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Would Trump do the unthinkable and go to war with North Korea?

NK had conducted their fourth nuclear test prior to the threat I linked, as well as launching a satellite into space. The threat was from March of last year. I'm not sure why you are so certain that a year ago they did not have the weapons nor a delivery system. :dunno:

Look back a year ago and show us where NK had a miniaturized nuclear warhead that would fit on an ICBM and reach the US.

I can't show that they have one now, let alone last year. Can you?

I can, on the other hand, show that North Korea was performing nuclear tests last year (in fact I have, in my last link), and that they fired missiles with a range of near to 2000 miles. North Korea to Fire Missile That Can Reach US?

So far as I know, there is no proof of where North Korea is at in their development of nuclear weapons.

Again, I don't know why you are certain that the threat of a nuclear ICBM attack is real now but was not a year ago. It may be real now and not then, but there is a limited amount of information to go by.
I think the question is backwards, would North Korea do the unthinkable and go to war with USA? If it was limited to US versus NK, wouldn't the goal simply be destroying NK leadership? The peninsula would finally be unified and with South Korean government already in place nation building would be minimal. Sort of like the re-joining of East and West Germany. Only wish there was a famous wall between the two so Trump could ironically say, "tear down this wall". "Put an end to the Demilitarized Zone" just doesn't have that flair.
Obama drew a red line against Assad, while Trump abandoned our allies there in deference to Putin and Assad. That's what you're bragging about. How does it feel?
Again, you are a shameless F*ing Liar...

Barry drew a line in the sand, alright...right before he backed down in front of the whole world...including our enemies....he then tried to blame THE WHOLE WORLD, declaring it was THEIR Red Line, not his! (Talk about humiliating for the US...)

To try to redeem himself he once again dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional war and sided with the TERRORISTS.

Trump abandoned 'allies'? Bwuhahahaha!

Trump took the 1st steps to getting us out of the Un-constitutional war Barry dragged us into, the 1st steps to getting us out of the middle of a civil war between a dictator and terroists where we never should have been!

Trump's action was to STOP the CIA from giving thise 'rebels' (terrorists / ISIS) weapons...in a war we can't win unless snowflakes want to go to war with Russia who is NOT going to let Assad be overthrown without a fight with them ... something Barry was too stupid to realize.

Damn, you are embarrassing yourself....

You are so filled with hate you will go as far as to re-write history and make up shit.

He world is not according to Easy.

It doesn't work that way. I know you hate Obama and you plugged in a lot of lies just like right now.
1. The red line from Obama was full filled when Russia pulled all the chemical weapons out of Syria. That was the red line. Stop lying.
2. You are unbelievable. Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own civilians for decades. At the same time a terrorist supporter especially against Israel. The civil war in Syria started before we even get involved. Putin and Assad has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria.
The weapons that we supplied to the moderate rebels was intended to fight Assad regime and ISIS.
That said. Trump abandoned our only true friends in Syria, these are the refugees fleeing Syria that are trying to relocate here to US.
You got it wrong. Trump is a pussy letting a dictator keep killing civilians and supporting terrorism with the support of Putin. Do you think by abandoning our only friends in Syria will stop the slaughter of civilians, solve Syrian civil war and stop Assad terrorism? You are very wrong. I'm not surprised you don't know shit but filled with hatred towards Obama.
This means that the tentacles of Assad terrorism will expand a lot longer and farther. This shows Trump is very weak.
Middle East is falling apart ( Qatar crisis) as we speak and Trump is not helping but fueling the crisis.
Stop lying.

President Trump Ends Covert Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels, Report Says

Syrian rebels feel betrayed by U.S. decision to end CIA support: ‘It will weaken America’s influence.’
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1. The red line from Obama was full filled when Russia pulled all the chemical weapons out of Syria. That was the red line. Stop lying.

Except Russia did NOT pull all of the chemical weapons out of Syria. Their last chemical attack, after that supposedly happened, is proof of that. Barry's 'Red Line' was one big humiliation for the United States, as Barry backed down quickly in front of the whole world...and our enemies...after his bluff had been called...and then, of course, he tried to blame the whole world for his F* Up: "This is not MY 'Red Line', this is the WHOLE WORLD'S' Red Line. Isn't that special...Barry assumed the authority to speak for the entire world....


2. You are unbelievable. Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own civilians for decades. At the same time a terrorist supporter especially against Israel. The civil war in Syria started before we even get involved. Putin and Assad has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria.

NONE of that is our problem, snowflake. Democrats have declared for years that WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN'...until Barry decides to drag the US into two (2) Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

The 'Rebels' Obama was financing / arming / supplying / training were part ISIS, and Barry sought once again to overthrow another nation's leader / govt - which Democrats said was not our job to do in regards to Bush / Hussein, but here Barry was, doing it AGAIN (or trying to). Through his Un-Constitutional actions Obama was not just making the US America's 'Policeman' - he was making us 'Obama's Storm-troopers'.
- Egypt, our ally: Govt overthrown and terrorists put in charge of the Govt, thanks to help from Barry

- Libya: Barry aided Al '9/11/' Qaeda to take over their own safe haven by overthrowing another govt, creating a void to be filled by terrorists

- Syria: Obama invaded Syria and started up yet another war in attempts to overthrow another govt leader (because HE thought it best to do so), leaving another void for terrorists to fill but was too stupid to realize Russia was NOT going to let that happen

- Israel: Barry tried to oust Netanyahu but failed

...and we might as well add 'The United States' to the list of countries he tried to overthrow since his administration illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally 'out'ed Americans, committed Felony Espionage, treid to set up Jr in a meeting with Vlad's lawyer who had been denied entry into the US before Barry stepped in and overrode his own Dept of Immigration to give her special access while Lynch bugged the room and Obama's interpreter was inserted into the meeting....and let's not forget the Democrats colluding with foreign operatives to acquire a fake report filled with Russian-generated propaganda to sue against Trump in the election....all in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Barry was a busy POS, trying to install the governments he wanted all across the globe.
1. The red line from Obama was full filled when Russia pulled all the chemical weapons out of Syria. That was the red line. Stop lying.

Except Russia did NOT pull all of the chemical weapons out of Syria. Their last chemical attack, after that supposedly happened, is proof of that. Barry's 'Red Line' was one big humiliation for the United States, as Barry backed down quickly in front of the whole world...and our enemies...after his bluff had been called...and then, of course, he tried to blame the whole world for his F* Up: "This is not MY 'Red Line', this is the WHOLE WORLD'S' Red Line. Isn't that special...Barry assumed the authority to speak for the entire world....


2. You are unbelievable. Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own civilians for decades. At the same time a terrorist supporter especially against Israel. The civil war in Syria started before we even get involved. Putin and Assad has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria.

NONE of that is our problem, snowflake. Democrats have declared for years that WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN'...until Barry decides to drag the US into two (2) Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

The 'Rebels' Obama was financing / arming / supplying / training were part ISIS, and Barry sought once again to overthrow another nation's leader / govt - which Democrats said was not our job to do in regards to Bush / Hussein, but here Barry was, doing it AGAIN (or trying to). Through his Un-Constitutional actions Obama was not just making the US America's 'Policeman' - he was making us 'Obama's Storm-troopers'.
- Egypt, our ally: Govt overthrown and terrorists put in charge of the Govt, thanks to help from Barry

- Libya: Barry aided Al '9/11/' Qaeda to take over their own safe haven by overthrowing another govt, creating a void to be filled by terrorists

- Syria: Obama invaded Syria and started up yet another war in attempts to overthrow another govt leader (because HE thought it best to do so), leaving another void for terrorists to fill but was too stupid to realize Russia was NOT going to let that happen

- Israel: Barry tried to oust Netanyahu but failed

*** and we might as well add 'The United States' to the list of countries he tried to overthrow since his administration illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally 'out'ed Americans, committed Felony Espionage, treid to set up Jr in a meeting with Vlad's lawyer who had been denied entry into the US before Barry stepped in and overrode his own Dept of Immigration to give her special access while Lynch bugged the room and Obama's interpreter was inserted into the meeting....and let's not forget the Democrats colluding with foreign operatives to acquire a fake report filled with Russian-generated propaganda to sue against Trump in the election....all in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Barry was a busy POS, trying to install the governments he wanted all across the globe.

You are all over the place.
Syria ----- None of that is our problem? Really? That's the same as saying Iran, Iraq, North Korea are not our problem. Like Trump sending troops in the Philippines -That is not our problem? You fail big time.
If Obama did not get involved. How far do you think is Assad terrorism right now with the help of Putin? How did you know the last chemical attack against the rebels really came from Assad? If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that VERY EASY. You lied and you fail.

BTW isn't it Bush invaded Iraq? For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail.

The US government goal is to eliminate terrorism like dictators Assad and Qaddafi that you and Putin are trying to protect. Trump support overthrowing Qaddafi. You fail.
Since when US government stop policing? What do you think is Trump doing right now in the Philippines? You fail.
Obama punish Putin with crippling economic sanctions, kick Russian diplomats and confiscate 2 Russian compounds. What is Trump doing? kissing Putin ass.

*** Your last paragraph are full of distortion, conspiracy and lies. You intentionally ignored that republican is investigating republican president. YOU FAILED BIG TIME ALL OVER.

Stop lying.
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Can any RW on here make an argument saying "no Trump wouldn't do something that stupid."?

No you cannot. You all know we are dealing with an impulsive moron so anything could happen.

I guess some cons would be all for it because they blindly support anything this idiot does or says.

Trump - in his usual caveman bluster - lobbed a crazy threat at NK that will literally accomplish nothing to deter Un's actions going forward. He's not afraid of Trump. None of our enemies are. Putin, ISIS, and NK's regime think he is a moron. Why is it so hard for Trumpsters to accept this?

Trump warns North Korea threats 'will be met with fire and fury'
Cleaning up after Obama is going to be costly. Why did he and Hillary fail so badly regarding NK? They allowed this to happen. They encouraged it though their ineptness. Maybe they should have sent a magic reset button. Guess they were too busy bundling billions to the Iranian military.
Tell me: what should have Hillary done exactly about NK?
That is the problem. Liberals have no idea how to confront real tyrants. Appease Iran by sending billions. Appease NK by sending food and oil. Always terrified of a real confrontation. No idea what to do except give stuff away they didn't earn. It works at home for them, so they thought it would work on crazy dictators. All of you were wrong.
Trust me I noticed you didn't answer my question about what she SHOULD have done. It's because you don't know you dumb tree.
. She should have let the generals handle it, and stayed in her office doing paperwork if she could have even handled that. What a joke.
1. The red line from Obama was full filled when Russia pulled all the chemical weapons out of Syria. That was the red line. Stop lying.

Except Russia did NOT pull all of the chemical weapons out of Syria. Their last chemical attack, after that supposedly happened, is proof of that. Barry's 'Red Line' was one big humiliation for the United States, as Barry backed down quickly in front of the whole world...and our enemies...after his bluff had been called...and then, of course, he tried to blame the whole world for his F* Up: "This is not MY 'Red Line', this is the WHOLE WORLD'S' Red Line. Isn't that special...Barry assumed the authority to speak for the entire world....


2. You are unbelievable. Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own civilians for decades. At the same time a terrorist supporter especially against Israel. The civil war in Syria started before we even get involved. Putin and Assad has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria.

NONE of that is our problem, snowflake. Democrats have declared for years that WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN'...until Barry decides to drag the US into two (2) Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

The 'Rebels' Obama was financing / arming / supplying / training were part ISIS, and Barry sought once again to overthrow another nation's leader / govt - which Democrats said was not our job to do in regards to Bush / Hussein, but here Barry was, doing it AGAIN (or trying to). Through his Un-Constitutional actions Obama was not just making the US America's 'Policeman' - he was making us 'Obama's Storm-troopers'.
- Egypt, our ally: Govt overthrown and terrorists put in charge of the Govt, thanks to help from Barry

- Libya: Barry aided Al '9/11/' Qaeda to take over their own safe haven by overthrowing another govt, creating a void to be filled by terrorists

- Syria: Obama invaded Syria and started up yet another war in attempts to overthrow another govt leader (because HE thought it best to do so), leaving another void for terrorists to fill but was too stupid to realize Russia was NOT going to let that happen

- Israel: Barry tried to oust Netanyahu but failed

*** and we might as well add 'The United States' to the list of countries he tried to overthrow since his administration illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally 'out'ed Americans, committed Felony Espionage, treid to set up Jr in a meeting with Vlad's lawyer who had been denied entry into the US before Barry stepped in and overrode his own Dept of Immigration to give her special access while Lynch bugged the room and Obama's interpreter was inserted into the meeting....and let's not forget the Democrats colluding with foreign operatives to acquire a fake report filled with Russian-generated propaganda to sue against Trump in the election....all in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Barry was a busy POS, trying to install the governments he wanted all across the globe.

You are all over the place.
Syria ----- None of that is our problem? Really? That's the same as saying Iran, Iraq, North Korea are not our problem. Like Trump sending troops in the Philippines -That is not our problem? You fail big time.
If Obama did not get involved. How far do you think is Assad terrorism right now with the help of Putin? How did you know the last chemical attack against the rebels really came from Assad? If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that VERY EASY. You lied and you fail.

BTW isn't it Bush invaded Iraq? For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail.

The US government goal is to eliminate terrorism like dictators Assad and Qaddafi that you and Putin are trying to protect. Trump support overthrowing Qaddafi. You fail.
Since when US government stop policing? What do you think is Trump doing right now in the Philippines? You fail.
Obama punish Putin with crippling economic sanctions, kick Russian diplomats and confiscate 2 Russian compounds. What is Trump doing? kissing Putin ass.

*** Your last paragraph are full of distortion, conspiracy and lies. You intentionally ignored that republican is investigating republican president. YOU FAILED BIG TIME ALL OVER.

Stop lying.

" For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail. "

You just said Obama took us into Syria you dumb bitch. He also took us into Yemen and Libya.
Can any RW on here make an argument saying "no Trump wouldn't do something that stupid."?

No you cannot. You all know we are dealing with an impulsive moron so anything could happen.

I guess some cons would be all for it because they blindly support anything this idiot does or says.

Trump - in his usual caveman bluster - lobbed a crazy threat at NK that will literally accomplish nothing to deter Un's actions going forward. He's not afraid of Trump. None of our enemies are. Putin, ISIS, and NK's regime think he is a moron. Why is it so hard for Trumpsters to accept this?

Trump warns North Korea threats 'will be met with fire and fury'

There is absolutely no doubt that's exactly what he wants to do.

The trumpanzees are in complete agreement. That's why they voted for him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Tell me: what should have Hillary done exactly about NK?

Hillary Clinton was never President. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, with the advice of Susan Rice turn his back on the fact that North Korea had already miniaturized a nuclear device to fit on the head of a missile back in 2013.

What should he have done, what President Donald Trump is doing today! Instead, like presidents going back to President Jimmy Carter when the problem was easy to solve. Kick the can down the road. Well, we're now, DOWN THE ROAD.
During Obama administration from 2008 to 2016.

Where are the millions of refugees and terrorists coming from who are invading Europe? Who went BACK into Iraq after foolishly, and against the advice of his military? That's another war. Who laid down a "Red Line" then ran for cover when it was flagrantly crossed, starting another way?

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned at least by early 2013 that North Korea had miniaturized a nuclear warhead. Starting with President Jimmy Carter, when the solution was simple, the can have been kicked down the road. Well, we're at the end of the road.
Tell me: what should have Hillary done exactly about NK?

Hillary Clinton was never President. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, with the advice of Susan Rice turn his back on the fact that North Korea had already miniaturized a nuclear device to fit on the head of a missile back in 2013.

What should he have done, what President Donald Trump is doing today! Instead, like presidents going back to President Jimmy Carter when the problem was easy to solve. Kick the can down the road. Well, we're now, DOWN THE ROAD.
. Down the road, and somewhere up crap Creek..
All the wrist and hand slapping that the US and the UN did for the last 20 plus years has done absolutely nothing to deter N. Korea.

If Obama was President, he would tell N. Korea that he is really, really, really, really upset with them. That would be all. Then if they bombed Guam, then Obama would have been even MORE upset! Imagine the fear!
1. The red line from Obama was full filled when Russia pulled all the chemical weapons out of Syria. That was the red line. Stop lying.

Except Russia did NOT pull all of the chemical weapons out of Syria. Their last chemical attack, after that supposedly happened, is proof of that. Barry's 'Red Line' was one big humiliation for the United States, as Barry backed down quickly in front of the whole world...and our enemies...after his bluff had been called...and then, of course, he tried to blame the whole world for his F* Up: "This is not MY 'Red Line', this is the WHOLE WORLD'S' Red Line. Isn't that special...Barry assumed the authority to speak for the entire world....


2. You are unbelievable. Assad senior and junior has been murdering his own civilians for decades. At the same time a terrorist supporter especially against Israel. The civil war in Syria started before we even get involved. Putin and Assad has killed more civilians than ISIS in Syria.

NONE of that is our problem, snowflake. Democrats have declared for years that WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN'...until Barry decides to drag the US into two (2) Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

The 'Rebels' Obama was financing / arming / supplying / training were part ISIS, and Barry sought once again to overthrow another nation's leader / govt - which Democrats said was not our job to do in regards to Bush / Hussein, but here Barry was, doing it AGAIN (or trying to). Through his Un-Constitutional actions Obama was not just making the US America's 'Policeman' - he was making us 'Obama's Storm-troopers'.
- Egypt, our ally: Govt overthrown and terrorists put in charge of the Govt, thanks to help from Barry

- Libya: Barry aided Al '9/11/' Qaeda to take over their own safe haven by overthrowing another govt, creating a void to be filled by terrorists

- Syria: Obama invaded Syria and started up yet another war in attempts to overthrow another govt leader (because HE thought it best to do so), leaving another void for terrorists to fill but was too stupid to realize Russia was NOT going to let that happen

- Israel: Barry tried to oust Netanyahu but failed

*** and we might as well add 'The United States' to the list of countries he tried to overthrow since his administration illegally shared classified, illegally leaked classified, illegally 'out'ed Americans, committed Felony Espionage, treid to set up Jr in a meeting with Vlad's lawyer who had been denied entry into the US before Barry stepped in and overrode his own Dept of Immigration to give her special access while Lynch bugged the room and Obama's interpreter was inserted into the meeting....and let's not forget the Democrats colluding with foreign operatives to acquire a fake report filled with Russian-generated propaganda to sue against Trump in the election....all in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected govt.

Barry was a busy POS, trying to install the governments he wanted all across the globe.

You are all over the place.
Syria ----- None of that is our problem? Really? That's the same as saying Iran, Iraq, North Korea are not our problem. Like Trump sending troops in the Philippines -That is not our problem? You fail big time.
If Obama did not get involved. How far do you think is Assad terrorism right now with the help of Putin? How did you know the last chemical attack against the rebels really came from Assad? If Obama really wanted to overthrow Assad he could have done that VERY EASY. You lied and you fail.

BTW isn't it Bush invaded Iraq? For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail.

The US government goal is to eliminate terrorism like dictators Assad and Qaddafi that you and Putin are trying to protect. Trump support overthrowing Qaddafi. You fail.
Since when US government stop policing? What do you think is Trump doing right now in the Philippines? You fail.
Obama punish Putin with crippling economic sanctions, kick Russian diplomats and confiscate 2 Russian compounds. What is Trump doing? kissing Putin ass.

*** Your last paragraph are full of distortion, conspiracy and lies. You intentionally ignored that republican is investigating republican president. YOU FAILED BIG TIME ALL OVER.

Stop lying.

" For 8 years we did not go to war. Now we are closer to a nuclear war than ever again with a republican president. You lied and you fail. "

You just said Obama took us into Syria you dumb bitch. He also took us into Yemen and Libya.

I don't remember going to war in last 8 years. Did I missed something?
Syria, Yemen and Libya? Really? I mean REALLY?
As far as I remember those are covert operations---- Like supplying arms to rebels in Syria.
.... For 8 years we did not go to war. .....

Which 8 years were those?

During Obama administration from 2008 to 2016.

You have no idea how stupid you look bitch. You just admitted that the Magic Negro took us to war in Syria.

Are you really this dumb? Obama support and armed the rebels fighting Assad a terrorist, dictator and a murderer. Is that mean we went to war? Answer the question.

The name of the former POTUS is Barrack Obama----- A well respected president here in US and overseas------ not Magic Negro. Compared to Trump? Don't get me started.
During Obama administration from 2008 to 2016.

Where are the millions of refugees and terrorists coming from who are invading Europe? Who went BACK into Iraq after foolishly, and against the advice of his military? That's another war. Who laid down a "Red Line" then ran for cover when it was flagrantly crossed, starting another way?

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned at least by early 2013 that North Korea had miniaturized a nuclear warhead. Starting with President Jimmy Carter, when the solution was simple, the can have been kicked down the road. Well, we're at the end of the road.

Your rebuttal is way way off from my post.
Go back and read my post and get back to me. Go.
All the wrist and hand slapping that the US and the UN did for the last 20 plus years has done absolutely nothing to deter N. Korea.

If Obama was President, he would tell N. Korea that he is really, really, really, really upset with them. That would be all. Then if they bombed Guam, then Obama would have been even MORE upset! Imagine the fear!

That's very funny.
When Putin pissed off Obama------ Great Obama punished Putin with crippling economic sanctions, installed new missile system in Poland next to Putin ass, largest military exercise June 2016 called Anaconda next to Putin ass. Sent largest number of US military personnel and heavy military equipments to neighboring countries of Putin.
Kicked out Russian diplomats and confiscated 2 Russian compounds. Putin is so scared that he waited for a weak president before he did anything.

Putin ordered 755 US diplomats out Russia by September 1 this year. A slapped in the face. Weakling Trump said *Thank You*. What an embarrassment as always. I bet you 100% weakling Trump will not do anything to retaliate.
Putin ordered Trump to abandon the only friends of US in Syria. In a blink weakling Trump just folded. What do you think our allies are thinking? Weak.

Do you think those tough rhetoric helps? Normally a leader with minimal experience like Boy Scout leader will try to calm the the situation NOT escalate.

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