Would Jesus come back as Republican Democrat Libertarian Progressive or what?

Would Jesus affiliate with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Progressives or Other?

  • Republican

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Progressive

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Socialist

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Communist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anarchist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Constitutionalist

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Independent

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Mix of Parties

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • New Party (please specify)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Egalitarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Party

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • Other Party

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other Country or Continent (specify Russia, China, Africa, etc.)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (specify)

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
He'd probably come back with a stick and beat the doofy out of every one of us.
Jesus is coming back as a conquering king.

Or at least that is what the Bible says
Here's my original answer unedited.

To edit it, I guess I'd just say Jesus doesn't represent any one party but EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW. This would include people of ALL parties (see last part in BOLD:
This view would be seen as LIBERTARIAN by respecting free will of individuals, and would be INCLUSIVE OF DIVERSITY as Liberals and Progressives preach, but would follow both CHRISTIAN AND CONSTITUTIONAL laws as the Conservatives and Republicans preach by obedience to laws. Jesus would fulfill all these paths and unite them as the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW that governs and includes people of all tribes.)

But that doesn't explain which one Jesus would use PRIMARILY to lead the others.

So that's why my answer turned into THIS huge diatribe on political diversity and inclusion:

"He would probably try to work with people of all parties to stick to God's plan, will and purpose that would unite across all parties and lead not only the nation but the world to follow suit. He would have disciples from all parties, and work with all tribes. I'm guessing he'd have Presidents and Governors come from Conservative CONSTITUTIONALISTS, Military and Republican backgrounds that promote the leadership needed for SECURITY and DEFENSE. And have Democrats Liberals and Progressives working INTERNALLY on including people in education and participation in the democratic process, developing health care and medical education to reduce the populations and costs of prisons so schools and teaching hospitals can be funded instead training doctors and nurses for the same money wasted incarcerating inmates who can't work and become burdens on society.

He would call anyone working for RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, Equal Justice Under Law, and Justice and Peace to work together. I am guessing this takes a COMBINATION of parties. He would be a "diversity inclusion" version of Thomas Jefferson, whom BOTH PARTIES CLAIM -- totally compelling people by free choice and rebuke to correct wrongs instead of abusing force. Dr. King was a Republican and failed to unite people totally. Christ Jesus as the Law or Authority of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE would likely be INCLUSIVE of diversity, calling all people poor or rich, and not blaming any one "group" but rebuking and correcting wrongs in EVERY class, group, tribe, nation or situation. But he would enforce and not reject the Church and State laws in the Bible and Bill of Rights which reflect Universal laws given by God. So he would not be like the Liberals of today "rejecting Christianity and Constitutionalism" He would be compelling all people to follow these natural and spiritual laws that are UNIVERSAL for the good of humanity. He might be more LIBERTARIAN with the INCLUSION of the progressive liberals that Democrats claim (but aren't practicing), while ENFORCING CONSTITUTIONAL AND CHRISTIAN LAWS that unite all people to GOVERN THEMSELVES DEMOCRATICALLY by free will and respect for good faith relations between all neighbors and all nations joined as one under God.

He would call anyone with a vision to fulfill universal plans that benefit ALL people of ALL Parties and classes and doesn't try to abuse force on others including forced taxation to force others to pay for the agenda of other parties or groups. All the work would be compelled by FREE WILL because people will follow the right plan by consent. He would work through individuals building local programs through churches, schools, nonprofits and businesses where people take responsibility not depending on Government to do the work. The people would unite and be in charge and do things independently through education and empowerment as unified communities following God not party agenda forced on anyone. That's not necessary where Jesus reconciles each person with God's plan which doesn't require Government to force people to invest in community building and charity, but all the work will be based on what people NATURALLY believe in and agree to do.

This view would be seen as LIBERTARIAN by respecting free will of individuals, and would be INCLUSIVE OF DIVERSITY as Liberals and Progressives preach, but would follow both CHRISTIAN AND CONSTITUTIONAL laws as the Conservatives and Republicans preach by obedience to laws. Jesus would fulfill all these paths and unite them as the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW that governs and includes people of all tribes."
Last edited:
Doesn't matter. We'd nail him to a tree or drown him in a black site prison regardless.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

an IMMIGRANT roaming America to TRIGGER conservatives
Not sure, but I suspect he would get screening from the TSA at the airport.
To answer my own question using just the poll, I chose multiple options.
I believe he would work with Christian followers across America, Africa and Asia especially those
taking on China and Russia and the Middle East.

But to unite America first, he would rely on Constitutional enforcement of due process and
right to petition to rebuke, correct and unite people of all parties to invest in rebuilding and reforming
what we already believe needs to be fixed.

This would take a MIX of parties, so I chose Mixed, New Party, Conservative, Libertarian, Progressive,
Socialist, Constitutionalist, Independent and Other Countries. I think this approach to political diversity
and inclusion on universal solutions would REINVENT the Democratic Party and create a NEW Party movement
that would use leaders and resources from ALL the above parties.
Doesn't matter. We'd nail him to a tree or drown him in a black site prison regardless.

Darn, bendog left that off the poll. How did I MISS that???

Does China/Other Countries count as the closest for your answer?
Because that's how they threaten and treat their Christians.

Maybe Other Countries/Middle East would fit, given how they throw people
off buildings or line Christians up on the beach to cut off their heads on video.

Close enough?
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
Trump is Jesus...so the answer has already been given
Mainly a Liberal but there would be thinks he would have a problem with them on......

Jesus said a lot about evils of greed, helping the poor and the vulnerable, respecting all people, inclusiveness and throwing away prejudice...

Jesus didn't say much about homosexuality or abortion.

What Jesus wouldn't like in Liberal is the sin of pride, not all of them but there is an element who talk down to the right and belittle there beliefs. That does help liberals or the fundamentals of there cause.

I know this post will upset some Republicans, bu ask yourself is trickle down economic or the selfish individual model following the teachings of Christ. At times it seems the Republicans have joined tribe and the tribe needs to be defended no matter your own beliefs. So I feel Republicans have compromised there beliefs as to not be ostracised from the tribe, the only tribe they know, going to church and voting Republican are major corner stone of there tribe...
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
Trump is Jesus...so the answer has already been given

Close Biff_Poindexter
Trump is one of those Trumpeter Angels who trumpets either a message of Victory
or a message of doom to scare the love of God into or out of people. You either renew
your faith or lose whatever you had left. That's Trump's role.

Angels are called to answer prayers put in motion by agreement in Christ by other people.

So if you want to replicate the effect of Trump, pray in agreement with more people
and follow up on those prayers putting them into action.

If you want to CHANGE the direction of Trump, pray and agree with others on BETTER
plans and invest resources there to build something even BETTER than what he mouths off about in the media.

Trump works with ministerial counsel to represent the REBUKES against people not following the laws.
That's the only reason he can have any impact by mouthing off as he does.
That's the only reason he can have any compelling leverage to influence other Countries to change or improve on policies.

It has to be a CORRECTION in order to be in agreement with God's plans through Christ.

So anyone who has better plans for CORRECTIONS, speak up, call together Ministerial and
Legal Counsel to meet with Trump's advisory Ministers and Counsel. And let's have a bigger
and better "agreement in Christ"

Then Trump as a trumpeting Angel has to follow and preach that.
If God has a better plan, we all need to UNITE in support of that, and
Trump and Government has to follow the consent and authority of Justice by Consent of the people.
Blue Jesus: I want you to listen to me. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Magdalene...

Red Jesus: I have a wide stance!

Blue Jesus: We have to pass the Law so we can find out what's in it.

Red Jesus: I will not heal you, blind man, until you show me some ID.

Blue Jesus: I have a pen and a direct phone line to my Father, and I am not afraid to use them.

Red Jesus: Muslims suck, and I'm pretty sure Doubting Thomas is a fag!

Blue Jesus: I invented cocaine as a way of telling you that you make too much money.

Red Jesus: Look at these hands! Look at these feet! I know more than anyone what torture is, and waterboarding is not torture.

Blue Jesus wears a WWOD (What Would Obama Do?) bracelet.

Red Jesus: And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed." But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, "Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us." But He answered and said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Moral of the story: Red Jesus would support building a wall to keep out aliens so they don't suck up holy resources.

Blue Jesus: And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.

Moral of the story: Blue Jesus hates profit, and believes health care should be free.
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery." - Matthew 19:8-9


Aw, fuck!
Republican Family Values (Revised Edition): You can marry and divorce as many times as you like. Like Rush Limbaugh (three marriages), Kim Davis (five marriages), Donald Trump (three marriages), Newt Gingrich (three marriages). You can have as many cakes for all your weddings as you wish. You can even cheat on your wives as many times as you wish, and we will all celebrate the magnificent fake titties of your porn star mistress. BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO! JESUS HATES THAT!
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery." - Matthew 19:8-9


Aw, fuck!

Ha ha g5000
He also drew a line in the sand and had anyone who was set to stone the adulterer
Look at their OWN SINS and treat others the way they wanted to be treated.
Forgiven and allowed to correct their ways instead of facing public ridicule and punishment.
All the people chose that path of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE which is Christ Jesus
and nobody wanted to be under RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE which is Antichrist.

Nobody wants to be treated as Trump, Obama and Clinton have been used to project blame and public whippings.

So if we follow Jesus example we would
FORGIVE and pray for those who oppress and persecute.

See Matthew 5:44
and James 5:16

Through this Restorative Justice Approach which invokes the authority of CHRIST JESUS
we would conduct Rebuke and Correction to RECONCILE and HEAL relations
by righting the wrongs, and restoring good faith relations with the neighbors we are addressing. As in Matthew 18:15-20

That's the Christian and Constitutionalist way of respecting due process and equal protections of all persons.

But very few follow the narrow gate of righteousness.
Most of the world follows the broad path of destruction
and "very few" will find the path of righteousness
which is AGREEMENT in Christ Jesus that reunites, heals and RESTORES relationships with everyone,
especially those we have the hardest time forgiving. Our salvation is found in redeeming those broken relations,
and all others will follow from there.
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery." - Matthew 19:8-9


Aw, fuck!

Ha ha g5000
He also drew a line in the sand and had anyone who was set to stone the adulterer
Look at their OWN SINS and treat others the way they wanted to be treated.
Forgiven and allowed to correct their ways instead of facing public ridicule and punishment.
All the people chose that path of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE which is Christ Jesus
and nobody wanted to be under RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE which is Antichrist.

Nobody wants to be treated as Trump, Obama and Clinton have been used to project blame and public whippings.

So if we follow Jesus example we would
FORGIVE and pray for those who oppress and persecute.

See Matthew 5:44
and James 5:16

Through this Restorative Justice Approach which invokes the authority of CHRIST JESUS
we would conduct Rebuke and Correction to RECONCILE and HEAL relations
by righting the wrongs, and restoring good faith relations with the neighbors we are addressing. As in Matthew 18:15-20

That's the Christian and Constitutionalist way of respecting due process and equal protections of all persons.

But very few follow the narrow gate of righteousness.
Most of the world follows the broad path of destruction
and "very few" will find the path of righteousness
which is AGREEMENT in Christ Jesus that reunites, heals and RESTORES relationships with everyone,
especially those we have the hardest time forgiving. Our salvation is found in redeeming those broken relations,
and all others will follow from there.
Pussy Grabber Trump is thoroughly unrepentant.
Um, hello? Jesus was not political.

Jesus never joined a political group, and he wouldn't do so today. These squabbles over whether Jesus is a Republican or Democrat or libertarian or green or a birther or truther are an exercise in stupidity.
Republican Family Values (Revised Edition): You can marry and divorce as many times as you like. Like Rush Limbaugh (three marriages), Kim Davis (five marriages), Donald Trump (three marriages), Newt Gingrich (three marriages). You can have as many cakes for all your weddings as you wish. You can even cheat on your wives as many times as you wish, and we will all celebrate the magnificent fake titties of your porn star mistress. BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO! JESUS HATES THAT!

g5000 Jesus said that in heaven there would be no more giving away as in marriage.
People are no longer under the property laws that controlled women and children as property of the estate.

The real marriage laws are based on yoking people equally to their spiritual partners.
So if we followed that, we wouldn't have divorces.

And we certainly wouldn't have marriages under the state if we believe
that church and state should be separated as part of the natural laws given by God.

Jesus might be Libertarian on this issue and declare:
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
and unto God what is God's.

If you follow spiritual laws to begin with, you avoid these mixups.

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