Would you agree to higher taxes in exchange for healthcare and college at no-cost?

No. The corrrupt politicians you would be giving the tax money to would steal, lose or waste that money and give you crappy education and healthcare in return.

Better to keep your own money and provide both for yourself.
Really? Even though collage is now $20k a year? Cons never realize when things are broke cause they usually got there's already.

Fucking. Seriously silly boo boo

You dumb ass democrats made it that way.. God Damn you guys are stupid..

You cause this shit and then cry...

Fuck you

Were not your daddy
Dems didn't cut aid to public colleges and change laws for their cronies to give us crap online U's to soak returning GIs, hater dupe. Public school costs doubled under W. And we have 3-4 million good tech jobs going begging. Great job, Pubs and silly dupes...

Then why don't you start there Franco

Stop your bullshit..liberals think those fucking jobs are beanth them.

They would rather have liberal arts degrees like you have which is meaning less
Then why do they offer them? Is college a scam?
It is yes. Somewhat.. When a university offers these useless degrees such as "women's studies" "Greek Philosophy"...."Afro American Studies"...."history"......and other majors for these typical slacker entitlement minded people want.....And when they get their degree? WHat's next?....They become baristas at Starbucks. wait tables. and join waste of time groups such as Occupy Wall Street....
Yeah, in some ways colleges are scamming certain students.
Any kid wanting to go to college had better think long and hard about what they want to be when they grow up....And then pick a major in which they can earn a degree and then become somewhat marketable in the business world.
If the left can't enslave you to poverty they will enslave you to student loan debt. The left man, what a bunch of assholes.
My boss says he doesn't need someone with a 4 year degree. He needs 2 years and experience. An associate degree could be free oat least cheap?
AA degrees can be earned at community or junior colleges. These are far less costly than major schools.
BTW, your boss is a smart person. Experience in the adult working world beats a degree 6 days a week and twice on Sunday
We were talking about tuition costs.
Are the STATE cuts specific to colleges or are we talking about public schools? Or both?

In either case, if we're talking about STATE colleges, GREAT :clap2:
That is the responsibility of the state, NOT the Fed Gov't.
And the reason they doubled in cost was Pubs cutting Fed aid under W, and before. Brilliant. And all to cut taxes on the bloated rich and corps. Great job.

How would a reduction in demand cause an increase in price?

Why is it such a great thing to keep people out of college? Businesses are begging for h1b's and yet your solution is cut aid.

Businesses are begging for H1-Bs because they can pay then half of what they would have to pay an American with similar skills.

This is why we need to tariff the shit out of all imports and make sure no more h1b's come here. Americans deserve to be paid enough to survive within our own country.

I don't agree with tariffs, but I see no reason to import these cheap H1-B coolies to compete with American labor and drive down our wages.
Nothing is free.

When the government makes something "free" it cost the productive segment of society a whole lot of money. Take the rapid increase in College cost, directly related to money that the federal government has poured into education.

While the idea is a good one it just makes college HS plus. If made free I am not sure the country could afford the massive increase in expense.

Nothing is free.

We operate as a society. As a society, there are many functions that work best when performed as individuals. Other functions work better when we pool our resources and attack them collectively

I think both education and healthcare work better when we pool our resources
Thanks for the clarification on your feelings.
You don't get it..
When government takes and then gives to others, it removes all incentive for the producers to remain producers. Soon after, government runs out of people and things to tax.
California, Illinois and New Jersey are prime examples of this......All three states jacked up their taxes to stratospheric levels to pay for schools and public employee wages and benefits. The idea was to produce the best students and to attract the best and brightest into government work.....The result was the schools did not get much better although NJ has some of the highest rated public school districts in the US( they were always that way)..Example when I was in school I attended one the best school districts in the state My parents paid less than $1000 per year for their property taxes. That was through the late 70's....The schools are still great but the teachers and administrators are making six figure salaries....And municipal workers are retiring at 50 years of age and getting thousands per month in pension allowance. So the only thing that got better was government work went from being in service to the community to being lucrative.
Taxes skyrocketed. And NJ for example in the last 15 years has lost over $100 billion in wealth to other more tax friendly states. That along with several major companies that were once large employers in NJ. They left for more business friendly locations.
The list? Hoffman LaRoche....Pfizer. Mercedes Benz USA. Sony. Ingersol Rand. Federal Paper. AT&T. Merck..Not to mention three ford plants and two GM plants....All closed ...These companies represent tens of thousands of high paying jobs that have left NJ for other states. And why is this? Confiscatory taxes.
We were talking about tuition costs.
Are the STATE cuts specific to colleges or are we talking about public schools? Or both?

In either case, if we're talking about STATE colleges, GREAT :clap2:
That is the responsibility of the state, NOT the Fed Gov't.
And the reason they doubled in cost was Pubs cutting Fed aid under W, and before. Brilliant. And all to cut taxes on the bloated rich and corps. Great job.

How would a reduction in demand cause an increase in price?

Why is it such a great thing to keep people out of college? Businesses are begging for h1b's and yet your solution is cut aid.

Businesses are begging for H1-Bs because they can pay then half of what they would have to pay an American with similar skills.
Thank Pubs for refusing a good SS ID card for about 40 years...they actually LOVE illegals, Pub dupe.

What does SS ID have to do with H1-B work visas? These people are legal immigrants.
Public school teachers make more. How do you attract the best without paying the best? This goes against all logic.
Then why are so many public school systems failing???

You have to look at the quality of the teachers, instead of just throwing money at them.
Mainly where SOCIETY is failing...those lazy, stupid blacks again...

Part of their failing is the single parent family that can't raise them right. That is very true,,but it is also our educational system and we should demand better quality teachers.

That of course means more pay.
Some of the highest pay scales in the nation are in cities with failing schools. Get rid of the fuck-ups before we talk money.
Would you go work in the hood? The citizens get low payed teachers because the families don't make a lot so they don't pay a lot of taxes. Now add to that corporations don't want to pay to educate their future work force. Lansing needs to help fix Detroit.

Teacher salaries are even across the entire state. Funding isn't the issue for inner city schools, moron.
If the left can't enslave you to poverty they will enslave you to student loan debt. The left man, what a bunch of assholes.
Pubs let banks jack up the costs of loans, and also cut aid to colleges duh...not to mention changing law to make scam online colleges possible for their cronies, just in time to screw returning GIs. Pub bs never ends.
Nothing is free.

When the government makes something "free" it cost the productive segment of society a whole lot of money. Take the rapid increase in College cost, directly related to money that the federal government has poured into education.

While the idea is a good one it just makes college HS plus. If made free I am not sure the country could afford the massive increase in expense.

Nothing is free.

We operate as a society. As a society, there are many functions that work best when performed as individuals. Other functions work better when we pool our resources and attack them collectively

I think both education and healthcare work better when we pool our resources
Thanks for the clarification on your feelings.
You don't get it..
When government takes and then gives to others, it removes all incentive for the producers to remain producers. Soon after, government runs out of people and things to tax.
California, Illinois and New Jersey are prime examples of this......All three states jacked up their taxes to stratospheric levels to pay for schools and public employee wages and benefits. The idea was to produce the best students and to attract the best and brightest into government work.....The result was the schools did not get much better although NJ has some of the highest rated public school districts in the US( they were always that way)..Example when I was in school I attended one the best school districts in the state My parents paid less than $1000 per year for their property taxes. That was through the late 70's....The schools are still great but the teachers and administrators are making six figure salaries....And municipal workers are retiring at 50 years of age and getting thousands per month in pension allowance. So the only thing that got better was government work went from being in service to the community to being lucrative.
Taxes skyrocketed. And NJ for example in the last 15 years has lost over $100 billion in wealth to other more tax friendly states. That along with several major companies that were once large employers in NJ. They left for more business friendly locations.
The list? Hoffman LaRoche....Pfizer. Mercedes Benz USA. Sony. Ingersol Rand. Federal Paper. AT&T. Merck..Not to mention three ford plants and two GM plants....All closed ...These companies represent tens of thousands of high paying jobs that have left NJ for other states. And why is this? Confiscatory taxes.
BS. Pub CEOs and marketing "genii"...
No. The corrrupt politicians you would be giving the tax money to would steal, lose or waste that money and give you crappy education and healthcare in return.

Better to keep your own money and provide both for yourself.
Really? Even though collage is now $20k a year? Cons never realize when things are broke cause they usually got there's already.
I went school by earning scholarships, taking out loans, and working 40+ hours a week...

And now you want me to pay for yours???

Get a fucking life, loser.
You went when school was affordable. It was $5k a year when I went. Graduated with $1500 debt.

You went to school when government subsidized and kept college affordable so yes asshole I want you to do the same for the next generation you greedy ignorant fuck.
Hey drippy nose. College is STILL subsidized. Public universities have been grabbing government handouts for decades. And THAT is the primary reason the cost to students has skyrocketed. These schools have no incentive to control costs. So they keep raising tuition. The school administrators are well aware that as long as the flow of money to them is non stop, they have no reason to make it more affordable. The federal student loan programs make college affordable in that the borrower has decades to repay.....
Greedy? you want others to pay for YOUR education because you think you're entitled to one. THAT is greed.
You want a college education? Pay up....
So if they aren't subsidize that'll lower costs? Explain.
No. The corrrupt politicians you would be giving the tax money to would steal, lose or waste that money and give you crappy education and healthcare in return.

Better to keep your own money and provide both for yourself.
Really? Even though collage is now $20k a year? Cons never realize when things are broke cause they usually got there's already.
I went school by earning scholarships, taking out loans, and working 40+ hours a week...

And now you want me to pay for yours???

Get a fucking life, loser.
You went when school was affordable. It was $5k a year when I went. Graduated with $1500 debt.

You went to school when government subsidized and kept college affordable so yes asshole I want you to do the same for the next generation you greedy ignorant fuck.
Hey drippy nose. College is STILL subsidized. Public universities have been grabbing government handouts for decades. And THAT is the primary reason the cost to students has skyrocketed. These schools have no incentive to control costs. So they keep raising tuition. The school administrators are well aware that as long as the flow of money to them is non stop, they have no reason to make it more affordable. The federal student loan programs make college affordable in that the borrower has decades to repay.....
Greedy? you want others to pay for YOUR education because you think you're entitled to one. THAT is greed.
You want a college education? Pay up....

Conservatives have continued to slash government funding to public universities...that is why the tuition keeps increasing

They want college only for the rich
Yes, in a NY second. Germany is making it work.
And their taxes are confiscatory. No thanks.
Once again another liberal views all income as the property of government.

The left hates the right, they have no tolerance for anyone on the right, but they want our money to pay their bills.


The Red States are the leeches on the system.... Blue States are the net payers...
Back looking for more corporate welfare for your foreign company???

Why should the US taxpayers pay to educate your workers, only to have them move overseas to work for you (where they don't pay US taxes and we never get a return on our investment)???
Yes it does.

Politician runs on policy of having a public educational system, people vote for him.

That's means NOTHING, and is the reason I've had no use for this Federal Government over the last 150 yeasr. The CONSTITUTION is the law of the land. If you want to change it, there's a means to do that. Simply ignoring it is NOT an acceptable policy, and those who undertake that policy should be charged with failing to carry out their oath of office.

Some states have it in their constitution like Kansas.
Gov. Sam Brownback’s war on the courts will be historic.

States are a totally different matter. At the State level, I can see some input (but no money). I believe that Education is a matter of the Local Community and the Family, much moreso than the State or Federal Government.

But anyone using the 'not in the constitution argument' has lost. They have no reason and just want to quote dead guys. Even the dead guys would tell you that is stupid.

Do you think that the leaders of today if they wrote a document should be followed without question two hundred years time.

I kind of like moat of those dead guys. I like THEM much more than about 99% of the people currently living on this planet. If those dead guys were so on board with Public Ed, why wasn't it allowed under the Constitution? Why were schools a State/Local issue instead of a Federal one until the 20th Century?

If we re-wrote the US Constitution tomorrow, I would have the choice to either follow it , leave the country, or revolt to overthrow it. Those are the options. Ignoring it is not one of them.

Many may not want but you loose in polls every time. Society want public education even the red states, why? because they are not stupid.

I literally could not care any less what the opinions, views, or ideas of any other person on this planet are. Polls are a waste of time so far as I'm concerned. Anyone who needs anything other than their Conscience to understand Right and Wrong doesn't deserve to keep breathing air.
Would agree to higher taxes to service a federal feeding trough for corporate lobbyists?
Which purposes do our taxes go to? This is kind of regarding the controversy in the US. For higher taxes (how high would you allow? 30% or more?) Instead of payment changes per school district, a fixed amount budget per school. College at no cost as in tuition is 0, still paid by taxes. No payment per semester/quarter. Don't need loans for education.
However I suppose too many people won't accept my idea just calling it stupid.


Take the UK. The UK government spends the same percentage of GDP on health as the US federal government. Yet the US spends DOUBLE on healthcare, and much of this goes on corruption anyway.

For the same money the US could have an amazing healthcare system that is also not messing people over, as happens all the time.

College is a different one Education should perhaps be encouraged for certain people, but many people don't need it. Free education doesn't solve problems, but free education for SOME might. Those who deserve to go but can't afford it, for example.

I don't want to pay for your erratic lifestyle' you making poor decisions in eating habits, your erratic driving..

Your poor cowardly decisions in going for a liberal arts degrees.


Pay for that crap yourself I am not your daddy...

Problem is you DO pay for that already, you pay for it with a dysfunctional society.

I don't want to pay for your erratic lifestyle' you making poor decisions in eating habits, your erratic driving..

Your poor cowardly decisions in going for a liberal arts degrees.


Pay for that crap yourself I am not your daddy...

Problem is you DO pay for that already, you pay for it with a dysfunctional society.

So you encourage it?

Again why the heck do I have to pay $1,200 a year on car insurance, a grand a year now in health insurance and God knows how much I put in the system in social security when I will never use it?

I hate this crap.
Yes, in a NY second. Germany is making it work.
And their taxes are confiscatory. No thanks.
Once again another liberal views all income as the property of government.

The left hates the right, they have no tolerance for anyone on the right, but they want our money to pay their bills.


The Red States are the leeches on the system.... Blue States are the net payers...

You realize that's an intentionally dishonest liberal talking point that's not true right?

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