Would it be helpful to have an official USMB definition of certain terms?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

"Communism" long ago became the all-encompassing term for all things originating in or arising from Marxism and related philosophies.
Are you talking about trying to create some sort of consensus among members? If so, good luck.

Are you talking about relying upon the political acumen of those running this place? If so, good luck.


For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???


It's complicated.. But not impossible. Part of the problem is that your examples are economics oriented and don't really address the role and scope of govt intervention in any of those processes..

For instance, in capitalist societies, you're certainly FREE to start co-ops of any kind that distribute equity and profits to the employee members. It's micro-socialism if you will.. But when a govt has the power to dictate prices, or reinvestments of profits, those dictates SUPERSEDE any kind of ownership or employee prerogatives on utilizing means of production.

So -- you need to define those systems from a number of angles, like the economic, regulatory, choice, taxation angles.

And that's not gonna happen in less than a semester of notes.. :badgrin:
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

A table of current acronyms would be very helpful. I looked up a poster's acronym, "AOC" - dozens of choices, half of them political. :dunno:
I was going to create a thread on members'/etc definitions
like '''racism''' = anything you disagree with
'''black dumbshit''' = pro-criminal/anti-police
we have the dumbshit like ''white privilege''/etc
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

It would help if conservatives would just use a dictionary or open a book occasionally. Definitions for those terms already exist.
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For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

It would help if conservatives would just use a dictionary not open a book occasionally. Definitions for those terms already exist.
it would help if liberals would just use a dictionary not open a book occasionally. Definitions for those terms already exist.
Trumpican excuses, defenses and verbal attacks are highly reliant on misusing words and terms. Forcing Trumpicans to adhere to any kind of educated standards such as the proper use of words and terms would be unfair.
The aforementioned words have been so overused and misused that coming to definitive definition here would be almost impossible.
The aforementioned words have been so overused and misused that coming to definitive definition here would be almost impossible.
Besides the fact that many posters here have made up their own definitions of those terms and they're sticking with them, dammit.
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???


No because then at random I would not be possible to refer to OldLady as a Commie :smoke: I like OldLady :)
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

A table of current acronyms would be very helpful. I looked up a poster's acronym, "AOC" - dozens of choices, half of them political. :dunno:

What is AOC?
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

A table of current acronyms would be very helpful. I looked up a poster's acronym, "AOC" - dozens of choices, half of them political. :dunno:

What is AOC?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

A 29 year old Socialist Demcrap, recently elected to the House. She wants to cripple America, put millions out of work and make America a Socialist paradise.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

A table of current acronyms would be very helpful. I looked up a poster's acronym, "AOC" - dozens of choices, half of them political. :dunno:

What is AOC?
Appelation d'Origine Controlée
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

A table of current acronyms would be very helpful. I looked up a poster's acronym, "AOC" - dozens of choices, half of them political. :dunno:

What is AOC?
I put AOC in Bing! Got 396 answers. lmao. Which one do you want? Hossfly's version sounded pretty good to me. :lmao:
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

A table of current acronyms would be very helpful. I looked up a poster's acronym, "AOC" - dozens of choices, half of them political. :dunno:

What is AOC?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

A 29 year old Socialist Demcrap, recently elected to the House. She wants to cripple America, put millions out of work and make America a Socialist paradise.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

Is she for real?
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

A table of current acronyms would be very helpful. I looked up a poster's acronym, "AOC" - dozens of choices, half of them political. :dunno:

What is AOC?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

A 29 year old Socialist Demcrap, recently elected to the House. She wants to cripple America, put millions out of work and make America a Socialist paradise.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

Is she for real?
I think she went to the Maxine Waters school of harassment. Just my opinion. :biggrin:
For instance...

Capitalism: Means of production (MOP) owned and controlled by citizens.
Communism: MOP owned and controlled by government.
Socialism: MOP owned and controlled by the employees/workers.
Fascism: MOP owned by citizens, but partially or fully directed by government.
Democratic Socialism: ???

It would help if conservatives would just use a dictionary or open a book occasionally. Definitions for those terms already exist.

Some definitions are rather subjective and inaccurate.

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