Would/do you trust pro-abortion people around your children?

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  • Yes, absolutely - and I'll explain why in my post

  • Yes, probably

  • Maybe

  • No

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I just got out of a pretty fucked up relationship that left me wondering that. Would you actually knowingly let someone like that be around your kids? If so, then under what circumstances? As long as you were present? Or someone you trusted? Is it totally unconditional?

That's a very ridiculous question.

Of course I would allow my child around pro choice people. In fact I don't know anyone who isn't pro choice so as far as I know my child has never been exposed to an anti choice crazy person like you.

Pro choice people aren't the ones running around with high power weapons murdering people. That would be people like you. They bomb clinics, they murder people, they harass and abuse people who work there or go there for health care. They break the law.

The people I want to keep away from my child are those anti choice people who lie and murder people.

That would be people like you.

The Op's question was about a person's position on abortion, I said that we have no idea how someone votes in schools..
You said charter schools...So I replied that charter schools has no control how a person votes..

Sorta what the whole theme of this thread is about...........:eek:
It was actually about how comfortable you personally would feel allowing someone who sees babies/children as fair game to be around your babies/children.

"Would/do you trust pro-abortion people around your children?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.
Not really. It's just a yes or no question.
I just got out of a pretty fucked up relationship that left me wondering that. Would you actually knowingly let someone like that be around your kids? If so, then under what circumstances? As long as you were present? Or someone you trusted? Is it totally unconditional?

That's a very ridiculous question.

Of course I would allow my child around pro choice people. In fact I don't know anyone who isn't pro choice so as far as I know my child has never been exposed to an anti choice crazy person like you.

Pro choice people aren't the ones running around with high power weapons murdering people. That would be people like you. They bomb clinics, they murder people, they harass and abuse people who work there or go there for health care. They break the law.

The people I want to keep away from my child are those anti choice people who lie and murder people.

That would be people like you.

The Op's question was about a person's position on abortion, I said that we have no idea how someone votes in schools..
You said charter schools...So I replied that charter schools has no control how a person votes..

Sorta what the whole theme of this thread is about...........:eek:
It was actually about how comfortable you personally would feel allowing someone who sees babies/children as fair game to be around your babies/children.

"Would/do you trust pro-abortion people around your children?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.
Not really. It's just a yes or no question.

"....who sees babies/children as fair game"

I think I can see why your relationship ended. Good for your departing partner, not buying into your insanity.
It was actually about how comfortable you personally would feel allowing someone who sees babies/children as fair game to be around your babies/children.

Not to insult you but you do sound very young, there are those who vote for pro-choice who are Christians, or they vote this way because they also believe that the child should be raise out of poverty with Government Assistance .. not just saved from abortion.
I do not agree with abortion although there are women who would die otherwise due to health, or was raped.
Just because a person votes against abortion doesn't make them a good person, or vise a versa. even people who seem like the strongest Christian / pro-life can turnout to be a murderer or rapist sorry to say.
pro-abortion? You mean pro-choice?
Why not?
Under what circumstances would you? Just family? Family and friends? While you were around to supervise?
Just because people believe a woman has a choice doesn't mean they are going to hurt your kids.
I have my reasons for asking.

This is the dumbest OP ever

Now that that's out of your system would you care to answer the question?

Thank you for being forward about your choice not to participate in this discussion. Have a good day.

Just out of curiosity, what are your reasons for asking?
It was actually about how comfortable you personally would feel allowing someone who sees babies/children as fair game to be around your babies/children.

Not to insult you but you do sound very young, there are those who vote for pro-choice who are Christians, or they vote this way because they also believe that the child should be raise out of poverty with Government Assistance .. not just saved from abortion.
I do not agree with abortion although there are women who would die otherwise due to health, or was raped.
Just because a person votes against abortion doesn't make them a good person, or vise a versa. even people who seem like the strongest Christian / pro-life can turnout to be a murderer or rapist sorry to say.
You do realize that "Christian" and "pro-life" are two different things, right? One doesn't imply the other because they're separate ideologies. "Pro-life" and "anti-abortion" are also separate, though much more closely related. The latter falls under the umbrella of the former, but the former is much larger than just the latter.
I just got out of a pretty fucked up relationship that left me wondering that. Would you actually knowingly let someone like that be around your kids? If so, then under what circumstances? As long as you were present? Or someone you trusted? Is it totally unconditional?

Depends on what you mean by 'pro-abortion'. You mean people who believe that abortion is a decision that a woman should make for herself?

Then absolutely.
If they are pro abortion they are most likely on the left, best to keep children away, the loon may rub off

All you have to do is read the comments from the left on here, no way are they getting around our children. Nope, not happening

we are seeing the results of it today with what's going on in these Universities. the freaking teachers are the ones stirring up all the crap using OUR CHILDREN. No way would they get near my children.
It's not a simple yes/no question becauase there are other factors, besides view on abortion that would make me decide whether I would want them around children. I could care less if they were pro choice or pro life - that really doesn't enter in to any decision.
The latter falls under the umbrella of the former

No it doesn't. Many anti-abortion people are affirmatively not pro-life.

Assassination of George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which is what I'm saying. Anti-abortion is anti-abortion. Pro-life is pro-life. They aren't synonymous terms. Part of the pro-life agenda is the recognition of the inherent right to life and the abolition of abortion. Then again, another part of the pro-life agenda is the creation and maintenance of a viable and effective healthcare system. The anti-abortion agenda stops at the abolition of abortion. They're as much a part of us as the healthcare people even if a lot of them are a little (and sometimes even murderously) nuts.
I just got out of a pretty fucked up relationship that left me wondering that. Would you actually knowingly let someone like that be around your kids? If so, then under what circumstances? As long as you were present? Or someone you trusted? Is it totally unconditional?

That's a very ridiculous question.

Of course I would allow my child around pro choice people. In fact I don't know anyone who isn't pro choice so as far as I know my child has never been exposed to an anti choice crazy person like you.

Pro choice people aren't the ones running around with high power weapons murdering people. That would be people like you. They bomb clinics, they murder people, they harass and abuse people who work there or go there for health care. They break the law.

The people I want to keep away from my child are those anti choice people who lie and murder people.

That would be people like you.
People who lie and murder people.....like abortion providers...and those who defend them.
Just out of curiosity, what are your reasons for asking?
Basically the kinds of discussions we would have. Every time we'd speak would be an argument, generally about this particular topic. I was willing to agree to disagree and let it slide. She wouldn't settle for anything less than me totally agreeing with her on every point. We went through about a year of that. Debating. Discussing. Arguing. Hashing out every point over and over. It could get pretty hateful to be totally honest. Like really hateful. I'd call her a sociopath. She'd promise to abandon me one night and abort our kid and mail me the body and a video if I ever accidentally got her preggo. It kind of hardened both of us in our own viewpoint. For her, she sees me as sexist (even though I see it as more of a failure on his part than hers) and puritanical (for thinking people should only be having sex when they're capable of handling an unplanned pregnancy). For me, I kind of started to see her as... well, I wasn't scared to allow people like her around kids alone until meeting her.
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The latter falls under the umbrella of the former

No it doesn't. Many anti-abortion people are affirmatively not pro-life.

Assassination of George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which is what I'm saying. Anti-abortion is anti-abortion. Pro-life is pro-life. They aren't synonymous terms. Part of the pro-life agenda is the recognition of the inherent right to life and the abolition of abortion. Then again, another part of the pro-life agenda is the creation and maintenance of a viable and effective healthcare system. The anti-abortion agenda stops at the abolition of abortion. They're as much a part of us as the healthcare people even if a lot of them are a little (and sometimes even murderously) nuts.
Bullshit! Pro-life IS the anti-abortion movement. The left has (once again) hijacked the term "pro-life" because they don't like the fact that it implies that their own agenda is pro-death (which of course it is) and have brainwashed you into thinking that pro-life means something other than anti-abortion.

The pro-life agenda is, simply, anti-abortion. Pro-life advocates do not believe in state-sanctioned murder of babies, or the exploitation and abuse of women under the misnomer of "choice".
The latter falls under the umbrella of the former

No it doesn't. Many anti-abortion people are affirmatively not pro-life.

Assassination of George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which is what I'm saying. Anti-abortion is anti-abortion. Pro-life is pro-life. They aren't synonymous terms. Part of the pro-life agenda is the recognition of the inherent right to life and the abolition of abortion. Then again, another part of the pro-life agenda is the creation and maintenance of a viable and effective healthcare system. The anti-abortion agenda stops at the abolition of abortion. They're as much a part of us as the healthcare people even if a lot of them are a little (and sometimes even murderously) nuts.
Bullshit! Pro-life IS the anti-abortion movement. The left has (once again) hijacked the term "pro-life" because they don't like the fact that it implies that their own agenda is pro-death (which of course it is) and have brainwashed you into thinking that pro-life means something other than anti-abortion.

The pro-life agenda is, simply, anti-abortion. Pro-life advocates do not believe in state-sanctioned murder of babies, or the exploitation and abuse of women under the misnomer of "choice".
It's true that abortion is a key issue for us, but it's not the sole issue. It's not just about protecting him before he's born. It's about making sure his mother has the education and support to get through pregnancy safely. It's about making sure he has a good life afterwards and can support his own children when the time comes. It's about making sure he has clean air and water, enough food, shelter, and clothing all his life. It's about providing the next generation, our children, with the education they'll need to continue our work and reverse the shit our grandparents left us. If we stop caring the moment he's born then clearly we didn't care about him before either.
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The latter falls under the umbrella of the former

No it doesn't. Many anti-abortion people are affirmatively not pro-life.

Assassination of George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which is what I'm saying. Anti-abortion is anti-abortion. Pro-life is pro-life. They aren't synonymous terms. Part of the pro-life agenda is the recognition of the inherent right to life and the abolition of abortion. Then again, another part of the pro-life agenda is the creation and maintenance of a viable and effective healthcare system. The anti-abortion agenda stops at the abolition of abortion. They're as much a part of us as the healthcare people even if a lot of them are a little (and sometimes even murderously) nuts.
Bullshit! Pro-life IS the anti-abortion movement. The left has (once again) hijacked the term "pro-life" because they don't like the fact that it implies that their own agenda is pro-death (which of course it is) and have brainwashed you into thinking that pro-life means something other than anti-abortion.

The pro-life agenda is, simply, anti-abortion. Pro-life advocates do not believe in state-sanctioned murder of babies, or the exploitation and abuse of women under the misnomer of "choice".
It's true that abortion is a key issue for us, but it's not the sole issue. It's not just about protecting him before he's born. It's about making sure his mother has the education and support to get through pregnancy safely. It's about making sure he has a good life afterwards and can support his own children when the time comes. If we stop caring the moment he's born then clearly we didn't care about him before either.
Stop packaging pro-life ideology in pro-death verbage. I've yet to meet a pro-life person who wasn't a staunch supporter, of time and money, of programs that support mothers and children. I don't feel like we have to *justify* our pro-life belief by dancing to their tune. Being anti-abortion IS being pro-life, that's the definition of being pro life. And I don't believe that abortion STOPS child abuse, poverty, misery. I believe it adds to it, so the very act of eliminating elective abortion by definition improves the lives of people. You sound like you believe abortion really does great things, but you just can't quite get around the fact that it kills babies and exploits women to do it.
Stop packaging pro-life ideology in pro-death verbage. I've yet to meet a pro-life person who wasn't a staunch supporter, of time and money, of programs that support mothers and children. I don't feel like we have to *justify* our pro-life belief by dancing to their tune.
That's not pro-death. You haven't met a pro-life person who wasn't a staunch supporter of those kinds of programs because we are supportive of them by definition. You can certainly be anti-abortion and oppose sex ed in schools or providing healthcare to the needy but you can't really be pro-life. That's the difference.
Stop packaging pro-life ideology in pro-death verbage. I've yet to meet a pro-life person who wasn't a staunch supporter, of time and money, of programs that support mothers and children. I don't feel like we have to *justify* our pro-life belief by dancing to their tune.
That's not pro-death. You haven't met a pro-life person who wasn't a staunch supporter of those kinds of programs because we are supportive of them by definition. You can certainly be anti-abortion and oppose sex ed in schools or providing healthcare to the needy but you can't really be pro-life. That's the difference.
Bullshit. See the definition of pro-life. You're just making up your own nonsense.

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