Would Bernie Sanders Win The Presidency In 2016?

Let's see....

Romney, who would not admit he's a Democrat couldn't win.

Obama, who would not admit H's a Marxist did win but His followers are abandoning Him since even they can no longer stomach His lies.
Some of his followers are abandoning him since they can no longer stomach his lies. And the rest are abandoning him since they found out he is a Marxist.

The majority of Americans are fundamentally conservative. They would never force their neighbors to pay for other people's health care, never give their daughters condoms or let them have abortions without parental notification, would never force their neighbors to send money gratis to people who made less than they do, would never rack up huge debts they cannot possible pay off in their lifetimes. Why some of them do a 180 and vote for politicians who do exactly those things (in both parties) is one of the outstanding mysteries of American politics.

In the most recent election these majority conservatives had a choice between voting for a guy who had signed Socialized medicine into law, or another guy who had signed Socialized medicine into law. A lot of them, being fundamentally conservative, threw up their hands and stayed home, not bother to vote for either one.

Now Sanders, who proudly admits -nay, proclaims- he's a Socialist, might actually have a chance since he's telling the truth and might actually continue so to do once elected.
Sanders would get outvoted by Ron Paul, who never got enough votes to even see in major nationwide general elections.
If its a FACT why are both of you too lazy to provide a source for the broad brush comment? :eusa_whistle:

Well, that's a fair point. The actual number of corrupt bureaucrats that would control our lives could be higher, perhaps 3%, 5%. For that matter, who knows how large Central Planning would get, especially if you count the military that has to enforce socialism to keep the people from acting up. So the total really could be as high as, what, 20%? 30%? But I would say that the people who actually control everything would be closer to 1% to 3%.

There, I've answered your question. Perhaps you'll answer the question I asked you a while back.

You mentioned that Bernie Sanders would "deliver to the goods". Does that mean you'd like socialism?

Come on, be honest. And don't be a coward.


If its a FACT why are both of you too lazy to provide a source for the broad brush comment? :eusa_whistle:

Well, that's a fair point. The actual number of corrupt bureaucrats that would control our lives could be higher, perhaps 3%, 5%. For that matter, who knows how large Central Planning would get, especially if you count the military that has to enforce socialism to keep the people from acting up. So the total really could be as high as, what, 20%? 30%? But I would say that the people who actually control everything would be closer to 1% to 3%.

There, I've answered your question. Perhaps you'll answer the question I asked you a while back.

You mentioned that Bernie Sanders would "deliver to the goods". Does that mean you'd like socialism?

Come on, be honest. And don't be a coward.


ummm..... you've *cough* "answered" it w/ ANOTHER OPINION :eusa_eh:
If its a FACT why are both of you too lazy to provide a source for the broad brush comment? :eusa_whistle:

Well, that's a fair point. The actual number of corrupt bureaucrats that would control our lives could be higher, perhaps 3%, 5%. For that matter, who knows how large Central Planning would get, especially if you count the military that has to enforce socialism to keep the people from acting up. So the total really could be as high as, what, 20%? 30%? But I would say that the people who actually control everything would be closer to 1% to 3%.

There, I've answered your question. Perhaps you'll answer the question I asked you a while back.

You mentioned that Bernie Sanders would "deliver to the goods". Does that mean you'd like socialism?

Come on, be honest. And don't be a coward.


ummm..... you've *cough* "answered" it w/ ANOTHER OPINION :eusa_eh:

Of course it was an opinion. All I can do is guess at the amount of bureaucracy and control you're after.

And your avoidance answers my question.

That's all I need, thanks.

Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders says he may run for president as a Democrat - Yahoo News
I don't know if Hillary Clinton is running, and b) I don't know what she is running on," Sanders said. "But this is what I do know: I know the middle class in this country is collapsing, I know the gap between the very, very rich and everybody else is growing wider. I know there is profound anger at the greed on Wall Street, anger at corporate America, anger at the policitical establishment — and anger, by the way, at the media establishment. The American people want real change, and I've been taking on the big money interests and special interests all of my political life.

He's right. Thats why I refuse to vote for one of the puppets of Big Biz from the two corrupt parties
Bernie Sanders could never win a US Election based on his ideology......it is too far Left. Democrats in the Heartland and other swing voters would never go for his platform. Bernie is suited for Vermont......home to wealthy elite, hippies, almost zero minorities.......not exactly an American snapshot. Vermont is not really the US. Why do you think they always threaten to secede and be annexed by Canada?
A Sanders candidacy is maybe what this country needs. USA would be a low wage sweatshop like red china were it not for progressive and socialist policies of the past. And those policies are slowly being eaten away by the so called free trade capitalist, and privatize everything system. There are countries more advanced than USA that have present day socialist policies which give their citizens better health care, education, and workers rights. Scandinavia and most of Europe. In the meantime USA is falling further behind.
China had progressive and socialist policies for 50 years.
Russia had progressive and socialist polciies for 80 years. The workers literally owned everything.
And their wage growth was negligible.
The US had capitalist policies for most of its existence and boasted the highest wages in the world.
So looks like your statement is a tad unfounded.

I was talking about Europe and Scandinavia Progressive and socialist policies in Russia and China? No, these were/are brutal dictatorships and the workers did not own everything. Read up on the progressive era in this country and the farmers forming grange societies to combat the big trusts. This material was covered in the schools I used to attend but that was in the 50's. It appears that nobody knows about it now.
Bernie Sanders could never win a US Election based on his ideology......it is too far Left. Democrats in the Heartland and other swing voters would never go for his platform. Bernie is suited for Vermont......home to wealthy elite, hippies, almost zero minorities.......not exactly an American snapshot. Vermont is not really the US. Why do you think they always threaten to secede and be annexed by Canada?

Too far left is what we need if the average America is to have a normal middle class life in the future. Right now everything is controlled by big money, and profit is the new goal. Profit of large corporations, banks and wall street that is, and the average worker's future isn't even a consideration any more, and both parties go along with this, even democrats.
You do realize he would be 76 in 2016?
Reagan was the oldest elected at 69.
Please post the compromises Obama has offered. Hint "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"

Clinton could compromise. That's why he's remembered for enacting the GOP agenda like NAFTA and welfare reform.

I remember being frustrated with Obama in the early days of his administration when people were so disgusted with Republicans, he could have done anything he wanted. He was asking for Republican input on Obamacare and the repugs would even engage. Now the political will is gone and the repugs still won't engage. Fuckers.
Link to any of that? Because in fact the White House urged Congressional Democrats to shut Republicans out of the process.
Remember, "Elections have consequences and I won"?

I didn't get this from a link. I lived through it. The whole hold up for getting anything drawn up on Obamacare was that they were trying (unsuccessfully) to be inclusive - at least on that issue.
Please post the compromises Obama has offered. Hint "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"

Clinton could compromise. That's why he's remembered for enacting the GOP agenda like NAFTA and welfare reform.

I remember being frustrated with Obama in the early days of his administration when people were so disgusted with Republicans, he could have done anything he wanted. He was asking for Republican input on Obamacare and the repugs would even engage. Now the political will is gone and the repugs still won't engage. Fuckers.
Link to any of that? Because in fact the White House urged Congressional Democrats to shut Republicans out of the process.
Remember, "Elections have consequences and I won"?

I didn't get this from a link. I lived through it. The whole hold up for getting anything drawn up on Obamacare was that they were trying (unsuccessfully) to be inclusive - at least on that issue.
A Sanders candidacy is maybe what this country needs. USA would be a low wage sweatshop like red china were it not for progressive and socialist policies of the past. And those policies are slowly being eaten away by the so called free trade capitalist, and privatize everything system. There are countries more advanced than USA that have present day socialist policies which give their citizens better health care, education, and workers rights. Scandinavia and most of Europe. In the meantime USA is falling further behind.
China had progressive and socialist policies for 50 years.
Russia had progressive and socialist polciies for 80 years. The workers literally owned everything.
And their wage growth was negligible.
The US had capitalist policies for most of its existence and boasted the highest wages in the world.
So looks like your statement is a tad unfounded.

I was talking about Europe and Scandinavia Progressive and socialist policies in Russia and China? No, these were/are brutal dictatorships and the workers did not own everything. Read up on the progressive era in this country and the farmers forming grange societies to combat the big trusts. This material was covered in the schools I used to attend but that was in the 50's. It appears that nobody knows about it now.
The grange movement and midwest progressivism produced crap economic policies. Amusingly it also produced poltiical policies that present day progressives can't stand. Like ballot initiatives.
I merely point out what those same policies taken to their logical conclusion produce.
Please post the compromises Obama has offered. Hint "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"

Clinton could compromise. That's why he's remembered for enacting the GOP agenda like NAFTA and welfare reform.

I remember being frustrated with Obama in the early days of his administration when people were so disgusted with Republicans, he could have done anything he wanted. He was asking for Republican input on Obamacare and the repugs would even engage. Now the political will is gone and the repugs still won't engage. Fuckers.
Link to any of that? Because in fact the White House urged Congressional Democrats to shut Republicans out of the process.
Remember, "Elections have consequences and I won"?

I didn't get this from a link. I lived through it. The whole hold up for getting anything drawn up on Obamacare was that they were trying (unsuccessfully) to be inclusive - at least on that issue.
You're imagining all of that. Thats why there is no link.
Please post the compromises Obama has offered. Hint "We've got the votes, fuck 'em"

Clinton could compromise. That's why he's remembered for enacting the GOP agenda like NAFTA and welfare reform.

I remember being frustrated with Obama in the early days of his administration when people were so disgusted with Republicans, he could have done anything he wanted. He was asking for Republican input on Obamacare and the repugs would even engage. Now the political will is gone and the repugs still won't engage. Fuckers.
Link to any of that? Because in fact the White House urged Congressional Democrats to shut Republicans out of the process.
Remember, "Elections have consequences and I won"?

I didn't get this from a link. I lived through it. The whole hold up for getting anything drawn up on Obamacare was that they were trying (unsuccessfully) to be inclusive - at least on that issue.
You're imagining all of that. Thats why there is no link.

This lays out a timeline using a bunch of links from the likes of CNN, PBS and the senate finance committee.

Another ACA Obamacare Myth No Negotiation Between Democrats and Republicans on ACA Obamacare Let s talk facts not rhetoric

If the republicans were snubbed in the final days of negotiations, it's because they had it coming.
His followers are abandoning Him since even they can no longer stomach His lies.
Some of his followers are abandoning him since they can no longer stomach his lies. And the rest are abandoning him since they found out he is a Marxist.

Just pulling this out of your asses, or are you just parroting what Rush pulled out of his ass?
Bernie's only chance of winning the Presidency in 2016 is if 99% of America is killed off by Ebola, and the remaining 1% are all Green Party, Code Pink, SEIU, government bureaucrats and welfare recipients.

After his election, I give them a week before they kill each other off...or just die from self neglect.
You do realize he would be 76 in 2016?
Reagan was the oldest elected at 69.
This is a really good point. He would be too old to assume the presidency.

But if this is going to be the crux of the Right-Wing argument against him, instead of his positions, a like-minded younger candidate could also enter the race.

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