Would any of you change your vote for President?

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The food, energy that the country uses comes from conservative counties… It would be best for the country to split up. Obviously I know that will never happen but it would be nice… LOL
Planning on eating and using all of that yourself or will you - still need an income?
Acreage too, your energy needs were you planning to put all that acreage of solar panels and wind turbines? Lol
No one needs the flyover for extra land. Unlike you we know how to use land well and build up not just out.
Go ahead and stay out of here… I'm all for it. LOL
As long as you are more than happy to stay within the walls we build to keep you away from decent folk, no problem. Nothing there that matters or that we can't get from elsewhere.
Go ahead, live in your little blue utopia… LOL
Actually I've lived the history, I've heard all the stories from the elders for 17 years that being born on the rez. By the way, you do realize there is no written language in the Indian nations? It's all been passed down by story. Lol
We were our own worst enemy, The "village" fucked us… Fact
Karma kicked our ass, the way my ancestors tortured and killed enemies has come home to roost.

There is now. Update your calendar to the 20th and 21st century.

Navajo | About World Languages

Navajo was an unwritten language prior to the middle of the 19th century. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, a number of religious texts, grammars, and dictionaries were compiled by missionaries, each of whom used a different writing system. As a result, there were many ways to write Navajo. In 1939, a standardized alphabet was designed, and during the following decade, a number of bilingual primers, children’s books, and a dictionary were published.
People already want to change their votes. Trump loses support every damn day.
Na, Live with it bed wetter. Lol
Oh, I know the numbers. Unlike you we can do math, Rez boy. We got what you didn't - an education.
Commonsense goes a lot farther up here, I have to say I have had a federal government education… which I've had to overcome. Lol
People with common sense don't believe the dogma that they can do it all on their own.
No one can do everything on their own I never said that, but without the individual we have nothing…
Without the individual (human) we have mostly peace and quiet. Can't wait to get back to that and it won't be long now.
Planning on eating and using all of that yourself or will you - still need an income?
Acreage too, your energy needs were you planning to put all that acreage of solar panels and wind turbines? Lol
No one needs the flyover for extra land. Unlike you we know how to use land well and build up not just out.
Go ahead and stay out of here… I'm all for it. LOL
As long as you are more than happy to stay within the walls we build to keep you away from decent folk, no problem. Nothing there that matters or that we can't get from elsewhere.
Go ahead, live in your little blue utopia… LOL
I'm a liberal, we don't do utopias and I live in a red state.
The "village" got the Indian nations slaughtered, while we were playing around with sticks and dirt The rest of the world was passing my ancestors by. Lol
Disease mostly slaughtered them. 98 out of 100 in many cases.
Actually it was not the disease, it was my ancestors trusting nature... along with constantly fighting/killing/enslaving other Indian tribes.
An the final nail in the coffin… Affirmative-action/political correctness…
No, it was the disease. Learn Native American history. We have the first-hand accounts, your kind died like flies. Whitey also joined you, stole from you, and even dug up and ate the dead to survive. Brutal times.
Actually I've lived the history, I've heard all the stories from the elders for 17 years that being born on the rez. By the way, you do realize there is no written language in the Indian nations? It's all been passed down by story. Lol
We were our own worst enemy, The "village" fucked us… Fact
Karma kicked our ass, the way my ancestors tortured and killed enemies has come home to roost.
We know the history of your kind, Rez boy. Whitey had a written language and we used it to describe what we did to you.
The conquers always write the history... but then again my ancestors had nothing to write on playing around with sticks and dirt and all… LOL
The "village" got the Indian nations slaughtered, while we were playing around with sticks and dirt The rest of the world was passing my ancestors by. Lol
Disease mostly slaughtered them. 98 out of 100 in many cases.
Actually it was not the disease, it was my ancestors trusting nature... along with constantly fighting/killing/enslaving other Indian tribes.
An the final nail in the coffin… Affirmative-action/political correctness…
No, it was the disease. Learn Native American history. We have the first-hand accounts, your kind died like flies. Whitey also joined you, stole from you, and even dug up and ate the dead to survive. Brutal times.
Actually I've lived the history, I've heard all the stories from the elders for 17 years that being born on the rez. By the way, you do realize there is no written language in the Indian nations? It's all been passed down by story. Lol
We were our own worst enemy, The "village" fucked us… Fact
Karma kicked our ass, the way my ancestors tortured and killed enemies has come home to roost.
The Cherokee had a written language. They are the only ones.
True... extremely primitive that it was.
Texas became a shithole as you bleeding heart koooks imported your human cockroaches from the filthy south.
The Wetbacks are just taking their land back - one little brown baby at a time.

Haha...The best thing that ever happen to Mexico is that white man took their land...it's an oxymoron...they wouldn't want to flee their homeland to come here if this was still their homeland...make sense?
Thanks for that, Hitler youth. I'll make sure to tell the Wetbacks of your position.

No problem...I'm always happy to enlighten the confused and self manipulated with truth and facts.
You are really going to get a kick out of being a minority, Whitey. Soon, very soon.

Haha...you've got a long road to hoe bud...77% of this nation is still white and productive...you've been keeping your baby factories running nonstop and depleting resources by the day like magets on road kill....pretty soon whitey will stop dropping free shit in your begging hands. You'll shut the factories down and or move to Canada to start sucking their tit...haha
Oh you human pets are so entertaining.
Acreage too, your energy needs were you planning to put all that acreage of solar panels and wind turbines? Lol
No one needs the flyover for extra land. Unlike you we know how to use land well and build up not just out.
Go ahead and stay out of here… I'm all for it. LOL
As long as you are more than happy to stay within the walls we build to keep you away from decent folk, no problem. Nothing there that matters or that we can't get from elsewhere.
Go ahead, live in your little blue utopia… LOL
I'm a liberal, we don't do utopias and I live in a red state.
I bet you don't live in a red County… LOL
Of course not. When I think of Hillary winning I get a cold shiver up my spine. We would have been a done deal with the supreme court picks alone. Plus we have many things we would not have had I agree with. Not everything but it sure as hell beats living in a quickly forming socialist nation.
And just what socialism was she planning on?
-------------------------- ilary is simply un-American , same as mrobama . Trump is simply me buying some time so i hope that Trump gets his 2 terms RTighty !!
And another one - with no answer.

liberals never go anywhere.
Plenty came here (and still do) seeking - liberty (that you always want to take away from others).
Gotta link on that? A link on a lefty site or it isn't true!!!!!
Link to what? Liberalism and Liberty (or you little Hitler youths not liking it)?

-------------------------- ilary is simply un-American , same as mrobama . Trump is simply me buying some time so i hope that Trump gets his 2 terms RTighty !!
And another one - with no answer.
Being a liberal, if you don't agree with an answer it doesn't exist.
No one has a link to anything Clinton called for that was socialism. Sorry, dogma bitches, you lose again.

Start spinning:

Liberty, aye? Gun grabbing? Yes, that's not liberty. Hillary Clinton on gun violence prevention

Socialized medicine: Hillary on health care

Global warming BS draining everybody's pockets: Hillary on climate change

Catching them young to indoctrinate them: Hillary Clinton on early childhood education

PS: I'm sure she's still accepting donations.
Guns and gun control aren't socialism. Neither is education and the environment. You got a little bit close on healthcare but since that is almost entirely capitalistic here, and she made no plans to change that, that doesn't work either. At least you tired (and failed) but points for that. No one before you could even manage that much.
Hillary Clinton: Part socialist, part crony capitalist
Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to this republic… The country was built off capitalism.
As were most. Capitalism, which matures to a mixed-economy, which matures to socialism, which matures to communism (but it never lasts that long). Marxism101.
This is true, Socialism has never succeeded long-term in the history of civilization. Individualism is all we have in the end… On this earth. Fact
Long term? It hasn't been around - long term.
Because it depends on the "village"… LOL
Because it's fairly new, in human history, as is - capitalism.
There will always be more that abuse the "village" then help the village... it's called human nature. LOL
And just what socialism was she planning on?
-------------------------- ilary is simply un-American , same as mrobama . Trump is simply me buying some time so i hope that Trump gets his 2 terms RTighty !!
And another one - with no answer.
Being a liberal, if you don't agree with an answer it doesn't exist.
No one has a link to anything Clinton called for that was socialism. Sorry, dogma bitches, you lose again.
Hillary Clinton believes state can raise children better than parents
Yes, the deep state knows what's best for your children. Socialism/progressivism/communism/liberalism 101
Of course not. When I think of Hillary winning I get a cold shiver up my spine. We would have been a done deal with the supreme court picks alone. Plus we have many things we would not have had I agree with. Not everything but it sure as hell beats living in a quickly forming socialist nation.
And just what socialism was she planning on?

It takes a village is THE fantasy... LOL
No, that's human history, which you also don't know. You want to be - a tribe of one.
The "village" got the Indian nations slaughtered, while we were playing around with sticks and dirt The rest of the world was passing my ancestors by. Lol
Disease mostly slaughtered them. 98 out of 100 in many cases.
Actually it was not the disease, it was my ancestors trusting nature... along with constantly fighting/killing/enslaving other Indian tribes.
An the final nail in the coffin… Affirmative-action/political correctness…
No, it was the disease. Learn Native American history. We have the first-hand accounts, your kind died like flies. Whitey also joined you, stole from you, and even dug up and ate the dead to survive. Brutal times.

Oh you koooks are so confused...how far back do you want to go?
"Whitey's" ancestors were cavemen...here long before "natives" and the Spanish.
What else can I teach you?
The British conquering America...is the best thing to happen to this nation...imagine if it would have stayed in the hands of the weak and stupid...truth hurt?
Actually I've lived the history, I've heard all the stories from the elders for 17 years that being born on the rez. By the way, you do realize there is no written language in the Indian nations? It's all been passed down by story. Lol
We were our own worst enemy, The "village" fucked us… Fact
Karma kicked our ass, the way my ancestors tortured and killed enemies has come home to roost.

There is now. Update your calendar to the 20th and 21st century.

Navajo | About World Languages

Navajo was an unwritten language prior to the middle of the 19th century. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, a number of religious texts, grammars, and dictionaries were compiled by missionaries, each of whom used a different writing system. As a result, there were many ways to write Navajo. In 1939, a standardized alphabet was designed, and during the following decade, a number of bilingual primers, children’s books, and a dictionary were published.
Generally the Indian nations had no written language, and even from village to village they could not necessarily even speak the same language even being of the same tribe. With the constant warring among themselves and other tribes it was all about survival.
The Wetbacks are just taking their land back - one little brown baby at a time.

Haha...The best thing that ever happen to Mexico is that white man took their land...it's an oxymoron...they wouldn't want to flee their homeland to come here if this was still their homeland...make sense?
Thanks for that, Hitler youth. I'll make sure to tell the Wetbacks of your position.

No problem...I'm always happy to enlighten the confused and self manipulated with truth and facts.
You are really going to get a kick out of being a minority, Whitey. Soon, very soon.

Haha...you've got a long road to hoe bud...77% of this nation is still white and productive...you've been keeping your baby factories running nonstop and depleting resources by the day like magets on road kill....pretty soon whitey will stop dropping free shit in your begging hands. You'll shut the factories down and or move to Canada to start sucking their tit...haha
Oh you human pets are so entertaining.
You'd best keep up. And that's down 13% in 13 years.

And in 2044 -
Na, Live with it bed wetter. Lol
Oh, I know the numbers. Unlike you we can do math, Rez boy. We got what you didn't - an education.
Commonsense goes a lot farther up here, I have to say I have had a federal government education… which I've had to overcome. Lol
People with common sense don't believe the dogma that they can do it all on their own.
No one can do everything on their own I never said that, but without the individual we have nothing…
Without the individual (human) we have mostly peace and quiet. Can't wait to get back to that and it won't be long now.
Without the individual there is no reason for living, because there is no freedom. Fact
No one needs the flyover for extra land. Unlike you we know how to use land well and build up not just out.
Go ahead and stay out of here… I'm all for it. LOL
As long as you are more than happy to stay within the walls we build to keep you away from decent folk, no problem. Nothing there that matters or that we can't get from elsewhere.
Go ahead, live in your little blue utopia… LOL
I'm a liberal, we don't do utopias and I live in a red state.
I bet you don't live in a red County… LOL
Actually, I do. Kind of explains why I have guns, eh?
Oh, I know the numbers. Unlike you we can do math, Rez boy. We got what you didn't - an education.
Commonsense goes a lot farther up here, I have to say I have had a federal government education… which I've had to overcome. Lol
People with common sense don't believe the dogma that they can do it all on their own.
No one can do everything on their own I never said that, but without the individual we have nothing…
Without the individual (human) we have mostly peace and quiet. Can't wait to get back to that and it won't be long now.
Without the individual there is no reason for living, because there is no freedom. Fact
Even in slavery, most people would rather live. Most people - fucking stupid.
Go ahead and stay out of here… I'm all for it. LOL
As long as you are more than happy to stay within the walls we build to keep you away from decent folk, no problem. Nothing there that matters or that we can't get from elsewhere.
Go ahead, live in your little blue utopia… LOL
I'm a liberal, we don't do utopias and I live in a red state.
I bet you don't live in a red County… LOL
Actually, I do. Kind of explains why I have guns, eh?
You must fight with your neighbors all the time... lol

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