Would any of you change your vote for President?

Would you change your vote for President?

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I voted against Hillary and the lying filth left, that's never going to change I hate their guts. They hate me and I hate them right back. I wish bad luck upon them, flees, termites, a pox on the left, sores and boils.
Next time, tell us how you really feel?

No need I made it clear, the left are scum and will be destroyed.
Learn to take (and make) a joke. And in this liberal nation (not to your liking) liberals and progressives aren't going anywhere.

As evidenced by liberals getting their asses kicked in the last several elections and thrown out of power...oh wait :eusa_think:
You wanna be socialists have to admit Goebbels was way more talented then you guys will ever be.
It's what she ran on, you halfwit!
Prove it? That shouldn't be too hard unless (and this is obvious) it isn't.
LOL! It's always the same with you.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
Let's see, you say Clinton was going to impose socialism but so far not a one of you can even manage as much as link to here - calls for socialism? Typical.
Doesn't matter what proof is provided. You'll just spin and lie more. It's always the same with you. The propaganda never stops, it just get's rewritten and spun again, or misdirected somewhere else. Always. You see, I've been studying liberals for over 20 years. You all do the same thing everywhere on the Internet. It never changes.
Since you can provide no proof - how would you know? Just man up, bitch?
Been there and done that.
Prove it? That shouldn't be too hard unless (and this is obvious) it isn't.
LOL! It's always the same with you.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
Let's see, you say Clinton was going to impose socialism but so far not a one of you can even manage as much as link to here - calls for socialism? Typical.
Doesn't matter what proof is provided. You'll just spin and lie more. It's always the same with you. The propaganda never stops, it just get's rewritten and spun again, or misdirected somewhere else. Always. You see, I've been studying liberals for over 20 years. You all do the same thing everywhere on the Internet. It never changes.
Since you can provide no proof - how would you know? Just man up, bitch?
Been there and done that.
Ah, no. You have no proof and therefore can provide no proof. Thanks for playing (and losing as usual).
I voted against Hillary and the lying filth left, that's never going to change I hate their guts. They hate me and I hate them right back. I wish bad luck upon them, flees, termites, a pox on the left, sores and boils.
Next time, tell us how you really feel?

No need I made it clear, the left are scum and will be destroyed.
Learn to take (and make) a joke. And in this liberal nation (not to your liking) liberals and progressives aren't going anywhere.

ACTUALLY "they go" to all kinds of places.
They go to prisons and social services offices, they go with i.C.E. on little field trips to our filthy south, they go to penis on penis pole puffer bars, they go to markets that accept EBT cards, they go to rallies to insight violence, destroy property and loot, they go to advocate for Big Bubba in a dress with a beard the right to piss next to my 14 year old daughter.
We hope they stay around and keep alienating legit American's further from the DNC.

p.s.- Thanks for helping the Right take all of D.C.
I voted against Hillary and the lying filth left, that's never going to change I hate their guts. They hate me and I hate them right back. I wish bad luck upon them, flees, termites, a pox on the left, sores and boils.
Next time, tell us how you really feel?

No need I made it clear, the left are scum and will be destroyed.
Learn to take (and make) a joke. And in this liberal nation (not to your liking) liberals and progressives aren't going anywhere.

As evidenced by liberals getting their asses kicked in the last several elections and thrown out of power...oh wait :eusa_think:
Those are Dems, not liberals.
I voted against Hillary and the lying filth left, that's never going to change I hate their guts. They hate me and I hate them right back. I wish bad luck upon them, flees, termites, a pox on the left, sores and boils.
Next time, tell us how you really feel?

No need I made it clear, the left are scum and will be destroyed.
Wow! And they say the left attack.

Lib please you liberals HATE conservatives don't try to deny it, you hate us and spit venom at us on a daily basis. Is it really so surprising that we hate you back? Sleep well knowing that I will vote against anything the left wants, I will never compromise with the left, I won't work across the isle, I consider the left a plague upon our great nation that must be destroyed, happy birthday liberals there's your present for being lying lowlife backstabbing scum.
I voted for Trump and would vote for him again (the swamp is even deeper than I had imagined), but I am interested in how others now feel about how they had voted in November.

I didn't vote but wish I had voted for Trump.
I voted against Hillary and the lying filth left, that's never going to change I hate their guts. They hate me and I hate them right back. I wish bad luck upon them, flees, termites, a pox on the left, sores and boils.
Next time, tell us how you really feel?

No need I made it clear, the left are scum and will be destroyed.
Wow! And they say the left attack.

Lib please you liberals HATE conservatives don't try to deny it, you hate us and spit venom at us on a daily basis. Is it really so surprising that we hate you back? Sleep well knowing that I will vote against anything the left wants, I will never compromise with the left, I won't work across the isle, I consider the left a plague upon our great nation that must be destroyed, happy birthday liberals there's your present for being lying lowlife backstabbing scum.
Planning on attending any political baseball games in the near future?
I voted against Hillary and the lying filth left, that's never going to change I hate their guts. They hate me and I hate them right back. I wish bad luck upon them, flees, termites, a pox on the left, sores and boils.
Next time, tell us how you really feel?

No need I made it clear, the left are scum and will be destroyed.
Wow! And they say the left attack.

Lib please you liberals HATE conservatives don't try to deny it, you hate us and spit venom at us on a daily basis. Is it really so surprising that we hate you back? Sleep well knowing that I will vote against anything the left wants, I will never compromise with the left, I won't work across the isle, I consider the left a plague upon our great nation that must be destroyed, happy birthday liberals there's your present for being lying lowlife backstabbing scum.
Planning on attending any political baseball games in the near future?

Proving once again liberals have no class ^^^
I voted against Hillary and the lying filth left, that's never going to change I hate their guts. They hate me and I hate them right back. I wish bad luck upon them, flees, termites, a pox on the left, sores and boils.
Next time, tell us how you really feel?

No need I made it clear, the left are scum and will be destroyed.
Learn to take (and make) a joke. And in this liberal nation (not to your liking) liberals and progressives aren't going anywhere.

As evidenced by liberals getting their asses kicked in the last several elections and thrown out of power...oh wait :eusa_think:
Those are Dems, not liberals.

Go ahead start a liberals only party so I can point and laugh at you...wait I can already do that ^^^ :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Nope......I would vote for Trump again without hesitation.....the Supreme Court alone makes it so important that he won and hilary didn't. I understood that his economic policies and other policies might not follow everything I believe....but the damage hilary would have done......the destruction of healthcare by singlepayer, the gutting of the military, the selling of our government to Russia, the selling of our government to the highest bidder, the destruction of the 2nd Amendment, the destruction of the 1st Amendment.....and on and on....makes my vote for Trump a sold choice....

And sadly though.....as bad as the Republicans are, I will have to vote for republicans to keep out the rest of the democrats.......they have shown how determined they are to gain power.....and to destroy this country....and if they get enough votes they will impeach and remove Trump even though he has committed no crime.....

So I will vote for Trump in 2020 and I will vote Republican...we need 50 senators to put in Ginsberg's replacement....
Next time, tell us how you really feel?

No need I made it clear, the left are scum and will be destroyed.
Learn to take (and make) a joke. And in this liberal nation (not to your liking) liberals and progressives aren't going anywhere.

As evidenced by liberals getting their asses kicked in the last several elections and thrown out of power...oh wait :eusa_think:
Those are Dems, not liberals.

Go ahead start a liberals only party so I can point and laugh at you...wait I can already do that ^^^ :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Liberals only? Know of any, besides me? Finding one of those is like finding a real conservative. Unicorns both these days.
Of course not. When I think of Hillary winning I get a cold shiver up my spine. We would have been a done deal with the supreme court picks alone. Plus we have many things we would not have had I agree with. Not everything but it sure as hell beats living in a quickly forming socialist nation.
And just what socialism was she planning on?
Whatever her handlers dictated of course
You wanna be socialists have to admit Goebbels was way more talented then you guys will ever be.
One thing he knew that you don't, he knew how to spell.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

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