north and west of Pineridge. It's all private land up here.
I'll spell it out for you, right in the the middle of who-gives-a-fuck-a-stan.
Ain't it great? Federal government does not fuck with us up here, because progressives don't even know where its at - they can't even point out South Dakota on the map. Lol
I voted for Trump and would vote for him again (the swamp is even deeper than I had imagined), but I am interested in how others now feel about how they had voted in November.
Trump is now traitor and war criminal. Thus just a normal US President cheered by some moronic dickheads, I might add.
I voted for Trump and would vote for him again (the swamp is even deeper than I had imagined), but I am interested in how others now feel about how they had voted in November.
I would vote exactly the same way I voted. Kasich is kind of weird with that blinky tic, but I'd vote for him again.
See, that's why said - no one of any number would change their vote… Fact
It takes a village is THE fantasy... LOL
No, that's human history, which you also don't know. You want to be - a tribe of one.
The "village" got the Indian nations slaughtered, while we were playing around with sticks and dirt The rest of the world was passing my ancestors by. Lol
Disease mostly slaughtered them. 98 out of 100 in many cases.
Actually it was not the disease, it was my ancestors trusting nature... along with constantly fighting/killing/enslaving other Indian tribes.
An the final nail in the coffin… Affirmative-action/political correctness…
No, it was the disease. Learn Native American history. We have the first-hand accounts, your kind died like flies. Whitey also joined you, stole from you, and even dug up and ate the dead to survive. Brutal times.
From 1790 and after disease was not the major cause of the Native American genocide. It was treaty breaking by whites time and time again and wars against Native Americans. If Native Americans had had a written language, we would be thinking about the late 18th and early 19th centuries far differently than we do today. Their lack of written history has allowed their genocide to fade into history. We should never forget them.
I voted for Trump and would vote for him again (the swamp is even deeper than I had imagined), but I am interested in how others now feel about how they had voted in November.
Trump is now traitor and war criminal. Just a normal US President, I might add.
Yes, he could turn into a career politician and that would be true, but not yet… LOL
I voted for Trump and would vote for him again (the swamp is even deeper than I had imagined), but I am interested in how others now feel about how they had voted in November.
Trump is now traitor and war criminal. Just a normal US President, I might add.
Yes, he could turn into a career politician and that would be true, but not yet… LOL
Those who refuse to realize that Trump shits on them, are the true deplorables that Hillary has mentioned.
No, that's human history, which you also don't know. You want to be - a tribe of one.
The "village" got the Indian nations slaughtered, while we were playing around with sticks and dirt The rest of the world was passing my ancestors by. Lol
Disease mostly slaughtered them. 98 out of 100 in many cases.
Actually it was not the disease, it was my ancestors trusting nature... along with constantly fighting/killing/enslaving other Indian tribes.
An the final nail in the coffin… Affirmative-action/political correctness…
No, it was the disease. Learn Native American history. We have the first-hand accounts, your kind died like flies. Whitey also joined you, stole from you, and even dug up and ate the dead to survive. Brutal times.
From 1790 and after disease was not the major cause of the Native American genocide. It was treaty breaking by whites time and time again and wars against Native Americans. If Native Americans had had a written language, we would be thinking about the late 18th and early 19th centuries far differently than we do today. Their lack of written history has allowed their genocide to fade into history. We should never forget them.
So in short, my ancestors were never meant to be long term. Their whole history was conquering one Tribe after another, absorbing them as they went. The Oglala Sioux Tribe, my ancestors were notorious on how they not only killed and tortured other tribes and how they literally breeded other tribes to nonexistent.
Europeans showed up and ruined their party... One could say the rest is history. LOL
I voted for Trump and would vote for him again (the swamp is even deeper than I had imagined), but I am interested in how others now feel about how they had voted in November.
Trump is now traitor and war criminal. Just a normal US President, I might add.
Yes, he could turn into a career politician and that would be true, but not yet… LOL
Those who refuse to realize that Trump shits on them, are the true deplorables that Hillary has mentioned.
The Clintons the most repugnant of people, have no moral ground to stand on the on the subject…
Of course not. When I think of Hillary winning I get a cold shiver up my spine. We would have been a done deal with the supreme court picks alone. Plus we have many things we would not have had I agree with. Not everything but it sure as hell beats living in a quickly forming socialist nation.
And just what socialism was she planning on?
Expanding the ACA to single payer, most likely. Increasing taxes, she said as much. More business regulations, more money redistributed for climate change (global socialism), very likely chipping away at 2nd A rights, which the SCOTUS would have greatly helped on. That's a few off the top of my head.
Got a link to any one of those items?

Why should anyone link anything to rebut ANY of your one liners, they are ALL lies, and we respond with things that EVERYONE KNOWS except maybe an amoeba.

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