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Would Trump do the unthinkable and go to war with North Korea?

If we go to war with North Korea 100% China will not sit idle. Now let's see where those tough shit talk will lead us.


By Jason Le Miere On Friday, August 11, 2017 - 10:50

China will remain neutral if North Korea fires missiles at United States territory first, but should the U.S. launch a pre-emptive strike, as it has suggested it might, North Korea’s chief ally would come to the North’s aide. While not direct government policy, that verdict of how the country should react amid the unfolding nuclear threats from the U.S. and North Korea is contained in an editorial in the influential Communist Party–run Global Times newspaper Friday.

Now that's just silly. What in the world would make anyone think that following a preemptive strike there would be any NK left to aid?

Really. I'm very sure you don't know what you are talking about dude. What your are trying to imply is nuke the whole North Korea ----- millions will die in a matter of hours. If sick Trump will do that you are looking at WW3.

What preemptive strikes that they are taking about are surgical bombings of missile launch pads, ammunition depo, military installations, bunkers and known underground military tunnels.
1. The red line from Obama was full filled when Russia pulled all the chemical weapons out of Syria. That was the red line. Stop lying.

Except Russia did NOT pull all of the chemical weapons out of Syria. Their last chemical attack, after that supposedly happened, is proof of that. Barry's 'Red Line' was one big humiliation for the United States, as Barry backed down quickly in front of the whole world...and our enemies...after his bluff had been called...and then, of course, he tried to blame the whole world for his F* Up: "This is not MY 'Red Line', this is the WHOLE WORLD'S' Red Line. Isn't that special...Barry assumed the authority to speak for the entire world....


2. You are unbelievable. Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own civilians for decades. At the same time a terrorist supporter especially against Israel. The civil war in Syria started before we even get involved. Putin and Assad has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria.

NONE of that is our problem, snowflake. Democrats have declared for years that WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN'...until Barry decides to drag the US into two (2) Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

The 'Rebels' Obama was financing / arming / supplying / training were part ISIS, and Barry sought once again to overthrow another nation's leader / govt - which Democrats said was not our job to do in regards to Bush / Hussein, but here Barry was, doing it AGAIN (or trying to). Through his Un-Constitutional actions Obama was not just making the US America's 'Policeman' - he was making us 'Obama's Storm-troopers'.
- Egypt, our ally: Govt overthrown and terrorists put in charge of the Govt, thanks to help from Barry

- Libya: Barry aided Al '9/11/' Qaeda to take over their own safe haven by overthrowing another govt, creating a void to be filled by terrorists

- Syria: Obama invaded Syria and started up yet another war in attempts to overthrow another govt leader (because HE thought it best to do so), leaving another void for terrorists to fill but was too stupid to realize Russia was NOT going to let that happen

- Israel: Barry tried to oust Netanyahu but failed

*** and we might as well add 'The United States' to the list of countries he tried to overthrow since his administration illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally 'out'ed Americans, committed Felony Espionage, treid to set up Jr in a meeting with Vlad's lawyer who had been denied entry into the US before Barry stepped in and overrode his own Dept of Immigration to give her special access while Lynch bugged the room and Obama's interpreter was inserted into the meeting....and let's not forget the Democrats colluding with foreign operatives to acquire a fake report filled with Russian-generated propaganda to sue against Trump in the election....all in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Barry was a busy POS, trying to install the governments he wanted all across the globe.

You are all over the place.
Syria ----- None of that is our problem? Really? That's the same as saying Iran, Iraq, North Korea are not our problem. Like Trump sending troops in the Philippines -That is not our problem? You fail big time.
If Obama did not get involved. How far do you think is Assad terrorism right now with the help of Putin? How did you know the last chemical attack against the rebels really came from Assad? If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that VERY EASY. You lied and you fail.

BTW isn't it Bush invaded Iraq? For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail.

The US government goal is to eliminate terrorism like dictators Assad and Qaddafi that you and Putin are trying to protect. Trump support overthrowing Qaddafi. You fail.
Since when US government stop policing? What do you think is Trump doing right now in the Philippines? You fail.
Obama punish Putin with crippling economic sanctions, kick Russian diplomats and confiscate 2 Russian compounds. What is Trump doing? kissing Putin ass.

*** Your last paragraph are full of distortion, conspiracy and lies. You intentionally ignored that republican is investigating republican president. YOU FAILED BIG TIME ALL OVER.

Stop lying.

" For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail. "

You just said Obama took us into Syria you dumb bitch. He also took us into Yemen and Libya.

I don't remember going to war in last 8 years. Did I missed something?
Syria, Yemen and Libya? Really? I mean REALLY?
As far as I remember those are covert operations---- Like supplying arms to rebels in Syria.
. You don't remember because you don't want too. Y'all ignored any and everything your clown did or didn't do. As long as he was weving and bobin with that gimp in his step, then he could say or do no wrong in your groups eyes. What a joke he was. He promised many things that he either lied about or never intended to do anyway. But you all supported him no matter what ? Obama got the Demon-crats hanging their heads in shame on or about many issues.

Your post is full of hatred and racism. Is that supposed to be credible or do you have credibility at all?

So tell me what war did I missed in last 8 years?
All the wrist and hand slapping that the US and the UN did for the last 20 plus years has done absolutely nothing to deter N. Korea.

If Obama was President, he would tell N. Korea that he is really, really, really, really upset with them. That would be all. Then if they bombed Guam, then Obama would have been even MORE upset! Imagine the fear!

That's very funny.
When Putin pissed off Obama------ Great Obama punished Putin with crippling economic sanctions, installed new missile system in Poland next to Putin ass, largest military exercise June 2016 called Anaconda next to Putin ass. Sent largest number of US military personnel and heavy military equipments to neighboring countries of Putin.
Kicked out Russian diplomats and confiscated 2 Russian compounds. Putin is so scared that he waited for a weak president before he did anything.

Putin ordered 755 US diplomats out Russia by September 1 this year. A slapped in the face. Weakling Trump said *Thank You*. What an embarrassment as always. I bet you 100% weakling Trump will not do anything to retaliate.
Putin ordered Trump to abandon the only friends of US in Syria. In a blink weakling Trump just folded. What do you think our allies are thinking? Weak.

Do you think those tough rhetoric helps? Normally a leader with minimal experience like Boy Scout leader will try to calm the the situation NOT escalate.
. Anything that's going on now is a direct result of the weakling Obama who acted dumb or did dumb things that caused further for the world to be in the shape that it's in right now. Now Trump is having to deal with the fall out from it all. The shock and awe of Trump is just more than the world is used to after the weak Demon-crats were in power for to long, so yeah I bet the Demon-crats do want Trump to dial it back, because even they aren't used to anything with a strong resolve. The Demon-crats are terrified now, and many in the world are loving every minute of it.

Your post are nothing but pure garbage.
Trump made us laughing stock, stupid, ignorant and racist all over the world. That is just the first 7 months. Trump showed and display weakness written all over his forehead like a dumb liar little kid always doing something dumb.
A supporter of Neo NAZIs, KKK, Alt Right hate group.

Try again.
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1. The red line from Obama was full filled when Russia pulled all the chemical weapons out of Syria. That was the red line. Stop lying.

Except Russia did NOT pull all of the chemical weapons out of Syria. Their last chemical attack, after that supposedly happened, is proof of that. Barry's 'Red Line' was one big humiliation for the United States, as Barry backed down quickly in front of the whole world...and our enemies...after his bluff had been called...and then, of course, he tried to blame the whole world for his F* Up: "This is not MY 'Red Line', this is the WHOLE WORLD'S' Red Line. Isn't that special...Barry assumed the authority to speak for the entire world....


2. You are unbelievable. Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own civilians for decades. At the same time a terrorist supporter especially against Israel. The civil war in Syria started before we even get involved. Putin and Assad has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria.

NONE of that is our problem, snowflake. Democrats have declared for years that WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN'...until Barry decides to drag the US into two (2) Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

The 'Rebels' Obama was financing / arming / supplying / training were part ISIS, and Barry sought once again to overthrow another nation's leader / govt - which Democrats said was not our job to do in regards to Bush / Hussein, but here Barry was, doing it AGAIN (or trying to). Through his Un-Constitutional actions Obama was not just making the US America's 'Policeman' - he was making us 'Obama's Storm-troopers'.
- Egypt, our ally: Govt overthrown and terrorists put in charge of the Govt, thanks to help from Barry

- Libya: Barry aided Al '9/11/' Qaeda to take over their own safe haven by overthrowing another govt, creating a void to be filled by terrorists

- Syria: Obama invaded Syria and started up yet another war in attempts to overthrow another govt leader (because HE thought it best to do so), leaving another void for terrorists to fill but was too stupid to realize Russia was NOT going to let that happen

- Israel: Barry tried to oust Netanyahu but failed

*** and we might as well add 'The United States' to the list of countries he tried to overthrow since his administration illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally 'out'ed Americans, committed Felony Espionage, treid to set up Jr in a meeting with Vlad's lawyer who had been denied entry into the US before Barry stepped in and overrode his own Dept of Immigration to give her special access while Lynch bugged the room and Obama's interpreter was inserted into the meeting....and let's not forget the Democrats colluding with foreign operatives to acquire a fake report filled with Russian-generated propaganda to sue against Trump in the election....all in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Barry was a busy POS, trying to install the governments he wanted all across the globe.

You are all over the place.
Syria ----- None of that is our problem? Really? That's the same as saying Iran, Iraq, North Korea are not our problem. Like Trump sending troops in the Philippines -That is not our problem? You fail big time.
If Obama did not get involved. How far do you think is Assad terrorism right now with the help of Putin? How did you know the last chemical attack against the rebels really came from Assad? If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that VERY EASY. You lied and you fail.

BTW isn't it Bush invaded Iraq? For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail.

The US government goal is to eliminate terrorism like dictators Assad and Qaddafi that you and Putin are trying to protect. Trump support overthrowing Qaddafi. You fail.
Since when US government stop policing? What do you think is Trump doing right now in the Philippines? You fail.
Obama punish Putin with crippling economic sanctions, kick Russian diplomats and confiscate 2 Russian compounds. What is Trump doing? kissing Putin ass.

*** Your last paragraph are full of distortion, conspiracy and lies. You intentionally ignored that republican is investigating republican president. YOU FAILED BIG TIME ALL OVER.

Stop lying.

" For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail. "

You just said Obama took us into Syria you dumb bitch. He also took us into Yemen and Libya.

I don't remember going to war in last 8 years. Did I missed something?
Syria, Yemen and Libya? Really? I mean REALLY?
As far as I remember those are covert operations---- Like supplying arms to rebels in Syria.

Meaning of course you don't have the intellectually capability or integrity to be honest. I get it. Honey look, if something is "covert" it is by definition not known about. That will undoubtedly sail right over your head.

So tell me what war. After several post from lying scum snowflakes none of you can name me a single war.

Keep trying.
If we go to war with North Korea 100% China will not sit idle. Now let's see where those tough shit talk will lead us.


By Jason Le Miere On Friday, August 11, 2017 - 10:50

China will remain neutral if North Korea fires missiles at United States territory first, but should the U.S. launch a pre-emptive strike, as it has suggested it might, North Korea’s chief ally would come to the North’s aide. While not direct government policy, that verdict of how the country should react amid the unfolding nuclear threats from the U.S. and North Korea is contained in an editorial in the influential Communist Party–run Global Times newspaper Friday.

Now that's just silly. What in the world would make anyone think that following a preemptive strike there would be any NK left to aid?

Really. I'm very sure you don't know what you are talking about dude. What your are trying to imply is nuke the whole North Korea ----- millions will die in a matter of hours. If sick Trump will do that you are looking at WW3.

What preemptive strikes that they are taking about are surgical bombings of missile launch pads, ammunition depo, military installations, bunkers and known underground military tunnels.

Use of nukes or convention weapons are both equally acts of war and might be used in a preemptive strike. Our issues with NK are nukes, ICBMs, and NK's insane little gnome dictator. Any preemptive strike's purpose would be to take out those targets and neither of us knows if conventional weapons can do the job that needs to be done. I would guess not.

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Cleaning up after Obama is going to be costly. Why did he and Hillary fail so badly regarding NK? They allowed this to happen. They encouraged it though their ineptness. Maybe they should have sent a magic reset button. Guess they were too busy bundling billions to the Iranian military.
Tell me: what should have Hillary done exactly about NK?
That is the problem. Liberals have no idea how to confront real tyrants. Appease Iran by sending billions. Appease NK by sending food and oil. Always terrified of a real confrontation. No idea what to do except give stuff away they didn't earn. It works at home for them, so they thought it would work on crazy dictators. All of you were wrong.
Trust me I noticed you didn't answer my question about what she SHOULD have done. It's because you don't know you dumb tree.
She and Obama should have prevented this. They were focused on the wrong things. Too busy cutting and running, increasing punitive taxes and screwing hard working Americans
That still doesn't amwer what they SHOULD have done. Just admit you can't answer the question.
They should have destroyed his ability to reach this point earlier. It wasn't a big secret. How that is accomplished is up for debate
This lug is too impetuous, unstable, unaware of basic facts and a disaster waiting to happen. And the NK president isn't much better.
Any time you want to go at it I'm game.
I never live in fear... but when you have two volatile, maniacle lunatics with nuclear weapons it's time to take pause.

Yes, we see how well that "PAUSE" and "negotiations" worked since Jimmy Carter was too timid to do anything either. Remember our captives during the Carter administration, his tactics failed there as well.

How did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's actions work? I mean other than giving North Korea the time and space to complete work on their nuclear weapon program and their Missiles.

I understand that you are beside yourself that President Donald Trump's tactic WORKED in a remarkably short period of time. Suck it up and admit that President Trump was right.

Is it over? Certainly not. But we have seen what does get the attention of Kim Jung-un.
Any time you want to go at it I'm game.
I never live in fear... but when you have two volatile, maniacle lunatics with nuclear weapons it's time to take pause.

Yes, we see how well that "PAUSE" and "negotiations" worked since Jimmy Carter was too timid to do anything either. Remember our captives during the Carter administration, his tactics failed there as well.

How did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's actions work? I mean other than giving North Korea the time and space to complete work on their nuclear weapon program and their Missiles.

I understand that you are beside yourself that President Donald Trump's tactic WORKED in a remarkably short period of time. Suck it up and admit that President Trump was right.

Is it over? Certainly not. But we have seen what does get the attention of Kim Jung-un.
Trump's beenright about NOTHING. He's just learned there are no good options inNK. Obama knew that and didn't rattle the cage of Kim Jong Un. He's so much smarter thanTrump. There's never been a humanmore unprepared to be president than the pussygrabber. Never. No one.
Any time you want to go at it I'm game.
I never live in fear... but when you have two volatile, maniacle lunatics with nuclear weapons it's time to take pause.

Yes, we see how well that "PAUSE" and "negotiations" worked since Jimmy Carter was too timid to do anything either. Remember our captives during the Carter administration, his tactics failed there as well.

How did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's actions work? I mean other than giving North Korea the time and space to complete work on their nuclear weapon program and their Missiles.

I understand that you are beside yourself that President Donald Trump's tactic WORKED in a remarkably short period of time. Suck it up and admit that President Trump was right.

Is it over? Certainly not. But we have seen what does get the attention of Kim Jung-un.

In what way did Trump's "tactics" work, exactly? Are you basing that on North Korea not actually attacking Guam? Are you saying that without Trump's threats of fire and fury, North Korea would have attacked?
Any time you want to go at it I'm game.
I never live in fear... but when you have two volatile, maniacle lunatics with nuclear weapons it's time to take pause.

Yes, we see how well that "PAUSE" and "negotiations" worked since Jimmy Carter was too timid to do anything either. Remember our captives during the Carter administration, his tactics failed there as well.

How did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's actions work? I mean other than giving North Korea the time and space to complete work on their nuclear weapon program and their Missiles.

I understand that you are beside yourself that President Donald Trump's tactic WORKED in a remarkably short period of time. Suck it up and admit that President Trump was right.

Is it over? Certainly not. But we have seen what does get the attention of Kim Jung-un.

In what way did Trump's "tactics" work, exactly? Are you basing that on North Korea not actually attacking Guam? Are you saying that without Trump's threats of fire and fury, North Korea would have attacked?
It's not over yet.
Any time you want to go at it I'm game.
I never live in fear... but when you have two volatile, maniacle lunatics with nuclear weapons it's time to take pause.

Yes, we see how well that "PAUSE" and "negotiations" worked since Jimmy Carter was too timid to do anything either. Remember our captives during the Carter administration, his tactics failed there as well.

How did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's actions work? I mean other than giving North Korea the time and space to complete work on their nuclear weapon program and their Missiles.

I understand that you are beside yourself that President Donald Trump's tactic WORKED in a remarkably short period of time. Suck it up and admit that President Trump was right.

Is it over? Certainly not. But we have seen what does get the attention of Kim Jung-un.

In what way did Trump's "tactics" work, exactly? Are you basing that on North Korea not actually attacking Guam? Are you saying that without Trump's threats of fire and fury, North Korea would have attacked?
It's not over yet.

OK, and that has to do with my question how?
Except Russia did NOT pull all of the chemical weapons out of Syria. Their last chemical attack, after that supposedly happened, is proof of that. Barry's 'Red Line' was one big humiliation for the United States, as Barry backed down quickly in front of the whole world...and our enemies...after his bluff had been called...and then, of course, he tried to blame the whole world for his F* Up: "This is not MY 'Red Line', this is the WHOLE WORLD'S' Red Line. Isn't that special...Barry assumed the authority to speak for the entire world....


NONE of that is our problem, snowflake. Democrats have declared for years that WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN'...until Barry decides to drag the US into two (2) Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

The 'Rebels' Obama was financing / arming / supplying / training were part ISIS, and Barry sought once again to overthrow another nation's leader / govt - which Democrats said was not our job to do in regards to Bush / Hussein, but here Barry was, doing it AGAIN (or trying to). Through his Un-Constitutional actions Obama was not just making the US America's 'Policeman' - he was making us 'Obama's Storm-troopers'.
- Egypt, our ally: Govt overthrown and terrorists put in charge of the Govt, thanks to help from Barry

- Libya: Barry aided Al '9/11/' Qaeda to take over their own safe haven by overthrowing another govt, creating a void to be filled by terrorists

- Syria: Obama invaded Syria and started up yet another war in attempts to overthrow another govt leader (because HE thought it best to do so), leaving another void for terrorists to fill but was too stupid to realize Russia was NOT going to let that happen

- Israel: Barry tried to oust Netanyahu but failed

*** and we might as well add 'The United States' to the list of countries he tried to overthrow since his administration illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally 'out'ed Americans, committed Felony Espionage, treid to set up Jr in a meeting with Vlad's lawyer who had been denied entry into the US before Barry stepped in and overrode his own Dept of Immigration to give her special access while Lynch bugged the room and Obama's interpreter was inserted into the meeting....and let's not forget the Democrats colluding with foreign operatives to acquire a fake report filled with Russian-generated propaganda to sue against Trump in the election....all in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Barry was a busy POS, trying to install the governments he wanted all across the globe.

You are all over the place.
Syria ----- None of that is our problem? Really? That's the same as saying Iran, Iraq, North Korea are not our problem. Like Trump sending troops in the Philippines -That is not our problem? You fail big time.
If Obama did not get involved. How far do you think is Assad terrorism right now with the help of Putin? How did you know the last chemical attack against the rebels really came from Assad? If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that VERY EASY. You lied and you fail.

BTW isn't it Bush invaded Iraq? For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail.

The US government goal is to eliminate terrorism like dictators Assad and Qaddafi that you and Putin are trying to protect. Trump support overthrowing Qaddafi. You fail.
Since when US government stop policing? What do you think is Trump doing right now in the Philippines? You fail.
Obama punish Putin with crippling economic sanctions, kick Russian diplomats and confiscate 2 Russian compounds. What is Trump doing? kissing Putin ass.

*** Your last paragraph are full of distortion, conspiracy and lies. You intentionally ignored that republican is investigating republican president. YOU FAILED BIG TIME ALL OVER.

Stop lying.

" For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail. "

You just said Obama took us into Syria you dumb bitch. He also took us into Yemen and Libya.

I don't remember going to war in last 8 years. Did I missed something?
Syria, Yemen and Libya? Really? I mean REALLY?
As far as I remember those are covert operations---- Like supplying arms to rebels in Syria.
. You don't remember because you don't want too. Y'all ignored any and everything your clown did or didn't do. As long as he was weving and bobin with that gimp in his step, then he could say or do no wrong in your groups eyes. What a joke he was. He promised many things that he either lied about or never intended to do anyway. But you all supported him no matter what ? Obama got the Demon-crats hanging their heads in shame on or about many issues.

Your post is full of hatred and racism. Is that supposed to be credible or do you have credibility at all?

So tell me what war did I missed in last 8 years?
. Racism ??? Good grief... Look out everybody, racism is this months buzz word. Next month it will be a new word to try to attach to Trump. He best not go to take a crap or he will be called the abuser of porta-potties.
Any time you want to go at it I'm game.
I never live in fear... but when you have two volatile, maniacle lunatics with nuclear weapons it's time to take pause.

Yes, we see how well that "PAUSE" and "negotiations" worked since Jimmy Carter was too timid to do anything either. Remember our captives during the Carter administration, his tactics failed there as well.

How did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's actions work? I mean other than giving North Korea the time and space to complete work on their nuclear weapon program and their Missiles.

I understand that you are beside yourself that President Donald Trump's tactic WORKED in a remarkably short period of time. Suck it up and admit that President Trump was right.

Is it over? Certainly not. But we have seen what does get the attention of Kim Jung-un.

In what way did Trump's "tactics" work, exactly? Are you basing that on North Korea not actually attacking Guam? Are you saying that without Trump's threats of fire and fury, North Korea would have attacked?
I think, he would've tried to ring Guam in rockets as a show of strength.
Any time you want to go at it I'm game.
I never live in fear... but when you have two volatile, maniacle lunatics with nuclear weapons it's time to take pause.

Yes, we see how well that "PAUSE" and "negotiations" worked since Jimmy Carter was too timid to do anything either. Remember our captives during the Carter administration, his tactics failed there as well.

How did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's actions work? I mean other than giving North Korea the time and space to complete work on their nuclear weapon program and their Missiles.

I understand that you are beside yourself that President Donald Trump's tactic WORKED in a remarkably short period of time. Suck it up and admit that President Trump was right.

Is it over? Certainly not. But we have seen what does get the attention of Kim Jung-un.

In what way did Trump's "tactics" work, exactly? Are you basing that on North Korea not actually attacking Guam? Are you saying that without Trump's threats of fire and fury, North Korea would have attacked?
I think, he would've tried to ring Guam in rockets as a show of strength.

Kim Jong Un would have done that? What, exactly, do you base that opinion on? North Korea has been making threats against the US through multiple presidential administrations without following through. Why do you think they would have actually done something THIS time, if not for Trump's threat?
Any time you want to go at it I'm game.
I never live in fear... but when you have two volatile, maniacle lunatics with nuclear weapons it's time to take pause.

Yes, we see how well that "PAUSE" and "negotiations" worked since Jimmy Carter was too timid to do anything either. Remember our captives during the Carter administration, his tactics failed there as well.

How did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's actions work? I mean other than giving North Korea the time and space to complete work on their nuclear weapon program and their Missiles.

I understand that you are beside yourself that President Donald Trump's tactic WORKED in a remarkably short period of time. Suck it up and admit that President Trump was right.

Is it over? Certainly not. But we have seen what does get the attention of Kim Jung-un.

In what way did Trump's "tactics" work, exactly? Are you basing that on North Korea not actually attacking Guam? Are you saying that without Trump's threats of fire and fury, North Korea would have attacked?
I think, he would've tried to ring Guam in rockets as a show of strength.

Kim Jong Un would have done that? What, exactly, do you base that opinion on? North Korea has been making threats against the US through multiple presidential administrations without following through. Why do you think they would have actually done something THIS time, if not for Trump's threat?
He's done a lot working his way towards that firing rockets into the ocean, over Japan, etc. Stop playing stupid. Kim finds the red line and steps over it and dares you to do something about it.

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