Would/do you trust pro-abortion people around your children?

Thread title

  • Yes, absolutely - and I'll explain why in my post

  • Yes, probably

  • Maybe

  • No

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Some of them are just mislead...I would never trust a pro abortion male though. They're cowardly, perverted scum who should die and who absolutely wouldn't protect a child or a woman from harm, and actually get off on hurting them. Without exception.

You and Pedro should get married. Your stupidity is clearly meant for each other. Just, uh....get sterilized first.
If they are pro abortion they are most likely on the left, best to keep children away, the loon may rub off
Some of them are just mislead...I would never trust a pro abortion male though. They're cowardly, perverted scum who should die and who absolutely wouldn't protect a child or a woman from harm, and actually get off on hurting them. Without exception.

You and Pedro should get married. Your stupidity is clearly meant for each other. Just, uh....get sterilized first.
I'm done with women for a long time.
I just got out of a pretty fucked up relationship that left me wondering that. Would you actually knowingly let someone like that be around your kids? If so, then under what circumstances? As long as you were present? Or someone you trusted? Is it totally unconditional?

Your child may be spending the day with a Pro-Choice person ..Their Teacher...What are you going to do ask their teachers or care person how they voted or if they ever had an abortion?

That is not legal.

The stupidity and depravity of those who enter into the education system specifically to groom and prey upon kids is another topic..
yes, it's you abortion lovers I wouldn't let near my children. you would try and put your warped and twisted views on them. You couldn't help yourself that just how you are. Force everyone to try and change over to the dark side of Society

As usual Stoopid Stuff gets it wrong.

Read the OP again. Or have a 3rd grader explain it to you.

Note to the OP: No one is "pro-abortion".
My ex would happy disagree with you. She does use the term pro-abortion for a reason. She's so committed to it that she's about halfway through the degree she needs to work with MSF. We... weren't a very good match.

I just got out of a pretty fucked up relationship that left me wondering that. Would you actually knowingly let someone like that be around your kids? If so, then under what circumstances? As long as you were present? Or someone you trusted? Is it totally unconditional?

Your child may be spending the day with a Pro-Choice person ..Their Teacher...What are you going to do ask their teachers or care person how they voted or if they ever had an abortion?

That is not legal.

That concept honestly scares the living shit out of me. It's a huge reason I'm saving now to be able to get my future kids into a private school.
Charter schools are awesome....and don't cost money.
ignorant voters have been emotionally manipulated and continually pandered to over this issue for decades now.

religious whackjobs have literally ruined the Republican party... way to go, dummies.
yup America is evil... way to spread the word, idiots.

In a 7-2 decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun (who was chosen because of his prior experience as counsel to the Mayo Clinic), the Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws...

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade 1973 PBS
This is the dumbest OP ever

Why are you putting down queers? Homophobe?
Just because they didn't want THEIRS doesn't mean they want to kill YOURS!
That concept honestly scares the living shit out of me. It's a huge reason I'm saving now to be able to get my future kids into a private school.
Sorry but unless you home school your children you will not know the teachers voting record or sexual orientation. Even at Christian Schools

Charter schools are awesome....and don't cost money.
Charter schools must operate in accordance with state and federal law. They must abide by health and safety laws, and cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

You still don't know how the teacher voted.

That concept honestly scares the living shit out of me. It's a huge reason I'm saving now to be able to get my future kids into a private school.
Sorry but unless you home school your children you will not know the teachers voting record or sexual orientation. Even at Christian Schools
Not all private schools are religious. I don't care about their voting record or sexual orientation. I care to know that they don't pose a danger to my kids.

Charter schools are awesome....and don't cost money.
Charter schools must operate in accordance with state and federal law. They must abide by health and safety laws, and cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

You still don't know how the teacher voted..
See above.
That concept honestly scares the living shit out of me. It's a huge reason I'm saving now to be able to get my future kids into a private school.
Sorry but unless you home school your children you will not know the teachers voting record or sexual orientation. Even at Christian Schools

Charter schools are awesome....and don't cost money.
Charter schools must operate in accordance with state and federal law. They must abide by health and safety laws, and cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

You still don't know how the teacher voted.

Yes, I know how charter schools operate. Do you have a point?
I just got out of a pretty fucked up relationship that left me wondering that. Would you actually knowingly let someone like that be around your kids? If so, then under what circumstances? As long as you were present? Or someone you trusted? Is it totally unconditional?

That's a very ridiculous question.

Of course I would allow my child around pro choice people. In fact I don't know anyone who isn't pro choice so as far as I know my child has never been exposed to an anti choice crazy person like you.

Pro choice people aren't the ones running around with high power weapons murdering people. That would be people like you. They bomb clinics, they murder people, they harass and abuse people who work there or go there for health care. They break the law.

The people I want to keep away from my child are those anti choice people who lie and murder people.

That would be people like you.
That concept honestly scares the living shit out of me. It's a huge reason I'm saving now to be able to get my future kids into a private school.
Sorry but unless you home school your children you will not know the teachers voting record or sexual orientation. Even at Christian Schools

Charter schools are awesome....and don't cost money.
Charter schools must operate in accordance with state and federal law. They must abide by health and safety laws, and cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

You still don't know how the teacher voted.

Yes, I know how charter schools operate. Do you have a point?

The Op's question was about a person's position on abortion, I said that we have no idea how someone votes in schools..
You said charter schools...So I replied that charter schools has no control how a person votes..

Sorta what the whole theme of this thread is about...........:eek:
That concept honestly scares the living shit out of me. It's a huge reason I'm saving now to be able to get my future kids into a private school.
Sorry but unless you home school your children you will not know the teachers voting record or sexual orientation. Even at Christian Schools

Charter schools are awesome....and don't cost money.
Charter schools must operate in accordance with state and federal law. They must abide by health and safety laws, and cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

You still don't know how the teacher voted.

Yes, I know how charter schools operate. Do you have a point?

The Op's question was about a person's position on abortion, I said that we have no idea how someone votes in schools..
You said charter schools...So I replied that charter schools has no control how a person votes..

Sorta what the whole theme of this thread is about...........:eek:

It's koshergirl. You have a better chance of beating a 4 year old at chess than of getting any sense out of her.

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