Would Jesus come back as Republican Democrat Libertarian Progressive or what?

Would Jesus affiliate with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Progressives or Other?

  • Republican

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Progressive

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Socialist

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Communist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anarchist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Constitutionalist

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Independent

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Mix of Parties

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • New Party (please specify)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Egalitarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Party

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • Other Party

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other Country or Continent (specify Russia, China, Africa, etc.)

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other (specify)

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
Being a Christian does not require a church, preachers, or anything other than a sincere desire to virtuous, humble, charitable and kind. All the rest is ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

I was just thinking about this a little bit more..

So is arguments based on love or hate?

If I hated you I would either:

A) ignore you and walk away

B) kill you and eat you

So arguments are based on love, the theme of the bible is not needing a savior , but love.

Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us
No, He will come back as a KING. But dont worry, He is a loving dictator
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

"My kingdom is not of this earth". Not only would He not be a member of any political party, I believe He would throw the politicians out of the pulpits in the same way that he threw the money changers out of the Temple.

Jesus was not a political leader at all. His failure to use his power to help the Jews defeat and expel the Romans is the reason why Judas betrayed him.

Wtf? Gawd you're stupid.

Jesus died to fulfill the prophecy.

Everytime you post you look more fckn stupid
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

There are a huge number of problems with this.

Your hypothetical is impossible to answer truthfully. Now we can make some logical arguments about which part more closely reassembles the views of Jesus, but it is impossible to fit Jesus into a political part.

When Jesus returns to the Earth, he isn't coming to join a political party. Jesus is the Lord of Lords, and the King of all Kings. There will not be a political party for Jesus. It will be a just and all powerful ruler.

Now if you want to determine which party more closely follows Jesus's values....

Jesus clearly taught to follow the law, and that authorities were there to enact justice.
Jesus clearly taught marriage is between a man and a women.
Jesus taught, in the beginning HE made them male and female.
Jesus taught that there is absolute truth.
Jesus taught that there is punishment for wrong doing.
Jesus taught that you are to respect authority.
Jesus taught private property.
Jesus taught in working hard, and making a profit.
Jesus was against people taking what did not belong to them.
Jesus was against being like the 'gentiles' where the rules called themselves benefactors of the people.

Based on all that, I would say it's pretty clear which party is more like the views of Jesus.

But when Jesus does return, he won't be joining a party. It will be, you either bow the knee, or you will be destroyed. The enemies of the Lord will fall before him, when he returns. That's why in Revelations it says that people will tremble and fall in fear, when the trumpets of the Lord sounds his return.

Make your peace with the Lord today, because none of us knows when our time will be up.

Wow all of that- and not one word about Jesus talking about love.

Jesus clearly taught you to love your neighbor
And Jesus clearly taught you to love your enemy
And Jesus clearly taught that the rich would not inherit heaven.

Clearly you missed all of those lessons.

Where did Jesus teach 'private property'?
Where did Jesus teach 'making a profit'?

Um.... All of that is about love. Every single one is about love. Enacting justice, by enforcing the law... is love. Marriage between a man and a woman, is about love. Absolute truth, is about love. Without truth you can't have love. Ever seen a spouse that lied constantly? I have. You see lots of love there? Punishment for wrong doing is love. If you don't teach your kids to not do wrong, and they grow up to be criminals.... that's the opposite of loving them. Having property is in fact love. If you deny people property, take everything they have, because "from each according to their ability" there is no love in that.

Everything is about love.

Matthew 25:14, the parable of talents, is a clear indication that we should be using the resources G-d has given us to produce more. The only person the story who did not create a profit, was labeled the evil wicked servant, who had what little they had taken from them, and then they were cast out.

Jesus is in favor of profit.

Matthew 21:33, Jesus clearly shows the concept of property. The wealthy landowner hired workers. The workers wanted it for themselves. These were the wicked tenants.

Jesus did not say, divide the land up to the tenants, or we need an inheritance tax, and redistribute the wealth.

Jesus repeatedly, and elsewhere in the Bible too, affirmed property, and ownership, and inheritance, and making a profit. It's all throughout the Bible.

If you go all the way back to the old testament, there was specially a system for giving property back to the heirs. If you were a Israelite land owner, and you sold the land to someone else, after 6 years, you got it back. Property was, and is, a very Biblical concept. And being productive and prosperous with your resources, is also very Biblical.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

"My kingdom is not of this earth". Not only would He not be a member of any political party, I believe He would throw the politicians out of the pulpits in the same way that he threw the money changers out of the Temple.

Jesus was not a political leader at all. His failure to use his power to help the Jews defeat and expel the Romans is the reason why Judas betrayed him.

Wtf? Gawd you're stupid.

Jesus died to fulfill the prophecy.

Everytime you post you look more fckn stupid

Sassy... I love you hon. Please... be gentle. Dragon is trying to rile you up. Don't let her.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.​

Hebrews 10:25.

The Bible itself seems to contradict you.

The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

I was just thinking about this a little bit more..

So is arguments based on love or hate?

If I hated you I would either:

A) ignore you and walk away

B) kill you and eat you

So arguments are based on love, the theme of the bible is not needing a savior , but love.


Then why did Jesus die on a cross?
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
Jesus will come back as a king
Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

I was just thinking about this a little bit more..

So is arguments based on love or hate?

If I hated you I would either:

A) ignore you and walk away

B) kill you and eat you

So arguments are based on love, the theme of the bible is not needing a savior , but love.


Then why did Jesus die on a cross?

To offer salvation.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?

Pineapple party.
Here's a question never to ask online, or you will get a 20 page answer from me, explaining how Jesus represents the Authority of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW and would unite the best of all parties while correcting the problems with all of us. (see my original answer I will post as a separate post on this thread, it's way too long and annoying, and needs tons of editing)

To make this simple, I'll just post a POLL of which party you think Jesus would use to lead the Second Coming or REFORMATION. We already saw the first Reformation where Luther liberated people from depending on Church authority in order to follow the laws of Christianity by building their own churches.

Today we face the challenging stage of liberating people from depending on Govt authority, by following the laws of Constitutional process and ethics to build our own community, city and state programs as sustainable developments without relying on federal govt or taxation forced on others. We are supposed to be building and governing ourselves, locally and democratically, while using the state and federal levels for national security and defense, and checking and balance powers that are only granted to government by consent of the governed.

How can we establish Equal Justice Under Law when people are organized into diverse tribes, parties and nations each with their own beliefs?

That is the challenge that Jesus fulfills as the spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE that makes us all EQUAL UNDER LAW. What party would Jesus use to lead this movement?

Or would he call for a mix of the top 4 parties and unite teams of leaders from all the branches and denominations to lead their tribes in a collaborative, unified plan for the nation and the world?

What PARTY do you think Jesus would claim or affiliate with to fulfill EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW for all people of America and to lead the rest of the world by example? Would he even manifest in America as the leader of this movement toward perfect democratic government by empowering or educating the masses?
Might he come through China or Russia or Africa to lead whole continents to unite on plans to rebuild and reform society to serve all people through charitable free will and no longer rely on force of government?

How do you envision the Second coming of Jesus as EQUAL JUSTICE and PEACE for all people?
Jesus will come back as a king

And He will judge..scary stuff
I don't think Jesus would put up with all the disingenuous BS that both parties pull. There would have been many lightning bolts hitting that fiasco yesterday, but it's my opinion that the bulk of casualties would have been Democrats.
Render unto Caesar that which is his and unto God what is His. There would be no party at all.
"I have only one firm belief about the American political system, and that is this: God is a Republican and Santa Claus is a Democrat.

God is an elderly or, at any rate, middle aged male, a stern fellow, patriarchal rather than paternal and a great believer in rules and regulations. He holds men accountable for their actions. He has little apparent concern for the material well being of the disadvantaged. He is politically connected, socially powerful and holds the mortgage on literally everything in the world. God is difficult. God is unsentimental. It is very hard to get into God's heavenly country club.

Santa Claus is another matter. He's cute. He's nonthreatening. He's always cheerful. And he loves animals. He may know who's been naughty and who's been nice, but he never does anything about it. He gives everyone everything they want without the thought of quid pro quo. He works hard for charities, and he's famously generous to the poor. Santa Claus is preferable to God in every way but one:

There is no such thing as Santa Claus."

Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts To Explain The Entire U. S. Government | 1991 | P. J. O'Rourke
Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

I was just thinking about this a little bit more..

So is arguments based on love or hate?

If I hated you I would either:

A) ignore you and walk away

B) kill you and eat you

So arguments are based on love, the theme of the bible is not needing a savior , but love.


Then why did Jesus die on a cross?

So we could talk about it 2,000 plus years later.
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

I was just thinking about this a little bit more..

So is arguments based on love or hate?

If I hated you I would either:

A) ignore you and walk away

B) kill you and eat you

So arguments are based on love, the theme of the bible is not needing a savior , but love.


Then why did Jesus die on a cross?

So we could talk about it 2,000 plus years later.

Really? Tell me, would you get crucified, just so people 2000 years later would talk about it? Really?
The bible says a lot of things. St. Paul was trying to found a church, of course he would say they are needed. Jesus seems to have been directly challenging the secular authority of the temple. He often came into conflict with officers of the temple, Pharisees, Who eventually sought his death. Jesus knew churches to be places of hypocrisy, greed and holy terror where a priesthood had made themselves the sole path to God. The real path to God leads out through the church house doors.

Jesus is head of the church
I have no problem with Jesus but the assholes he left to run his lousy fan club can go to hell.

Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

Well.... no.... We are absolutely not to be each other's saviors. In fact, trying to be someone else's savior, is the worst thing you can do, because you simply can't. There is only one true Jesus. No one else can be Jesus, but Jesus.

So I don't know where you got that idea, that we are to try and put ourselves as G-d, but that is not how it works.

However, that is true that we are not to be intentionally jerks to people.

I think where the rub comes, is that Christians are in fact, supposed to stand up against the darkness. We are supposed to call evil, what is evil.

Now that doesn't mean I go around town trying to hunt down people that are doing wrong, and scream in their face. Which I think that is what you are referring to.

But if I'm asked if doing X is wrong, I'm going to say, yeah that's wrong. Yeah, Divorcing your wife without cause is wrong. "You are being a jerk!" No, I'm just saying the truth, because you asked. I didn't hunt you down, you asked me, and I answered a question.
Jesus specifically told us to give of our time and money in service to our brothers and sisters, especially the downtrodden. I look at evangelicals and I see an entire faith passing by on the other side. I fail to understand why this central ideal is missing from American right-wing politicized Christianity. I mean it's right there in red and white.
Human beings are all sinful. Isn't that the whole story of the Bible, is that we all need a savior?
The core message I got from the bible is that when we act as each other's saviors we are practicing true religion. I don't let all the supernatural stuff about what happens when we die obscure the commandment that we not be assholes to each other.

I was just thinking about this a little bit more..

So is arguments based on love or hate?

If I hated you I would either:

A) ignore you and walk away

B) kill you and eat you

So arguments are based on love, the theme of the bible is not needing a savior , but love.


Then why did Jesus die on a cross?

So we could talk about it 2,000 plus years later.

Really? Tell me, would you get crucified, just so people 2000 years later would talk about it? Really?

Interesting question, Jesus was probably
nailed to the cross upside down as in Roman customs at the time.

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