Would Jesus come back as Republican Democrat Libertarian Progressive or what?

Would Jesus affiliate with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Progressives or Other?

  • Republican

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Progressive

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Socialist

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Communist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anarchist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Constitutionalist

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Independent

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Mix of Parties

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • New Party (please specify)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Egalitarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Party

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • Other Party

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other Country or Continent (specify Russia, China, Africa, etc.)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (specify)

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .

JESUS: Jesus.

REGISTRAR: Last name?

JESUS: Of Nazareth.

REGISTRAR: Haysoos de Nazareth. Got it. And what party affiliation should I register you with?

JESUS: Is the Galilean Freedom Party still around?
I don't think Jesus would be born in America. We're the Romans.

So...Samoa, maybe. Or Puerto Rico.
Jesus de Nazareth just walked through a hurricane with a roll of paper towels, and boy is he pissed!
Republican Family Values (Revised Edition): You can marry and divorce as many times as you like. Like Rush Limbaugh (three marriages), Kim Davis (five marriages), Donald Trump (three marriages), Newt Gingrich (three marriages). You can have as many cakes for all your weddings as you wish. You can even cheat on your wives as many times as you wish, and we will all celebrate the magnificent fake titties of your porn star mistress. BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO! JESUS HATES THAT!

g5000 Jesus said that in heaven there would be no more giving away as in marriage.
People are no longer under the property laws that controlled women and children as property of the estate.

The real marriage laws are based on yoking people equally to their spiritual partners.
So if we followed that, we wouldn't have divorces.

And we certainly wouldn't have marriages under the state if we believe
that church and state should be separated as part of the natural laws given by God.

Jesus might be Libertarian on this issue and declare:
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
and unto God what is God's.

If you follow spiritual laws to begin with, you avoid these mixups.
If you don't fuck anyone who isn't your spouse, you avoid these mixups. If you don't grab pussies or stick cigars in interns, you avoid these mixups.

g5000 Trump is not doing that anymore.
And that pussy grabbing comment was a boast, not a real action.

Jesus said go and sin no more.
Trump publicly apologized for that pussy grabbing comment
and likely followed MINISTERIAL advice to commit to do better and be a better person.

How do you know Trump is not doing that anymore?
How do you know it was only a boast?
Do you truly believe that was a sincere apology? Especially since later he tried to question whether the tape was even real?
Why do you think he is following any ministerial advice? What actions have you seen that make you believe this?

I think we can all agree that Christians are supposed to follow the 10 Commandments. I also know that Christians believe that Trump can ask for forgiveness from Jesus and be forgiven.

Do you believe Trump has ever asked Jesus for forgiveness for his adulteries?
Trump lies all of the time- he repeatedly 'bears false witness' - so clearly he is not repenting for his lies.

I don't get why people who consider themselves Christians give Trump a pass for his clearly un-Christian behavior.
Jesus was not a politician when he was here the first time, and I do not think he will return to be a politician.

As much as I'd like to believe that whatever political views he might take up, if he did, would be inline with my own, I tend to see it as borderline blasphemous to claim that he'd support any particular political cause or ideology.
Trump also isn't a politician, which further proves my point that Trump is Jesus
Jesus was not a politician when he was here the first time, and I do not think he will return to be a politician.

As much as I'd like to believe that whatever political views he might take up, if he did, would be inline with my own, I tend to see it as borderline blasphemous to claim that he'd support any particular political cause or ideology.
Trump also isn't a politician, which further proves my point that Trump is Jesus

And Trump spake, "I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married!"

He is coming back with Wrath and as a Judge to Obliterate Evil and Evil People from The Face of The Earth Forever.

3/4s of The World's Population, the animals on Earth, The Trees and Grasses and Forests and Farmlands, and The Fish in The Sea will be completely destroyed leading up to and during The Return of Christ. The Oceans, Lakes and Rivers will be so contaminated by dead bodies that they will look like blood, and have an unbearable stench that sickens anyone that comes near it. Disease and Pestilence will run rampant.

In just one Battle, The Battle of Armageddon alone, Jesus The Christ takes on all The Armies of the Earth in a 200 Mile Wide Valley and there is so much blood and destruction that blood will flow like a river across that valley in a 6-7 foot deep river.

In another Battle against Gog, Magog, Mesech, Tubal (Russia), Persia, Syria and Togarmah (Turkey) 6/7ths of their combined armies are utterly eviscerated. and it takes 7 years to mark and bury the bodies in the desert, in a place they will call The Valley of Gog or Harmon-Gog.

Then he destroys Satan, The World Leader known as Anti-Christ, and his False Profit and throws him and his followers in Hell, along with all the Judged and Condemned Wicked on Judgment Day, and then establishes His throne in Jerusalem to rule the entire Earth from with a "Rod of Iron" as "The Prince of Peace."
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Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
If jesus showed up today "fake conservatives" would call for his deportation and call him rag head.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
It would be difficult for him to come back as a liberal by today's standards. A good percentage of modern liberals don't believe in Jesus, Christianity or God. So I don't think Jesus would follow a belief system where he didn't believe in HIMSELF.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

All I read was the poll question.

I was baptized Methodist. In the early 70s I became part of the Jesus Freak movement which turned into the born again movement in the 80s which turned into today's evangelicals.

I have read the Bible from front to back. Many times. I used to carry it and my "power" in my purse everywhere I went. If you don't know what "power" is do a search.

I got over it.

I haven't been christian since the 70s.

Even though I'm not a christian, I know what Jesus had to say.

Your question says only one thing to me. You don't know what Jesus really was about or what he had to say.

Here it is in a nutshell.

We are all god's children. God loves everyone.

It's people like you that I recognized decades ago when I was a teenager that made me leave the christian religion.

Stop trying to divide and hate.

Do what Jesus told you to do. Love your neighbor.

The christian god doesn't give a damn about skin color, what faith a person is, what religion they are, where they live in this world, or ANY of those superficial garbage things.

God loves everyone. Period.
Jesus is back. I talked to him yesterday.
He doesn't want me to say what he looks like, but he has a Portuguese accent and is really funny.
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Jesus was a worker and against the money trading in the palace - Socialist.
He seeked independence from the Empire - Baathist.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
If jesus showed up today "fake conservatives" would call for his deportation and call him rag head.

Jesus is a Jew.... moron.

Good grief
... I don't have a bible ...

Ah ... so you missed that part where the Bible says the Jews are God's chosen people ... He loves them the most ... they're supposed to own everything ... you also missed the part where the Jews are disobedient, and God is angry with them ... as any loving Father would do, He is punishing the Jews ... haven't you noticed lately? ...

Jesus is a Jew ... present tense of the verb ... read the Bible some time ...
Don't need to read the bible I get plenty of proselytizing on political message boards- and I've also noticed that jews are quite special and make lots of claims and that christians support those claims and if someone doesn't subscribe to those claims they are disparaged- Jesus *was* a jew. He's dead.
You might think about reading before reacting: (direct copy and paste from my post) that they are the chosen making their beliefs superior to that of christian-

I don't subscribe to group think, politically or religiously. Although, I don't see much difference in either. They both demand compliance to accepting someone else's thoughts about who is better than someone else and try to prove it using force to make it so, which explains why I don't subscribe to either.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

"My kingdom is not of this earth". Not only would He not be a member of any political party, I believe He would throw the politicians out of the pulpits in the same way that he threw the money changers out of the Temple.

Jesus was not a political leader at all. His failure to use his power to help the Jews defeat and expel the Romans is the reason why Judas betrayed him.
Jesus would get in Joel Osteen's face and call him a hypocrite and before you know it that dirty atheist would be nailed to a cross all over again. Praise Jesus.
Fun facts..

Jesus is also revered outside of Christianity. In Islam, Jesus (commonly transliterated as Isa) is considered one of God's important prophets and the Messiah.[38][39][40] Muslimsbelieve Jesus was a bringer of scripture and was born of a virgin, but was neither God nor the son of God. The Quran states that Jesus never claimed divinity.[41] Most Muslims do not believe that he was crucified, but that he was physically raised into Heaven by God. In contrast, Judaism rejects the belief that Jesus was the awaited Messiah, arguing that he did not fulfill Messianic prophecies, and was neither divine nor resurrected.[42]
Jesus - Wikipedia

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