Would-Be Heinrich In Blackface With KKK Partner

Oh, those silly Democrats. I guess he's into crossover as well.


YEARBOOK: Ralph Northam In Blackface Photo - Big League Politics
So, being intellectually honest here, this picture looks like it was taken at Halloween time or a graduation party or something kind of party. Young men don't always have the best judgment to begin, and if they've been drinking.....well.....

I understand everyone's position on this. If it was a Republican, no amount of youthful indiscretion would be permitted as an excuse for such behavior.

Since I don't live in Virginia, I'll let the people of Virginia decide what they will and won't tolerate.

I guess we should always make sure that even as young people, we don't do anything that will come back to haunt us later in life, bad judgment or no.
What he did was funny and not racist.

But Democrats wrote the playbook, who am I to request they alter the PC response?

I’ll sit back and watch the bloodbath.

People being lynched and dying and having burning crosses in their yard is not funny. People claiming they are Christians and doing this to other humans is not funny. To me. You find it funny, or costumes about it funny, that's on you. The KKK existed only to hate and oppress others. Whatever.
Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever. So is Silver Streak.
Hogan’s Heroes is good classic comedy.

Toughen up, Buttercup.
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Oh, those silly Democrats. I guess he's into crossover as well.


YEARBOOK: Ralph Northam In Blackface Photo - Big League Politics
So, being intellectually honest here, this picture looks like it was taken at Halloween time or a graduation party or something kind of party. Young men don't always have the best judgment to begin, and if they've been drinking.....well.....

I understand everyone's position on this. If it was a Republican, no amount of youthful indiscretion would be permitted as an excuse for such behavior.

Since I don't live in Virginia, I'll let the people of Virginia decide what they will and won't tolerate.

I guess we should always make sure that even as young people, we don't do anything that will come back to haunt us later in life, bad judgment or no.
What he did was funny and not racist.

But Democrats wrote the playbook, who am I to request they alter the PC response?

I’ll sit back and watch the bloodbath.

People being lynched and dying and having burning crosses in their yard is not funny. People claiming they are Christians and doing this to other humans is not funny. To me. You find it funny, or costumes about it funny, that's on you. The KKK existed only to hate and oppress others. Whatever.
Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever. So is Silver Streak.
Hogan’s Heroes is good classic comedy.

Toughen up, Buttercup.
Conservatives are not worked up about the photo....they are enraged over his support of infantcide.

Which he didn't really support, so there's that.

Wow, you mean a woman doesn't need to get THREE Doctors to sign off on a late abortion now... she only needs ONE. This is horrible, I tell you, horrible.
Conservatives are not worked up about the photo....they are enraged over his support of infantcide.

Which he didn't really support, so there's that.

Wow, you mean a woman doesn't need to get THREE Doctors to sign off on a late abortion now... she only needs ONE. This is horrible, I tell you, horrible.

You keep getting enraged about typical Leftist race hoaxes, mm-kay? We'll be enraged about viable babies having their brains or hearts injected with medicine to stop their hearts--basically murdered in their mothers' wombs, legally. That is the correct thing to be enraged about. Joe, who is 57, somehow.
there are some on the left defending him (VA Senate Minority leader for one)

CNN was quick on the draw saying IT MIGHT NOT BE HIM!! (they have since retracted that)

looks like the avalanche against him is starting though - he gone
Democrats cant tolerate racism, the GOP welcomes it.
Are you insane? The democrat party thrives on racism as policy. They call it diversity.
We minorities know how racist the GOP is they ensembled all the racists they can get their hands on.
That you speak for all minorities makes my point about the democrats cornering the market on racism.
I'm not a Democrat...but for a GOP or conservative to deny they are racists is laughable to many as a minority.
Your not a democrat. You are a progressive socialist!
Conservatives are not worked up about the photo....they are enraged over his support of infantcide.

Which he didn't really support, so there's that.

Wow, you mean a woman doesn't need to get THREE Doctors to sign off on a late abortion now... she only needs ONE. This is horrible, I tell you, horrible.
There is ZERO medical reason to murder a baby in the third trimester, you fucking Nazi.
You keep getting enraged about typical Leftist race hoaxes, mm-kay? We'll be enraged about viable babies having their brains or hearts injected with medicine to stop their hearts--basically murdered in their mothers' wombs, legally. That is the correct thing to be enraged about. Joe, who is 57, somehow.

I'm not enraged about those, either.

Fetuses aren't babies... that's why it's okay to terminate them.

When you guys come out for locking up women for life for seeking an abortion, THEN I will take you guys seriously.

But you won't. That would just expose how silly your position is.

Instead you whine about the one percent of medically necessary abortions that happen after 20 weeks. Because it's easier to gin up outrage than the 90% of abortions that happen at 8-12 weeks when the fetus is the size of a kidney bean.

Here's the one thing I did learn in my 57 years. I got the full dose of the fetus porn in Catholic Grammar School, right after Roe was decided. And even after I stopped believing in sky fairies, I still bought into that propaganda for years.

Then I realized something.

The rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts when Republicans are in charge, and abortion NEVER gets banned.

Now, why do you think that is? If abortion really was murder, you think that would be a bigger priority, wouldn't you?
There is ZERO medical reason to murder a baby in the third trimester, you fucking Nazi.

Sure there is. If the thing is horribly deformed and is going to die after birth or have horrific disabilities, it's not only a good medical reason, but it's actually more humane.
You keep getting enraged about typical Leftist race hoaxes, mm-kay? We'll be enraged about viable babies having their brains or hearts injected with medicine to stop their hearts--basically murdered in their mothers' wombs, legally. That is the correct thing to be enraged about. Joe, who is 57, somehow.

I'm not enraged about those, either.

Fetuses aren't babies... that's why it's okay to terminate them.

When you guys come out for locking up women for life for seeking an abortion, THEN I will take you guys seriously.

But you won't. That would just expose how silly your position is.

Instead you whine about the one percent of medically necessary abortions that happen after 20 weeks. Because it's easier to gin up outrage than the 90% of abortions that happen at 8-12 weeks when the fetus is the size of a kidney bean.

Here's the one thing I did learn in my 57 years. I got the full dose of the fetus porn in Catholic Grammar School, right after Roe was decided. And even after I stopped believing in sky fairies, I still bought into that propaganda for years.

Then I realized something.

The rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts when Republicans are in charge, and abortion NEVER gets banned.

Now, why do you think that is? If abortion really was murder, you think that would be a bigger priority, wouldn't you?

You're actually sick. Your soul is sick. That's the only reasonable conclusion I can make--fetuses aren't babies, that's why it's okay to terminate them. Said even about late-term abortions.

Hell yawns open wide for such statements, and Satan laughs. Just so I can break it down for you, Joe.
You're actually sick. Your soul is sick. That's the only reasonable conclusion I can make--fetuses aren't babies, that's why it's okay to terminate them. Said even about late-term abortions.

Hell yawns open wide for such statements, and Satan laughs. Just so I can break it down for you, Joe.

There is no Satan
There is no God
Fetuses aren't babies
Every day, thousands of ACTUAL babies starve to death because this overpopulated world can't feed them.


Nothing to see here...

I'm sorry that you are such a rube someone can show you some medical waste and get you all upset to the point you vote against your own economic interests. I'm sorry that you are just this fucking stupid.

When you guys fully fund head start, WIC, school lunches, SNAP, and programs to take care of poor kids who are already here, then I'll worry about your concern for the hypothetical ones.
Murdering the handicapped, how Nazi of you. Gypsies next?

They aren't born, so they aren't being murdered.

fetuses aren't people.

When you guys advocate throwing women in prison for having abortions, THEN I will take you seriously, we can discuss that.
You're actually sick. Your soul is sick. That's the only reasonable conclusion I can make--fetuses aren't babies, that's why it's okay to terminate them. Said even about late-term abortions.

Hell yawns open wide for such statements, and Satan laughs. Just so I can break it down for you, Joe.

There is no Satan
There is no God
Fetuses aren't babies
Every day, thousands of ACTUAL babies starve to death because this overpopulated world can't feed them.

View attachment 243819
Nothing to see here...

I'm sorry that you are such a rube someone can show you some medical waste and get you all upset to the point you vote against your own economic interests. I'm sorry that you are just this fucking stupid.

When you guys fully fund head start, WIC, school lunches, SNAP, and programs to take care of poor kids who are already here, then I'll worry about your concern for the hypothetical ones.
Showing us what socialism does to kids, how interesting.

How much of your time and salary goes to helping them?

Never mind, we know. You just want them murdered.
Showing us what socialism does to kids, how interesting.

How much of your time and salary goes to helping them?

Never mind, we know. You just want them murdered.

Guy, those countries are mostly "capitalist/Colonial"... sorry you don't get that.

None of my salary goes to helping them. That's not my job. My job is to take care of me and mine.
I hope you never had kids

Attack on family. Reported. Done playing with you.

No it wasn't an attack on your family. My point is: if you had children AND WATCHED THEM BORN, how can you say a third-term fetus is a clump of cells or whatever? How can you say a third-term fetus is not a person, for heaven's sake? What do you think was in the womb, poking a foot in the ribs and having hiccups and everything else? A duck?

How could ANYONE watch a baby be born or hold a newborn baby and say six inches of birth canal is what makes the difference? That's irrational. Do you understand that, Joe? It's IRRATIONAL
No it wasn't an attack on your family. My point is: if you had children AND WATCHED THEM BORN, how can you say a third-term fetus is a clump of cells or whatever? How can you say a third-term fetus is not a person, for heaven's sake? What do you think was in the womb, poking a foot in the ribs and having hiccups and everything else? A duck?

How could ANYONE watch a baby be born or hold a newborn baby and say six inches of birth canal is what makes the difference? That's irrational. Do you understand that, Joe? It's IRRATIONAL

Yes, it was an attack on my family.

The problem with you fucking religious GHOULS is that you think that a woman should give birth to a child JUST TO WATCH IT SUFFER AND DIE, because your imaginary friend in the sky said so. That's all kinds of fucked up.

I am sure the women who have these kinds of procedures agonize. These are babies they wanted. They probably picked out names and painted a nursery, and then the doctor tells them it's something horrible and it will die within hours of being born.

But you fucked up religious nutters will insist that 'nature take it's course".
Conservatives are not worked up about the photo....they are enraged over his support of infantcide.

Which he didn't really support, so there's that.

Wow, you mean a woman doesn't need to get THREE Doctors to sign off on a late abortion now... she only needs ONE. This is horrible, I tell you, horrible.
There is ZERO medical reason to murder a baby in the third trimester, you fucking Nazi.
It might be gay.

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