Would Jesus come back as Republican Democrat Libertarian Progressive or what?

Would Jesus affiliate with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Progressives or Other?

  • Republican

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Progressive

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Socialist

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Communist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anarchist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Constitutionalist

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Independent

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Mix of Parties

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • New Party (please specify)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Egalitarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Party

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • Other Party

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other Country or Continent (specify Russia, China, Africa, etc.)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (specify)

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
Jesus would get in Joel Osteen's face and call him a hypocrite and before you know it that dirty atheist would be nailed to a cross all over again. Praise Jesus.

I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
I asked a Baptist preacher about attending church one time vs spending time out doors marveling at the beauty of my surroundings- his reply was- when one or more are gathered together to worship it makes no difference where you are-
I can buy that, but I won't worship something just because someone said it's so.
I worship, if even that can be used, "all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights"- anyone who believes differently is between him and his conscience. But, I do want to see their assembly sheet or proof they don't bleed red or proof they arrived through immaculate conception-

The problem with that Jesus specifically was against governments giving out stuff. He said very specifically :

Jesus said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that -Luke 22:26

Jesus was against government taking by force, to give out to other who didn't earn it.

But Jesus was not against feeding the poor and hungry.

"Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat."

But he answered, "You give them something to eat." -Jesus in Mark 6:37
Now notice: Did jesus say "Ask the roman government to feed them!" Or "Collect tax money from the public, and feed them!"?

No he did not. Jesus said *YOU* not government.... YOU feed them. He didn't say "go find a rich person ask him to feed them"..... he said *YOU* feed them.

That is the real hypocrisy. Because Democrats never feed the poor. They ask others to feed the poor. Obama didn't give his own money to feed the poor. He demanded everyone else to feed the poor. Warren isn't feeding the poor.... she's asking others to feed the poor.

Left-wingers are some of the least charitable people on the planet.

I was stunned to find that the Bernie Sanders supporting Millennials are the least charitable generation ever.

What Motivates Christians to Give? - Barna Group

Elders report giving more than any other generational group, but less than 10 percent of Millennials report giving more than $50 last year.​

I have not given less than $50 to charity in a year, since I was 16, working at McDonalds.

The new faithless, socialist, left-wing supporting generation is the absolute least generous in US history.

Right-wing people feed the poor, more so than any left-wing group ever has. That's the hypocrisy. You preach helping people, but only demand others do it, while we actually help people.
Lastly, give me an example of what you think Bible thumpers are being hypocritical over?

I'm open to talking about "everything", but it's a bit difficult on such a wide topic.
Choose one.

Ok, statistical fact... People of faith donate more to charity, consistently, than non-religious. This is keep with teaching that Christians are to help the poor.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
Trump is Jesus...so the answer has already been given

I have posted this many times before



Really? That's interesting. So the part where he is going to return as a conquering King, and we somehow managed to miss a world wide King? That's impressive, given that not a single news channel covered the conquering of all nations.

So now I have to define abortion to ya?

Jesus was killed in the womb December 8th 1999.


That is impossible. He was born 2000 years ago. You can't be physically born twice. Jesus covered that with Nicodemus in John 3:4.

Jesus is not coming back as a child. He's coming back as a King, with his army, to conquer the nations. He's not coming back to hang out in a stable, with some kiddy clothes, and suck on a breast. He's coming back to slaughter his enemies, and take his place as ruler.
Jesus would get in Joel Osteen's face and call him a hypocrite and before you know it that dirty atheist would be nailed to a cross all over again. Praise Jesus.

I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
I asked a Baptist preacher about attending church one time vs spending time out doors marveling at the beauty of my surroundings- his reply was- when one or more are gathered together to worship it makes no difference where you are-
I can buy that, but I won't worship something just because someone said it's so.
I worship, if even that can be used, "all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights"- anyone who believes differently is between him and his conscience. But, I do want to see their assembly sheet or proof they don't bleed red or proof they arrived through immaculate conception-
Churches are about community, consolation, control and cash.
Have you folks ever read anything about this guy?

Blessed are the poor?

Easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven??

And on and on
Jesus would get in Joel Osteen's face and call him a hypocrite and before you know it that dirty atheist would be nailed to a cross all over again. Praise Jesus.

I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.
Have you folks ever read anything about this guy?

Blessed are the poor?

Easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven??

And on and on

Yeah I have.

Blessed are the poor?

You mean "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." from Matthew 5:3

1. The poor in spirit are happy. These bring their minds to their condition, when it is a low condition.
Meaning, we are to be happy in our situation. Not envying others, or greedy at wanting what others have. Basically if you look at Bernie, or Warren's platform, this is the polar opposite of that.

Easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven

You mean from Matthew 19:23 which says:

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Meaning, with G-d even a rich man, can be saved.
Last edited:
I stopped going because of the double standard hypocrisy.

Yeah ... can't argue with that ... but then again, aren't we all hypocrites in some manner or another ... it saddens me that you judge God by the behavior of men ... because all men sin and are hardhearted ... the greed of power and wealth ... money forgives a multitude of divorces ...

It bothers me that people who don't think twice about cousin marriage but go apeshit over homosexuals ... both those prohibitions are just a couple of verses apart in Leviticus ... folks who blindly wear clothes made of cotton/orlon blended fabrics shrieking about bra burning ... but those are failures of the created, not the creator ...
Jesus would get in Joel Osteen's face and call him a hypocrite and before you know it that dirty atheist would be nailed to a cross all over again. Praise Jesus.

I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.
Jesus would get in Joel Osteen's face and call him a hypocrite and before you know it that dirty atheist would be nailed to a cross all over again. Praise Jesus.

I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
Jesus would get in Joel Osteen's face and call him a hypocrite and before you know it that dirty atheist would be nailed to a cross all over again. Praise Jesus.

I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.
I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

That would be funny if it wasn't true
Jesus would get in Joel Osteen's face and call him a hypocrite and before you know it that dirty atheist would be nailed to a cross all over again. Praise Jesus.

I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

While that is true, the solution wasn't to disregard the Temple, or he never would have gone there to begin with. Instead, he cleaned out the Temple.

The point wasn't "oh there is hypocrisy, so I'm never going to the Temple!"... the point was, he moved to purify the temple, to make it a place of prayer.

I have no problem with you saying "I don't think the churches here are good", and deciding to start your own church at your own home, or out in a tent, or wherever. The problem is when you say, I don't need a church. Not giving up meeting together, is a fundamental aspect of Christianity, that cannot be ignored for you to remain a Christian.

If you think you can just take a walk in the woods, by yourself, and get the blessings of G-d... I am truly sorry, but that is not Biblical.

If you want to be Wiccan, and do that, fine. If you want to be Buddhist and do that, great. If you want to be any other belief system, and sit on top of a poll by yourself for years, by all means knock yourself out.

However, if you want to be a Christian, and follow the teachings of Jesus, Jesus met in synagogues, and the Temple. The apostles that carried his message, met in Synagogues and the Temple. Even when they were kept from meeting in established places of worship, they still met. They met in people's homes and had services there. They met in fields, and even in public.

But there is no example anywhere in the Bible, where Jesus, or the Apostles, or the holy spirit, had people just taking a walk on Saturday night.

And they explicitly taught against that sort of "spiritual isolationism".

Now you can do what you want, and that's your choice.... but don't be surprised if on the day of Judgement you find yourself being asked (as a preacher long ago used to jokingly say) "What in my name were you doing out there? Did I not spell this out clear enough?" -Jesus

Because the truth is... he did spell it out clear enough.

As a side note, I personally have noticed that the people who show up for Church the least, are often the most likely to complain that G-d just doesn't seem to really show up in their lives.
I don't know if he's specifically pick on some random preacher....

But I'm convinced that Jesus would be banned by almost half the churches in the US. Jesus was extremely tough with people, and most churches seem to only play with nerf gun messages.

Can you image a preacher today saying "it's not right to take the food for children, and give it to the dogs" when asked a question?
Matthew 15:26.

He'd be kicked out of every church he went to.
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?

No it's not..

Its about love
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

There are a huge number of problems with this.

Your hypothetical is impossible to answer truthfully. Now we can make some logical arguments about which part more closely reassembles the views of Jesus, but it is impossible to fit Jesus into a political part.

When Jesus returns to the Earth, he isn't coming to join a political party. Jesus is the Lord of Lords, and the King of all Kings. There will not be a political party for Jesus. It will be a just and all powerful ruler.

Now if you want to determine which party more closely follows Jesus's values....

Jesus clearly taught to follow the law, and that authorities were there to enact justice.
Jesus clearly taught marriage is between a man and a women.
Jesus taught, in the beginning HE made them male and female.
Jesus taught that there is absolute truth.
Jesus taught that there is punishment for wrong doing.
Jesus taught that you are to respect authority.
Jesus taught private property.
Jesus taught in working hard, and making a profit.
Jesus was against people taking what did not belong to them.
Jesus was against being like the 'gentiles' where the rules called themselves benefactors of the people.

Based on all that, I would say it's pretty clear which party is more like the views of Jesus.

But when Jesus does return, he won't be joining a party. It will be, you either bow the knee, or you will be destroyed. The enemies of the Lord will fall before him, when he returns. That's why in Revelations it says that people will tremble and fall in fear, when the trumpets of the Lord sounds his return.

Make your peace with the Lord today, because none of us knows when our time will be up.

Wow all of that- and not one word about Jesus talking about love.

Jesus clearly taught you to love your neighbor
And Jesus clearly taught you to love your enemy
And Jesus clearly taught that the rich would not inherit heaven.

Clearly you missed all of those lessons.

Where did Jesus teach 'private property'?
Where did Jesus teach 'making a profit'?
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?

No it's not..

Its about love

That's a western cultural answer. Not a Biblical answer. You go to the Middle East, where people are dying for their faith, and you won't find church just sitting around talking about how the Bible is just a lovey-dovey book of care bears.

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