Zone1 Would you agree with a mandatory 3 yr federal sentence for anyone gluing themselves and disrupting everything?

Hey, you retard the democrats DECIDE what bills will be voted on so it isn't just a matter of votes the democrats can simply refuse to send the bill to a vote which they do a lot.
hey moron,
you still refute the fact that YOUR party is incapable to get two extra votes.

Why are you so persistent about the Senate? No matter what the Senate decides (even if the GOP could get two extra votes) the respective president of the USA is legit to REJECT a bill - which then needs a 2/3 majority from the Senate to pass - Since 1990 (Obama had vetoed 12 bills in 8 years, Trump 10 in 4 years - Biden so far 6 - H.W. Bush 44, W.Bush 12 in 4 years.

That is why I had raised the issue - that AFAIK a state does not need a Congressional&Presidential approval (bill) to alter or amend an existing law - as long as it does not violate the constitution.
Three years ago, today, there was a protest at McLellan. As far as I can tell, it was over a general objection to President Trump visiting Sacramento.

This happened…

View attachment 829240

It did make for a good meme…

View attachment 829241
In Germany or any-other CIVILIZED country - the cop driving the car would face a serious disciplinary action - rightfully. Even if the protest would have been illegal - aka non-permitted. Those protestors did not present a danger, nor imminent harm to those policemen.

Such a moronic action, as performed by that cop, only emboldens protesters and even provides a great case for lefty&Libs to come up "rightfully" with claiming Police-Brutality.

Any qualified police-officer is trained for such an event - they have every right to arrest protesters that obstruct e.g. a police-car.
we were talking about the senate and your lie that the dems dont control it.
hey moron,
you still refute the fact that YOUR party is incapable to get two extra votes.

Why are you so persistent about the Senate? No matter what the Senate decides (even if the GOP could get two extra votes) the respective president of the USA is legit to REJECT a bill - which then needs a 2/3 majority from the Senate to pass - Since 1990 (Obama had vetoed 12 bills in 8 years, Trump 10 in 4 years - Biden so far 6 - H.W. Bush 44, W.Bush 12 in 4 years.

That is why I had raised the issue - that AFAIK a state does not need a Congressional&Presidential approval (bill) to alter or amend an existing law - as long as it does not violate the constitution.
you keep lying. The fact is simple, the democrats control the senate, they decide what will or will not be voted on. You keep claiming that simple fact is not true.
we were talking about the senate and your lie that the dems dont control it.
The Dems do NOT control the Senate - only in COOPERATION with those 3 independents - get your facts finally straight.
you keep lying. The fact is simple, the democrats control the senate, they decide what will or will not be voted on. You keep claiming that simple fact is not true.
You are lying to yourself - and ignoring the fact that the GOP is unable to garner 2 votes from the opposition via COOPERATION.
As such the GOP is a useless party.
The Dems do NOT control the Senate - only in COOPERATION with those 3 independents - get your facts finally straight.

You are lying to yourself - and ignoring the fact that the GOP is unable to garner 2 votes from the opposition via COOPERATION.
As such the GOP is a useless party.
LOL what bullshit. Which party is in charge of the senate? Who decides which bills to vote on and what the agenda will be? Keep lying you poser.
In Germany or any-other CIVILIZED country - the cop driving the car would face a serious disciplinary action - rightfully. Even if the protest would have been illegal - aka non-permitted. Those protestors did not present a danger, nor imminent harm to those policemen.

Such a moronic action, as performed by that cop, only emboldens protesters and even provides a great case for lefty&Libs to come up "rightfully" with claiming Police-Brutality.

Any qualified police-officer is trained for such an event - they have every right to arrest protesters that obstruct e.g. a police-car.

I understand what you mean by violent behavior = more violent behavior and that qualified LEOs should also have training in deescalating stressful and / or tense situations but keeping your control when attacked by a potentially deadly mob.

I worked on an Emergency Psychiatric Hospital for a large inner-city and found that most violent incidents could be defused by maintaining calm voice and non threatening posture.

While that approach might be suitable when confronting small groups or a domestic situation, it is unlikely to be successful when dealing with an unruly mob that could become violent at any moment.

Thanks & enjoy you weekend,
While that approach might be suitable when confronting small groups or a domestic situation, it is unlikely to be successful when dealing with an unruly mob that could become violent at any moment.
Certainly correct - and that is as you know, what e.g. Riot-police is for. It is also the reason as to why demonstrations/protests need to be applied for, and maybe permitted. In order for an e.g. city and it's security members to estimate the potential of participants, respective participant groups, e.g. Antifa and e.g. Proud-Boys, in order to evaluate the potential for violence and necessary control-measures and elements that need to be kept ready. E.g. Ambulances/Paramedics, heavy anti-riot equipment, etc.

As for those Climate-Activists - e.g. those glue-bastards: what those MAGA morons and their compatriots in European countries do not understand or simply ignore - are the national laws and therefore constitutional obligation of these countries towards climate-control.
What Trump simply refused to sign (and made the USA a climate pariah) - the Biden administration signed certain UN and international climate accords.

The USA government is constitutionally committed towards protecting it's citizens health and well-being. This is what essentially "The last Generation" is using as its justification - if the government does not act according to the constitution - the people have the right to protest. The commitment of the present US administration (by Law) is e.g. to reduce CO2 emissions, at a certain % to a certain deadline. Just as e.g. Germany (way more committed towards setting reduction goals then the USA) - since every country is off target - "the population is endangered" - therefore let's glue ourselves onto the road and therefore force the government to act accordingly.

This has been Lefty&Lib strategy - especially via their radical organisations, since 40+ years - and they have become extremely good and professional at it. "If we don't get our way" according to the constitution and existing laws - we (Lefty&Libs) will "rightfully" enforce it - right down to applying violence. Just as Americans and especially MAGA radicals like Proud-boys or Q-Anon, will use violence if a state or the government would act against the law and the constitution; e.g. to take away their guns and AR-15's, or someone tells them the election has been stolen (see their own thousands of posts on USMB).

As for Laws:

Laws can be anytime introduced and amended in the USA and any other fake-democracy - regardless of political opposition or the seat distribution in the Senate, if e.g. $$ and favors get involved in the GOP and or for the Dems. To state that presently the Senate is controlled by the Dems, and therefore laws can't be enacted is pure nonsense - since in fake democracies the enactment or amendment of laws is daily routine business. This is exactly were this endless corruption and manipulation comes in - since fake-democracies are entirely run by politicians and elitists, and NOT by the people aka plebiscites.

Classic example - the passing of the climate control bill in the US Senate - (Kigali Amendment) September 2022.
Vote count in favor 69 - against 27, keep in mind the seat count in the Senate is GOP 49/Dems48/Indep3

So why did the GOP support a climate-control bill in the Senate? - therefore factually supporting Climate activists !!
Because they were lobbied by the appliances industry - who promised themselves huge profits via the introduction of new refrigerators and air-conditioners. (Big US and global business) and one can be sure that due to the GOP supporting a Dem Bill - they treated other favors or future favors for it. It's daily political business and that is how every fake-democracy (exception only being Switzerland) is run.

Thanks & have a great weekend too
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A president does not obligate the Country to a treaty other than to put it to the senate to approve. if the senate does not approve it it isnt binding.
Storming a government building is a serious crime - not to mention a national symbol such as the Capitol.

So why were no leftists arrested for storming the wisconsin capitol building for days causing millions in damage? Why were no leftist women protesters shot in the head? :dunno:
So why were no leftists arrested for storming the wisconsin capitol building for days causing millions in damage? Why were no leftist women protesters shot in the head? :dunno:
different rules the left always gets a pass for their violence.
So why were no leftists arrested for storming the wisconsin capitol building for days causing millions in damage? Why were no leftist women protesters shot in the head?

You are intentionally comparing apples&peaches,

I am not aware that the storming of the Wisc. Capitol was due to prevent instating a US President into office who had won a national election. But protestors objecting towards the Act 10 bill. AFAIK there were no firearms involved by protestors and also no one got killed or died during that protest.

Firearms, dangerous weapons, explosives or incendiary devices are prohibited at the US Capitol grounds, the U.S. Capitol police say. That didn't stop people from showing up armed on Wednesday.
As for charges filed (on what grounds) and therefore sentencing protestors - you would need to check with the respective judicial branches of the Wisconsin State. The charges filed towards protestors in regards to the US Capitol are known and are serious.

IMO - people, aka protestors have a right to protest against e.g. a bill - it's a constitutional given right. If a plebiscite would have been initiated - maybe that bill wouldn't have been approved by the majority anyway - so no grounds given for a protest. That fake democracies will always be subjected towards protests resulting in riots&violence is understood.

However there is no constitutional right given - for trying to prevent a President from taking office, who had won an election.
The outcome of an election can be disputed/fought via legal means - based on evidence, and not just claiming and instructing violence

IMO - anyone who acts against a law - and especially those protestors resorting to force and violence - deserve adequate punishment.
Therefore a glue-bastard 6-12 month + a hefty fine. However if he hits into a sympathetic judge or prosecutor he will get away with a fine.

So why don't you organize an anti glue-campaign? Trump (leading by example - not just loud-mouthing) and his supporters can chain themselves to e.g. rail tracks, demanding that glue-bastards get shot or severely punished. Let's see how much support you get from the population, judges&prosecutors, I think it's termed "fight fire with fire".
You are intentionally comparing apples&peaches,

I am not aware that the storming of the Wisc. Capitol was due to prevent instating a US President into office who had won a national election. But protestors objecting towards the Act 10 bill. AFAIK there were no firearms involved by protestors and also no one got killed or died during that protest.

Firearms, dangerous weapons, explosives or incendiary devices are prohibited at the US Capitol grounds, the U.S. Capitol police say. That didn't stop people from showing up armed on Wednesday.
As for charges filed (on what grounds) and therefore sentencing protestors - you would need to check with the respective judicial branches of the Wisconsin State. The charges filed towards protestors in regards to the US Capitol are known and are serious.

IMO - people, aka protestors have a right to protest against e.g. a bill - it's a constitutional given right. If a plebiscite would have been initiated - maybe that bill wouldn't have been approved by the majority anyway - so no grounds given for a protest. That fake democracies will always be subjected towards protests resulting in riots&violence is understood.

However there is no constitutional right given - for trying to prevent a President from taking office, who had won an election.
The outcome of an election can be disputed/fought via legal means - based on evidence, and not just claiming and instructing violence

IMO - anyone who acts against a law - and especially those protestors resorting to force and violence - deserve adequate punishment.
Therefore a glue-bastard 6-12 month + a hefty fine. However if he hits into a sympathetic judge or prosecutor he will get away with a fine.

So why don't you organize an anti glue-campaign? Trump (leading by example - not just loud-mouthing) and his supporters can chain themselves to e.g. rail tracks, demanding that glue-bastards get shot or severely punished. Let's see how much support you get from the population, judges&prosecutors, I think it's termed "fight fire with fire".
ahh yes excuses to explain away the indefensible.
Back to the thread.

All I can say is to any idiot who wants to glue themselves to the road and I've got to get a family member to hospital asap, consider yourself roadkill.

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