Would Jesus come back as Republican Democrat Libertarian Progressive or what?

Would Jesus affiliate with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Progressives or Other?

  • Republican

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Progressive

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Socialist

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Communist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anarchist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Constitutionalist

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Independent

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Mix of Parties

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • New Party (please specify)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Egalitarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Party

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • Other Party

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other Country or Continent (specify Russia, China, Africa, etc.)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (specify)

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

If you dont politicize it..

Then it goes away and the devil wins..

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

Oh bullshit. I work with an outreach.You loons are vacant.
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

If you dont politicize it..

Then it goes away and the devil wins..

"The Devil" wins every time we turn a cold shoulder. Right-wing Christianity offers a lot of handy moral escape hatches to righteously treat people like garbage.
Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

If you dont politicize it..

Then it goes away and the devil wins..

"The Devil" wins every time we turn a cold shoulder. Right-wing Christianity offers a lot of handy moral escape hatches to righteously treat people like garbage.
What a mommy basement clown statement
If jesus comes back will the republicans jail him if he doesn't have a passport, or only if he has dark skin?
Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

If you dont politicize it..

Then it goes away and the devil wins..

"The Devil" wins every time we turn a cold shoulder. Right-wing Christianity offers a lot of handy moral escape hatches to righteously treat people like garbage.

Right wing christianity ?

What kind of bullshit statement is that..

So now you going to tell us

Left wing Constitution

Right wing Constitution?
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

an IMMIGRANT roaming America to TRIGGER conservatives

Jesus is well documented. Conservatives would welcome Him. He’d probably ask you people why the vigilance to remove images and references to Him in the schools and courts. Ultimately, He’d ask why the State is held above Him?
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

There are a huge number of problems with this.

Your hypothetical is impossible to answer truthfully. Now we can make some logical arguments about which part more closely reassembles the views of Jesus, but it is impossible to fit Jesus into a political part.

When Jesus returns to the Earth, he isn't coming to join a political party. Jesus is the Lord of Lords, and the King of all Kings. There will not be a political party for Jesus. It will be a just and all powerful ruler.

Now if you want to determine which party more closely follows Jesus's values....

Jesus clearly taught to follow the law, and that authorities were there to enact justice.
Jesus clearly taught marriage is between a man and a women.
Jesus taught, in the beginning HE made them male and female.
Jesus taught that there is absolute truth.
Jesus taught that there is punishment for wrong doing.
Jesus taught that you are to respect authority.

Jesus taught private property.
Jesus taught in working hard, and making a profit.
Jesus was against people taking what did not belong to them.
Jesus was against being like the 'gentiles' where the rules called themselves benefactors of the people.

Based on all that, I would say it's pretty clear which party is more like the views of Jesus.

But when Jesus does return, he won't be joining a party. It will be, you either bow the knee, or you will be destroyed. The enemies of the Lord will fall before him, when he returns. That's why in Revelations it says that people will tremble and fall in fear, when the trumpets of the Lord sounds his return.

Make your peace with the Lord today, because none of us knows when our time will be up.

Wow all of that- and not one word about Jesus talking about love.

Jesus clearly taught you to love your neighbor
And Jesus clearly taught you to love your enemy
And Jesus clearly taught that the rich would not inherit heaven.

Clearly you missed all of those lessons.

Where did Jesus teach 'private property'?
Where did Jesus teach 'making a profit'?

Um.... All of that is about love. Every single one is about love. Enacting justice, by enforcing the law... is love. Marriage between a man and a woman, is about love. Absolute truth, is about love. Without truth you can't have love. Ever seen a spouse that lied constantly? I have. You see lots of love there? Punishment for wrong doing is love. If you don't teach your kids to not do wrong, and they grow up to be criminals.... that's the opposite of loving them. Having property is in fact love. If you deny people property, take everything they have, because "from each according to their ability" there is no love in that..

Yet not once did you mention Jesus's teachings about love.

Not only that- everything you are saying is your interpretation of Jesus's teachings- not what Jesus actually said.

"And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."

The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

You never once mentioned Jesus first commandment or his second. You were obsessed with property rights. You completely ignore Jesus saying that there is no other commandment greater than these.

What I consider Jesus's most powerful- and complicated command is this:
43“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44[o]But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet your [p]brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the [q]tax collectors do so? 48Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

When Jesus talks about marriage- he is not talking about love. It is more about adultery- i.e. illegal sex.

The proud religious law-keepers came to Jesus. They tried to trap Him by saying, “Does the Law say a man can divorce his wife for any reason?” 4 He said to them, “Have you not read that He Who made them in the first place made them man and woman? 5 It says, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one.’ 6 So they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together.”

7 The proud religious law-keepers said to Jesus, “Then why did the Law of Moses allow a man to divorce his wife if he put it down in writing and gave it to her?” 8 Jesus said to them, “Because of your hard hearts Moses allowed you to divorce your wives. It was not like that from the beginning. 9 And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sex sins, and marries another, is guilty of sex sins in marriage. Whoever marries her that is divorced is guilty of sex sins in marriage.”

10 His followers said to Him, “If that is the way of a man with his wife, it is better not to be married.” 11 But Jesus said to them, “Not all men are able to do this, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are some men who from birth will never be able to have children. There are some men who have been made so by men. There are some men who have had themselves made that way because of the holy nation of heaven. The one who is able to do this, let him do it.”
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

If you dont politicize it..

Then it goes away and the devil wins..

"The Devil" wins every time we turn a cold shoulder. Right-wing Christianity offers a lot of handy moral escape hatches to righteously treat people like garbage.

Right wing christianity ?

What kind of bullshit statement is that..

So now you going to tell us

Left wing Constitution

Right wing Constitution?
Explain to us why the Christian right somehow makes holy everything from material wealth to capital punishment to war to the crap way they feel towards the poor? List some of the moral escape hatches that lets a good conservative Christian pour their wrath upon the world and not feel like a hypocrite.
Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

What? Stop... what?

Screenshot at 2019-11-14 20-24-17.png

Pacific Garden Mission, is a 100% evangelical funded ministry. They take no government money. They provide food, clothing, shelter, health care, and job/career training programs free.

That is one of HUNDREDS of programs across the country.

Mercy Home Ministries

Mercy Ministries is a non-profit which takes young women, has shelter for those who have run away from home, or kicked out. Provides help for those who have problems with addiction, self-harm, suicide, human trafficking, food, shelter, clothing.

Samaritan’s Purse Home Page

Samartian's purse has been air lifting supplies in, and Christian Syrians out of Syria for years. They are already on the ground in South Sudan where the massive floods have people running for shelter.

Lutheran Social Services Network of Hope

Lutheran Social Services in Columbus Ohio, operates the shelter I volunteer at.

Screenshot at 2019-11-14 20-38-36.png

1.6 Million meals given out this year. 124,000 people sheltered for the night (not all at one time obviously, but over the course of a year). 80K uses of the free health clinic. All paid for by church support, and charitable donations.

Do you need me to go on?

Home | Cypress Church

My home church. Right now in the middle of a Coat4Kids program. We had four of the stores around the church, all run out of stock on children's coats, because of this drive.

Missions | Northwest Bible Church

My sister's church, has a orphanage in Malawi that they fund almost exclusively.

Outreach - Berean Bible Church - Dublin, OH

My parents church sends people to the Ronald McDonald House, which if you don't know what they do, they help children at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

So, you'll forgive me if I'm a bit blown away by your statement that evangelicals are passing by on the other side.........

Based on what?? How can you possibly say such a thing? And by the way, what I just posted was a few highlights, from thousands of examples. It would be impossible for me to list all the evangelical service ministries operating just in Ohio... just one state.

So not to be too repetitious.... but what.... in the world.... are you.... talking about??
Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

If you dont politicize it..

Then it goes away and the devil wins..

"The Devil" wins every time we turn a cold shoulder. Right-wing Christianity offers a lot of handy moral escape hatches to righteously treat people like garbage.

Right wing christianity ?

What kind of bullshit statement is that..

So now you going to tell us

Left wing Constitution

Right wing Constitution?
Explain to us why the Christian right somehow makes holy everything from material wealth to capital punishment to war to the crap way they feel towards the poor? List some of the moral escape hatches that lets a good conservative Christian pour their wrath upon the world and not feel like a hypocrite.

I don't know who you love in this life.... but picture them raped, beaten, tortured, strangled, and and then cut into bits, and left a blood mess on the floor of where you live.

Now picture someone saying "all you need is love", and allowing that person to go, and do whatever they want to someone else.

But hey... at least there is no wrath, right?
Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.

If you dont politicize it..

Then it goes away and the devil wins..

"The Devil" wins every time we turn a cold shoulder. Right-wing Christianity offers a lot of handy moral escape hatches to righteously treat people like garbage.

Right wing christianity ?

What kind of bullshit statement is that..

So now you going to tell us

Left wing Constitution

Right wing Constitution?
Explain to us why the Christian right somehow makes holy everything from material wealth to capital punishment to war to the crap way they feel towards the poor? List some of the moral escape hatches that lets a good conservative Christian pour their wrath upon the world and not feel like a hypocrite.

Dividing a church is not good, you are talking martin luther and I probably suspect you dont know
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

There are a huge number of problems with this.

Your hypothetical is impossible to answer truthfully. Now we can make some logical arguments about which part more closely reassembles the views of Jesus, but it is impossible to fit Jesus into a political part.

When Jesus returns to the Earth, he isn't coming to join a political party. Jesus is the Lord of Lords, and the King of all Kings. There will not be a political party for Jesus. It will be a just and all powerful ruler.

Now if you want to determine which party more closely follows Jesus's values....

Jesus clearly taught to follow the law, and that authorities were there to enact justice.
Jesus clearly taught marriage is between a man and a women.
Jesus taught, in the beginning HE made them male and female.
Jesus taught that there is absolute truth.
Jesus taught that there is punishment for wrong doing.
Jesus taught that you are to respect authority.

Jesus taught private property.
Jesus taught in working hard, and making a profit.
Jesus was against people taking what did not belong to them.
Jesus was against being like the 'gentiles' where the rules called themselves benefactors of the people.

Based on all that, I would say it's pretty clear which party is more like the views of Jesus.

But when Jesus does return, he won't be joining a party. It will be, you either bow the knee, or you will be destroyed. The enemies of the Lord will fall before him, when he returns. That's why in Revelations it says that people will tremble and fall in fear, when the trumpets of the Lord sounds his return.

Make your peace with the Lord today, because none of us knows when our time will be up.

Wow all of that- and not one word about Jesus talking about love.

Jesus clearly taught you to love your neighbor
And Jesus clearly taught you to love your enemy
And Jesus clearly taught that the rich would not inherit heaven.

Clearly you missed all of those lessons.

Where did Jesus teach 'private property'?
Where did Jesus teach 'making a profit'?

Um.... All of that is about love. Every single one is about love. Enacting justice, by enforcing the law... is love. Marriage between a man and a woman, is about love. Absolute truth, is about love. Without truth you can't have love. Ever seen a spouse that lied constantly? I have. You see lots of love there? Punishment for wrong doing is love. If you don't teach your kids to not do wrong, and they grow up to be criminals.... that's the opposite of loving them. Having property is in fact love. If you deny people property, take everything they have, because "from each according to their ability" there is no love in that..

Yet not once did you mention Jesus's teachings about love.

Not only that- everything you are saying is your interpretation of Jesus's teachings- not what Jesus actually said.

"And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."

The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

You never once mentioned Jesus first commandment or his second. You were obsessed with property rights. You completely ignore Jesus saying that there is no other commandment greater than these.

What I consider Jesus's most powerful- and complicated command is this:
43“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44[o]But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet your [p]brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the [q]tax collectors do so? 48Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

When Jesus talks about marriage- he is not talking about love. It is more about adultery- i.e. illegal sex.

The proud religious law-keepers came to Jesus. They tried to trap Him by saying, “Does the Law say a man can divorce his wife for any reason?” 4 He said to them, “Have you not read that He Who made them in the first place made them man and woman? 5 It says, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one.’ 6 So they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together.”

7 The proud religious law-keepers said to Jesus, “Then why did the Law of Moses allow a man to divorce his wife if he put it down in writing and gave it to her?” 8 Jesus said to them, “Because of your hard hearts Moses allowed you to divorce your wives. It was not like that from the beginning. 9 And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sex sins, and marries another, is guilty of sex sins in marriage. Whoever marries her that is divorced is guilty of sex sins in marriage.”

10 His followers said to Him, “If that is the way of a man with his wife, it is better not to be married.” 11 But Jesus said to them, “Not all men are able to do this, but only those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are some men who from birth will never be able to have children. There are some men who have been made so by men. There are some men who have had themselves made that way because of the holy nation of heaven. The one who is able to do this, let him do it.”

It is not an interpretation of anything. Without truth, there is no love. Without justice, there is no love. That is merely reality. Again, if you married someone, and they never spoke anything but lies to you, I promise you would not have a loving marriage.

You never once mentioned Jesus first commandment or his second. You were obsessed with property rights. You completely ignore Jesus saying that there is no other commandment greater than these.

I did not mention it, because it wasn't relevant to the question I was answering.

I was posing a question about which party more closely follows the teaching of Jesus.

Neither party has a platform of "I hate G-d" or "I love G-d". And this is obvious because neither party is trying to impose either a ban on Christianity, nor an enforcing a national religion.... so of course they don't have that as a platform.

Now if you could say there was one party that openly said the supported Jesus Christ, and another that had as a party platform that they didn't... then I would have listed that as a problem.

Equally, I don't see any party saying they are the "Hate your neighbor" party. So that was not relevant either.

And I didn't focus exclusively on property rights. If anything, the other poster did, not me. They asked me about property rights, so I answered about property rights. But you act as though I'm the one who only made it about property rights. No I didn't. I listed many things, not just property rights.

Moreover, the reason I pointed out the things that I did, was because they were areas were you can see a contrast between party ideology. Which again, goes back to the main question, which involved, which party more closely resembles the values that Jesus preached.... and I gave my answer.

Everything else you posted, is fine. I agree with it. I'm not sure what point you were trying to make, but I'm good with it.
If jesus comes back will the republicans jail him if he doesn't have a passport, or only if he has dark skin?
Jesus would not try and enter a country illegally to begin with. Jesus was very careful to follow the law, even when he disagreed with the law.

Matthew 17:25
"What do you think, Simon?" he asked. "From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes--from their own children or from others?"

"From others," Peter answered. "Then the children are exempt," Jesus said to him.

"But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours."
The point being made was that Jesus was not required to pay the tax, because he was the Son of G-d. But even so, he still paid the tax, to follow the law. Although he got the money to pay it from a fish, which has always confused me as to why he did that.

Anyway, the point is, Jesus would not be here violating our laws to begin with, so the question is pointless. Jesus is not a criminal. He would follow the law.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
Ok someone does NOT understand God's law or his coming Government. Jesus DOES NOT work with in man's politics EVER. He is separate and apart from it, he will DESTROY man's Governments , all of them. He will impose God's Government on all.

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