Zone1 what would you say?

Yes, this God of yours can pull off anything he wants.

It’s all made up nonsense.

In the story of Jonah is about God also loves the people of Nineveh. Jonah was disobedient and he sulked. God must have a sense of humor.
So you don't think God could pull that off? I am not limited by thinking that the Bible is an academic exercise.
If you think the bible is ANYTHING BUT an academic exercise you are pretty limited... at least in your critical thinking skills.

Believing different iron age writings, translated and retranslated half a dozen times, eventually put together in 2 books by a committee of very human clerics, making fantastical and immoral claims, that have been interpreted and reinterpreted to suit hundreds of different "churches", somehow translates in "the word of God" sounds very limited in terms of your cognitive skills.
Great. Where?
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Rom 10:4). 2,000 years ago, Christ was the end of the law. Of course, the unbelieving Jews persisted in it until its destruction in AD 70.

For Paul and his fellow converted Jews, the law was spiritual (Rom 7:14). It did not require codification.

Christ was a change in the priesthood, from that of Aaron to that of Melchizedek. Therefor was there an attendant change in the law (Heb 7:12).

In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away (Heb 8:10).

The law for the Christians was simply and elegantly stated as loving God and loving others (Mt 7:12, 22:37-40; Gal 5:14). It was also new, which didn’t belong with the old, as Jesus illustrated in Mark 2:18-22.

In the absence of the law, there is no sin (Rom 5:13). Read all of Romans. The law could not liberate them. Jesus did that when he fulfilled it. He did what the law could not do; he redeemed Israel.

Now can you tell us who follows the Mosaic Law? Who practices all those draconian, prejudiced, and useless rules?
If you think the bible is ANYTHING BUT an academic exercise you are pretty limited... at least in your critical thinking skills.

Believing different iron age writings, translated and retranslated half a dozen times, eventually put together in 2 books by a committee of very human clerics, making fantastical and immoral claims, that have been interpreted and reinterpreted to suit hundreds of different "churches", somehow translates in "the word of God" sounds very limited in terms of your cognitive skills.

Son you have absolutely no reason to think so highly of yourself.

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