Would Jesus approve of this non-Christian?

Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:35.)

Indeed this person has the same opportunity as everyone else on earth to "come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved" -- 1 Tim. 2:4 That truth? Jesus is the way, the only way, the truth and the light. (John 14:6). God has no respect of person. (Romans 2:11) "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?" -- James 2:14. That is the question presented by James, will faith void of works save anyone and vise versa. He answers his own question in vs. 2:15-16.

James demonstrates that faith without works is a dead faith (2:15-17). Just as you cannot wish a person in need well unless we take action and do something that is in obvious need. Then James proves that apart from works there is no other method to show that you have faith (vs. 18). Its not faith or works........it takes faith and works. James presents it in simple terms with no ambiguity whatsoever, "Even demons believe, (in the truth that Christ has revealed from heaven)....but they are none the less condemned......" -- James 2:19. Thus faith alone, and its inverse works alone is DEAD. (James 2:20)

Good deeds does not garner salvation. Works without Faith is dead. Faith and Works are essential to Christianity....they are not opposed they work in harmony to complement the Word of God.

The world is filled with good people as defined by men.....but the scriptures declare, "And Jesus said, 'Why callest Me good, there is none good but one, that is God." -- Mark 10:18 We all sin........and can never be GOOD in the eyes of God. There has only been one person to walk this life totally free from sin and that was GOD INCARNATE. We are not born into sin.....we are born into sinful world and we choose between right and wrong and we often choose wrong through an act of commission or an inaction of omission.

Salvation is a gift of GRACE, you can't work your way into heaven. The best anyone can on this earth is FOREGIVE.
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Indeed this person has the same opportunity as everyone else on earth to "come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved" -- 1 Tim. 2:4 That truth? Jesus is the way, the only way, the truth and the light. (John 14:6). God has no respect of person. (Romans 2:11) "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?" -- James 2:14. That is the question presented by James, will faith void of works save anyone and vise versa. He answers his own question in vs. 2:15-16.

James demonstrates that faith without works is a dead faith (2:15-17). Just as you cannot wish a person in need well unless we take action and do something that is in obvious need. Then James proves that apart from works there is no other method to show that you have faith (vs. 18). Its not faith or works........it takes faith and works. James presents it in simple terms with no ambiguity whatsoever, "Even demons believe, (in the truth that Christ has revealed from heaven)....but they are none the less condemned......" -- James 2:19. Thus faith alone, and its inverse works alone is DEAD. (James 2:20)

Good deeds does not garner salvation. Works without Faith is dead. Faith and Works are essential to Christianity....they are not opposed they work in harmony to complement the Word of God.

The world is filled with good people as defined by men.....but the scriptures declare, "And Jesus said, 'Why callest Me good, there is none good but one, that is God." -- Mark 10:18 We all sin........and can never be GOOD in the eyes of God. There has only been one person to walk this life totally free from sin and that was GOD INCARNATE. We are not born into sin.....we are born into sinful world and we choose between right and wrong and we often choose wrong through an act of commission or an inaction of omission.

Salvation is a gift of GRACE, you can't work your way into heaven. The best anyone can on this earth is FOREGIVE.

So you're saying the guy in the video can't go to heaven unless he becomes a Christian?
So you're saying the guy in the video can't go to heaven unless he becomes a Christian?

"For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." -- Gal. 1:10

I am saying, this man is no different from any other man on earth. God has no respect of person. The same conditions apply to ALL. God would hope that all men come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved (1 Tim. 2:4)

I simply present the actual content of the Word of God. If you have a problem and call GOD a bigot.........address your concerns to the Spirit of God.....as All Scripture is given via inspiration of God. (2 Tim. 3:16) Today.......the only method of communicating with the Spirit of God is through the content of the Holy Scriptures......there are no modern day miracles (miracles were used to confirm the word of God as being delivered from Heaven). When the Word of God was completed by the saints of the 1st century.......our faith was complete, (Jude 3....delivered ONCE) man had everything required pertaining to life and Godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)

Example: MIRACELS as recorded in scripture which cannot and are not presented today. Power over nature (Matt. 28:26-27). Power/authority over material things......the miraculous feeding of the 5000 (Luke 9:10-17). Power over all diseases (Matt. 8:16). Power over the spirit realm (Matt. 8:16). Power over life and death (John 11:14-44). These miracles were preformed in a confirmation of His Word and deeds. (John 20:30-31, Mark 16:20).

These miracles were not limited to just healing........nor were they selective...........they were not supposedly conditioned upon the faith of the one being healed......... Example: The lame man was healed instantly (there was no production show for the cameras or audience (Acts 3:7) There were no collections taken among the audience nor required (God loves you but send your money to my address)

In the New Testament scriptures the Apostles preformed miracles to confirm the word they were revealing. Where are the new books of revelation by these so called faith healers? There should be new books added when a miracle is preformed. Where are the dead that have risen, the blind from birth that has been given sight, the lame from birth made whole?

The miracles stopped when the Word of God was complete. (1 Cor. 13:8-10). When the church/kingdom of God grew out of its infancy..."When I was a child I saw as a child.......when I became an adult I put away childish things....." Today anyone that professes to be a faith healer or a miracle word is either.......a grifter, ignorant, psychologically impaired.........or simply a liar, especially when he/she declares they just SPOKE TO GOD. Its a lie......as no miracles accompany these charlatans. Like CHILDREN they are just PLAYING CHURCH......they attempt to parrot a time that ended 2000 years ago.

.........I said nothing, I do not profess to drafting one word found in scripture. What I do say, is the Word of God is TRUTH and as a Christian we are to be "sanctified" in that word. (John 17:17) SANCTIFIED: DEVOTED.

The Word of God declared that Jesus is the way, the truth, the life......the only way. "..........I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE; NO ONE cometh to the Father (God), but BY ME (Jesus)." -- John 14:6
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Jesus wouldn't approve of most Christians , or Christianity Otis


This is always ironically the most self-righteous thing to say, and I'm not sure people realize it.

"Ho hum, Christians are such terrible sinners, good thing I'm so much better than them."

Right, we are sinners and we know it. That's why Jesus had to come. I guess you're perfect and don't need Him then. Hey, great for you!
He would absolutely approve of His beautiful deeds, in the same way He did the deeds of the Good Samaritan.

Ah man, this video gets me every time...sniff sniff

How can you possibly know what a ghost thinks? How vain and arrogant to suggest you can predict anything?
What a load of bollocks.
where did i say that Sue?


I am mystified as to why people would think Jesus "approves" of Christians. If He did in the first place, He wouldn't have come to die. This is the entire point of Christianity.

That people continually miss the entire point is....mind-blowing, and somehow, not.
I am mystified as to why people would think Jesus "approves" of Christians. If He did in the first place, He wouldn't have come to die. This is the entire point of Christianity.

That people continually miss the entire point is....mind-blowing, and somehow, not.

He didn't come to die. It never happened. He was crucified for being a prophet of which there were thousands those days.
He was not the son of god nor born of a virgin. That's fact.
I am mystified as to why people would think Jesus "approves" of Christians. If He did in the first place, He wouldn't have come to die. This is the entire point of Christianity.

That people continually miss the entire point is....mind-blowing, and somehow, not.
Out of your own mouth, the truth. Yes the whole point of Christianity is one of power over the people. Jesus was not a Christian, Jesus preached to all who are listening at a time when there were no Christians. All are welcome, that's the point Jesus was trying to make.
Out of your own mouth, the truth. Yes the whole point of Christianity is one of power over the people. Jesus was not a Christian, Jesus preached to all who are listening at a time when there were no Christians. All are welcome, that's the point Jesus was trying to make.

Now there is some weapons-grade stupidity.

Jesus CHRIST wasn't a CHRISTian
I am mystified as to why people would think Jesus "approves" of Christians. If He did in the first place, He wouldn't have come to die. This is the entire point of Christianity.
Jesus didn't die for religious hierarchy to rule humanity Sue

Your query begs the distinction , if not inversely proportional relationship of faith and religion

Two millenia into AD, they are just about as mutually exclusive as two terms can possibly get

Jesus didn't die for religious hierarchy to rule humanity Sue

Your query begs the distinction , if not inversely proportional relationship of faith and religion

Two millenia into AD, they are just about as mutually exclusive as two terms can possibly get
View attachment 552444

Joel Osteen is a charlatan. But you are using the oldest excuse in the book: some people who claim to follow Jesus are charlatans; therefore, the entire thing is a ruse.

Yeah well, Jesus had Judas too, right there in front of Him. Yet He still went to the Cross. He dealt with this in His own lifetime. It's an old story and an old excuse.

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