Would Bernie Sanders Win The Presidency In 2016?

I wouldn't want E. Warren running for POTUS anyways. She would run into the same problem that Obama has run into: being stonewalled by the conservatives. She is significantly more effective is she maintains her position as senator.
Obama wasnt stonewalled by conservatives. Obama was stonewalled by his own inability to compromse, his inability to reach across the aisle, his inability to treat other opinions as valid, his inexperience and his incompetence.
I wouldn't want E. Warren running for POTUS anyways. She would run into the same problem that Obama has run into: being stonewalled by the conservatives. She is significantly more effective is she maintains her position as senator.
Obama wasnt stonewalled by conservatives. Obama was stonewalled by his own inability to compromse, his inability to reach across the aisle, his inability to treat other opinions as valid, his inexperience and his incompetence.

compromise goes both ways.
I wouldn't want E. Warren running for POTUS anyways. She would run into the same problem that Obama has run into: being stonewalled by the conservatives. She is significantly more effective is she maintains her position as senator.
Obama wasnt stonewalled by conservatives. Obama was stonewalled by his own inability to compromse, his inability to reach across the aisle, his inability to treat other opinions as valid, his inexperience and his incompetence.

compromise goes both ways.
Please post the compromises Obama has offered. Hint "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"

Clinton could compromise. That's why he's remembered for enacting the GOP agenda like NAFTA and welfare reform.
Bernie the fruitcake has less than ZERO chance.... Outside of Vermont he couldn't win a job as dog catcher.
How about some specifics.

I would campaign and vote for Bernie Sanders for one big reason -- he is a committed enemy of those Wall Street and banking interests which are responsible for wrecking our economy.
Bernie the fruitcake has less than ZERO chance.... Outside of Vermont he couldn't win a job as dog catcher.
How about some specifics.

I would campaign and vote for Bernie Sanders for one big reason -- he is a committed enemy of those Wall Street and banking interests which are responsible for wrecking our economy.
Granted, it is one thing to have a mutual enemy, but his solutions?
Please post the compromises Obama has offered. Hint "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"

Clinton could compromise. That's why he's remembered for enacting the GOP agenda like NAFTA and welfare reform.

I remember being frustrated with Obama in the early days of his administration when people were so disgusted with Republicans, he could have done anything he wanted. He was asking for Republican input on Obamacare and the repugs would even engage. Now the political will is gone and the repugs still won't engage. Fuckers.
I wish he were a lot younger because he would have made a good president. He's really too old now.

As an old guy let me assure you that some of us are old but still very much alive and we are generally much wiser than the young. Most important, we know it's mostly over for us and we are mainly concerned with doing for the young.

Bernie might be old but he has more energy than most men half his age. Please take a closer look. And listen to him. What you are hearing is passion -- which has been absent from American politics for the past five decades.

To have a passionate old guy as President is a rare opportunity. Don't turn your back on it because we desperately need a man like Bernie Sanders in charge.
Bernie might be old but he has more energy than most men half his age. Please take a closer look. And listen to him. What you are hearing is passion -- which has been absent from American politics for the past five decades.

To have a passionate old guy as President is a rare opportunity. Don't turn your back on it because we desperately need a man like Bernie Sanders in charge.

Sure, we do, if you want a government that controls every single move and decision you make. The man is a self admitted Socialist. He'd be the death knell of our Republic.
Bernie Sanders will definitely win the Democrat nomination, as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are ineligible to run.

Apples and oranges. You are intelligent enough to know that.

And, I like Bernie, but he wouldn't win. Todays elections are too contingent on getting big money from old money or from the corporate sphere. For obvious reasons, neither of these groups would have enough faith in Sanders to push their agenda to back his campaign financially.
That's a good reason to vote for him. So close your eyes and do it. And if enough of us do that we could get lucky.

If Bernie runs -- back him. Maybe we can bust the machine.
Bernie Sanders will definitely win the Democrat nomination, as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are ineligible to run.

Apples and oranges. You are intelligent enough to know that.

And, I like Bernie, but he wouldn't win. Todays elections are too contingent on getting big money from old money or from the corporate sphere. For obvious reasons, neither of these groups would have enough faith in Sanders to push their agenda to back his campaign financially.
That's a good reason to vote for him. So close your eyes and do it. And if enough of us do that we could get lucky.

If Bernie runs -- back him. Maybe we can bust the machine.

That doesn't necessarily mean that what would arise from the ashes would be better.
Bernie might be old but he has more energy than most men half his age. Please take a closer look. And listen to him. What you are hearing is passion -- which has been absent from American politics for the past five decades.

To have a passionate old guy as President is a rare opportunity. Don't turn your back on it because we desperately need a man like Bernie Sanders in charge.

Sure, we do, if you want a government that controls every single move and decision you make. The man is a self admitted Socialist. He'd be the death knell of our Republic.
Are you sure you know what socialism is about? Do you know that a real socialist is exactly what America desperately needs -- now that the capitalist One Percent has nearly crippled us?

Socialism is not communism. Please understand that. Unless you are among the super-rich a socialist-oriented government is best for you.
Bernie might be old but he has more energy than most men half his age. Please take a closer look. And listen to him. What you are hearing is passion -- which has been absent from American politics for the past five decades.

To have a passionate old guy as President is a rare opportunity. Don't turn your back on it because we desperately need a man like Bernie Sanders in charge.

Sure, we do, if you want a government that controls every single move and decision you make. The man is a self admitted Socialist. He'd be the death knell of our Republic.
Are you sure you know what socialism is about? Do you know that a real socialist is exactly what America desperately needs -- now that the capitalist One Percent has nearly crippled us?

Socialism is not communism. Please understand that. Unless you are among the super-rich a socialist-oriented government is best for you.

Socialism is exactly like Communism. The only difference is the delivery mechanism.
The people that say that Bernie Sanders has no chance of winning the Presidency are the same bunch that believed that a black man would never be President. They are grossly out of touch with the majority of the American people.

In fact, a populist or (more likely) an extremely populist leaning progressive is the most likely to be our next President or Presidentress.

The only things holding Bernie Sanders back from the Presidency are his age and his dovish views on international policy. The second of which would make me hesitate to vote for him. Of course I expect that the next GOP candidate will be, like the past 4 GOP candidates, a total jackass - so I'd vote for a turnip before I'd vote for a GOP candidate.

IF Bernie Sanders runs in the democratic primary, along with Elizabeth Warren, it will likely force Hillary Clinton towards populism. We'll likely get either a Clinton/Warren or a Clinton/Sanders ticket.

However, given the mood of the majority of Americans, I'd think that Bernie just might be at the top of the ticket.
The GOP has an excellent field of expereinced smart people. The Democrats have a weak field of ideologues wth not real accomplishments. Elizabeth Warren? Seriously? She is the Ben Carson of the Left: right demographic mouthing platitudes they can agree with.

With the exception of Huntsman, there hasn't been a competent GOP primary candidate since the elder President Bush.
Bernie Sanders will definitely win the Democrat nomination, as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are ineligible to run.

Apples and oranges. You are intelligent enough to know that.

And, I like Bernie, but he wouldn't win. Todays elections are too contingent on getting big money from old money or from the corporate sphere. For obvious reasons, neither of these groups would have enough faith in Sanders to push their agenda to back his campaign financially.
That's a good reason to vote for him. So close your eyes and do it. And if enough of us do that we could get lucky.

If Bernie runs -- back him. Maybe we can bust the machine.

That doesn't necessarily mean that what would arise from the ashes would be better.
Study the progress made by the working class during the socialist-oriented era of the 40s through the early 80s and research the political mechanics that made it possible. Those were the most prosperous and productive decades in our history. That era gave rise to the Great American Middle Class. Then came Ronald Reagan and the new capitalist revolution.

And here we are.

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